Avatar of Rexcalibur
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    1. Rexcalibur 10 yrs ago


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....... no >_>
Eee, Dharc! It's been so long! Hope you've been doing well ^^

EDIT: Okay I'm back! I'm gonna get caught up on reading then post as well. :)
Orpheus said
Yep, Cemetery day = Halloween. I just forgot what to call it hahaha. Ironic that people immediately bust out the party day when they return from the cemeteries. Everyone in the neighborhood is having a karaoke rave. ._.: Uhhh I won't be able to post. Apparently my grandpARENTS ARE THROWING A PARTY TOO OMFG so yeah I'm gonna go hahaha OTL

This defined my life before my mum left for DC lmfao. I feel your pain, Kei!

I'm playing Dynasty Warriors atm for some reason, and I've forgotten that I had created all the Tales characters. Amy, Thunderhawk, Selan, Nikki, and Cole all ganged up against me. :| What assholes lol. (I'll be sure to create Lute and Aria soon, as well as any newbies that survive into the next chapter hehe |D)

Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake

Varrens were getting tossed around left and right. Initially they were the ones doing the tossing, being all rude with their rock-throwing and ankle-grabbing. They seemed to outnumber the Pride and co. at first glance, but once everyone got a hold of themselves, they started falling apart just like that. Heck, any varrens that were in holes nearby Trixie even flinched at the sound of her guns suddenly banging, as she shot off to the sky in celebration. "Yeah! Take that, buttholes!"

She responded to Estelle with her trademark impish smile. "Just what I was thinkin', Supersis!" She wasn't thinking at all that there'd be smelly repercussions for her teammates afflicted by what she was about to do, but at least they were well on their way to a spa anyway. Trixie skipped over to where the electromage was stuck, gleefully humming despite the worry on his face. As she made her way over, she whipped out a certain lean-green object from her belt pouch.

"Bombs away!" Trixie sang. She jumped in the air and spun (trying to add some superhero flair to her move) before chucking the stinkbomb into the very same hole Syed was pulled into.

Seconds later, a small rumble shook the area the trio stood in, and green wispy vapors emitted from the hole. The sound of high-pitched shrieks sounded off below them as well, and Syed instantly felt his arm free from pressure. Trixie was unaffected by the stench though, as she had also plucked out a clothespin for her nose just in time. The usual works.

She wasn't much of a fighter at all, but at least the young one was useful for dastardly tactics like these. The newbie trio would learn that soon enough.

From afar, Amy rolled her eyes at Trixie's tactic and continued on with her healing, particularly those who were down like Lute. It was at least enough to keep them energized and on their feet, rather than fatigued once the battle came to an end.
I had to put a lock on our gate so people couldn't even get to the doorbell. Our dogs would've lost their poor voices if we let them come to our door lol

I used to be so into AMVs when I was younger until I was trapped with all the boring ones. Loved the ones you linked though, Aki. The timing is phenomenal, though the second one dizzied me a bit haha. Also Pacman you are into the weirdest things.

I'll go ahead and post since I'm free atm, though I'll probably be posting way later in the night tomorrow after work haha.

Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake

Trixie cackled as she rolled over, having fallen off the varren with Aria's command. Her bull-ying of the varren (cuz she was riding it like a bull) was a success! While it wasn't down and out for good, it was enough to weaken at least one of the spiny beasts. She ran out to hug Aria - "Thank you, thank you, thank you--huh?" - only to catch Tobias' frantic legs in her peripherals. It was like that guy was being sucked into a black hole under the earth. Kinda scary to think about it that way.

"Don't worry, I'll get you!" she called out as she ran towards the marauder. At once she began tugging on one of his legs, though that only caused his other leg to stiffen up. She heard some muffled cries from underground and stopped tugging for a moment. "Huh? Whatchu say, Tobi?"

"Mmmm! MmmmMMMm!!"

"What's that? Pull harder? Okay, I can do that!"

So Trixie began to pull harder on the poor guy, causing him to keep crying out from underground. Then, something sounded off from nearby - some weird high pitched noise of something small and round soaring through the skies. The prankster looked up in time to see a balled varren flying right at them, as one had done to Moira earlier. Except Trixie was nowhere near strong enough to stop it on time.

She did, however, manage to duck, along with bending Tobi's legs with her (in a way that wouldn't cause him to snap his bones) so they wouldn't get hit as well. The varren flew right over both of them, spinning onwards and onwards, towards Jett and Lute.

Amy remained where she was, out of the way of those that had surfaced. Keeping close tabs on the sword users, she quickly casted another spell - this time for Nani, seeing as she was being targeted by more and more varrens. "Nani, watch out!" she cried out mid-spell. During this, the pirate glowed a warm gold; a feeling of rejuvenation overcame her despite the previous hits she had taken, and the one coming on.
EDIT: Posted! Good day, everyone :)
@Ryver: they'll feel it themselves. If they don't notice a glow around them (gold is for healing, green is for defense or speed from Marcus), they'll pretty much feel a warmth around their bodies. Like they'll feel their energy/vitality grow if it's a healing spell, or they'll feel sturdier if it's a defense buff, lightweight for speed buffs, etc. haha. Amy's only Rank F so your characters shouldn't feel herculean, but if they're tired, battered, or about to get hit hard, she tries to keep them on their feet. Hope that helps!

I'm posting soon as I get home from class today. I got home at 4pm yesterday, went straight to sleep, woke up at 10pm, went back to sleep, and now it's almost 4am. :D I'll be back in nine hours lol

Also yesssss @ Poke/Ito. All of my want. Please.

Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake

As usual, Amy hung around the back of the group as the fight brewed. She too lost her footing like everyone else when the ground gave way though, being completely unfit for these types of movements. It wasn't too bad considering no one had gotten themselves too injured yet, and she was too far to be targeted by the rocks thrown, but she was still a target as much as everyone else. A varren had sprung up behind her. As she turned to face it, it let out a devilish cry and aimed to swipe her face right off.

Amy grimaced. There was no time for her whip, so she had to fight fire with fire. Unlike the varren, she didn't need the extra time to reel back her own deadly weapon - and before the beast could unleash its attack, Amy did hers first.

A loud smack sounded off, and the varren was sent pummeling back down into its own hole with a shrill. It still had more than enough strength to roam around, but now there was a large red pattern etched along its face, soreness numbing its nose and mouth. After a brief pause, Amy too let out a grunt as she soothed her right hand. Her slaps were deadly, but against hard surfaces as opposed to human skin... ouch.

She shook out the throbbing in her wrist and refocused on the battlefield before her. At once her body began to glow a lush green as she murmured to herself. One by one the front-liners felt warmth engulf their bodies as Amy's spell empowered them - a defensive buff. She sacrificed efficiency for speed this time, but it was still strong enough to shrug off a neutral hit or two.

By the time the ground ruptured, Trixie would have been caught off guard if not for her smelling the varrens' scent on time. Hydroman was such a cool name. Seeing as most others dove into the fray, Trixie couldn't help but watch Quentin make for some tree instead. Was he gonna climb it or...? Oh. Oh. He used bubbles to blind the baddie! That was pretty neat.

Before that varren could get a grasp on its surroundings again, it felt a barrage of pellets slamming against its back. Unfortunately its hard shells shrugged off the nuisance entirely. Trixie gasped, with loud exaggeration of course, before pocketing her uzis and charging straight at the rocky rodent. "Yaaaahh!"

It turned around in time to see little Trixie pouncing. She gripped onto its back, using the cloth-covered spines as handles ("Ooh! What a fabulous shirt! Superbro would like this one.") - and the beast took off immediately. With Trixie clinging on and letting out obnoxious compliments, the varren was much too distracted to dive back underground. Instead it charged off towards some of the other guilders - namely in Nani's and Aria's direction.

Trixie shrieked as they drew nearer. "Waahh! Watch out! Comin' through, comin' through!"
EDIT: Posted! Would've made this post last night if I didn't finish work at 2am .__. I can't keep up with morning posts though so I'll be posting again way later tonight so I can keep on schedule haha.

No Halloween plans this year, unfortunately. Last time I was out late, people had parked their cars in *my* parking spots - Both of them! Including the driveway! - and I had to park three blocks down to get to my house. -.- Not putting up with that again lol.

Horror music though... might as well link this again haha. They brought out the big baddie pianos at Costco last Sunday, so I did nothing but play songs like this for Halloween spirit |D

Also Pacman don't you dare grow a beard or I will hunt you down
(The Beards have amazing vocals tho, wtf)
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