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Emma beard looks a bit like this but older and has a cute bandage on its arm:

Her pj bottoms look like this:

Just wanted to give you some pictures along with my description.
When Andria got into bed she now had a good look at Emma who was fast asleep. Being asleep Emma couldn't hold up all her barriers and make herself look stronger like she normally did so right now Andria was getting a gimps of the real Emma and it was down right adorable.

Emma was curled up in a little ball her short brown hair already in a messy bed head form. She was dressed in the t shirt she had had on earlier and a pair of pj bottoms which were purple with little white owls on them. She had the covers up to her shoulders but her roommate could still make out two things Emma had hopped to keep hidden from her.

As Emma sleeps her thumb rested in her mouth and she sucked softly on it. This was a habit she never grew out of but hid from everyone. She didn't do it every night only nights when she was really tiered or had a stressful day, it was comforting to her. Another comfort for Emma was also on show. In the 18 year old's arms was an old brown teddy bear with a cute little pink heart in the centre of it's chest. It wasn't a care bear it was clearly very old and looked like a more traditional bear. It seemed well loved.

As she slept Emma also made little noises. It was nothing loud enough to keep anyone up just cute little incoherent mumbles. As she mumbled away she would also sometimes wriggle about. Emma was a very active sleeper.
"I don't know really I just enjoy learning about ideas about our society and interactions between people. I don't really have a job in mind or anything I'm just doing what I enjoy the most." She said with a shrug.

When Belle offered for her to come to her room sometime Emma looked shocked. The only real reason she had been so relaxed talking to her was in the back of her mind she was thinking she is only talking to you cause she is your RA she won't be your friend however this suggested differently. Emma bit her lip kinda nervously in a cute fashion for a second before a smile spread across her face."That sounds great, I have quite allot of movies with me we could watch though." She said playing with the sleeves of her hoodie a bit. She looked rather adorable as she stood there looking like she was homeless or something and Belle had offered her a place to stay. She definitely seemed grateful.

"What kind of movies do you like?" Emma asked suddenly worried about bringing the wrong kinda movie if she asked her to bring something.
Partner Requirements

1. You need to be able to post at least once a day.
2. If you won't be able to post for a week or two that's fine just tell me in advance and don't just vanish.
3. You need to be able to post at least two in-depth posts, I get some posts need to be shorter than others, but I do still want to know your characters thoughts and feelings.
4. Spelling is not a big deal to me at all. I am dyslexic myself so will make mistakes sometimes. However the rp still needs to be readable and I want it written in proper paragraphs none of this * and they did this* kinda stuff.
5. You need to be able to talk to me about your ideas and brain storm with me to come up with a plot that works well for our both.
6. You need to have fun :)

Story Idea 1:Family rp

You would play a doctor who has just started work at a mental institution. You can be male or female and as young or old as you like. At the institution the doctor meets a teenage girl who has been in the institution ever since she had a break down after witnessing her parents death. The girl has allot of issues but is very loving and in need of care. You think it would be best for her if she was in a more loving environment so you take her in.

Now depending on how we want this story to go you could be single or have a husband or wife. This rp will mostly be a cute fluffy rp about family bonding. However if you do like f/f romance your character could have a teenage daughter or perhaps a younger sister who is a teenager who perhaps falls for my character.

Story Idea 2: f/f romance between patient and visitor

You play a teenage girl or young woman who's brother has been institutionalised. He is your only family after your parents die and your a very good sister and visit him as often as you can. One day while visiting him you meet my character who has an odd interest in you even though she hasn't interacted or even ignored other human beings for 10 years. Your character is curious about her and finds her rather cute and one day decides to come visit her.

I got this idea from this fanfic: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10074149/1/ we can make it as little or as much like this as you want.

Story Idea 3: f/f romance between two patients

This is a fairly basic rp where one of us plays a young woman who is new to the institution and the other plays one who has been there since she was a child. The institution will be low security and perhaps they become room-mates as they are seen as low risk.

All of these ideas are at the very basic stages just now so we can brain storm betweens us to how the rp will work. Also this is complete fiction I do know that facilities that help people with mental health issues are not like this.
Elsa's smile grew bigger as Anna spun around. She is so young and full of life...jeez I'm only two years older yet I sound like an old woman she thought as she covered her mouth with her hand cutely to hide her slight giggle at her sisters antics.

Anna's cute little pout made Elsa's heard swell even though it was fake. How on Earth can she be so cute? she thought. "Ok ok"She said and leaned in close to whisper "After the party if you behave I will let you have a drink ok, I just don't want you drinking during the party it will get us both in trouble." She said and thought also it's too hard to keep an eye on you at the party...and the chance to sit up with her after does sound great this gives us an excuse a little sad she even needed an excuse.

When she grabbed her hand Elsa blushed again but smiled loving at her sister. "Oh Anna you didn't need to get me anything but sure I would love to see." She said. Even though the sisters haven't talked in years they still got each other gifts every birthday and every Christmas, hell Anna sometimes even got Elsa cute little things for Valentines day and Easter.

Elsa acted like Anna didn't need to get her gifts but in fact they meant allot to her. Elsa had everything Anna had ever given to her. Some of it was on her walls like pictures Anna drew for her when she was little or the cute snow flakes she used to make her every Christmas. The rest of it was either displayed around her room or in a keep shake box in her closet. The box also had all the pictures of her and Anna together. Some of the picture's Elsa had placed on the wall, some she had even drew sketches of herself which were rather good. Elsa loved to draw, no one but Anna knew that. A few years ago Anna even bought Elsa some chocolate and Elsa had still kept the wrapper and had it in her keep shake box, she was planing on framing on the little things like that one day.

Elsa herself bought Anna amazing gifts. Every year since they were little Elsa has given Anna a drawing for her Birthday and Christmas. The drawings the last few year have been very impressive. The Christmas ones are always winter themed and the Birthday ones tend to show all the things Anna has to look forward to in the year ahead. As they got older along with the picture Elsa also got Anna a snow globe every winter. The girls both loved snow globes ever since they were little and Elsa put allot of effort into finding the best ones for Anna. Along with the snow globe every Christmas Anna got a jumper or something else warm to ware and a note saying she was to wrap up. Anna had a terrible habit of going out in the cold with not enough on. For Anna's Birthday Elsa would often make her a CD full of music she thought she would like, buy her some movies she thought she would like and would always give her some chocolates as it was another thing both the girls loved. The gifts shared between them were a way of communicating for Elsa. The music and DVDs were often ones she loved and had wished she could have listened to and watch with Anna but wasn't able to .
In the rp the legal drinking age will be 18 and I was thinking Anna will have a gift for Elsa. They always get each other gifts even though they don't talk I will say more about the gifts Elsa has gotten Anna over the years in my next post.
Elsa blushed softly at her sister's comment but smiled at how cheerful she seemed. She loved how much her younger sister could light up a room. She was always so bright and cheerful and always saw the best in people. It was that that made Elsa love her but also worry for her. Neither of the girls had had many experiences with other people but Elsa was far more wary of them which would keep her safe Anna would trust anyone.

"Oh um thanks Jane made me wear this"She said softly looking down at the dress Jane, her stylist made her wear.She then looked at Anna her eyes running over her. She is so beautiful she thought and smiled "You look really lovely Anna...really grown up." She said holding back a frown as she thought about how she missed her growing up.

"So you excited for the party?"She asked then noticed the drink in her hand "Um Anna your 16 no drinking"She said softly taking the class, which had champaign in it from her as she did her fingers brushed against Anna's and a small blush appeared on her cheeks.
Cool can't wait to see it yours posts are great :)
I was thinking you skip to when she comes back and finds Emma sleeping. I will describe what that is like in my next post :)
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