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    1. Sheffield 10 yrs ago


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Katelyn said
Well, lets do this - you and I will work together because there are a good handful of cops that need something to do and you being one guy and planning the show is out because I'm so dominate it hurts. So we can talk about our plans and you've of course got creative license like we all do, but step on my toes and Lauren will step on your dick. :) Good times!! Nice to meet you, btw.

I never intended to boss any of your officers around, if that's the image you were getting. To clarify, I meant that Edwin is really there due to the fact that he believes taking down the Jagielski family will ultimately result in the advancement of his career within the ATF Agency. Edwin is thus determined to ensure he's the one to bring the gang down, or his time there is a waste, in his eyes anyway. When I said working independently, I meant simply that the ATF are likely to be performing different work than perhaps that compared to those specifically in the Major Crimes Unit. The two will still be co-operating and working together since they ultimately want to achieve the same thing, and Edwin isn't going to be bossing anybody in the MCU around.

(Though I would add Edwin, as stated earlier, is only concerned about advancing his career and making sure he gets the credit.)

Hell, I'm confusing myself just writing this! To save my waffling, yes, I understand what you mean. Again to save my waffling, when I say Edwin may be performing different work at points, he's going to be making deals that he may not initially tell the local authorities of, if he believes it will ensure he gets the credit for taking the gang down. That sorta' thing.
Edwin may not be able to make the initial meeting, since he's already got some scheming and plots lined up to take care of at the beginning of the rp ;)
Depends on how long the meeting is, I guess.

Although after his initial business, he'll be straight down to the police station, though likely to simply discuss existing files and what-not regarding the Jagielski Family. I'd imagine the local police and ATF would work somewhat independently, though be available to give each other a hand should it be required.

Edit: For example, ATF will certainly require backup from the local authorities should a raid be planned, or a high-profile arrest be made. On the other hand, local authorities may request information regarding a certain gang or what-not from ATF Intelligence
Katelyn said
COPS - I spoke with X and if you're a cop (other than Sherman), you're going to be part of Lauren's new Major Crimes Unit and our first stop in the IC when it opens will be to have a quick meeting for the new division and see where everyone is going and what we're doing. You'll be paired up to work in partners within the division itself.

When you say Sherman, d'ya mean Sheffield by any chance? I couldn't find a character named Sherman, and so I assume you meant me seeing as my character is apart of the ATF and will be arriving with his own team and what-not to deal with a specific issue. I'd imagine they'd be working alongisde the Major Crimes Unit, however,
Oh crikey. Poor ol' Edwin really did pick the wrong gang to try and take down, eh? I mean, that assassin scares the shit out of me!
That's scarily true.
Xtreme said
Both accepted of course, post them in the depository!

Thanks a bunch!
Let the manipulation begin!

Obligatory Music

Edwin Crusoe


Place of Birth:
Washington DC, America

Donald Crusoe (Father) - Currently in Washington DC
Allison Crusoe (Mother) - Currently in Washington DC
Jennifer Crusoe (Sister) - Currently in Washington DC

ATF Agent (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)

Edwin is a self-centered man, fueled by his ambition to reach the top of the ATF Agency. Due to his ambition, he is a deceptive and manipulative liar, often lying to those closest to him and his colleagues for his own benefit. He lacks any type of empathy whatsoever and cares little about who he crosses and who gets hurt as a result of his actions, infact it could even be said he enjoys toying with people, using them to his advantage before leaving them with the mess he leaves behind, or sacrificing them in order to ensure his success.

Edwin has already 'solved' several major cases through his unconventional, and sometimes straight-up illegal tactics and with every case, his ego inflates as he grows bolder and bolder in what he is willing to do in order to 'win'. Yet with every case he 'solves', he leaves seems to leave a horrific mess in his wake that the local police forces are ultimately burdened with.

Although he always appears to be inflated with his ego, extremely cocky and arrogant, he is in truth a coward. Whilst he is not afraid of a gunfight, he is certainly fearful of being alone in one without his support team. It is likely that if he were ever caught alone in a gunfight, or in a gunfight he believes he cannot win, he would flee as soon as possible. Likewise, were he ever captured, he would simply resort begging for his life and would most likely give up any information he had in the hopes of surviving.

Edwin was born in Washington DC. With his father being a lawyer and his mother a judge on a US District Court, it was clear from a young age that he would likely pursue a career in law. His life was relatively uneventful in childhood, and after attending Harvard Law School, he decided to join the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)

Somewhat overqualified for the job, Edwin was placed on a fast-track scheme within the bureau and whilst he initially gained rank quickly, he was soon to hit a standstill. After being granted his own team and relative freedom to pursue cases of his own choosing, Edwin failed to make ends meet for the bureau and ultimately after a string of failures, he was removed from the scheme, having failed to impress his superiors and ensure continued results for the bureau. Threatened with the removal of his team, and being one of the only agents within the bureau to be removed from a fast-track scheme, he was merely regarded as a failure. Up to this point, Edwin had used methods solely within the boundaries of the law when dealing with organized crime. Driven by his ambition, and his embarrassment of being removed from the scheme, he resolved to use whatever means necessary to redeem himself.

Whilst he initially only used methods such as blackmail or bribery, which were already common practice within the bureau, he quickly began to find himself further and further away from the law, as his team began going so far as to directly threaten criminals through their families and even their own lives. The methods, whilst morally reprehensible, got the results he needed. Edwin, whilst originally an agent operating by the book, has found himself using every method aside from the ones the law allows in order to further his own career. He even began using his colleagues and local police forces in order to ensure all credit went directly to him and his team of equally crooked agents. It is certainly not out of Edwins nature to even find one of his colleagues killed by a 'random gang attack', should they prove to stand directly in the way of his goals. Nor is it against his nature to frame his colleagues in order to get them out of the picture.

Edwin has been slowly redeeming himself within the bureau for several years, and is now at a turning point. He knows one more major case will get him the promotion he desires, and he has been paying attention to Justice for quite some time, albeit simply waiting for the right time to enter the stage, so to say. The City is ripe with corruption and organized crime, and is thus a goldmine for Edwin. In particular, he has been paying attention to the Jagielski Crime Family and has watched as their criminal activities have grown. He regards them as the 'big fish', and he is certain that if he brings them down, he'll be granted the promotion. Armed with his Federal Documentation, he has finally headed to Justice to bring the organized crime to heel, with his determination and ego at an all time high, it is likely his methods will only be more ruthless than ever as he draws closer and closer to furthering this career...

Cast Status:

The best way to describe Edwins' role this season, is as an antagonist on the side of the law. Whilst he is an ATF Agent, and ultimately also attempting to bring down the Jagielski Crime Family, he wants to make sure that he is the one to bring them down in order to further his career. As a result, it is likely that he will operate outside the law and may well lie to the local police forces and manipulate them to get what he wants.

Edwin will have a team with four other ATF Agent NPCs with him, bringing the total number of ATF Agents within Justice to 5, including Edwin.

Agent Thomas Nolan

Agent Darby Ford

Agent Ryan Inning

Agent Peter Grieg
Alrighty, here goes!

Obligatory Music

Edwin Crusoe


Place of Birth:
Washington DC, America

Donald Crusoe (Father) - Currently in Washington DC
Allison Crusoe (Mother) - Currently in Washington DC
Jennifer Crusoe (Sister) - Currently in Washington DC

ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) Agent

Edwin is a self-centered man, fueled by his ambition to reach the top of the ATF Agency. Due to his ambition, he is a deceptive and manipulative liar, often lying to those closest to him and his colleagues for his own benefit. He lacks any type of empathy whatsoever and cares little about who he crosses and who gets hurt as a result of his actions, infact it could even be said he enjoys toying with people, using them to his advantage before leaving them with the mess he leaves behind, or sacrificing them in order to ensure his success.

Edwin has already 'solved' several major cases through his unconventional, and sometimes straight-up illegal tactics and with every case, his ego inflates as he grows bolder and bolder in what he is willing to do in order to 'win'. Yet with every case he 'solves', he leaves seems to leave a horrific mess in his wake that the local police forces are ultimately burdened with.

Although he always appears to be inflated with his ego, extremely cocky and arrogant, he is in truth a coward. Whilst he is not afraid of a gunfight, he is certainly fearful of being alone in one without his support team. It is likely that if he were ever caught alone in a gunfight, or in a gunfight he believes he cannot win, he would flee as soon as possible. Likewise, were he ever captured, he would simply resort begging for his life and would most likely give up any information he had in the hopes of surviving.

Edwin was born in Washington DC. With his father being a lawyer and his mother a judge on a US District Court, it was clear from a young age that he would likely pursue a career in law. His life was relatively uneventful in childhood, and after attending Harvard Law School, he decided to join the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)

Somewhat overqualified for the job, Edwin was placed on a fast-track scheme within the bureau and whilst he initially gained rank quickly, he was soon to hit a standstill. After being granted his own team and relative freedom to pursue cases of his own choosing, Edwin failed to make ends meet for the bureau and ultimately after a string of failures, he was removed from the scheme, having failed to impress his superiors and ensure continued results for the bureau. Threatened with the removal of his team, and being one of the only agents within the bureau to be removed from a fast-track scheme, he was merely regarded as a failure. Up to this point, Edwin had used methods solely within the boundaries of the law when dealing with organized crime. Driven by his ambition, and his embarrassment of being removed from the scheme, he resolved to use whatever means necessary to redeem himself.

Whilst he initially only used methods such as blackmail or bribery, which were already common practice within the bureau, he quickly began to find himself further and further away from the law, as his team began going so far as to directly threaten criminals through their families and even their own lives. The methods, whilst morally reprehensible, got the results he needed. Edwin, whilst originally an agent operating by the book, has found himself using every method aside from the ones the law allows in order to further his own career. He even began using his colleagues and local police forces in order to ensure all credit went directly to him and his team of equally crooked agents. It is certainly not out of Edwins nature to even find one of his colleagues killed by a 'random gang attack', should they prove to stand directly in the way of his goals. Nor is it against his nature to frame his colleagues in order to get them out of the picture.

Edwin has been slowly redeeming himself within the bureau for several years, and is now at a turning point. He knows one more major case will get him the promotion he desires, and he has been paying attention to Justice for quite some time, albeit simply waiting for the right time to enter the stage, so to say. The City is ripe with corruption and organized crime, and is thus a goldmine for Edwin. In particular, he has been paying attention to the Jagielski Crime Family and has watched as their criminal activities have grown. He regards them as the 'big fish', and he is certain that if he brings them down, he'll be granted the promotion. Armed with his Federal Documentation, he has finally headed to Justice to bring the organized crime to heel, with his determination and ego at an all time high, it is likely his methods will only be more ruthless than ever as he draws closer and closer to furthering this career...

Cast Status:

The best way to describe Edwins' role this season, is as an antagonist on the side of the law. Whilst he is an ATF Agent, and ultimately also attempting to bring down the Jagielski Crime Family, he wants to make sure that he is the one to bring them down in order to further his career. As a result, it is likely that he will operate outside the law and may well lie to the local police forces and manipulate them to get what he wants.

Edwin will have a team with four other ATF Agent NPCs with him, bringing the total number of ATF Agents within Justice to 5, including Edwin. (I shall have names and pictures for them individually up soon.)
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