Avatar of Scarlet Angel94
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 89 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Scarlet Angel94 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Being chased around Oxford, England by bad guys in The Elementals - Why do I get the feeling that it Europe is about to be come Elemental Playground? This is going to be interesting to say the least.
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I'm a History & Literature Double Major - Soon to be a Junior. I'm 21, lived most of my life in South Carolina. I write novels and a friend recommended this to me for writing exercises with a character I had put on the back burner because I had lost ideas for the story. Now I get to see him interact in the world!

I don't really know what kind of roleplayers/partners I'm looking for seeing as I've never done this before. But someone who can take hints well, and roll with the punches would be nice. A partner who can maybe give me ideas and vice versa? And someone who can take my odd sense of humor Ex: "People like you make me want to commit heinous crimes against humanity." *Jaden from The Elementals* and I thought that was funny....maybe not everyone got that he was joking though....heh...we've all met someone like that.

My Current RPG's:

The Elementals

My Character: Jaden Thurston, Iron.

And at current....myself and three other characters are being chased all over Oxford, England...I wonder what'll come next. o.O? Well, let's just wait and see....that's all I got for now.

Sayonara! (=^.^=)

Most Recent Posts

Dan has some... Odd beliefs. He is a staunch believer in Bigfoot, Hodags, Jersey Devil, etc.

What about hell hounds?
Saya frowned as her bangs fell into her eyes. She at current was sitting at a train station waiting on a group of very frustrating, annoying, and damn near sneaky brats. Saya knew it would be a bit hard to sort things out with the group but she had never thought that tailing a group of people would be this hard! She puffed out her cheeks and looked around her as people gossiped a bit at her appearance. She narrowed her eyes and leaned back against the bench.

"So....Jaden, the Iron Elemental....Aria and Aura Thomas - the Hydrogen and Helium users....and the other two....damn Toshiro! Why is it they were the only ones we could get the names of!" She tisked at the fact that the man seemed to be able to get so much, but at the same time - completely fail.

"Naze....watashi?" she glanced at the sky through the window she was near, her gold eyes catching the rays.

So far she had been half way to getting near Italy and then was called by Toshiro to head back towards the area of England - they would stop near Heathrow, get on a boat, and then be to Italy. How they were going to do that she had no idea, but she really hoped that they were able to avoid being detected.

"Ever since that broadcast in New York City went off....I've been getting a bad feeling...."

She sighed and looked at the large old clock on the wall and puffed out her cheeks.

"Naze....watashi...." she asked why she had to deal with all this insanity, but knew someone had to.

"I guess this is going to pay off but....WHY THE HELL DID I GET THE HARD HEADED SNEAKY ONES?!" Her face flushed in irritation and she took a deep breath.

This was going to be a long wait.
"First of all, what are you doing? Secondly, my name is Jaden! And lastly Maria is not my aunt! she's just my father's old friend."

God what was he even doing? Aria was the one who at current had him worried. He sighed and felt a sudden urge to bash his head against something. Dan was doing something with the window, Chloe....he wasn't even sure. Aura - he didn't even want to know.

"What am I doing by agreeing to go globe trodding with these people? And on top of that they don't seem to keen on talking at the moment...not that I blame them in all honesty...."

They had been forced away from family, and were left running away from a psycho who could do unmentionable things to them if he got them. Right now though he felt guilty. Aria and Aura hadn't wanted this to happen - he hadn't wanted to force them away from their parents - Jaden was also positive that Chloe and Dan had family potentially looking for them or wondering why they hadn't come home yet. They couldn't contact them in case something happened and they were tailed, none of them could connect to the others who knew them to let them know that they were okay.

"When we get to Italy...Maria can probably show us what to do and help us get to America...she may even know where we'll be safest....so lets just try and keep ourselves calm and get through this...I think we can avoid that man as long as we're careful."

Careful, how much more careful could they be? Changing their appearances, their names, nationalities, and their potential futures. What would they do if people found their families? Even Jaden had relatives he didn't want to see get caught up in this mess - but what could they honestly do? Nothing, and it made him feel pathetic.

"Just wait it out, we can make it through these trials so long as we keep looking forward."
Chloe may not be too interested, but I am despite it being pseudoscience. Please tell. ^^

You may have to google that one. I'll let you know if I find anything though. I've studied it for a few years so some I'm recalling from my previous research, and some I'm having to look into again. Alchemy books are hard to find if they are fact and not fantasy.
I think I'm out for tonight guys. 11:07pm, I'm sick and I may have to go to class in the morning. See you guys tomorrow.

this is where I pulled Aria's from. The other two I read in a book back in highschool. I did a research project on the "Unknown Sicence of the Old World" and it kind of stuck in some areas. You can see at the bottom of the list of things that Fire Represents it says "The Untamed" I thought that suited her spirit and her element.
Oh by the way I found out about Aria's symbol: She's the secondary symbol for fire - The Untamed. Interesting, I was poking around and I think I found other Metal based elemental statements for Alchemical-Chemistry transfer meanings.

Jaden - Iron - The Guardian

Aura - Helium - The Judge

Aria - Hydrogen - The Untamed.

I believe I have found some others pertaining to chlorine base elements - gases, and something for Radiation. I'm still looking but I'll let you guys know, if you want me to tell you that is. I'm not sure you want to know something that's from a psudo-science. I just kind of found it interesting.
Sometimes I wonder about people....oh boy....you most certainly are one of a kind.
"I remember bits and pieces, Chlorine wasn't discovered until the Victorian Era...Alchemy died out in the first half of the seventeen hundreds. Sorry Chloe, I don't think there is an Alchemical character regarding your element....things like Hydrogen and Helium don't really have one either...they weren't discovered for a long time. Iron and forms of Radiation were speculated for centuries...some of the elements on the periodic table are ancient elements...and don't look at me like I'm weird! I know I am okay?"

He'd seen the look she'd given him early, and he knew it well but decided not to dwell on it right now. He looked at the pixie of a girl beside him and her Ice Queen sister and felt himself internally shutter. Ice, yes that had a character. Waves, or a triangle representing Life and also Stagnation. The Judge.

"Ice is a water base, thus....it had a symbol - two in fact. The Judge, because of the properties of giving and taking. There's an upside down triangle symbolizing stable water, and waves also known as Aquarius - the Water Bearer in the Zodiac as living water. Thus they sprang forth Tarot Cards and what-not. So Aura is...The Judge. I am the Guardian....if you let me think I might be able to come up with the basic principles and that would make sense but....Aria...she's fire....that might...be difficult....sorry."

Now he knew they were gonna think he was the strangest person in existence - well they were all in the same boat weren't they - and then he looked to Dan. Radiation, if he thought on it the sun gave off ultra-violet rays and it was a form of fire so him and Aria both may have a similar character. He shook his head feeling a throb in his frontal lobe before almost crossing his eyes. He needed to stop thinking, before he over did it again. Sometimes having a good memory was a bad thing - especially on top of stress.

"So, in Italy whose up for a walk to the country side? Maria should be there...."
of what, embarassement? or AROUSAL

Little vulger much?
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