Avatar of RhyNbolo
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 60 (0.03 / day)
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    1. RhyNbolo 5 yrs ago


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As a smile crossed her lips, she thought to herself that she’d be terribly disappointed if she didn’t have heavy smile creases in her face after a few years of living with Rhaq’a. ”And if they try to, they’ll have me to answer to. Living proof that you’re fulfilling your duties after all. Seven Hells, they should reward you for taking on such a hopeless case.” Her ears fell back slightly, then perked up once more, ”Worked out well in the end, didn’t it?”

She waved away his offer, “I appreciate the offer, but I can still manage; I’ll take you up on that in a few months though, and make sure you regret the offer!” She ended on a very bright note, nodding to him, “I have a better nose for trouble, you mean. At least it’s often productive trouble.” With that, she took his arm in hers and began leading him back towards the walkway through the residential area.
Sitting up, Rhy let out a small groan, ”Failing anything else, I could always just stand at my front door and scream at them to get out of my home. They respect women. At least, well, I hope they do? I know they don’t respect men. That’s kind of their thing.” Straightening herself, she let out a sigh. ”I’m not even showing yet and it’s already getting uncomfortable to sit up. Ah well. Mother always said that it got easier after the third child. Suppose I’ve still got one to go.”

She got to her feet, looking out over the water, then towards the town, “Goodness it’s beautiful here. Shall we explore more, then?”
Biting her lip and giving it a thoughtful chew, she nodded up at him, ”Is it now? Perhaps you’re right. After all, I’d assume that the Shikaree aren’t terribly adept at swimming.” She let out a long sigh.

”I suppose that all the Gil in the world won’t help us much if we’re on the run from everyone, will it?” She scooted over, laying her head in his lap as she spoke, reaching up to gently stroke his arm, ”Of course we won’t. But we will be together. Even if our child is there, it’s fine.” She gazed upward, a small smile on her lips. ”Well, luckily for you, that situation is a thing of the past. I didn’t mind mine as much as you did yours, though I never had this level of fulfillment from it. Our child will grow to be whatever they wish to be. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing forced upon them.” She stretched, her arms going back and wrapping themselves around his waist, ”Now! I’m feeling notably less like vomiting. Would you care to continue our walk, or ponder a future we cannot hope to comprehend?”
The words of her mate mingled with the thoughts in her mind. She looked up from her tea, eying him over the rim of the mug. A small smile formed on her lips. ”I suppose that nothing is impossible, is it dearest? Two Miqo’te, woman and man, raising a child together.” She chuckled to herself, setting down the mug, “I’m glad that my mother cannot hear us. Seven hells, I’m glad your mother cannot hear us!”

As he spoke, her smile grew, ”I never knew that you’d given this so much thought already. I mean, I suppose I shouldn’t be. But I still am! You never cease to amaze me, dearest!” She chuckled, ”I doubt Gil would be an issue; I have more than you may know saved up. And I don’t know if you actually read the letters I give you about your money that I manage, but you’re doing quite well as well. And I have always been looking for an excuse to keep you closer to home anyway!”

She scooted closer to Rhaq’a, popping the last bit of the rice ball into her mouth and chewing thoughtfully. ”I never thought that I would find someone that agreed with me. I’ve never been more glad to have been wrong.” She leaned her head on his shoulder, ”I love you. Let’s love our child. Let’s raise her to be odd, like us.”
A groan escaped her lips, and it had nothing to do with her dizziness. She gingerly sat up, taking the tea in her hands, sipping slowly. After a few silent sips, she shook her head. ”No, not a word. I… I may not have told them yet. I want to tell her that she may expect another grandchild soon, but…” Her eyes opened slowly, looking out over the water, ”I don’t know. Something keeps stopping me. I know she would love nothing more than to care for and raise my child, and that she would do a wonderful job, but…”

She looked over towards Rhaq’a, glancing down to the half-eaten rice ball in his hand. She reached out, gently plucked it from him, and began nibbling it. ”I’ve been debating having the talk with her. That I would like to raise my child. Last I saw Hari, she was doing well; she’s 11 summers old now. But nonetheless, I would love the chance to try my hand at being a proper mother.” She looked up at him, a small smile on her face, ”Besides. Wouldn’t want her ending up like me, would we?”
A small groan and a shaking head met his words, ”Tea would be lovely. I can cope for a few.” She rolled her head, opening her eyes a crack, ”Thank you, dearest.” She dug in a pocket, pulling out and tossing over her coin purse. ”Please, get something for yourself too. You do too much for me.” Refusing to hear any objections he may pose, she rolled over, giving a small groan.

As he wandered off, her mind wandered as well. She smiled, knowing exactly how lucky she was to have him. Someone that actually cared about her as a person. Someone that she could confide in. They’d both helped each other escape the oppression of their families, so that worked well. Even if she occasionally wanted more than he was willing to offer in certain areas, she still loved him to death. He was a wonderful man. She rolled back on her back, stretching out her limbs. She hoped Rahq’a would return soon, at least sooner than her dinner was threatening to return.
Settling herself on the edge of the deck, she dangled her legs over the side, the tips of her boots trailing in the sand. She looked towards him, rolling her eyes, ”I would certainly hope that you’re aware of my situation; you’re the one that got me pregnant!” Glancing over at the mat, she gave a small shrug, ”Perhaps, but only if you’re cuddling me. Barring that, those herbs sound good…”

Leaning back, she flopped on her back on the wooden deck, closing her eyes. She wished the world would stop spinning so much. It was making it difficult to concentrate. The spells of sickness had been getting more frequent over the last several weeks, but she’d tried to keep it down. A dinner of Dango and noodles followed by plenty of rocking boat apparently wasn’t a winning combination. Her eyes still firmly closed, she sighed through her nose, ”I think some strong tea would help. I think. I guarantee nothing at this point.” A small smile crossed her lips.
Her hand waved, flapping in the air next to her, ”No no no, I’m fine, I’m… Well… Perhaps so, yes.” She chuckled miserably, ”I think I may have been a bit too early declaring that I wasn’t feeling sick yet.” She was suddenly regretting half of her dinner being Dango, but she’d never let Rhaq’a know that. She’d never hear the end of it. She could only play the It was a random craving! card so many times.

She held onto his arm, making her way with him to the beach. Some salt air should help her feel better. If not, at least it was pretty and romantic! Besides, she always found it sweet when Rhaq’a voluntarily stopped work for a few moments to dote on her. She did the same for him, but it was always nice when it flowed both ways. She wasn’t accustomed to being doted on, but Rhaq’a had definitely taught her to love it!
She nodded, looking over towards the right, ”I do like the sound of a view of the beach. Let’s go that way, figure out how this place is laid out, and then go from there?” She paused, pondering, ”I cannot imagine finding much of what we need at the main strip shops.” She suddenly brightened, grinning somewhat wickedly, ”Besides, I’ve heard of all sorts of concoctions that could help me out on this trip~”

Her tiredness suddenly fading away, she took his arm in hers and began striding forward down the path, only managing a few steps before slowing and bending over somewhat, slightly out of breath, ”Okay… Maybe you’re on to something dear… Perhaps heavy exertion isn’t the best plan.” She looked up, a smile still fixed on her face, ”At least I’m not feeling sick to my stomach yet!”
A small nod was the only reply she could make, her eyes drinking in the sights around them, ”I don’t think we’ve been together before; it makes it much lovelier.” Her sappiness was oozing hard with a mixture of deep, abiding love and not being awake. With a small groan, she stood, accepting his offered hand. As they disembarked, she looked around, closing her eyes and letting the feel of the wind and the smells of the housing district run past her.

After a few moments, she opened her eyes again and looked around in earnest. ”That… That is an excellent question.” She looked around their immediate area, not seeing anything resembling a map. ”I suppose we could just choose a direction and start going, if you like.” She gave a small shrug, ”I’m not terribly picky. Just so long as we get back to the inn at a decent hour. I may have reservations.” She gave his arm a quick squeeze, a small chuckle escaping her lips.
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