• Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 59 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Raynar 4 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Just a forward notice for my partners / future partners, I'm not going to be as active today as my arm is killing me. I'll be back up to full strength tomorrow. Peace~
4 yrs ago
Constantly typing [color=color] just so people know who's talking is tough... I'm so used to just picking the colour from a colour wheel or selection thing.
4 yrs ago
*Searches for a piece of fan-art for a character sheet with a future partner, finds images of Dragon Ball characters.* I love Dragon Ball, but this RP ain't Dragon Ball... Can I find something good?
4 yrs ago
The fact that all this Status bar drama is *still* going on, that says a lot. Can we all just stop now before it escalates into something that's impossible to recover from? Ya'll only making it worse.
4 yrs ago
[@Obscene Symphony] Ah I see. That would probably explain a lot of things as to why my thing didn't quite work. I had lore at the beginning. Thank you!


Hello everyone! My name is Raynar and this is my bio~

I found this place while searching for a role-playing forum that was accepting of all forms of writing and genres, including fandoms. Almost all if not all of my experience with role-playing has been within existing universes; most of the time playing as a Canon Character or making my own character.

I can adapt pretty well to my partner, whether it's a paragraph or several, (Although sometimes I do struggle to come up with novel-quality posts but I still make the attempt.) or if my partner is the kind to use images to convey emotions with their character. However I must iterate that I'm a fade-to-black writer. I don't particularly enjoy writing sexual content and I also don't exactly have the best experiences with said content in the past. So I'd prefer not to engage in that kind of content.

I'm a big fan of Anime currently, having finished watching Konosuba Season's 1 & 2 including the Crimson Demon Movie; I've also been watching Overlord, Re;Zero and Yosju Senki too. My favourite ones are Dragon Ball Z, GT & Super; Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid; Yu-Gi-Oh GX; Bakugan Battle Brawlers; Avatar: The Last Airbender and Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation. I also enjoy Video Games and TV Shows. I'm currently enjoying the hell out of Starcraft II and I'm also currently watching Charmed (1998 - 2006 version) with my family. (Currently on Season 5.)

Hoping to get to know people here and write some awesome stories!

Most Recent Posts

Hmm. For Eli, I reckon he'd be comfortable with two Glock-19 9mm's. They're cheap and reliable according to most sources and are the most popular in the world so I'd imagine he'd want two of those if he is a duel-wielder.

What sort of Sniper is Max? There are a fair amount of different Sniper Rifles, ones that are for heavy armour while some are for light personnel.

And yeah, guns from CS:GO are, most of the time, based off of real guns.
I could help you out if you'd like?
Thought to showcase Marcus's arsenal :) Hope what I've picked is okay!
"If there was, they'd of probably just done that instead. But if they wanted us dead, they wouldn't go through the effort to convert us. Now let's stop thinking about that, and focus on our task."

Marcus iterated as when Eli covered Max's mouth, he smiled a little. Seemed that he wanted the same thing. Talking about the horrors of the aliens wasn't exactly the best motivator to fight them. When the vehicle stopped and Eli motioned for him to move first, Marcus jumped out the vehicle with his weapon ready on his back. Marcus's weapon of choice was the SA80 Infantry Rifle, a British-produced rifle with a rate of fire of 610-775 RPM as a thirty-round magazine. On the stock was an engraving of "M A R C U S" on top of a faintly printed United Kingdom flag. It was his personal weapon and he wouldn't replace it. He also carried with him a Royal Navy Bayonet which could be attached to his rifle should he need it.

"Hmm... Wasn't expecting a downed ship. Maybe we managed to actually punch through a couple of them. Wait..."

Marcus raised his arm upwards with a clenched fist while grabbing his rifle with the other, now holding it as he spotted blue smoke coming from the ship. He recognised it as an Officer of The Rise, maybe a survivor? Clenching his weapon, he slowly walked forward.

"On me, and stay close. Check your corners, and keep your hands on your weapons. We move in slowly but expecting trouble."

Continuing to walk slowly forward, he went to investigate the source of the smoke.
"Personally? I'm expecting all sorts of twisted things. Torture and interrogation chambers, breeding grounds, all sorts. They sure as hell didn't hesitate to kill us on sight when they showed up. Kinda tosses out the "visitors will be friendly" theory right out the window. But if we're lucky, maybe some new tech couldn't hurt, give us an edge."

Marcus stated as he continued smoking his cigar and looking at some files. Seemed to be that Eli was hard at work deciphering the alien call while Max was being frightful, again. He didn't seem to catch a break, even after the compliments, and continued horrifying himself.

"Whatever we'll find, I'll protect you. I won't let them aliens take my squad."

That was when the terrain got bumpy, the vehicle must be getting closer to the destination. When the message came through on the radio mentioning that they're close, Marcus grabbed his radio.

"Understood. Keep us as far but as close as you can, and maintain radio silence until you need us. Marcus out."
Oh no, that's perfectly fine :) I had to manually subscribe too to stuff I've personally made to keep notifications coming in, it's somewhat annoying but not too big.
Howdy, welcome! I'm sure you'll love the place! I know I do!

What sort of Cartoons and Video Games do you like?
So much for a smooth operation. All they had to do was deliver the adjujant to the buyer and that was it. The hardest part was mostly the securing of the adjujant itself as it was quite guarded, but wasn't a match for Maya. Between her cloaking and her sniping prowess, securing the thing and delivering it was a piece of cake. But it ended up not being the case. Between losing the prize as well as the buyer being killed, it wasn't exactly a successful job well done, more like a failure.

When her acquaintance Paul Nordlund took a look at her, she could tell from reading his mind that he considered killing her off and taking all the money for himself. But he didn't. He could of, but he wouldn't exactly have a fighting chance against a Ghost of all characters. All was left was the dropshop, the vehicle used to deliver the adjujant, and enough money for roughly a day's worth of life expectancy which was to be expected. When someone recommended for them to buy a spacecraft and get off Deadman's Rock, she couldn't agree more; the place was vile enough let alone all the potential back-stabbing mercenaries who could easily capture her and sell her off to the Terran Dominion for a quick sum of creds. Following Paul onto the vehicle, he mentioned knowing a place.

"For a former UED Lieutenant, you somehow know your way around here."

After the journey and arriving at Deadman's Port, the colour scheme stayed the same. Wasteland Junkyard with characters that could easily, if they wanted to, take them out and sell their equipment for a price. Loads of parked ships of varying designs and features; from Valkyries and Dropships, to Wraiths and even Battlecruisers. However at a time like this, subtlety was key. Most space-worthy craft was a single pilot cockpit, not much for a duo or even larger. However she eyed a Wraith in the distance.

"We'll take that Wraith over there. If you pilot and we get attacked, I can cover our backs from the front door. Alongside the cloaking technology, we can avoid unnecessary attention. As much as I'd love a Battlecruiser for storage and practically retrofit it to be an mobile home, it's size could provoke unwanted attention from perhaps entire fleets."
"You and Yugi duelled each other? You must be pretty good then."

Joey stated as he climbed onto his side of the dueling station:

Joey stood on the blue side of the Station while Jaden would assume the red side. Joey planted his deck onto his terminal and got himself ready.

"Hope you're ready to lose!"
Full Name: Maya Ruby
Appearance: She's 5'8 ft / 176.7 cm tall, and under her helmet she's blonde with light-blue eyes.
Ghost Uniform:

Personality: Calm and Composed, Maya ensures not to crack under pressure, however she can be ruthless and aggressive when she needs to be. Otherwise of a mission, she's friendly and approachable despite being a Ghost.

Backstory: Maya worked under the UED as a former Confederacy Armed Forces Ghost. Defected from the group after their downfall, she worked for the UED to assassinate targets in the Koprulu sector that dared stand in their way. While her Psionic Potential hasn't been fully tapped into, she more than makes up for it with her deadly accuracy, reflexes and efficient ammunition management.

After the UED retreated from the Koprulu Sector during the events of the Brood War, Maya stayed behind and worked as a contracted Assassin, taking care of assignments such as dealing with Feral Zerg, pirates or anything else on offer.
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