Avatar of Songster Gecko
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 166 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Songster Gecko 3 yrs ago
    2. ███████████████ 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current a birthday simply marks one more year towards my sell-by date, assuming i haven't crossed it yet
1 like
3 yrs ago
the act of trying is already a huge first step! *REDACTED* that little *REDACTED* 's *REDACTED* up!
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3 yrs ago
twin-tail cat girls, my friends. short or long, twin-tails are the way
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3 yrs ago
preach it, brother; enlightened are the ones who acknowledged their likings for catgirls
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3 yrs ago
the truth is, everyone has a thing for cat girls. the question or not is whether if one is self-aware. once awareness has been reached, the possibilities of anthro-girls are limitless. such is the way


Most Recent Posts

Ooo, I know an Inkarnate map when I see one! Been using Wonderdraft myself, but damn if Inkarnate isn't the more user-friendly to use.

Haven't done a group RP in a long, long time, but I could give this a shot if you'll have me. Thinking of writing a semi-comic relief character who has a completely different (wrong) understanding as to what's going on due to language differences. My idea is that his people only very recently settled in the north-east (~within 50 years?) and were formerly nomadic sea peoples raiding the coast.
I made plenty of OCs who were the stereotypical whiny and emo sort of characters in my youth. Just thinking of them makes my cringe.

Thankfully, I've since taken the lobotomy pick to most of them and revamped their personalities to be better characters. Gotta do the 3Rs in fiction too, I say. Saves a lot of trouble.
So far I was thinking maybe a brother/sister adventurer pair. Humans, most likely. Maybe they could just show up at the inn every now and then and drop some information about the wider world.
A chill and relaxing RP sounds pretty fun. I'm interested.
Hello again.

I'm not new, but I've been away for...3 years now? I was on the old guild as 'Phreniphorm', and I previously had an account of which the email and password I've forgotten years ago ('Skythikon').

Anyway, I'm getting back into writing and figured that RP-ing would be a good way to polish my skills/keep them up to par.
I'm up for doing either Amnesia or Revenge; I've got ideas for characters for both.
I joined the chat, but I think my discord is acting up because it's not showing any message log or users in the channel. I'll try again tomorrow, since it's getting a little late here.
I think the discord link expired. I tried joining, but it's not letting me.
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