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    1. RedHounds 10 yrs ago


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I'm interested in this roleplay. :)

But I guess, I'll need to put up a thread in the 'Character Sheets' to keep track of my characters XD. In my own honest opinions upon myself, perhaps others. -Because lets face it. People sometimes lose track of how their character should act.

'Uh.... I do however treat my characters rather poorly e_e... Poorly as in either act a certain way or just generally going off in some subconscious love relationship. ploting how that certain individual would be his / hers XD'
Nice homestuck Dave Strider in knights armor gear avatar :b
Jackel walks through the forest, on the forest path. He holds a cardboard box under his left arm, tucked up under his armpit. As his pokemon that is a Furret, Whom Jackel calls Furfur by nickname. Lays across Jackels shoulders, taking a nap as Jackel brings the box before himself to open the lid. Once the lid was open, Jackel saw there were one set of Fire, Water, Thunder, Leaf, Moon, Sun, Shiny, Dusk and Ever Stones. Jackel checks that the stones are in check and closes the lid of the box before tucking back under his armpit. Once it was back where it was being held at. Jackel takes a quick glance around the forest whilst walking, before at Furfur. Who is pretty much still asleep. Jackel smiles at Furfur, then turns his head forward, slightly looking downwards of the path hes walking on still.
Human Character Sheet

Name: Jackel Howl (Nickname - The Engineer)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Home Town: Daiven (Moved from Drow, due to his dad needed to find work. Luckly though. There was work in the big city.)

Appearance: (I do have a picture of him But I'd rather redraw it better-er.) Jackel wears black fingerless gloves, a bright yellow coat that has a hood. But the under sleeves and sides of the coat is in the color of water proofing black. (Basically... I was aiming for Japanese engineering clothing.) A brown cloth hair band holding up his dirty colored blond hair. He also has a red neckerchief tied loosely around his neck. (Mostly used in snow storms, downfall and sandstorms. etc.) His eyes are slightly rough looking with a small nose and blue eyes. He also has deep navy blue jeans that lead down to his brown leather boots for road tracking. He carries with him with a backpack on his back. Bearing a tent kit, roll out bed sack, small burners, two pans with two knives and two forks and a red tool box strapped to the top of his backpack... Sometimes...

What You Wanna Be(Trainer, Breeder, etc.): Trainer
Pokemon(Max is 2 to start): Just a Furret.
Crush/Relationship: None, at the moment.
Family/Friends: His father called "Dallus Howl" His mother passed away. But his fathers only pokemon is a Herdier.
Other: Jackel came too with his Furret pokemon friend. When him and his farther saw a weak Furret laying under a rock.

Pokemon Character Sheet

NickName: Furfur
Species: Furret
Level: 5
Appearance: A normal Furret. (But Furfur has an extra tea colored ring in his back, near his head.)
Gender: Male
Moves: Scratch, Deference Curl and Foresight.
Friends/Family: Dallus Howl and his pokemon starter Herdier.
Trainer(optional): Jackel Howl
Other: Furfur has been trying in most times, to convince Jackel. That Furfur has seen another looking him. But Jackel can't really understand him sadly.

As this is just a casual fantasy roleplay. Its very much open worlded. Meaning what you write is instantly canon of what makes up the world around you. Though its kinda a slight good idea to have what one would say a character strapped on their backs.

So here it is. ...The template I mean.

You can many characters you want. If you don't want to make a character sheet. Then not to worry. This is after all, open worlded.
I'm game!

I take it made up characters are alright within this?
In Hello! 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Commander said
Welcome to the site, I hope you find some new friends and exciting roleplay.

Thanks! :D
In Hello! 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone!

Redhounds here.

Here is some little stuff about myself for roleplaying terms of understanding. I have been a yet timmed roleplayer, (With the highs and lows, terrible misspelling days to funny roleplaying days. Lets face it. Roleplaying drunk is fun! :D) - For 8 years now. My wide range of roleplaying has been a rather up on the high way ride. When I've been stuck in times of seeking out that I can chew off. Within the awaitance of when it was the right time to say my piece. Anyhow... Enough of that deep stuff! Lets hear my juicy roleplaying adventures across all types of media!

I once started roleplaying with forums, with the cleverly titled books and small time fan base 'Warrior Cats'. Fantasizing myself with the need to buy the book set to understand its lore behinds it all. But never did... Then onto Lion king roleplay- From two indie games from off sprun game 'Feral Hearts' and its predecessors first real game that was once called 'Impressive Title', then back into forum roleplaying again. Which soon fell in a slump. Moving yet on with more later years. I found myself roleplaying some Bleach for a tiny bit- After watching the anime series. Then straight onto 'Minecraft' with infuriate possibilities! That I did not want to miss! I did get the game on the darn spot within Alpha, just before beds were brought in. I ran into a server called Midguard and soon meet a small group of people who were just playing. However... After a long weeks talk. I came back to what people hate, is 'World of Warcraft'. I never really hated the game, till I was shown the whole roleplaying side of it. It seemed pretty much even more fun! But level for a roleplayer on WOW was very much a chore to get over. Even when the new expansions come out. After that was done and this new game peeked its slight ugly head out, full of glitches and what not. Too had a roleplaying community growing around it. That game I speak of is Star wars: The Old Republic. Or SWTOR for short. It was alright from the start, being yet it was slightly rushed out by EA and its fans. Did play some funny glitched levels at some points. But that's when I started to see a more rather down side to the whole roleplaying free stylely on MMO's. That people are kinda elitest when it came to higherness and stuff. Anyhow! I broke away from all that messy stuff to integrated myself back into forum roleplaying! I hitched up a ride with the fan base called 'Homestuck' and parked in with the nearest homestuck roleplaying forum that was there. I have to say though! Was it great! I even become Admin on there. Still am in some sort of sense, because I'm taking some time off from Admin on it. But I do kinda need it. I do however... Really want to try out DnD roleplay. Because it seems fun in a way. Considering I'm all for fantasy roleplay!

So there's my whole roleplaying adventure story XD

But over all. I'm somewhat an adult myself here and should I point out for a future refinance that I'm female? Not saying this and that to be noticed. Oh no! I'm just saying it ensure people if I seem me going all off in one. One as in a mood, feeling or just well... A general feeling of feels!

~RedHounds! *Wiggle fingers waves slightly. With a slight sided up smile- ish upon her own face.* Yeah.... So that's me!
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