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Chad shook Robert's hand, and for some reason he had the urge to make a comment. Just as Robert was getting ready to leave Chad yelled after him, "Smell ya later!"


As Robert ran out of the building, he caught the eye of someone passing by. The person watched Robert run by, not noticing as he bumped into her. With a shriek, she fell to the ground, dropping a bunch of papers she had in her hands, which immediately flew all over the place. "No!" She cried as she desperately tried to catch them all.
Chad looked down at the turtle hiding between his legs and nodded. He saw Robert's point, it would be better if he knew Squirtle better. "I guess your right, but definitely next time." He said with a grin. He offered a hand to his fellow trainer, his grin widening further. "Deal?"

As Professor Oak watched the pair, he couldn't help but feel nistalgic. How many times had he watched this very scene? What would these two go on to do? Would they become the best of friends, or bitter rivals? Even now he couldn't tell, but that was truly up to them now. They would decide their own destiny.
For a moment, Professor Oak's face faltered, and a worried expression took over. He had heard of something going on...surely these two wouldn't get involved? Would they?

Realizing that Robert was still waiting for an answer, Oak mentally shook himself. "Just take care of yourself, and your Pokemon." Professor Oak finally answered. "...and always be careful of strange people." he added after a moment more of thought.

Chad raised an eyebrow at the Professor's strange reaction. Was he not telling them something? He had half a mind to ask what the problem was, before he decided against it. The old man had to have his reasons. He hadn't given them a reason to distrust him so far. "Thanks Professor, I appreciate the Pokemon, and the Dex." He turned to leave, before a thought entered his head. "Het Robert, you up for your first Pokemon battle?"
Dratini gave a quuck, indignant cry before she was sucked back into the pokeball, while Squirtle just sighed in relief. That was a close one.

"Don't worry about it man. Tyrunt can be kinda grumpy, but he's a good friend." Chad said in reply to Robert. "Just be glad he wasn't hungry though, he can get real mad when he's hungry."

Professor Oak cleared his throat, trying to get the two trainers attention. "Well now that that's settled, I do believe it is time."

"Time for what?"

"It is time for you to go. To choose the path you will walk, with your Pokemon by your side. It doesn't matter what you ultimately choose as your goal, wether it be collecting Pokemon, battling Pokemon, or just traveling with Pokemon! What matters is the journey! Who you are, who your Pokemon are, and who you will become together. It is time to enter, the wondrous world...of Pokemon!"
Dratini ignored Ribert and lunged at Tyrunt once more. The fossil Pokemon spun around, smacking away the smaller Pokemon with it's tail.

"Hey now, come down!" Professor Oak said as Tyrunt jumped after Dratini, trying to bite down on the smaller Pokemon. "Tyrunt stop!" Chad yelled, pulling out his pokeball. In a flash of red light, Tyrunt was returned to it's pokeball. "Well those two don't like each other..." Chad said, looking at the pokeball. "What's your Dratini's problem?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at Dratini as it shook its head.

"Well they're both dragons, so I assume they saw each other as a rival." Professor Oak explained. Squirtle poked it's head out from behing Chad's legs, checking to make sure the fighting was over. "S....squirt?"
"Tyrunt's a fossil Pokemon." Professor Oak explained. "They come from Jaw Fossils, found only in the Kalos Region. They were once the top Predator of prehistoric Kalos!"

"I got him as a souvenir on a trip there. I had thought it was just a cool looking rock at first. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be a rare fossil!" Chad said, remembering what happened a few years back. "He's a bit of a handful, but he's worth it."

"Squirtle? Squirt?" The turtle Pokemon answered back to Pikachu, asking if Pikachu was Chad's Pokemon as well, or if he belonged to the other human. Tyrunt and Dratini however, were expecting each other closely, with Tyrunt smelling the smaller dragon. Dratini gave a low growl before lunging forward in a headbutt, bouncing off the rock type Pokemon with a yelp of pain. Tyrunt stumbled back a bit, surprised at the sudden attack, before growling at Dratini and bearing it's large intimidating fangs.
Dratini quickly uncurled itself from Robert's right arm and jumped next to Pikachu, landing with a loud thump, and a happy cry. "Dratini!"

Chad grabbed his other Pokeball from his belt, grinning wide, excited to show off his Pokemon. "Alrught the., come on out! Squirtle and Tyrunt!" In a flash of light, a small blue turtle appeared, along with a brown dinosaur Pokemon who was taller than all the other Pokemon present. The two Pokemon looked at their surroundings, with Tyrunt setting it's gaze on Dratini, and Squirtle looking from Professor Oak to Chad. "Squirltle, squirt?" It said confused.
Professor Oak nodded. "Of course, do it hiwever you see fit. Now, let's see if Chad has chosen yet."

He turned away from Robert and headed back towards the table that Chad stood by. Noticing the Professor coming over, Chad grabbed his choice from the three and turned to face Robert and Professor Oak. "Got it!" He said, lifting the Pokeball and showing it to the duo.

"I see, good choice Chad. Now that thats out if the way, why don't we meet all our Pokemon, hmm?"
Professor Oak looked at the Pokemon in Robert's arms and nodded. "I understand. As long as you have Pokemon by your side, you'll be fine. Now then, Chad, do you still want a Pokemon?"

Chad nodded, stepping towards the table. He picked up his Pokedex, deciding to register the thing later. He looked at the three pokeballs: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. Niw which one was the right one...

While he was making his choice, Professor Oak picked up the second Pokedex and carried it over to Robert. It was a bew, sleek model, eith a variety of functions beyond your basic Pokedex. These were nearly impossible to get wuthout knowing somebody, and they were valuable research tools. Could ge trust these two with such a large task?

The old man handed Robert the Pokedex, his face becoming serioys for a moment. "Can I trust you to take care of this? To do your best with whatever you choose, be it battling catching, or something inbetween?"
"Of course!" Professor Oak said. "I was hoping to see your Pokemon anyway, especially that Dratini on your arm." At that comment, Chad looked at what he had assumed to be a wrist band of some sort. He had a Dratini? He made a mental note to find out where he got it later.

At the mention if it's name, Dratini partially uncurled itself from Robert's arm and looked up at Professor Oak. "Dra?" It said questioningly.

"Heh heh, don't worry little one, we'll get to you soon enough. But first, I have a starter Pojemin for the two of you!" He said, sweeping his arm towards the table, which held three pokeballs and two Pokedex's. "It is time for you two to choose the Pokemin you will spend the rest of your journey with, the one who will be with you through thick and thin, easy and rough-"

"We know the deal Professor, but if you haven't noticed we're a vut ilder than your usual crowd. We don't need the whole grand speech."

"Oh, right. Heh heh, silly me." Professor Oak said sheepishly. Chad was quite the impatient one it seemed. Oh well, everyone had their quirks. "But now, choose your Pokemon, and your Pokedex!"
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