Avatar of Shmewyy
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shmewyy
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 231 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Shmewyy 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I really wanna do a fantasy story, but I'm terrible with those...
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9 yrs ago
"Smile my friend, it's sunrise."
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Awe no one wants to join?
AcetheKidd said
Aot :3

Ace your name sounds familiar...
"You idiots!" Charity screamed backing away slowly. "Trying to attack it will only provoke it." She continued to stare at the golem. Mikhal heard the noise and walked to the group that were in the forest. He saw his sister was there, in position to fight. When he saw that it was a golem, his eyes widen. The golems' mossy arms started to revolve around it's body, like if it was the earth and the moon. Each step it took made the ground rumble. When the golem heard the gunshot and was hit, it started to scream in a deep voice. It's rocky hands started to turn to claws. Mikhal pushed his sister behind him. "What happen?!" He said. His eyes turned green as he slid everyone back with the ground, trying to have some distance with the monster, but it was too late, the golem started coming towards them. Mushrooms, moss, and dirt was flying everywhere as it was coming. A chunk of his arm was gone.

Charity ran to the guys and hit them both in the head. "I told you trying to attack it will provoke it!" She yelled, even though when she said that phrase they already attacked. She lifted up her arms, her blades reflected in the sunlight. She never fought a Golem before, or anything that wasnt a threat, but if she had to protect herself or anyone near her, she would try.
It isnt really impressive, but I did say "It looked like a baby" So be prepared if you kill it.
On what it looks like, I will try to describe it in the rp :D
Since nothing is really happening in the story....
Let's have a Golem!
"A baby?!" Charity yelled. "Are you saying someone that made this killed a baby panda?! How horrible to do that!" Her eyes stared at the kilt, locking on to it. Mikhal walked back to his sister, "It's probably panda but not from an infant one.." He said. He ruffled through his pockets to hand the merchants 10 pieces of gold. "I just need a map. Like a map of this country or area of choice."[/i]

Charity heard a few ruffle noises was coming from the woods. She looked over to see nothing but trees, but continue to hear the noise. "What is that?" She said. "Kinda sounds like something is in the woods." She glanced over to Blue, and pointed to him. "You, the guy with the colorful hair, come with me to see what this was." Without even hesitating, she grabbed his arm and dragged him closer to the forest. As they were walking closer, the earth started to shake a little. Within seconds, a tree started to fall from the sky, landing near the group, and an Earth Golem following the tree. It looked small for it's size, looked like a baby, but was still bigger than the group
I could see Joane Getting eaten by a titan and Pyrhha saving him at the last minute.
Joane would be the new Armin.
KabenSaal said
Nice drawing, but I was thinking more in the RWBY universe, but with AoT's gritty darkness and 'Death at Any Time' thing they pull so much like fuckers. Because the current RWBY is so against any sort of mature theme, there isn't any blood or death or even any swearing.

Ahh but.... just think of this girl in AOT
The death note Light used was returned to the original owner. The Police force does have a death note, but it's locked up and kept under surveillance I got this from Yahoo answers to kinda help:

Just hope this kinda helps, Here's my source

Please dont be confused on why Juno is there. There is a reason why I have him in this roleplay, you'll know soon enough.
Why not both?
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