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    1. Sethrine 10 yrs ago


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Damien had not expected the turn of events. He was almost sure that should would stall long enough to get more information out of him, bit no. He miscalculated, and for that, he deserved the punishment comimg his way. It didn't mean he wouldn't throw every verbal threat he could summon at the Angel before him.

He backed away from Genevieve quickly and hit the furthest wall away from the bars, his clawed hand coming up to the injection sight. Already, a sharp pain was blooming over the area and quickly spreading. It felt as if his skin was sizzling, being burned slowly by a quickly heating flame. He gave a long hiss as the feeling reached down his shoulder and through his chest.

"You ungrateful, winged wench!"

He jerked to the side suddenly as the holy solution continued its reach across his body, his muscles teitvhing and clenching from the horrid, burning tingle.

"You...you will get nothing from me...NOTHING! You and your flock will... burn for this! Your flock will FALL because of your insolence! Hnngh!"

His breaths came out hard and uneven, his limbs trembling as he tried to pull his mind from his body, to attempt to ignore the pain. Every nerve ending was alight with agony, regardless, and all he could do was ride out the effects and hope the next time wasn't nearly as bad.
She was still adamant on wanting to use her means of torture, it seemed. That victory had really gotten to the Angel's head, so it seemed. Perhaps it was about time for Damien to change tactics a little. Mind games was his usual way of going about things, and though he had been subtle about it before, it was high time he threw himself into his role.

He settled for giving a defiant growl, the sound low and more of a warning than a threat. He threw in a few nervous glances to the syringe for added effect.

"You can try every tactic you wish, but you will not get anymore information from me, neither where to find any more of the relics nor where I've hidden-"

He paused for dramatic effect, turning his head away from her gaze as if surprised he had even mentioned anything in the first place.
When Genevieve entered the cell with another cuff and snapped it on his wrist, Damien gave a deep scowl at the action. He had hoped there would be no need to replace the second cuff after having made the wager to get it off. It seemed that after achieving the first relic, however, the Angels had grown cocky with their victory. Genevieve was no exception, ultimately being the one with the greatest power over him and choosing this time to enforce it once more. He began to wonder briefely if his plan would be worth all this work.

When the redheaded Angel pointed out the holy water once again, the sandy haired demon gave a mocking scoff.

"You expect me to bend to your whim? How utterly childish of you. And here I thought you were smarter than that."

His eyes narrowed challengingly, all but daring her to use her torture on him. He wasn't a Knight of Hell for nothing, even if he did tend to solve his problems with logic over physical harm.

"You got information from me the first time through cooperation, did you not? What's to say I wouldn't go for it again?"
Damien was led back to the place where he was brought first-hand, a hotel disguised under a sort of magic to look like a run-down building to the humans. When he entered the foyer of the place, his sudden appearance without a blindfold and holding Genevieve's limp body was not met with the happiest of reactions. There was alot of shouting, many flustered Angels running here and there as others pulled out swords and dished out threats.

It was finally Adam who took action and took Genevieve from his arms before several Angels under his command grabbed at Damien and literally forced him to his holding cell. He snarled and growled for what it was worth, though he did nothing to attempt harm on the flocklings as they all but threw him in his cell and left him. They should have been greatful he hadn't attempted to kill Genevieve. Ungrateful holy geese!

With a frustrated growl, he began to trace his demonic seal into the ground, his power leaving behind a thin line of black with the effort. He then created a smaller seal within his own, the completion of both causing the symbols to glow a bright red.

"Thy master calls to thee, Zani. Rise from the depths of Hell and heed his call."

A swirl of smokey blackness swirled from the center of the symbols before dissipating, leaving in its wake a bright blue-eyed, black haired woman with an impossibly wide smirk on her red-painted lips.

"Damien, what a pleasant surprise. We began to wonder where you ran off to." She looked around the cell, giving a low wistle. "Talk about high mantenance means."

"I'm being held captive by a flock of Angels," Damien said simply, catching the attractive demoness's attention.

"I can only assume it's because you let them have you. You got a plan in mind?"

Damien gave his own smirk at the question.

"Assemble the troops; build up the army and come to me when they're ready. You will only have to wait for my word. These Angels are after the Relics of Asra, and once they've collected them all, we will take them by force and kill the flock before they can activiate the relics' true power."

Zani gave a shudder and a wicked grin.

"Oh, I love when you talk dirty to me! Your soldiers will be excited for their holy blood."

"As am I," he responded, and with a flourish of her hands, the demoness disappeared, as did the symbols scrawled across the cement floor. Damien's smirk remained strong even as he sat down to rest and heal. Those winged rats wanted to play hard? He could play hard.

As the day started anew, Damien was aware that his shoulder was doing much better. There was still a dull ache that was present, though he was able to fully use his arm without the painful pull that had been there since the fight yesterday. As he stood and rotated his arm to get the stiffness out of it, Genevieve made her presence. She was already down to business. This time around, Damien wasn't so caring to comply.

"How's that head of yours, still throbbing? I thought you were stronger than that, Angel."

He was still inwardly seething at the way he had been treated by her flock last night.

"Imagine your flock's surprise when I came in carrying your unconscious body, oh, the utter shock was priceless! Of course, who's to blame for the incompetence of one Angel's skill over a demon's...generocity to keep said Angel alive?"

His words came out in a slight hiss before he pulled away from the bars to calm himself, chuckling somewhat. He ignored her questioning about another relic's location, instead choosing to tread into uncharted territory.

"That Adam fellow seems to hate me most of all. How quaint of him."
Damien watched closely as Genevieve steadied herself and made for the object, pressing in the prongs to reveal yet another hidden compartment where the true relic resided. It was surely a magnificent piece, the structure small and almost resembling a key of some sort. It looked to be made of both gems and several metals, and at the end of the piece was the carved symbol of the Relics of Asra.

As Genevieve gazed at the relic, Damien was aware of the slight sway in her movements. Though they had all sustained injuries during the fight, it seemed the redheaded Angel had been dealt the brunt of the wounds and was beginning to suffer from bloodloss. He had dealt with many demonic forces, being a demon himself, and had not been injured nearly as badly as the small flock. This would hinder their progress out of the catacombs.

With a forced sigh, Damien took hold of Genevieve and hoisted her up into his arms, his piercing eyes, having turned back to their normal red color, narrowed just slightly. The other two Angels made to protest, the male reaching for his sword, when Damien gave a frustrated growl.

"Your leader is injured," he began in frustration, "as are the both of you. If we want to make it out of here quickly so that we can tend to her wounds, I suggest you let me take her."

Though very hesitant to allow such an action, his point was spot-on. The other two Angels would struggle to support Genevieve with their own wounds, and though Damien himself was suffering from a possibly broken shoulder, he was more easily able to adjust her weight without much pain.

The two Angels agreed to the notion, though one led the way out of the catacombs as one followed him out. As they made their way back to the graveyard, Damien pondered momentarily the reason behind Genevieve's rather extreme injuries. She would heal just fine, he had no doubts of that. She was stronger than that of her flock, however, nearly as strong as he was at full-

Wait, was it because of the cuff? He knew some of the symbols on them were to restric his power, but was it somehow effecting her own? How interesting.
Ooo, lucky! I would absolutely love to go to a live show. But money and traveling issues...so...yeah.

Guess I'm sticking to the podcasts, for now

I kind of look like I've got a smirk thing going on...not sure how I managed that.
It took a moment for the Angel to get her bearings together, but once she, did her and Damien took action. The eyes were the weakest point, so it was only natural for both of them to charge at the gargoyle leader's head. It was a trial-and-error shot, and it ended with both Genevieve and Damien being struck by the large gargoyle's staff. Damian was then pushed to the ground by the Angel leader, with her landing on top of him.

He gave a somewhat startled, displeased sort of look at the action as Genevieve shot back up and used her wings to her advantage. Her next attack was successful, though it didn't come without consequence. This was Damien's opportunity to take the stone beast out once and for all. As it bellowed out a painful roar and flailed about trying to remove the sword lodged in its eye, Damien took his procured staff and gave it a twirl as he launched himself at the gargoyle. He was able to block the uncoordinated attack being sent his way and drove the staff deep into its other eye. A deafening roar made the room tremble before the gargoyle leader exploded into sparkling dust and bits of stone.

Damien looked to Genevieve, noticing both the faint glow of the symbol as well as the poor state the Angel was in. He walked forward, flanked by her worried flockmates, and made to stand beside her, placing his hand against the cool rock. The symbol gave a burst of bright light before cracking along the middle, the split dividing the rock into two separate doors that revealed a pedestal holding what looked to be a chunk of stone with prongs at the end if it, a swirl of symbols swirling down its smooth, marblelike surface .

In an act of what could have been mistaken for kindness, Damien took hold of Genevieve by her shoulders and guided her forward. She was stronger than he had previously made her out to be.

"Your prize awaits you."
Damien was charged from the side by a gargoyle that used a staff. He narrowly escaped damage by the staff and attempted an attack on the stone beast. Despite his good hits on several possible weak points, he was unable to slow the gargoyle's strangely quick and rather effective attacks. After another hit and an attempt at using his demonic power, he was surprised by a side-swipe and was launched into a wall.

Damien growled in anger as he staggered momentarily to his feet, taking a moment to assess his damage (his shoulder felt contorted, perhaps a bone cracked somewhere) as well as look to the others. Genevieve had just given an order to one of her flock to aim for the eyes, and it seemed to be effect. Damien looked to the left and once again got caught in an attack. This time, he used the force of the momentum to his advantage and was able to turn the staff against the gargoyle and straight intoone of its eyes. It gave a defeaning screech as Damien pulled the staff from the ruptured socket and impaled the opposite side. The stone beast gave a final roar as its body froze and burst into dust.

That was three down.

Damien turned to seek out another gargoyle and found an injured Genevieve getting ready for the attack coming her way. He growled and rushed forward with his new weapon, swinging the staff with a lace of his power and landing a hit on the gargoyle, its head cracking all the way around before it became a pile of dust.

"We're not done yet, Angel," he bit out, his words laced with the slightest bit of pain. That hit had made things worse, it seemed.

"Your flockmates are handling the small ones; we should be able to take down the leader."
Damien should have expected the Angel to take the route she had decided upon. He himself would have attempted the left. Ah, such was the nature of a demon looking for the more difficult, perhaps even more dangerous path.

They made their way down the extended corridor until it opened into a large room, its circular expanse lined with stone gargoyles depicting different faces but having roughly the same shape and build. As Genevieve stepped more into the room, the giant beasts began to move.

"I am uncertain. These things are not under my jurisdiction; I cannot judge what they will attempt."

As he said this, a massive gargoyle that he been resting upon a pedestal just above the symbol across the room began to detatch itself from its perch. It rose into the air before landing hard just before Genevieve, its action causing the room to shake and dust to roll with the gust of motion it caused. This looked to be the leader of the monstrosities

"Who dares enter the sacred catacombs of Marcus Fortuna?" the gargoyle bellowed, its voice so incredibly deep and rumbling that the sound could be felt vibrating the floor.

Damien moved forward and stepped before Genevieve.

"I am Damien, Knight of Hell. I've come for one of the five Relics of Asra of which you guard."

"A Knight of Hell? You have no business here, hellspawn, nor fo the blesseds thst join you on your trespassing. The Relics of Asra were separated and hidden so that neither the blessed nor the damned could use them for their power. To bring them together will surely cause destruction."

Damien scowled at the gargoyle.

"Move aside, or we will take it by force."

The smaller gargoyles that had surrounded the room were now moving into position, surrounding the group and baring their clawed hands. At least three had long pointed staffs of their own to fight with. As they made their stances, the leader of the stoned beasts gave out a long growl.

"Then so be it!"
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