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Im glad he let us know, it was very decent of him
Maya was stammering, awkward and backing away. To some this might be a queue to leave or a sign telling them to use a gentler approach, for Auri all that really mattered was the possibility of food, all these reactions went hand in and with the people they met so it was pretty much normal. "Ch! Silly silly, of course you have food" Auri chided as they slipped off the branch and smoothly grabbed it with one hand as they fell past it to hang a meter or two off the ground "And Auri's not from anywhere, Auri is from everywhere" They said matter of factly, as if that explained everything. And with that they released the branch and fell the last distance landing in a neat roll, partly to show off "but maybe the village is not such a good idea" they said a tad sheepishly "villages always mean trouble for this one" Auri added a smile at this, one with lots of teeth "they do have pleeenty of shiny though" the toothy grin grew wider, creasing the ochre red patterns painted onto their face.

Auri was definitely hungry, but the last village they'd been to had left a sour taste in their mouth and several deep burses on their back, and with these memories fresh in their mind they weren't particularly game to try it again "Bah food can wait anyway, whats one like you doing talking to big ones like that?" Auri said (ignoring the fact they had been the one to bring up food in the first place) as they pointed towards the steadily munching Tower "theyre not so good with the talking you know" they added in a voice people usually reserved for telling children that yes the fire was hot, no they shouldn't touch it.
gah sorry things got busy yesterday Im writing it up now!
Im ready and willing! Ill get mine up tomorrow, its a bit late here right now ^^;
The birds sang out lustfully at the new day, the wind washed through the trees causing them to sway lightly and gracefully, the clouds stood out a wondrous white against the pale blue of the sky, and Auri snored raucously. Many from the outside would question the sanity of anyone sleeping past day break when the draconides grew active, but for Auri they presented no problem. This was due to the fact that Auri was busy snoring the morning away near the top of one of the skinniest pine trees in the area. They had long ago figured out that draconides lack the agility and sleight weight needed to climb trees, sure some Raptors could manage the first few braches of thick sturdy specimens if the branches lay close to the ground but never any great height and never anything as skinny at this pine. So since this area lacked any significant wyvern presence, Auri slept on.

Slept on until a giant mouth chomped down on the foliage not a meter from their head. Auri was shaken into the waking world from the impact and let out a small scream that sounded not dissimilar to the startled chattering of a squirrel, the giant mouth of course chewed on without worry and Auri was forced to retreat hurling insults and curses to the uncaring giant. "You senseless, brainless home wrecker! Gutless, spineless coward! Who eats an Auri nest eh? Only fools and monsters you big... giant..." Auri flustered around for a word as they made their way down to the ground, hoping lightly from branch to branch deciding that if bigmouth up there had breakfast, they should have some too just to show it up. They paused at the last branch from the ground and shouted up towards the intruder "Leafy mug!" Giving a satisfied grin they turned to face the ground to see an adolescent staring up at the Tower asking it questions. Well Auri had seen stranger things, but this was the oddest in a long while. Of course they missed the irony of a poncho wearing, skull toting, grubby tree felon thinking that.

Auri's stomach growled. The young one was wearing clean clothes, not fancy like the ones that came out of the big walls from time to time, but clean. That meant they lived in a village or something, and that meant food that wanted to stay down. "Hey! You got food?" They yelled out at towards them, Auri had never grasped the subtleties of polite conversation "You should give me the food!" they added for clarity and mimed chewing and tummy rubbing just to make sure the message got across.
Kaga said
Accepted.Bonus points for androgyny.

Ah thankyou!
Name: Auri

Age: Somewhere near the mid or early twenties, its had to tell beneath all the muck

Appearance: Auri is sleight of build and less than medium height, with a cheeky impish face surrounded by a mess of dirty brown hair, it is unclear if brown is the natural colour or if its so coated in dust and grime that it just appears that way. Auri can almost always be found wearing their long, much loved, tatty poncho-esque cloak decorated with various feathers and shiny pieces sewn into the inside lining which drapes over many different layers of mismatched and similarly dirty clothing. Their face is usually adorned with ochre red paint in various twisting patterns and occasionally (when they're feeling particularly adventurous) Auri wears a wyvern skull as a mask which they keep strung across their back.

Beneath the grime and multilayered clothing Auri has many scars from burns or acids from their concoctions gone wrong and several more from violent encounters with humans or animals and even has one or two from close shaves from the Daconides.

Is always bare foot.

Other: Auri is androgynous in appearance and doesnt understand people, or themselves, enough to identify with a gender or specific pronoun. Auri sees people, wandering around acting like people, some of these people get called he's and some she's. Now Auri's physical appearance is androgynous enough that without looking at them naked next to other naked people you cant really tell what their sex is, and Auri doesnt get into situation where they have the motive or opportunity to inspect naked people particularly often. And to be honest they wouldnt identify with standard gender roles anyway.

They get called he or she interchangeably depending on who says it (people have different opinions after all) and most of its said in anger or annoyance and they get 'it' fairly regularly as well. Meaning for their entire memorable life they've had both pronouns and many expletives used in conjunction with them, when they're not living in the wilderness that is which is where most of their time is spent anyway.

So just call Auri by whatever pronouns your characters see fit :3 She/he/they/puppy/pineapple take your pick, Auri doesn't mind!

If anything needs changing to better suit the RP please let me know, Im flexible on most points for this ^_^
Kaga said
I'd say technology'll be on the lower level of things, considering the fact that the Draconides' appearance set back humanity's advancement a little.

Cool so no crossbows and glass is out? Just asking as my character was going to be herb and potion based so Ill just cut it back to herbal remedies and poisons, perhaps some powders. I just figured as magic was a thing, glass for their scholarly endeavors had been invented but Im more than happy to work around this.
Just curious as to what level of technological advancement are we working with here? Crossbows or bows? is glass a readily available item and is the knowledge of its construction common? just things like that
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