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On a more serious note, I just feel that something like a cobra and a contrasting stag for the 'good' country is too... obvious, y'know? Too black and white I guess, since most people associate cobras with something bad and stags with something good.
That being said, I think a reptile of some kind, maybe some form of lizard (or the aforementioned cobra or snake), would be great for Nisceni.
This mighty empire can only be represented by the blobfish.

I'll wait for Vec/Trafalgar to write a post talking to Ashera first before I write something more, if that's okay.
"Aye, I would." Shork smiled back at the scholar, before looking up and getting a better look at the flashing constellation above him, his lips curving into a grin that revealed his fangs which seemed to be in similar shape as Rovtar's. "Heh... Vor'groth. I saw it once before, I think, before I found Estermere. I'll admit to you, i didn't grow up in an Orcish clan, and I know very little of my own culture. All I know is from those few half-orc and orc travellers that I met on my travels, those that were willing to talk rather than fight or try and rob me... but of those that did, many of them would speak of their Gods, and that their day would come." The hunter looked back at his fellow half-breed and let out a deep laugh - Ilneval was a deity of war, this much he knew, and though he agreed that it was a lucky sign, he could care less for a war - especially not after all the.work he did trying to be accepted in the community. Relationships between orcs and their breed and humans were tense enough as it was, Shork thought, and while many orcs and half-orcs seemed to not be completely opposed to taking their place in the world by force, he always thought that trying to join their communities in a friendly way was better. At least ever since he experienced how friendly humans could be first-hand - if that hadn't happened, the half-orc pondered, he might still think the same, that they would have to carve their place out violently.
"From what I heard, Ilneval can be a cruel master, but he cares for his own, and he rewards the courageous. Though believe me, I don't hope for a war between orcs and others. Ah well... seems like today is a good day after all... let's see your mentor, Rovtar."
Sorry about not responding yesterday, I didn't really have internet. I'll write up a post today!
"Ah... nothing, nothing." Shork smiled a little wider now, looking back at his fellow half-orc. "I was just glad to see you... happy to hear that the rumours of half-orc scholars here are true. Not a whole lot of us around Estermere, and it feels like dark times are coming with the attack yesterday and all." The hunter realised that he might very well sound like a fool in front of the others, but it didn't matter much to him right now - seeing kindred spirits living and thriving in Estermere, especially when most of the inhabitants were either fully human or fully elven, made him sincerely happy. He'd found out himself just how hard it could be sometimes.

"So... all i'd want of you, Rovtar, is for you to know that if there's anything you need, at any time, just come and tell me. That goes for you too, half-elf.", he said turning his head to Trafalgar. "Life can be tough, even moreso as one of us, and it might get a whole lot tougher soon. Half-breeds gotta stick together in some regards, I think. If you need me, i'll be there. That's all."
Admiral Cohel Galtros doesn't mess around.

edit: Short post, don't wanna do too much before Vec is able to respond.
"...good grief." Away from and completely unaware of the invasion happening in Fayport, Shork held his head as he tossed and turned in bed. The throbbing had gotten a little better, but in the end he still landed skull-first on hard wood - while the half-orc liked to think of himself as resilient and tough, even to him it didn't feel all that good. Still groaning, the hunter got up from his bed - he stumbled a little as he did, his balance still impaired, but he'd be damned before sitting idly in his bed at home rather than doing something, anything. Getting himself dressed in the old, cobbled leather armour, slinging the bow and quiver around his torso and securing the belt with his knife around his waist, he opened the door and let the cold air head into his home before heading out himself.

The outside was rather cool, but not enough so to bother him - the half-orc was there often enough after all, and had dealt with conditions harsher than that. Considerably harsher. Walking down the street, Shork looked around to see if anything else had been battered or destroyed in the skirmish yesterday night - the destroyed inn served as a grim reminder of the events that occurred, though thankfully most homes and shops looked just as peaceful as a day ago. Shork sighed - at least that much was granted to his village. He had failed in his task, after all - he told Elric that he would go out and see if there were more gnolls, and he did; he just didn't find any and ultimately gave up to recover from his head wound. But he had failed both to protect his city and failed that he had given up too quickly in scouting for more threats too - at least, to his knowledge, nobody died because of it. Shork let out a sigh and kept on trudging through the cold day, a cheerless look on his face until he saw a half-elf and, from the looks of it, a half-orc in grey robes. This was interesting - he'd seen the half-elf before, but never the half-orc, and in fact seeing half-orcs in this part of the world was rare, even moreso in Estermere, and so Shork was drawn to the sight, quickly making his way over to the two of them, the former gloomy expression having turned into a small smile. "Ah... g'day. Sorry for interrupting so rudely, but it's not common to find a half-elf and another half-orc here in Estermere. Had to come over and introduce myself. I'm Shork."
I'm still here. Will write a post soon.
"Never been so happy to see ya..." His head still throbbing, Shork got a glance of Elric entering the ruined inn and kneeling down next to the patient who looked most injured, taking a step back and letting the barber do his business. While he was sure he could do basic first aid himself, and while he didn't really know the local barber-surgeon that well, at best being acquaintances with him from the few times Shork felt like he needed a haircut or had a wound he didn't trust himself with, and while the hunter didn't think Elric had ever received proper medical training - he was still the one most people in Estermere, including himself, trusted with their aches and wounds and as far as Shork had heard, there hadn't been a single complaint about his work. As such, it was plain as day that nobody in town was better suited to the task at hand than Elric Barber.
Still holding his aching head with his free hand, Shork nodded, taking the thick cloak off the man's wound and standing up to get a better look at the inn and the few people that were unfortunate enough to stand in the gnoll's path of destruction. "Naw, doesn't look like it... a fair few passed out I think, or were knocked out, some small cuts here and there... I ain't an expert, but I think the others are stable for now. Though plenty of work to be done, for sure."
The half-orc groaned as the treacherous floor under him seemed to billow and try to throw him off his balance, making him stumble across the room rather helplessly until he came to a stop leaning against a solid pillar, his voice firm and unyielding even with a tinge of pain behind it. "Ah, and I hit my head a little harder than I thought at first, but i'd rather you take care of your patients first, Master Barber. I think I might still be needed tonight - might be that wasn't the only one of them, after all."
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