Avatar of Remus
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 112 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Remus 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current everything is quiet
9 yrs ago
doing good but hoping for more RPs


Hey guys.
I'm not particularly new to the whole RPing thing (I've RP'd since about 2008) but I'm not exactly used to the whole community RP thing. I suppose I'm more used to the "two people RP together" thing XP. For now I guess I'm looking for either Free, Casual, and maybe 1x1 Roleplays; but I'm willing to try Nation or Tabletop. Any genre is good for me but I really like fantasy and horror.

Typically I check on my RPs at least once a day so I'm usually on top of things. I don't usually type one-liners in RPs (unless it is that type of RP) but the length of my posts depends on how long other RPers' posts are.

Personally I don't like giving out my information but I am 20 years old and still in college. Besides RPing my interests include certain fandoms (like Steven Universe, Pokemon, Homestuck, ect.), art, YouTube, making stuffed toys, and creating OCs. I have a lot of OCs; sometimes more than I care to admit. Sometimes it feels like I have an OC for ever occasion XP but that's what I get for having too much time on my hands and having too many ideas. Even now I would bet I have more OC ideas to work on.

here's my tumblr (http://the-metalwork-wolf.tumblr.com/)
and devantArt (http://piscean-cat-14.deviantart.com/) accounts for anyone who's interested

Most Recent Posts

also, to everyone:
do you think the werewolves here have fast healing?
just a little heads-up @BeautifulSnow,
beta is like a regular member of the pack with no specific job, while omega is the "peacemaker" which (I think) is of higher rank(?). not sure if you got the two confused XP
Kalib held onto Anton's hand as far as he the doctors let him but had to let go once they got to the surgery room doors. A nurse blocked his way and ask him some question about Anton but he could only give the nurse her name before he was told to go back to the waiting area. He didn't need to be directed, he knew only only family and people close to Anton would be able to see her once she's out of surgery. With a dazed look on his face, he went back and sat on a chair. From there he waited for what seemed like hours as the doctors did what they needed to help Anton.

A scent wafted to his nostrils. A sharp, metallic smell he had learned to identify when he was away from home. "Silver." He thought, the light of awareness coming back into his eyes as he glanced around. He tried to look inconspicuous as he searched with his eyes which way the smell was coming from. But then there was something else, something a little bit more familiar. "A wolf?" It didn't smell like Anton's scent; her's was covered by the heavy blood smell anyway. It made him curious but not curious enough to move to look for the source just yet. He had to be smart about this. New wolves in town was sometimes a touchy thing after all.
"No," It took his a minute to compose himself. "I'll tell you later, Carlson. I'll be at the hospital real soon; meet me there." He closed his phone and stowed it away quickly, speeding up quickly. It was weird, like some sort of horrible dream. Fay wasn't acting like she usually was. "It wasn't Fay, it couldn't have been. She wouldn't do this." He tried to convince himself.

As he got to the hospital, he called out for help, for the emergency people because he didn't know what to do. A nurse came rushing with a gurney and Kalib set Anton down as carefully as possible. Another nurse, form behind the main counter, called on the hospital phone for a doctor to come in from another floor. Kalib wasn't sure what to do yet at the same time he felt responsible for Anton. He walked alongside the gurney as the nurses began to wheel her away to another room.
done. edited
in that case, I'll just edit my post, if you want, and make Kalib call Carlson XP
With trained eyes he watched Fay move about, picking up Anton and telling him to take her. He did. His bloody, unconscious packmate in his arms, he gulped down a breath of air. Another person's life was literally in his hands; he needed to take her somewhere safe. "The hospital." The answer rang through his mind as he partially registered Fay's words. He saw the fear on her face, so prevalent and chilling it almost made him want to panic too. No, he had to keep a cool head. Especially now.

"Alright." He said, his voice sounding flat as cardboard as it came form his mouth. It took him a second to move his legs again as they became paralyzed with trepidation. Making pace, Kalib started back to the junkyard entrance as fast as he could with Anton in his arms. He had wanted to tell Fay to come with him but. . . . But. . . She looked so scared. He hadn't seen anyone look so scared in his life. "Is she going to be ok"

His hand worked to hold up Anton and reach for his cellphone, independent from him as Kalib focused on making sure he was going the right way to the hospital. "Hello, Carlson?" Even to himself his voice sounded distant and dazed. "Anton's been beaten up. I'm taking her to the hospital."
then suddenly I was a werewolf
*thinks* man, I would be a real terrible werewolf XP
don't forget to move your OC to the character tab
its just to keep track of everyone =)
<Snipped quote by Remus>

Thank you for talking with her :D

no problem =)
anything to help
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