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    1. Rayn Night 10 yrs ago


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That is exactly what I needed to see :P

Man... Nyirr isn't that great of a guardian then xD He is one of the few who probably doesn't know how to use the Ritual of sealing properly (Seeing that he was thrown right in after he became a Guardian and didn't bother practicing it too much)
Well, the sword itself is fine if held by a zombie/construct. It is more if any of them come into direct contact with a guardian (Since they are created and held up by magic).
Feisty-Pants said
This is true! See my PM you bum. I'm stealing one of your SSB characters. ^_^And that's a hard call, Rayne. Is the sword the zombie holds still magically inclined? If not...physics? Ouchie stabby stabby?

Well, if a zombie is holding a sword, than no, cause the sword itself is not magical. The Guardian immunity is direct contact to magic, which is why i am asking so many damn questions xD
Saltwater Thief said
No no, I mean you're still at the mercy of physics.

I would venture to say no. The example brand gave was that a Guardian would take a fireball to the face no problem, but a forest fire started by that fireball would still kill them.

There is a difference be tween the two:

1. The forest fire is created but not sustained by the magic as would shrapnel be created by the explosion.

2. An undead/construct is created and sustained, which means magic is constantly a part of them. So it would be like a direct attack from a magical source.

That is how I view it mind you. Brand will probably be the judge about it. Either way is fine for me xD I just need to know :P
ChaoticLaw said
A succubus probably would be hunted by most churches in all honesty. It is possible that she could hide her true form or have some other party with a lot of influence backing her but it probably wouldn't be any 'holy' organization. Im sure there are other organizations that hunt monsters or darker creatures that wouldn't mind what she was though.

That is what I figured too.
Saltwater Thief said
I don't think they get anything vs constructs. I mean, if I make my water dragon and have it charge Kotori (sparring, of course), it's the same as if I grabbed a torrent of water and hit her with it. They're immune to magic, but physical objects being controlled by magic are still a problem. You're immune to magic, but Sir Isaac Newton will still kick your teeth in.

That is why I am asking the question too. Lets take the example of the water dragon. In itself, it is, as you said, an physical element being control by magic. So that is fine, nothing really happens. But lets say that the dragon claws a Guardian. The physics of the Guardian being hit still takes place, but the construct came into contact WITH the guardian which is immune to magic... So would part of the claws fall to the ground like normal water as the magic can't be sustained?

I know it sounds really idiotic, but I have to ask xD

Edit: For the wall of stone, it is easy. They don't need magic to sustain it, just to create it, so the walls wouldn't be magic AFTER the creation.
Esper said
Hey Rayn. Maybe our characters can work together. My character is a Succubus, but more like Hellboy. She hunts the unnatural that is causing problems and the only way I really imagine her going unchecked in her travels is being sanctioned by some authority who has significant resources or influence.

I hope your character has a good reason why she wasn't banished back to the abyss xD. Especially a Succubus. Would have to talk with Chaotic Law about it.
Ink Blood said
Illusions mixed with Necromancy and Ranger ambushes trump all though.

All? Probably not xD A lot? Probably...

Although it brings me to something odd... Do Illusions work on Guardians? I know that the mind reading and that kind of mental attack/domination wouldn't work, but what about actual illusions? Are Guardians still duped by them?

And for necromancy/constructs = If undead or constructs get into physical contact with a Guardian, does it disrupt the magic and "undo" them? I am simply curious to hear how this all works.
You poor son of a gun
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