Avatar of Spoo
  • Last Seen: 5 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: itzDrufus
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 122 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Spoo 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
126 days until I'm 22 :D
8 yrs ago
Well that didn't take long.



I talk about meaningless crap on the internet. If you or a friend would like to talk about meaningless crap on the internet with me, I support you completely!

Most Recent Posts

Got my post up. I feel like Izzy needs to socialize with the rest of you guys, but he really hasn't interacted with Cameron much yet, so I got that out of the way first. Maybe a lunchtime meet-up between a few characters?
A touseled mess of hair stared back at Izzy as he wiped away the fog from the bathroom mirror. He looked somewhat unfamiliar to himself now, having had spent the last two months outside of civilization -- or the reach of a mirror -- for the most part. His chalky locks had grown even longer and thusly had become more unmanageable than before. Not that such a thing bothered him; it was too much of a hassle styling hair to something fashionable -- such time could be spent doing something more worthwhile. Like cave diving. Or climbing a tree.

Refamiliarized with his own appearance, Izzy exited the washroom and made his way back to his dorm room. Rather, to his half of a dorm room. Sharing a room was something new for him. His home back in Sinnoh was fairly large; enough so that even he and his older sister both had their own rooms. Izzy wasn't opposed to the idea of sharing. Cameron had struck him as a nice enough person -- he was certain they would get along fine. As long as she didn't drag him into her...girl drama. Did girls really fight that much? Izzy had never spent much time around women save for his sister, and he was pretty sure she was an exception to every human norm.
There was that one girl, though...

Izzy walked back into the room and threw himself onto the mattress, which made a satisfying ploomf. "So, Cameron? Where are you from? I come from Sinnoh -- originally, anyways, but I've been traveling several regions for a while now."
Pardon my lack of presence. I work third shift so it's usually gonna be late afternoon Eastern Time before I post.
Mathias seems pretty energetic. And he's next-door neighbors with Izzy.

Floor 1 won't be able to handle the excitement.
A wide grin appeared across Izzy's face as he took in the sight of Lumi Academy. The ferry ride over had been mind-numbingly dull, especially compared to the mad dash to port that had preceded it -- Izzy had spent the past several days hopelessly lost in between Verdanturf and Petalburg City. His decision to forsake the routes and instead traverse the wilderness had been bold, especially given the rapidly approaching date for his ferry, and though a somewhat convoluted trip, it was well worth it. Izzy had even made friends with a Lotad along the way -- a Lotad that had evolved into the newest member of the team. Izzy grinned even wider -- Yes, the memorable journey made the destination that much sweeter.

Izzy looked down at the two papers in his hands. One was a small pamphlet; a map of the entire academy grounds, and the other was his student information, which included his dormitory number. Though eager to explore the campus, he decided that it was best to drop off his things first.

"Besides," he said to himself, looking down at his dirty and slightly torn shirt, "I think I need a shower."

-- A few minutes later --

"Room 1-B." Izzy glanced from his information sheet to the plate on the door. "I guess this is it. Hellooooo?!"

Following a quick rap on the door, he headed inside. A rather bare yet welcoming room awaited him. The dormitory was clearly well-maintained. Izzy took quick notice of the furniture -- beds and dressers had been an uncommon luxury recently. Not that he minded. What he paid more notice to, however, was the other occupants of the room: A giant snake in the closet, a fiery hedgehog-like creature on the bed, and a girl with glasses and a braid of reddish-brown hair. His roommate(s), he presumed.

"Heya." Izzy said, plopping his lone rucksack at the foot of his new bed. "The name's Isaiah, but everyone calls me Izzy."

With another wide grin, he extended his hand. "Nice to meet'cha!"
I'm rooming with another glasses person.

Oz is racist against glasses confirmed.
Did I get forcibly moved to Ventus?
Excellent. Working as we speak.
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