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    1. Sicarius 10 yrs ago


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This is a lovely bio.

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I enjoyed it and found nothing terribly wrong though did want to mention two things for general knowledge. First is that casting a spell doesn't require any magic words, I only say this as in your history you mention the mages in it "uttering words" leading me to think you think it's necessary. Even a mute mage is a dangerous mage. Second, is that both incidents of magic involved fire. Fire magic is essentially dead as Suomyns, the God of the Sun and therefor fire is dead. It still exists though it's a very weak force, it'd be a very difficult and taxing task to do the type of fire magic you spoke of. You can keep it as it is if you wish, just for future reference for everyone involved.

Anyway, I liked it and accept it.
Lerayis is a continent and the Godwastes are in the north, it makes up the majority of the northern areas of the continent. The Hattavori desert lays in the south, below Worsenth and Vallake.

The description of the Godwastes is somewhat misleading but the area is barren tundra. It’s incredibly cold, more so as you go further north but it does not snow there nor does it rain leading to the cracked ground and rather warm sounding conditions.

Please take note that most places within this world defy physics and normal weather conditions, as its flat. So, while Lerayis is comparable to say, Europe, it’s best not to compare places within this universe to real world counterparts. Technically we shouldn’t even have seasons but, Gods are weird, whatcha gonna do?

People living in the Godwastes are a mix and match of many cultures, some even having their great grandparents or beyond not even hailing from the continent. The Godwastes also expand such a large area that to speak of the native people already covers a large range. Due to the Gods’ deaths and the persecution of mages, many magical folk north of the desert moved into the Godwastes as such every ethnicity is represented.

I can give a list of each regions general ethnicity, if anyone would like.

Edit: I should probably also tell all of you, Untuillia will not feature on the map. It's an island nation off the east of Lerayis, about a month away by boat. There is a small minority of them within Lerayis though most know little to nothing of their culture. The nation of Untuillia has had little to no contact with it's neighbor since the Gods' death, being a very religious people themselves and seeing what the Lerayissians do as unforgivable.
Putting all my sheets together.

Lyhal will be fulfilling everyone's needs for an archer, don't worry. Possibly a snarky archer too.
Please all take note we're still editing information.

Bunnita said
Hiiiiiiii~~!!^^~BOING!!!~ Ooohhh... I was thinking of having muh charrie spiced up with a dash of magics tooooo ;D Like nothing powerful but more useful really. I was thinking that she could do aura reads on objects? Like pick up on strong feels and emotes? Maybe even like a little vision or something? Oh! and another question? Is there like some kind of magekiller guild out there cuz in the charrie sheet it says 'Affiliation'? Maybe there are ones that follow the dead dragon since mages feared her? Maybe? Mebbe not? :3 K, just askin' right?^^

Could you please send a PM (to Saber and myself) regarding your magic idea? I have some questions and concerns. A full explanation in detail would be lovely.

The mage hunters are all essentially conscripted by the Vigil and work in the name of Yildeane. No one of Yildeanic faith would ever follow the dragon, Edelghae chilled mage blood because of her own magical prowess.

PrinceOfQuills said
Currently making CS

If you have any questions just shoot me a PM, I'll be online for quite awhile longer.
Meh, no big deal on my end with that. Do what you can, good luck.

As for agreeing to shit, because you're secretly made of rainbows and sunshine. Or, maybe they promised alcohol I dunno.


Seriously stop like editing your post you make me look bad.

Sounds sweet, you can't really complain too much now about all the driving. Also, stop editing god dammit.
It feels nice to have my first official post up, finally. Hope that's a good opening for you, Darkmatter.

Zran and I will await in the same titanpad of evilness as previously used.
The door of the place clicked behind him, leaning on the smooth wood as he took in the room and its contents. The ghoul seemed to ignore who it was intruding on as it investigated the plants, rubbing leaves between fingers and sniffing. It appeared Mizat knew what he was doing and looking for, which he did… kind of. Not really. Textbook knowledge and pictures didn't live up to their real world counterparts. The only plants he had familiarity with would simply not do for what was needed.

Celabrin looked up from her desk as the ghoul entered. She eyed him curiously wondering why he was in here, he knew this room was off limits to everyone, except maybe Bawzel but even then she wouldn't be comfortable with it. Unable to tolerate it any longer she blurted out "Mizat, what in Ifreann are you doing!" She noticed the plant he was smelling had the potency to kill in its raw form and hoped it would have an effect on the little brat.

He sniffed at the oddly bright, purple hued leaves suddenly feeling like he was breathing in embers His head felt as if a pressure was building. That pressure popped with Celabrin’s shout, startling the little ghoul enough to produce a jump and a small noise that may have announced possible heart failure.

“Don’t shout!” It barked in return, rubbing its temples. “I am trying to find things…” His fingers left his head, hands dangling by its side as its guard dropped “I need your help” Those grey orbs refused to meet Celabrin, staring at the plants as if suddenly what he sought would jump out at him. Its neck snapped, eyes glaring “I just can’t find anything in this mess of yours”

Celabrin stood up covering up the concoction she was working on with a cloth. She listened to Mizat's frustrated words. "Why do you need something from in here?" she asked him letting annoyance colour her words placing a hand on her hip. "It's not a mess you just have to know what to touch and what not to!" She said with growing anger, nobody was allowed in this room.

He backed slowly, fear taking root in the pit of his stomach. This was quickly wilting into a bad idea; while she could not kill the ghoul Celabrin had more than enough knowledge and power to make it quickly think death would be far sweeter.

“You have the best supply of plants in all of the Underkeep; you’re the only one I’d think would have what I’ll need for tomorrow…” He was quickly shrinking like a violet under her boiling anger, hitting the door of the room with its back finding nowhere left to run. “Master makes it look easy” It began, really wishing it was not in the position to admit its shortcomings “But, I’ll need help. I’ve never done this before, not quite like this. I think I can get it down but…” It was essentially rambling, voice quickening as its fingers danced against its thigh.
Words dying and being replaced by a strange humming for several long moments. “I’ll need a lot more magic…”

Celabrin considered his words for a short while, they could not ask Bawzel, he had trusted them with this, and they had no time to walk. She turned away for a second and uttered a few words under her breath. When she turned around she was someone else, with long blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a yellow dress. "You forget I have magic too, little one." She waved her hand and was herself again, "With a little practice you could channel my raw mana and use it to fuel the spell."

The small one watched like a kitten, curiosity taking the better of him as he listened to those muttered words- undecipherable but the purpose was obvious enough as he spotted the blonde locks and bright blue eyes. "I didn't know you needed incantations for magic, Celabrin" The thing grinned, smirked truly as it soaked in that fact. It could be considered a talent, how easily the child became smug.
It leaned lazily against the smooth door, considering her next words for a moment "That... could very well work." Mizat hadn't thought of that, channeling magic, master had even done it before but the idea had never crossed its mind. It should have, really, thought of such a thing.

She reached up for a bunch of herbs with spiky leaves left to dry hanging down from the roof, 'I can also make something from this, it will restore your energy for a while but once it wears off, well to be honest I'm not sure what it will do to you, but to anybody else they'd have to sleep for three days nearly comatose," She told him, if made wrong it could be deadly, but for her it would be easy to get the right mix.

It went silent. Staring blankly at the herbs she clutched. It finally spoke with hopeless words "You have not even a hunch at what it will do to me?”. In the silence after its question it still stared at the strange leaves as if deep in thought, not of the upcoming events but something entirely different. It took a deep long breath, breaking its gaze on the plant and back to the holder "Make it, it could be useful”.

It stepped from the door, walking to the Halfling's side as it spoke “Let’s practice; faster we get this done the quicker we can…” Mizat trailed off, turning slightly to stare at the door. He turned back, confused but continued “Quicker we can-“

“Lady Celabrian! Bawzel requests you immediately” Some Faarg banged against the woman’s outer door, staring into the lavish setup and peering at the maps sprawled out upon the low table.

Cela was mentally preparing her mind for another to use her magic, it was much like losing control and that was the one thing she never did easily. Not since the day she left her father's home. The interruption was the last thing she wanted. "Go tell him we shall be there soon, and run he hates late news." She said moving to her sitting room the Farrgs eyes narrowed and he turned tail and ran, her magic and fear of their master urging him on. Not for the first time she mused Bawzel's pawns were too easy to manipulate, the fear of him doing most of the work for her.

"Well," she said to the ghoul, "No time like the present." She extended her hand to him symbolic of her accepting his control, if only for a few moments. "Let's test this out, take us to our master."

It placed its slight hand into hers, fingers curling around her palm and held it in a weak grip. “If we’re lucky, we’ll be there before that lackey” It mused out the thought, closing its eyelids as it let out a long breath.
He breathed in and out, slowly for a long time, each rising of its chest more of that warmth soaked into its own flesh. Each bit of warmth it shaped in its mind, the shape leaving and turning his flesh cold as the threads of magic danced about seeming to search for something before encircling the pair. The golden threads tightened around, pushing into both of their flesh daring to let crimson flow but they fell to the floor before that point, tearing apart and fading.

The ghoul shook, like a dog after a bath before catching the white glimpse of Bawzel’s mask.

She felt the slight drain on her energy from the ghouls' spell and forced back the fear that threatened to overwhelm her. As soon as the spell was over she tore her hand away from Mizat as if it burnt. She quickly regained her composure and smilled at the farrg who was just arriving, his chest heaving. "Something to tell our master, young man?" she said to him with a cruel smile knowing what Bawzel would gladly do to him.
Just a note for everyone, the map's going to probably take a lot longer because I'm redoing it from scratch.
Hello, you're very welcome to join. Thank you, we both really appreciate all the love for this world.

As for guns:
Saber said
While guns exist, they would be a rarity. A large portion of the cities that produced guns were destroyed after the Gods’ death. However, I am willing to make exceptions for Mage Slayers. As they are provided for by Vigil, it would make sense for them to carry a rifle or pistol. Most folk, however, carry simple weaponry.

I’d personally encourage a clockwork firearm, it sounds rather fun. Though like Saber said it would be rare and the ammunition would be on the expensive side.

Edit: I've been ninja'd.
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