Avatar of SimplyJohn
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1229 (0.36 / day)
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    1. SimplyJohn 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current When the world gets you down, and you think no one cares, try to picture something soft and cuddly.And then imagine it being run over by a forklift truck.
9 yrs ago
#We're off to see the Wizard. The Wonderful Wizard of OZ... Sing along now!
9 yrs ago
And remember, Respect is everything!
9 yrs ago
"There's no point in being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes." - Fourth Doctor, 'Robot, Part Four
9 yrs ago
I think I just pushed the wrong button on my iPad and nuked France. Hope no-one noticed.


A player of games and a liver of lives, sometimes with onions and gravy.

Most Recent Posts

I think I'll wait the turn and guarantee the hit. Someone else might jump in and steal the XP in the meantime, but I'm far enough ahead not to be needing to chase every point. :)
But it would also take out Thrash at the same time, if I slammed into her, so would a glorious death (or temporary KO'd status) be worth taking the nosedive?
Okay... Bumblebee is currently Levitating, and she needs to be Levitating to use Afterburners!, but if I stop Levitating in mid-air could she use her Afterburners! on the same turn, since she'd still be up high enough to slam down into the ground using the extra thrusters? Or would she have to be Levitating at the end of the turn for the Afterburners! to work?

Beatrice 'Bumblebee' McLeod
Energy: 2/10
20 / 3(9) / 7(6)

Hearing Flare plaintive wail Bumblebee swooped down over the rooftop, slashing her way through the centre of the smoke cloud as she fired her airbrakes to dissipate the thick CO2. A moment later she was up and away again, keeping herself well clear of the pounding sonic waves washing out from Thrash's drumkit.

Recovers +2 Energy

Bumblebee is currently Armoured! +3 Defence
Bumblebee is currently Downbeat! -1 Defence, -1 Attack
Float Like A Butterfly, -1 Energy: Bumblebee is currently Levitating! - immune to ground-based attacks and abilities, +4 Defence

Action: Swoop low over the rooftop to clear the smoke screen
I'd be willing to start a new story if people were still interested in playing. I would reboot this one, but since I have no idea what @Lekkuen had planned for it I wouldn't want to step on his toes, if he ever comes back.
Thrash is healing herself now? Dammit! And here I was thinking we had her on the ropes.

Beatrice 'Bumblebee' McLeod
Energy: 1/10
20 / 3(9) / 7(6)

With her battery pack fully discharged into her enemy's face and Thrash still pounding out her devilish beats Bumblebee needed to get herself some room to maneuver. Firing up her jetpack she shot high up into the air, trying to get herself clear of the distorting sound waves before they overcame her again.

Recovers +2 Energy

Bumblebee is currently Armoured! +3 Defence
Bumblebee is currently Downbeat! -1 Defence, -1 Attack

Action: Float Like A Butterfly, -1 Energy: Bumblebee is now Levitating! - immune to ground-based attacks and abilities, +4 Defence

Stop giving the GM ideas on how to kill us!

Hate to sound pessimistic, but I think she already thought of that...
Fires still burn across the rooftop as the aviation fuel sets fire to the support beams underneath.

Still, on the bright side when the roof collapses under use it might take out Thrash and end the mission.

Wreckage begins to break apart, sending burning chunks of metal tumbling into the alleyway below.

Wait a sec, if the wreckage fell into the alleyway, wouldn't that mean it was at the back of the building, by the garage, rather than the front where all the innocent civilians and paramedic are?

Would it be worth tipping it over and perhaps blocking the garage door to prevent any of the Hell's Bitches minions from stealing an armoured truck or something?

Beatrice 'Bumblebee' McLeod
Energy: 0/10
15 / 4(6) / 9

With the others spreading out to contain the situations occurring around her Bumblebee focussed on the mission, blasting another wave of shocking bolts into Thrash as the drummer began pounding at her kit yet again. "You were supposed to stay down," she snarled angrily, aiming a shot between the demonic drummer's eyes and pulling the trigger.

Recovers +2 Energy

Bumblebee is currently Armoured! +3 Defence

Action: Sting Like A Bee on Thrash, -4 Energy
What do we need to do to complete the mission now? Do we have to take down Heretic or will capturing Thrash end the fight automatically?
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