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  • Old Guild Username: Sorinika
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    1. Soranea 10 yrs ago


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There are just the first jobs guys, take them and go at it ;]

You'll have more time for massive money-making later.
Hm, I think you did really well on it. And yes, thank for getting it done in one post, Veronika is mostly a statue here, if you didn't, I'd have to make an entire post about her sitting still like an idiot xD

The way this turned out is the way it probably would have, I like it :D
Veronika froze. There was no other way to put it. She nearly turned to stone as she watched Alexa stab the Wold repeatedly. Something about the act woke her up. Woke her up from the dream she had, that they were in a fairytale where she was a princess, finally freed from the vice of her parents. It was unpleasant, yet she needed it. They were in this big, unknown world, where they could die. Die, rot away, no longer exist like the man who brought them here. Her breathing nearly stopped and she didn't even realize she was crying and shivering in shock.

She didn't even hear what Alexa said. Her brain just blocked the cruel outer world out. The realization that she is likely to die in the next couple of ways was too much for the fragile rpincess to take in at once.

The beast that now layed on the ground, dead scared her with its pressence alone. She had a gripping feeling that it could wake up and resume it's attack at any moment now.
"Is... it dead?" She asked with a voice that crasked way too many times for such a short question.
The blood, the scenes, the fight, it all repeated itself in front of her eyes. Slowly, with shivering moves she crawled closer to Alexa, but avoiding to be too close to the beast. Only then did she notice the other girl's bleeding arm.

"A-are you hurt?" Something in the back of her head mentally slapped her. Of course she is, she's bleeding. But what does that mean? What is going to happen now? "W-we're going to die, aren't we? We're both going to...to d-die in this world..." Veronika whispered mostly to herself tears staining her once-perfect make-up.
Kitsune said
Or maybe make a joke out of it? XD

I will, in Sophia's speec, later on! I can just feel the gallon of jokes being made on this topic....
Baaw fixed that... Do you know how hard it is to mistype that while you're just freely going at it?
I mean, it's one letter so curse me, I might try to avoid this, but there's no guarantee you won't see me do it again ^^;
The spoiled lass groaned as she dragged her feet up the hill. Go faster? How? She could barely live as such. Her mind was buzzing with her own complains so much that at first she didn't even notice Alexa grabbed her hand. When she did, however, she stopped abruptly, snapping her hand out of the other girl's palm.

"Ew." That was all she said, accompanied by a mean look. She wasn't used to a lot of contact on a good day and now agitated as she was some random touchy-feely hand-holding was the last thing in the universe she wanted. Who did this peasant even think she was? Just because Veronika let her share body heat with her for a night didn't mean they were best buddies all of a sudden.

The noble would have complained further, if she didn't hear some sort growling from the back. In fear, she took a step forward before turning - just enough for a black growling wolf to miss her by an inch, only tearing at the hem of her white summer dress.
Seeing the best, Veronika fell backwards, letting out a shriek so loud and high, one could be hardly believed that it came from a human. The scream seemed to disorient the best for a moment.
"Kill iiit!!!" The pale girl screamed, trying to get up and run away in total panic.
I think it's a wolf there... skeevers aren't usually found out in the open plains, even less during daytime. Let them have their wolf, at least Veronika's fobia will get a full-blown episode ='D
"Well, hopefully I will be" Sophia grinned. "Oh, and it's not an S-class mission, Jynmi, but one that is just below it-"
She was about to add something, but her voice fell silent as the dark man walked in. It was Vladimir, the endlessly graceful, yet endlessly scary mage, who just entered the guild hall and made his way towards her master.

Unintentionally Sophia once overheard a conversation about him between Beatrix and Orion. More specifically about his magic and what it could be used for. Ever since, she would often peer at him shyly, wondering whether or not he actually killed anyone in his life. His presence made her uneasy and as much as she was curious about him, the dark slender figure sent chills down her spine. Maybe she was just such a coward.

Very silently, she moved to Orin's left side, tugging on his sleeve. "Orin... I still have to get some equipment and supplies to prepare for the mission... Why don't we meet back here in an hour?" She asked him with a voice that was closer to whispering than normal talk. Her eyes darted back to Vladimir a couple of times and she mustered a smile. There was no reason to not try to be kind. "A-anyway, I'll be back in an hour!" She stammered before running upstairs.
Snacks had to be packed, along with some first aid, medicine and maps, granted that she could find them. Plus she had some studies in mind that she wanted to take with her, not to mention she needed a change of clothes, as her current dress was nowhere near a good fit for a mission.
"Above a hiiiil? Really?"

Veronika groaned. She knew Alexa's proposal made sense, it was the only logical thing to do, but oh it felt exhausting just to look up that hill, let alone walk UP the slope. Not even tried to hide a big roll of her eyes, Veronika followed the brunette, seeing that the later is getting herself well equipped. At least it made the noble feel like she has a bodyguard now. A noble princess and her bodyguard travelling gives off a way better impression than 'two lost friends in an unknown world'. Yes, Veronika was much satisfied with the development.

Still, the hill was not to her liking, so if she's going to be forced into climbing it, she'll at least make it clear that it's not something she chose to do. "How high do you think it is? Are you sure it'll lead us to civilization... I mean, HOW can you be so sure about that? You don't know this place..." She kept inquiring, trying to settle her own uneasiness with having to do manual labour.
Of course, she was no weakling, she was a lady and she was going to carry herself as such. With head held high, she made her way forward alongside Alexa, not showing the slightest signs of being uneasy. Again, she blessed her decision of taking flat ankle shoes instead of stilettos to the stroll last evening.

The hike felt anything but pleasant, but something in the distance piqued her interest. "Alexa... is that smoke...? There, in the far distance. Like... you know, fireplace smoke, the one that comes from old houses?" With that she pointed her slender pale fingers, clad in numerous extravagant rings in the said direction.
Rorikstead is great, time to face the inns hahahahahaha xD

Plus, maybe Erik can help them some, or at least tell them how to HOLD a sword.
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