Avatar of Say Anything
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    1. Say Anything 9 yrs ago


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I came here to roleplay and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of gum!

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Very interested. Already have a pretty good idea of what I want to do. Can't wait to get involved if there's room!
Working on my first post right now. The set up so far looks really intriguing and I can't wait to see some more character interaction!
Can't wait to get started! I'm pretty excited.
To be honest, I might prefer this one rather than the other as it has a darker theme and I think it would fit better with my ship idea.

This reminds me a lot of Metro 2033 for some reason, except on ships instead of in subway tunnels and so I think the different factions could be pretty interesting and representative of that.
There is someone else working on an RP like this which I've already expressed my interest in, otherwise I would jump on this. If yours happens to be going on and the other doesn't work out, I would definitely be interested because I love the idea!
The Waterborne idea is super rad and I'd love to do something like that. Already have ideas!!
Can't wait to get started! I'm very excited and already have a lot in mind as to how I'm gonna start off.
Out of curiosity, are there any remnants of Christianity aside from the Papacy or other current religions in Dust? Maybe not even religions from the old world but really diluted and changed versions, perhaps?

Name: Dùghall Begbie

Age: 43

Appeared Age: 50's

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 180 Pounds.

Eye Color: Green.

Hair Color: Dark black with flecks of grey.

Physical Disabilities: Weaker body due to years of intense physical labor and daily survival. Too much physical activity can put him out of the fight for half a day or more in extreme cases. His right leg was broken years ago and never healed back to it's original state, causing Dùghall extreme pain if he is to run for extended periods of time. Smoking for most of his life has greatly weakened his lungs, causing dust, smoke, and other substances to potentially send him into coughing fits and harm him.

Physical Identifiers:

  • Scar across his neck. Looks as if it were caused by a blade.
  • All ten of his fingers are tattooed above the knuckle.
  • Left ear is missing it's lobe.


  • Head: A short mess of curly salt and pepper hair is usually slicked back with natural oils. The lower right side of this mane almost appears to be shaved, revealing scar tissue resembling claw marks. Green eyes scrutinize their surroundings and seem to always be on the alert but the wrinkles underneath them give away a tired look. Grey facial hair is kept at stubble except for on the upper lip where it has been fashioned into a handle bar mustache which curls slightly upward at either end. A scar runs across the length of his neck and his left ear is missing it's lobe.
  • Torso: The man's torso is a testament to his physical aptitude required to survive, despite age. He doesn't have the body of a warrior or athlete but rather that of a gladiator. A large frame supports muscle, with a lack of fat causing skin to be pulled tight against this build. If it weren't for his frame, he would be lean and without the day to day training of a soldier, Dùghall is left without the appearance of a bodybuilder. A myriad of scars covers the man's chest, crisscrossing and intersecting each other. Most appear to be caused by bladework while the rest are a mix of claw and burn marks. His stomach has a crescent moon shaped mark, obviously made by a knife and several healed bullet wounds. The left side of his abdomen has a series of old burn marks. Several cartoonish faces of women are tattooed on his back and the left side of his chest has a some what faded tattoo of a heart.
  • Arms: Both of Dùghall's arms bulge with muscle, truly showing his strength. His arms are mostly free of tattoos except for two names on his upper right arm, 'Aileen' and 'Esme', and a star at the crease between his upper and lower left arm. There are a few marks left from grazing bullets and other miscellaneous accidents on both arms.
  • Legs: There isn't much to note about Dùghall's legs. They are the least muscled part of his body and there are almost no marks except for an 'x' shaped scar on his right knee and a tattoo of the words 'Bad Idea' just above his left ankle.
  • Hands: Both of his wrists are home to many scars left behind by blades. Dùghall's hands and fingers are covered in nicks from both his work and marks of combat. Each of his fingers is tattooed with charms above the knuckle from left to right starting with the left pinky in this order: A crescent moon, a skull, a noose, a cleaver, an E, a 13, a pistol, a tooth, a sun, and an A.


Residence: N/A.

Profession(s): Gunsmith, Mercenary, Bandit.

Aligned Faction: N/A.


  • Aileen Bigbe - Wife (Deceased)
  • Esme Bigbe - Daughter (Deceased)
  • Markus Bigbe - Brother (Whereabouts unknown)
  • Unknown Parents



  • .357 Revolver: Hardly anything special, Dùghall's revolver is an old pistol that was one of his first crafts as a gunsmith. It's always served him well, so he's never seen a reason to get rid of it.
  • Model 700 Bolt Action Rifle: A rifle looted from a caravan that Dùghall's crew raided. Works pretty well but jams easily.
  • Machete:
A worn out machete that Dùghall uses should close combat occurs. It's not very sharp anymore and has a lot of nicks in it but serves well as a bludgeoning tool, beating huge cuts into Dùghall's enemies.

Armor: Regular clothing with a piece that fits over the torso to protect vital organs. This piece was handcrafted by a neighboring business in Archlight and consists of wool padding on the inner layer for a comfortable wear, thick leather on the outer leather to prevent penetration, and wooden squares fitted on the outside to weaken impact. Dùghall also often wears a leather cap to protect from basic head trauma and elbow/knee pads.


  • Dirty Rounds: 59. (30 - rifle, 29 - revolver)
  • High Grade Rounds: 6. (revolver)
  • Heavy Ammunition:

  • Matches
  • Handmade gas mask
  • Container of bullets
  • Canned food
  • Bag of tobacco
  • Pipe
  • Flask
  • Bottle of liquor
  • Bottled water
  • Rags
  • Change of clothes
  • Medicinal herbs
  • Half empty bottle of painkillers
  • Bottle of antibiotics

Miscellaneous: Dùghall has a picture of his wife, child, and himself which was commissioned by a local artist for a small pay.


  • Craftsman: Dùghall is an exceptional craftsman and can create just about anything given the proper materials. The best thing about making your own guns is that you know they won't fail you!
  • Sure Shot: Marksmanship comes from practice and Dùghall has had plenty of time to do as much. His familiarity with guns has also helped in this aspect.
  • Tough: The man is generally tough, having been through a lot of pain both physically and mentally. He can shrug off a lot of damage before being incapacitated.


  • Alcoholic: Liquor will always be there for Dùghall even when nobody else is. It helps him go to sleep at night and makes him feel better about the generally terrible situations he puts himself in. It's strange when he isn't at least a little drunk and the withdrawals he faces from not drinking are problematic.
  • Quick Temper: He gets pretty pissed off when things don't go his way and isn't afraid to show it.
  • Never Again: Dùghall has never truly gotten over the loss of his family and tends to avoid getting close to people. He doesn't trust himself to be dependable to others.
House is def the best option and independent Vegas is basically like the rest of the Wasteland, I take it.

and my disappointment in the DLC is because they feel too goofy to me, even by over the top Fallout standards. Plus it feels like they never end.
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