Avatar of Shayd
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 40 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Shayd 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I may be wandering, but I'm not lost.


Been roleplaying since D&D's First Edition, some times more actively than others. Love gaming, fantasy worlds, and writing. Might add more if my life becomes more interesting...

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Moved to Characters tab....
@Minimum Firstly, thanks for accepting me. I'm looking forward to this!---Secondly, I took the test (quite amusing, thank you!) and would like to know if you've decided which classes you'll disallow. Some are obvious, of course, and, I must admit, I have not read all 100 of them! Before I write my CS, I'd like to make sure it's okay. My result was The Silver Hand, if that helps
@Mardox Thanks for the suggestion. Sorry, I started my intro off a bit tongue-in-cheek there
@MardoxThank you for the warm greeting. To be clear, when my husband says that, I believe he means it to be a compliment, of sorts. It usually precedes being asked to fix his phone or computer, due to something foolish he's done.

You'll have to bear with me, as I'm an old-school gamer, and in my heyday, there weren't so many variations and options LOL I've been cruising the forums to familiarize myself, and I'm looking forward to having new experiences here. I do believe I will be a fan of nation RPs and there is no genre more dear to my heart than fantasy!

This would be a new experience for me....interested.
An intriguing idea. Interested.
New to the guild, with nothing but time on my hands. Looking forward to meeting you all and making new friends. (Friends who won't call me "geek" like my husband does....)
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