Avatar of Siphran
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Siphran
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 214 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Siphran 10 yrs ago


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That sass though, wow. Good writing Silver.
The guards had ducked in to cover, more content to wait for someone else to tackle the problem, now that it had been shown their criminal had some teeth. Tess fired a few more shots for good measure when she received a tap on the shoulder. "Yeah yeah, I know." It was hard to ignore, with both of them barking that into her ear. "Go ahead a-" It was useless, the girl had already bounded out the window and into the transport. Tess stifled a growl as she sped after her.

She had just jumped up on the car when she noticed a blur in the corner of her vision. Her training kicked in, and she jumped onto the ramp as the car was knocked out from under her. The overcoat fell to the floor with a clang. Adrenaline still pumping, she yanked the Mist from the folds of the coat, and ran to the ramp. Roaring obscenities, she unleashed fire upon the aggressive van, even as the ramp closed.
He did a double take at the new face, who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and was now currently in his cargo hold yelling to...him? He considered asking where her parents were, but she seemed to think she was in the right place. And I've got more important things to do right now. He glanced at the currently enraged and bullet spewing Tesla. She must have an explanation for this new face, one of Ames' plot twists maybe. He swiveled around in his seat, thumbing the ramp controls. At the same time, he took the controls, swiveling the craft around and pushing the engines to full. The craft shivered and whined as it blasted away from the street, into the air.

Safely away, he turned back around and paused for a second, raising a finger. No more gunfire...aaaand. No more cursing. Tess stalked down the pathway, pushing past Taleste, and entering the cockpit with a scowl on her face, it turned to a lopsided smile. "Well hey Marcus." He mock scowled at her. "Don't "Hey Marcus" me, you walk on my ship, leave shell casings everywhere, not even a kiss on the cheek, and you're taking in strays? Manners Tess."

The expected wallop followed, right to the shoulder, then the unexpected kiss. All still with a scowl on her face. Marcus smiled, then directed his glance to Taleste. "So, Ames idea?" Tesla glanced at her feet, abashed. "Not exactly..." Marcus whistled, turning and motioned to Taleste to come into the cockpit. "Hes not going to like this. You're explaining this to him first, and then me, cause this has to be good."

Tess grumbled, but agreed, "I know, I'll tell him." She stalked back into the hallway, staring at Taleste as she passed. She keyed the comms. "Hey Ames, we've got a bit of a snag..."
Yeah! sound neat. And good posts all around.
No worries Silver, not like I haven't disappeared before.
Thank you Cathy. It was getting so quiet. It was dark and scary.
"You may as well shoot me now." Fair enough. Tess sighted down the iron, but the nervous smile made her hesitate, If I had chosen a different path, that could be me. The clatter of boots behind her jolted her back into the presence. "Tess, get moving, building security has notified the blues." Right...

She turned to find three of the security guards running into the room from the far door, thankfully they were only equipped with stunners. "We'll talk about this later!" Tesla threw the baton back into its holster, then grabbed the overcoat bundle, and started backpedaling towards the door. "Get behind me and stay there, if you run I will shoot you!" She fired off a few rounds at the guards, tempering their headlong rush and making them dive for cover.
One hand danced over panels, silencing alarms and verbal warnings. The other gently pushed the yoke, making minute adjustments. Yes, he was much lower than he should be, yes, he would probably get a ticket for this, and yes, he most definitely would be worrying not a few people. The intersection was right ahead though, rapidly growing in the view screen. There would be just enough room to set down, he could see flashes of light from a weapon inside the near building, a good sprint away from his landing area. At least shes easy to spot. He checked the instrument panel. 10 meters...8....4...and down. The craft sighed as it settled on its pads, the engines whining as he kept them throttled up. Outside, an unfortunate car was partially crushed and scorched by the thrust of the right side engine.

He hit a switch and the ramp eased down, on top of yet another car. "Someone's going to have a hard time explaining this to their insurance." He laughed to himself, then keyed the comms. "Ms. Jou, your chariot awaits. If you could please make it choppy, I saw blues on the way in." In the streets, people were starting to run from the large ship that had dropped out of practically nowhere. The sound of gunfire was now a secondary concern. Though there was an exception, a van that was zooming in the opposite direction of the running citizens.
"Are you a cop? You don't look like a cop. Please say you're not a cop."

"I'm whoever you want me to be sweetheart." Tess shot back, no hint of humor in her voice. "I can also be quite lenient. So take that disc you have, put it on the ground, then make yourself scarce." She shuffled closer, If I can get close enough, I won't have to use the gun if she makes a move. Hell, one good lunge and Tess could just take her down now. But her target seemed ready to run, no telling what would happen next. She keyed her comms, "Dar?" "Exfil is on station." "Have them in the intersection outside, we're coming out one way or another." "Alright, ten seconds out."
Haha, someone is suffering from a lack of posts though eh Cathy? Everyone needs to come back so we can all write.
Tess positioned herself in the best possible place to view all entrances and exits, but the room was empty for the most part. And I'm still wearing this damn coat, damnit Ames. It was way too conspicuous. She'd have to beat him when she got back, and convince him to get a better wardrobe for times like these. Her musing was interrupted by someone entering from the restricted access area. This had to be her target.

The scrutiny she was waiting for finally came, of course it did, she stuck out like a sore thumb. The brown haired woman simply put on a confident air though, walking towards the exit. Is it her? If it was, it might be quite the challenge. The girl was a plain wrapper. And those tended to be more than they appeared. Come on....come on. She heard a chirp in her ear, a red outline was superimposed over the woman and appropriate information appeared next to the figure. "Tesla, thats the target, one of the ones from that van. Shes sure to have some sort of exfil nearby. Get to it." "I know, calm your tits." It was time.

Now Tess could have calmly exited the building, called for an extract, and quickly bundled the thief inside of the transport. But anyone who even remotely knew her, knew that this didn't even cross her mind. The woman was almost at the door, she needed to do this quick. "Dar, have exfil on the way, I want to make this quick." She threw the cloak to the ground and drew the Ark3, while flicking out a crackling baton with the left hand. She leveled the gun, steadied with the wrist of her baton arm. "On the ground, hands on your head. Now!" Tess barked at figure. The ASIOS system showed the distance for the shot. Too far, I might miss. She started to shuffle forward, closing the distance.
Fair enough. I'll get to it then.
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