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Old Man: Hello there stranger, you must forgive me for leaving you out in the sun like that. I thought you were dead. What's your name?

You: (Character name): I....I'm Charlie.

Old Man: A pleasure... truly. I'm Doctor Thomduke. I live here, on this blessed island. Hey! Would you look at that! A smooth pebble. Excuse me, these things are very valuable.

You: Why?

Old Man: *Laughs* Why because they're smooth of course! Can never have too many smooth pebbles, no sir! So what are you anyway? Under all that seaweed and sand, I can't tell if you're a man or woman. A human or a werewolf! And I don't like to presume. Last time I presumed one of you drifts was something, I got it wrong; my leg hasn't worked right ever since, and that was years ago. Never heard a man with such feminine tone, let me tell ya!

You: (Race/Gender) *confused look* I am dryad, what else would I be, a girl too last time I checked.

Old Man: Well is that so? Let me get some of that seaweed off you, so's old Thomduke can take a proper look. I am a doctor, after all. You can trust me!

Character Physical Description: Small, mostly legs, long layered curly red hair. Green eyes, long eye lashes. Pale skin. Kind of doll like.

Old Man: You polish up nicely now don't you? Well, everything looks fine, but let's get that sand out of your face. I can't say I'm a fan of sand, no sir, it gets stuck right up my nostrils so it does.

Character Age: nineteen. One of the youngest of her race.

Old Man: Huh, thought you were older... never mind, that's a good thing right? Hey! Look! Right down there, move your foot for me, yes, that's it! Two smooth pebbles in one day, woohooo Thomduke mister, you're aiming for the high life! Oh, oh excuse me. Yes, ahem, where you from stranger? ... You can't remember? Well shoot, you must've taken a pretty hard knock to the skull. Saw your ship coming in, I did, ploughed right into those rocks over yonder. If it makes you feel any better, yours weren't the first to do that, and it wont be the last.

I don't be supposing that you have yourself a certain set of skills, do ya? Skills are mighty important round this island of mine.

You: Ummm...I think..I helped people, made them better, they were ill. I think I can make fires and those trees over there look easily climbable if you give me a second or two I can be at the top of one of those things, easy peasy. I lived in a forest you know!

Old Man: Wha- wow. That all? Well, it's better than nothing. Damn, when I came here, I weren't even a doctor - I was a cabin boy! Can you believe that? I guess if I've made it this far, then you'll be just fine. Anyways, with all that said, I guess I best be letting you get on. You're not the only survivor from that wreck over there, no sir, I found a few of you laying about the place. Most weren't so lucky, but that's okay, means more pebbles for us! Oh yes sir, yes it does.

Ah, yeah wait, before I go. I took the liberty of looting your there "corpse" for anything valuable. My bad, I honestly thought you were a dead'n. Here's your stuff, I don't take from the living. That's not me, no sir. I leave that kind of wickedness to the others.

Character Clothing and Equipment: (Include armour and weapons) A thin green dress, black cloak and a small purse made of hide. Inside there is some coins, herbs, bandages, needle/thread, a strange locket made of interlocking vines and a pocket knife.

Old Man: Well, I'll be seeing ya down the ole dusty trail I be supposing. But hey, you look like the nice sort, so lemme give you a tip: stay away from anything old looking, over there in the jungle. Lot of mischief to be had there, yes there is. Spirits and ghouls, you know? Don't believe me? Well, maybe you should go and have a look- oh, oh oh and one more thing. Take a little care if ya be coming across some other people. Lot of them have been stranded on here almost as long as I have; makes the mind sour, being stuck in a place like this. Can't figure it out myself, I've been here most my life, and I'm fine! WAIT, WAIT, STOP, GET BACK. Yes, yes, one more step. Look, another pebble! Three's the word! Woohooo!
Appearance (Picture preferred, but description is allowed)

Name: Vasily Petrovich (Goes by Ryan Valentin)
Age: Twenty-four
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi
Occupation: Model / Fashion designer
Apartment Description (If Applicable):

Personality: Vasily and Ryan are very different people. Vasily came to New York looking to become great he was innocent, optimistic, trusting and ignorant about how the world worked. Ryan on the other hand is very different. He has hardened and is now a different person. A person he shaped himself to be to become great at his job. He is quick witted, confidant, attractive and very good at seeing people weak spots. He can be very direct at times and can almost seem cold to people he doesn't have an interest in. He gleams his armor so you wont see Vasily under it, but the people who are close to him see who he truly is.
History (Preferred, not required)
Vasily left home at nineteen to go to NYU where he majored in luxury marketing and minored in buisness, but you have to pay to go to university and Vasily had nothing. To pay he got in with the wrong crowd and got way over his head. He was forced into a lot of things he wanted no part in, but couldn't get out of without forfeiting his schooling. At twenty two he finally had enough and with two degrees under his belt he left mid semester. He ended up here buying the apartment with the last of his funds. Changing his name so no one could track him down Ryan made a decision to never be that vulnerable again. He is now a successful fashion designer who has a few modelling gigs. He could afford a better place, but he refuses to leave this refuge behind. This place accepted him at his worst and he found it comforting, though he'd never admit that to anyone. He prefers to be alone because he finds that keeping up the personality gets tiring very quickly.
If you'd like my char can room with him. Shes young and doesn't know or have any friends. maybe we can make it so she came into the bookstore one day and found out he didn't have a place to stay and told him the he can live with her. My character is really lonely and would like to have someone around. Up to you :)
Jones Sparrow said
So I picture it as a large room, where you enter through the front, you have the stage on the back wall, and it kinda sticks out, in a semi circle. The stage is surrounded by tables, and are in this little indent in the floor, so there's a couple stairs to climb back up to non dance floor I guess it'll be called hahaThere's a large balcony on the opposite side of the stage where VIP's go, and through the doors under the vip section is personal rooms for a number of things haha. The bar is on the right side of the room, where people can sit at the table, or go back to the area with the tables. Next to the bar is a kitchen that doesn't serve a lot, but just things to keep you satisfied, so it isn't a diner. Behind the stage is the backstage where performers get ready, it's also used for storage, and there's a door that goes in to yhe basement where the mafia items are kept, and Jones' office used for even more private conversations involving business. The whole area is either lit dimly when smooth jazz is playing, and more bright when more exciting events are taking placeHope that helped!

Yes thankyou ! :)

Name: Kitty Himura
Age: Twenty-one
Unique Quality (refer to OP-ness chart):
She got her canines elongated. She thinks she's a cat.
She's pretty skittish unless you directly challenge her or force her hand.
Personality (optional-you can reveal this ICly): Skittish, noisy, has odd cat-like behaviors, has mood swings a lot, spends a lot of her time sleeping, doesn't like water.
Bio (optional-you can reveal this ICly): She went through a trauma as a young girl and started acting more cat then human. They hoped she'd get over it, but she never did. Reality seems to be something she has a hard time grasping, they hope she could recover if she could face her trauma and except that it happened.
Extras: She has a habit of biting people. Her nails are really long too.
Ill make a man now too
Is there anychance somebody can tell me the layout of the silver suit. Like wheres the stage is it mostly tables or floor. If they serve food that sort of thing.
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