Avatar of ScienMalefica
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 322 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ScienMalefica 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Best month of my life these last few weeks, which is surprising for me
8 yrs ago
Just came back from an 8 month hiatus yay
9 yrs ago
1 like
9 yrs ago
Who knew how easy it is to be forgotten?
9 yrs ago
What did I do with my life before I found out you can drink custard?



ScienMalefica here, pleased to meet you. Call me Sci, Scien, Mal, Malefica, Viceroy Palatine Hildebrand Coltin Asshat IV, whatever you want really I don't mind. If you wanna talk feel free to pm me. If you don't.... why are you stalking my page? C'mon whoever you are, pm me I don't bite. Well not much, and since I'm online you should be safe.

Kind Regards,

Most Recent Posts

*Applying for Yellow King*

Makoto Guroi



Brain Burst Installed/Burst Linker?:


Avatar Appearance

Dueling Avatar Name:

•Sunshine Nephilim

Dueling Avatar Appearance


• King
• Lvl 9




@Liriia Saaaame
>Snippety Snip<

Jordan Pan

Age: 16
Power: Flight
Bio: Peter Pan and Wendy Darling's son

Makoto Guroi



• Telepathy - 10
Non-Magical Combat:

• Knives - 10
Support Skills:

• Persuasion - 6
• Lying - 4
Notable Items:

• Butterfly knife
• Five throwing knives
• Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game
• Orson Scott Card's Ender's Shadow
• Mp3 player (with earphones)

Makoto Guroi



• Emotional Magic (Reading and changing emotions) - 7
• Telepathy - 3
Non-Magical Combat:

• Knives - 10
Support Skills:

• Persuasion - 6
• Lying - 4
(Will fill out later, gotta go for now)
Notable Items:

• Butterfly knife
• Five throwing knives
• Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game
• Orson Scott Card's Ender's Shadow
• Mp3 player (with earphones)
Sera Kennithson

Sera's reaction was quick, almost instinctively activating her magic which was a new feat to say the least, usually it required intensive concentration. The two knives she owned burst out of her bag and circled her coming to a floating rest pointed at the newcomer. Perhaps it was because she had already enchanted the two weapons? She would have to experiment with it later... after she fixed the hole they had caused. What to do next didn't come so naturally, she sort of sat there for a moment or two. And then she threw what remained of her coffee over him, yelling "And who in the hell are you!" as she did so.


The pink-haired boy, the one Mikkish had been fighting, appeared out of nowhere and began speaking about how he was interested in learning blood magic. The surprise hadn't hit Prism as intensely as it had Sera as she had been feeling another life force following them around, but she hadn't expected it to be him. Or another human being.

Sera had whirled around, weapon ready, and the commotion had attracted the eyes of the cafe's patrons. Grimacing to herself, Prism stood slowly and placed a hand on Sera's shoulder. "You might wanna drop that. He's not here to cause trouble, although I think we may have overstayed our welcome here." She let her gaze wander around their little group before settling on Jacket. "Seriously, I think the owner has a shotgun in there. Unless you want a mouthful of shells, I recommend we go out, do our business, and settle grievances when we're not inside a place that could burn to the ground."

Her body hummed with adrenaline that begged to be released. She knew that with the lack of fighting, she would have to devote this excess of energy to working out. A light groan escaped her lips. That would be boring as hell. The wait had better be worth it.

Giving a wide grin at the knives in front of him, Joseph gently put his finger on the blade, pricking his finger and putting the finger in his mouth, tasting his blood. "Delicious. Now, as the drug addict child star said, you might wanna drop that, would be a shame if I had to defend myself and hurt anyone," he grinned, still looking for a fight. All the excitement at people here who could hopefully match and surpass him made Joseph buzz with excitement.

"Seriously, I think the owner has a shotgun in there. Unless you want a mouthful of shells, I recommend we go out, do our business, and settle grievances when we're not inside a place that could burn to the ground."

Joseph smiled at the supposed drug addict's logic. He supposed it was true, it wouldn't be the first time he encountered a less than friendly store owner, although most of the time that was due to mysteriously disappearing stock whenever he was there. Joseph gave a chuckle at that thought as he returned the storekeeper's glare. "Well, I'm out of here, if any of you losers wanna come with, I'm not stopping you," he grinned, walking out the store. No need to steal anything, wouldn't want to ruin an excellent first impression he gave the group. At least that's how it was in his mind.

Jordan Pan

Age: 16
Power: Flight
Bio: Peter Pan and Wendy Darling's son
This looks great, tickle me interested
Seems interesting, I'm up to join
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