Avatar of Rarity
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    1. Rarity 10 yrs ago


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coolcat63484 said
Hey! We had a role play a few months back and I was wondering if you wanted to restart it?

Thanks for the reminder. ;) Bump.

I am open for other plots, obviously so hit me up with your ideas.
Are you only interested in the 3 ideas posted above, or game for hearing any others?
Closed Thread
Thanks ;)

I'm caught up on the IC posts now as well. Thanks for holding down the fort guys <3 the posts were really fun and interesting to read.

I will not post until I hear from FaithsRose. I do not want to step on toes in case she has a post partly made up already (using my characters or Lloyd and I do not want to mess up anything she might have had planned for her next post)

After reading everything and realizing we have lost teapotshark and possibly M.C, :( is a small time jump to "on the road" to the fuel stop a good idea or not and we write teapot's characters setting out on their own. hmmm *brainfreeze*

A RP with 3-4 people is fine, but I will put it to a vote if we want to add another person. I am with FaithsRose that adding someone else might change things a little for the better or the worse, it is hard to tell. Assuming M.C was already messaged, I will just wait until I hear from FaithsRose, before assuming anything.

Also FaithsRose, would you like to continue playing Lloyd, or I can or we both can, since we know what his out come will be?
Caught up with all the OOC posts. Gives me a small glimpse of what has been going on IC, but I will be looking at the IC posts asap.
Sorry for causing so much trouble and being away for an extended period of time. Part of it was due to my illness(physical and mental) and part I could not get the forum to work and got frustrated with trying. My internet has been spotty at best. November is also NaNoWriMo and I took a stab at that! I finished the word goal already and will not be writing for the rest of the month, religiously anymore, but only when I feel like it. My word count is 63K as of now. I am suffering migraines probably from staring at a laptop for hours at a time writing and everyone in my house is sick with colds/flu. The coughing is not helping my head either, nor is my birds loud screams. haha

I read some of the past OOC posts (last two pages) but I could use a status update if anyone is willing. (I see we are down some people, which I had feared and expected. Sorry to see people go, but I wish them well!)

As for me role playing, I want to get back on that horse, but you will have to be patient with me and I need an update of where my characters are and what is currently happening. I want to go back and read all the posts I missed, but that might take me some time, but I will try!

I probably will not be a "fast" role player with a post once or twice a week, hopefully more as I shake the rust off my writing gears and as such my posts will be of varying length and probably will not be the best quality at first. Also keep in mind that my "illness" is not magically cured, but I will keep you up to date if I have to be away again. If I do not come on with no notice, then that is the fault of my internet, not me.

All in all, I have really missed everyone and this role play.
Maki Casanova said
The killing off Nixie part wasn't the end all of the solution, but I thought you would be gone for a really long time, so that was the first thing that came to mind. I'm sorry it came off as insensitive to you, but I did try to suggest other workarounds that did not involve killing her, like her wanting to go live with her dolphin friends for a while. I really apologize that it seemed that way to you, but I only mentioned the guilty and such part so that you wouldn't have to worry about making people wait. I'm kind of socially inept, so the things I say that attempt at diffusing a situation can really put off people. I really am sorry that I hurt you, and I thank you for pointing that out.

On the other hand, there is no need for you to accuse me of prioritizing RPing over real life, and even though I understand you have a lot going on, that's a pretty shit thing to accuse of a person just because I like the RP enough to want to continue while you deal with your life. I'm the one who's been telling you to go and rest and not worry about the RP for this one, BECAUSE I FUCKING KNOW HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO DEAL WITH MENTAL DISORDERS AND I DO NOT DOWNPLAY ITS EFFECTS AND ITS POWER, EVER. It's like you don't even read what I wrote in the OOC, trying to be supportive (even though I understand how it could come off as dismissive, it was a genuine attempt at empathy and understanding) and then you come and tell me that I prioritize THIS FANTASY WORLD OVER A REAL PERSON'S LIFE? Are you really fucking shitting me?

And if that's what you guys decide on, so be it. I'll just wait. Kick me out if you want because of what I said, but I hope you didn't expect me to just bend over and grovel apologies at your feet, considering your accusation.
. editing
Teapotshark, will you be another Co-GM? I'm confident in your writing ability and leadership abilities. Also, it would help FaithsRose out while I'm out on the IC part.

Is everyone okay with this?

Also, I want to say that I'm very thankful for how understanding and kind everyone in this group is. You all seem to understand what is important and realize RPing is not a job and comes second to most things in real life. Thank you very much.

Teapotshark, if you want to use one of my characters, feel free.

Also, you can leave Rena out if you want to. She was not invested into the RP that much yet. It's up to you guys. I don't mind either way. When I come back, I might pop her in later, if you decide to not use her.

FaithsRose knows the plans for Lloyd.

I am also confident in any plot twists you two would like to add in.

I will still pop in now and again in the OOC and PMs if anyone wants to chat. I'll read the IC posts when I feel up to it, but for now I'm going to focus on non writing/reading stuff while I straighten some things out.

Thank you.
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