• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shark
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 54 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Rend 10 yrs ago


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I enjoy combat. I coach MMA and Submission Fighting. I love Pro Wrestling. I love MMA. I am Strange. Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

Most Recent Posts

In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"Alright, now we can work on some wrestling." John straightened up his knee pads. They were red and a little stretched out, but they were still very comfortable.

Seeing as Macy was already laying on the mat, John decided to demonstrate some positions on her. He laid on top of her sideways. "Hope I don't squash you, ha.. Alright this is call side control, or crossbody depending on who you're talking to. I call it both of those things, so don't worry to much about the terminology. Now when I'm in this position, I want to be off my knees, and have my opponent carry my weight. I'm being nice here, but in an actual situation you want to squash them. You can smash your elbows on their face and floating ribs to make it extra painful, but I'm not gonna do that right now. Hope you don't mind me sweating all over you Macy ha.. sorry. Anyway, I'm just gonna show you a basic armlock that I call a top wristlock. Brazilian jiu jitsu calls this the americana, but that's only because they named it after an American wrestler." John grabs Macy's arm and locks up the hold. "Now to finish, all I gotta do is move her elbow to her hip and then lift it." John demonstrates slowly and gently, not wanting to cause any unnecessary pain. "Alright I'll show it again." John demonstrates a few more times. "Alright now who wants to try?" John sat back and smiled at Macy because he surprised her by this demonstration and didn't want her to be upset.
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"Good torso rotation Macy. I am stoked to have a girl in here with us." John smiled big because he was happy.
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The chains that hold the bags were crying out at this point. It was resonating throughout the entire gym.


After a good few minutes of warming up John looked over at the other two. "Alright that's good for now. That was fun! It's exciting to have others to train with! Get you a drink of water if you have to. You both did good work staying active. Obviously we all have very different backgrounds." John grabbed a bottle of water and took a drink.

"Alright Jackson, the first thing I see that you can improve is your stance. Yiu don't need to constantly hop up and down, and if you're not planted then you're gonna lose most of your striking power. Instead of hopping, try to dig in with you rear foot and use that to drive energy through your punch.. make any sense? Don't take that the wrong way, we all have areas we can improve in."
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"Ah, you can hit them with wraps on. I'll use these stinky bastards."
John looked at Macy "you have gear with you right? Let's get this heavybag workout in then we'll focus on some wrestling!"

John motioned the two toward the bags and then began hitting the bags very light to just work on getting loose.
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'm the oldest and heaviest lol
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"Did you say your name was Jackson? I'm just making sure so I'm not being rude.. anyway feel free to stretch out and get warmed up by hitting the heavy bag some. Do you have any boxing gloves? If not I have some right here." John handed him the gloves. "They stink really bad, but they're better than hurting your hands."

"Oh and My name is John Santel. Nice to meet you Jackson."
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
John glanced back over at Macy and recognized she was prepared for whatever came her way.
"Man, it's finally starting to get warm in here." John took off his sweats and revealed his rash guard underneath along with his vale tudo shorts. He quickly grabbed his wrestling shoes and knee pads from his locker and began to suit up.. all the meanwhile listening to his new students/teammates.
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"Hey bud, I didn't catch your name. We're not sparring yet, so no worries. You can be comfortable here with us, and you don't need to bow to me. I'm just a coach. I don't expect you to do any of that ancient respect bullcrap. Just be respectful of me and your teammates and everything is golden." John smiled at the guy.

"Man, I used to be just like you. You're gonna fit right in."
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"Actually feel free to start stretching out right now as we all get acquainted with each other." John starts to get loosened up again.
In Fight Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Approved! And it's no big deal. Glad to have you back.
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