Avatar of Roran Hawkins
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Roran Hawkins
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Roran Hawkins 10 yrs ago


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Can you take a more detailed picture of it? Currently the details are hard to judge, and we can only see the anatomy and the proportions.
Kensuke Nimatsu - Konohagakure Team 7 Jounin

He handed the freshly awoken genin a bottle of water standing next to the bed, pressing the water in the boy's hands before straightening his bed a bit so he could drink. "You didn't too too shabby." Was all he said as he helped the blinded boy drink, before putting the water away again, and sitting down on his chair again. It hadn't been too long since he had arrived here, and Ezuri's early awakening was a good sign. Despite all precautions, every year there were genin casualties during the exams, something entirely unavoidable given the nature of them. He had been afraid that he'd sent his genin to suffer a similar fate, and had hoped that the experience they'd gain from this woul outweigh the dangers. It might've been a close call in the end, but he'd see if it was worth it sooner or later.
Alex Clark - Cabin Aftermath

Cody gave him a dirty look and shoved him out of the way as soon as he realized what Alex had done. The Pack was packing up and the opportunity to shoot Enrique was gone. Cody looked for a moment as if he wanted to say something, but then seemed to calm down and threw his rifle on the ground. He swore a lot before he leaned against a nearby tree. The present scouts shared the infuriated mood with Cody, but also all seemed to realize that fighting them would be futile. Not even all of them had firearms anymore. Alex walked over to the small group of hostages amongst which he at least recognized Danny and the woman he apparently knew. The one from Haywood. It seemed that she kept bearing the brunt of the Outpost's worst. He pitied them, being made into victims of the Outpost's scheming once again after everything from the past few days.They went inside the cabin to escape the sight of Sylar's brutalized remains, and most of the present scouts, now demoralized, followed them inside. Alex grunted and grabbed his pitchfork. At least he didn't bring the damn thing for nothing.

Entering the cabin together with Cody and two others who had helped bury the remains of Sylar, Alex sighed audibly. Today sucked. All of the tension of yesterday, the night before and this morning was starting to weigh on him, and he knew that if he sat down and closed his eyes he'd fall asleep. Then again, he still had something to do. Walking over to where Danny was arguing with Shannon, he barged into their conversation, taking a seat nearby. He wouldn't usually have done something that blunt, but not now. He was exhausted, and something had to be done. "How'd you guys get involved in this bloody crap?" He asked as he noticed that the pitchfork he had placed against the wall fell on the ground with a loud clattering noise. He sighed and decided it was too much effort to pick it up, awaiting an answer from Danny or the woman instead.
Alex Clark - Cabin Aftermath

Cody gave him a dirty look and shoved him out of the way as soon as he realized what Alex had done. The Pack was packing up and the opportunity to shoot Enrique was gone. Cody looked for a moment as if he wanted to say something, but then seemed to calm down and threw his rifle on the ground. He swore a lot before he leaned against a nearby tree. The present scouts shared the infuriated mood with Cody, but also all seemed to realize that fighting them would be futile. Not even all of them had firearms anymore. Alex walked over to the small group of hostages amongst which he at least recognized Danny and the woman he apparently knew. The one from Haywood. It seemed that she kept bearing the brunt of the Outpost's worst. He pitied them, being made into victims of the Outpost's scheming once again after everything from the past few days.They went inside the cabin to escape the sight of Sylar's brutalized remains, and most of the present scouts, now demoralized, followed them inside. Alex grunted and grabbed his pitchfork. At least he didn't bring the damn thing for nothing.

Entering the cabin together with Cody and two others who had helped bury the remains of Sylar, Alex sighed audibly. Today sucked. All of the tension of yesterday, the night before and this morning was starting to weigh on him, and he knew that if he sat down and closed his eyes he'd fall asleep. Then again, he still had something to do. Walking over to where Danny was arguing with Shannon, he barged into their conversation, taking a seat nearby. He wouldn't usually have done something that blunt, but not now. He was exhausted, and something had to be done. "How'd you guys get involved in this bloody crap?" He asked as he noticed that the pitchfork he had placed against the wall fell on the ground with a loud clattering noise. He sighed and decided it was too much effort to pick it up, awaiting an answer from Danny or the woman instead.
In Is RPGuild dying? 10 yrs ago Forum: News
I honestly don't see the problem. You think Iwaku is better. That's nice. Some people believe that the site is doing perfectly fine and all, which is also fine. I don't even have stats on it, and I honestly don't care. What if it is? Well, activity is dropping. Okay. That's cool. I really do not see the point of this discussion, except stirring up a fire. I am not going to write a long-ass post for this, since Prince summed up most of my arguments (Luckily I'm part of the community he absolutely hates. I love that guy. I can't decide what to think of him, really.). Anyhow, before I derail this thread or say something stupid;

my post guildfall avatar makes the fall worth it. *runs before the hate hits him*
Here it is:

Main issues I detected:

1) When drawing anything, composition is key. Especially when you have a bordered piece and it's supposed to be a real drawing, not a sketch. Therefor you best center youe subject. But how large should the subject be compared to the borders of your drawing? If you mentally divide your paper into three equally large strips (aka, 3x3 or a 9 cube field) it's ideal if your subject's main mass fills the center cube. I tried to show, but apparently the drawing program derped out a bit so it's not an ideal depiction.

2) I'll continue with anatomy and perspective. First and foremost comes the foreshortened arm. Due to placing your entire character in perspective and having the arm be outstretched towards us at a different angle you gave yourself quite the challenge, and it didn't quite come out that well. Foreshortening is just very hard. Practice is key, and use references. Lots. When drawing the body in perspective though you have to keep in mind that the side closest to the viewer will be larger aswell. I illustrated it here. As you can see in the drawover, you made the same mistake with the fairy wings.

To continue on true anatomy, you'll have to keep working on getting the proportions right, as every artist in existance will have to. The better you get at it, the more realistic and believable drawings you can make, regardless of how detailed or simple your style is. I could sum up the anatomical errors you made, but that'd be nitpicking and annoy the both of us. The drawover wasn't perfect either, because my drawing is kinda borked up aswell as it is now, but I'm too lazy to make further corrections. Her body is a tad too long, and her back is perfectly straight, which makes it weird-looking because she's floating and moving.

3) Pose. She seems to be standing while at the same time floating, and her left arm is just hanging straight down. By adding some small movement in the picture you can give the feeling something is going on and that the character is actually alive and breathing, and not a static robot just standing there. To learn it? Practice! In this case it helps to do pose-drawings of people doing stuff, ranging from standing around to doing flips. Once you get the hang of how people move even when standing still, you can, without reference, create a lot more believable and realistically looking characters.

4) Last but not least, concept. Perfect and normal and realistic anatomy is one thing, but as an artist you don't have to draw perfect humans at all time. The point of learning that is that once you can draw a 'perfect' human somewhat reliably, you can deviate from this and create a wild variaty of different characters in both build and stature. here you drew what I suppose to be a fairy or an elf. Despite that she feels rather sturdy and almost plump. They are known as very light and fragile looking creatures, (dependant on the lore elfs may or may not be sturdier in general qua looks, but still thinner than humans) and they have as a result very thin limbs, frail-looking joints and look like anorexic people in general. Since I don't know exactly what your intention was with this one, I'm going to leave it at this, and just give you the advice to manipulate anatomy (be careful with it though) to make a drawing more believable or fitting into a certain sphere.
Alex Clark - The Cabin

When Sylar challenged Enrique to one-on-one combat he nearly choked. He had done what? Had he set fire to the huts...? No way... That'd mean that he was directly responsable for all of this. But then another possibility dawned to him. Poking into the reason Enrique went batshit insane and left was the only possible way to take him down personally without getting all the other scouts involved. A good plan to save lives and get his revenge, and force to other scouts to surrender the stolen goods. Not that it was likely that they'd give those up, but it was a plan. One better than just shooting at them. But then came the next problem. Enrique had shown multiple times already that he was a mean, mean fighting machine. He was merciless, bloodthirsty and unstoppable when fighting, and Sylar just didn't seem a match for him. Nevertheless Alex kept a steady frown aimed at the two combatants as they initiated combat.

At first it seemed like none of them had the advantage, Enrique managing to get Sylar to the ground, but taking some devastatingly painful hits in the proces. Sylar seemed to be holding up as Enrique spat out something and cursed loudly, before ending the fight by breaking Sylar's knee. Alex flinched as he saw the rest of the fight unfold, and watched in silence how Enrique brutalized Sylar untill there was little left of their leader. "Bloody idiot." He cursed when the batshit crazy man turned towards them, daring them to break Sylar's orders.

Personally he did not feel inclined to do so at all. Having withnessed the brutal death of Sylar he felt a lot less eager to fight, nevermind kill. Not that he had been in the first place. He looked at those Scouts next to him and saw the same sentiment reflected in their eyes, or at least hoped there was. But then he saw Cody raise his rifle, and Alex froze for a moment in fear, before he charged the young man, hoping he could prevent a bloodbath. They were ill-equipped, slightly outnumbered and low on ammo. Picking a fight now would mean certain death. They had had the element of surprise, but due to Sylar's plan, which he found increasingly stupid and suicidal now, that had been given away.

random sketching and attempts to learn a new style of shading. People told me they like the female on the right a lot, but personally I believe she's abhorrent. Seriously. No. A critique on it would be nice to have the opinion of someone with drawing experience.

@ Touch of Insanity, I'll see what I can do about a drawover on some of those.
Thomas Erhart - Squad 19

He ignored JP's complaints anf ollowed up on Noelle's question. It wasn't too bad to get to know eachother a bit better, right? "I'm from Trost. How about you guys?" Thomas replied, keeping the horse in a fast canter, the ideal speed for long endurance running for the military's horses, or so was thaught them. Stowing away the map he led the group towards the first objective, which seemed to be some kind of cave in a cliff. Or something vaguely resemblnig that. The person that drew this map should be tossed over the wall Thomas grumbled as he awaited the other's responses.
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