Avatar of sumi desu
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  • Posts: 29 (0.01 / day)
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    1. sumi desu 9 yrs ago


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I'm kinda boring, so there isn't much to tell.

I go by Sumi. I like to write, though it's getting a little harder to. My characters are different facets of myself, so as I get to know them, I get to know myself. I've been writing since I was a wee fifth grader and look at me now, almost eight years later.

Ideas are always interesting and I'm always willing to listen to them.

Most Recent Posts

@PetiteAmbivert@The Darklight Project

you two are ridiculous lmao
Chikako Momomiya // The Arena

For the majority of the trip, Chi had tuned just about everyone out. She had stayed close to the Wanderer—the only one she truly trusted out of this band of misfits. Compared to how the group had found her, she was a bit subdued. This was mainly because of the toll saving the village they had just come from had taken on her bones. She would have preferred being able to sleep under a nice tree or swim in a nearby river, but when the Prince and his Sentinels marched, they _marched._

In her lifetime, she had heard of Gurata and their methods of decision. She’d be lying if she said that she’d never want to go to Gurata to participate in their Arena battles, wanting to test her skills against the gladiators. Plus, she just loved the thrill of a good match.

The politics were lost to her as she leaned against one of the worn stone walls, hands in the pockets of her sweater. Her pinkish eyes examined the room they were in, taking in the pock-marked floors and the way it felt more like a warrior’s barrack than some place to deal politics.

She was starting to fall asleep, her position against the wall more than comfortable enough for her, when Cyril added his own marking to the floor, punctuated by the declaration of a decision through battle. It woke her up and she watched with a raised eyebrow and a growing smirk as the terms were set. It would be Seryosa versus Cyril, certainly a match that would rouse the crowds more than usual.

Her subdued state left her to observe those who were willing—or unwilling, in the case of the Paladin’s boy—to volunteer their battle prestige to the Prince. She half-expected the Wanderer to offer himself, however she figured that after the slight run-in with the Direwolf was enough to make the Wanderer keep to the shadows. Her eyes watched as, one by one, the eight spots for fighters diminished. After Vesta—or Joy or whatever the hell she wanted to be called, the Cripple in Chi’s mind—claimed a spot for herself, Chi left the wall and approached the Prince. If the Wanderer had something to say, well, it’d have to wait.

”Count me in.”
Chikako Momomiya & The Wanderer // The Inn

After the Wanderer seemed to have shrunken away from the Prince and the Cripple, Chi had appeared from seemingly nowhere. She grabbed the scruff of his neck and proceeded to drag him to whatever room she would deem as theirs. Having given a light squawk in surprise as he was grabbed, the Wanderer was dragged along without a fight. The small man simply went limp in the smaller woman’s grip, even his feet dragging along behind him as he was practically lifted along.

Once in the room, she shut the door and locked it, turning to him with his arms crossed and her perpetual scowl etched into her face. Only when they were in the room did he stand on his own once more, face pale as he returned her gaze.

”What. The Fuck. Is Going On.”

”Please do not hit him. He bruises easily.”

The scowl only depend as she began to tap her foot rather impatiently.

”If you don’t give me answers, you’ll be one giant bruise.”

His face went even paler as he brought up his hands, as if to try to both calm her and ward her off at once.

”We are going along with them to Gurata. It is better for us to hold off the questions for as long as possible, and he thinks the Prince knows that and is…ruthlessly taking advantage of it…”

”Why’re we even going with them in the first place?! We were doing just fine on our own.”

The Wanderer sighed quietly.

”We were, but the situation changed when the Prince…arrived. It is within his power easily to demand answers of us, and considering our…situation…It would be better to play along with him for the time being, until he is certain we are not a threat.”

She rolled her eyes as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

”This really would’ve been easier if you had just taken the fucking front door…”

In response, the Wanderer became indignant, standing up straight suddenly as he attempted to defend his actions.

”We would have just run into them sooner if we had done that!”

”Yet we were caught taking the side door! In what part of this world is taking the side door fucking normal?!”

”He has done it before! It’s worked!”

”In what fucking lifetime?! When you were a horse?!”

He groaned, turning to walk over to the corner as he did so. Once there he apparently got comfortable, settling down on the floor and looking up to her from there. Once more his hand came up to scratch lightly at the bandages on his cheek, as he had often done during the walk from one village to the other.

”You know what lifetime he is talking about…”

She harrumphed as she went over to the bed, kicking off her shoes and undoing her pigtails.

”Guess you’re a horse in this lifetime.”

He just sighed quietly, briefly hanging his head.

”No he is not…Besides, it might be better this way.”

Chi lay on her bed, her arms crossed behind her head.

”Why’s that?”

”Whatever is happening now…clearly it’s big. The tensions between H’kela and Barcea were always heavy, but this…clearly, they have snapped. The Prince would not be heading to Gurata for no reason so…Perhaps we will remain at the center of the storm for as long as possible with him, and that is where we can do the most.”

She sighed a bit. He had a point.

”Where we can do the most, huh.”

He gave a slight nod. His gaze was kept low as he carefully fiddled with his blade, resting it against himself.

”Yes…So perhaps it’s best we do this for as long as possible, and if later the truth comes out…We can always run, as we have before.”

”…What if we don’t have to run?”

”Then we will make sure to see this all the way through. Is that acceptable to you?”

She turned on her side and grunted her approval.

”Just don’t do anything stupid.”

”…He doesn’t do stupid things…”
Chikako Momomiya // Shanghai’d Into Some F*cking Group

Her anger might’ve diminished slightly, had it not been for the strangely colored man—the apparent owner of the “Deathcrawler” as he called it. She crossed her arms and put her weight on one foot as she listened to his lecture, eyebrow raised and twitching the entire time.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that the Wanderer was very much taking her threat to heart. And she always pulled through on her deals. She was about to stomp her way over and grab the Wanderer out of her hands when a lupine female identified them to the Blueberry Prince himself. Of course, irritation was seeping out of her body at this point as both she and her companion were dragged—or corralled, whatever—into whatever mess he had.

With the order to make the Deathcrawler go away, she immediately got into its owners face.

”I don’t know how stupid you think I am, but I’m pretty sure that I know what a fucking ant looks like. Now why don’t you take the technical pole shoved up your ass out and leave me alone.”

That settled, her pink eyes immediately set its sight on the purple man who was inching father and farther away.


Say your prayers, Wanderer.

As soon as she got close enough, her hands—tiny as they might’ve been—wrapped themselves around the Wanderer’s neck and she began violently shaking him, probably swinging his head back farther than his neck ever intended for it to.

Chikako Momomiya // Some Alleyway

Everything had gone wrong and it was all her damned companion’s fault. She hadn’t taken too lightly to being dragged around and eventually being chased and then ending up on her behind. While the Wanderer had gone ahead and crashed into some blueberry guy and a dog girl, then gotten choked by a guy on a horse, her own irritation was beginning to grow.

And then, of course, the entourage arrived. As their numbers grew, her eyebrow began to twitch and she began to stand up…

Only to get poked in the face by a fine set of antennae.

If the Wanderer had looked, he’d definitely see the irritation beginning to boil over. She was close to her boiling point, that was certain.

She started to walk over, ready to pry the Wanderer out of Horse Man’s hands when the giant ant got in her way.


Her pink eyes were glaring at the giant creature in front of her, scowl letting loose a low growl. Eventually, she turned to her companion, the daggers in her glare piercing deep.

Chikako Momomiya // Small, Rundown Tavern

Even if the Wanderer had taken his sweet time getting back to the village, she was ready to strangle him until all he could see were stars. Fortunately for him, the fight had worn her out and as soon as the room was rented, she settled for a long bath and a long sleep. Those were typically common things for her to do after a fight, mainly so her bones could resettle into her skin.

Still dressed—and practically bundled up—in her loose jacket, the Wanderer’s sudden awakening and announcement was enough to rouse her from sleep. Her black hair, normally tied into pigtails, was loose and splayed messily on the pillow, but as she started to wake and sit up, she tied them back into their pigtails. There weren’t any distinguishing features about her, save her pinkish eyes. Their crimson color from earlier had faded after her bout of relaxation.

Standing and giving a long stretch, she yawned as she looked at her traveling companion.

”Alright, then let’s head out.”

She hadn’t asked why he wanted to leave so soon, but really didn’t care much. The day before had proven to be quite exciting, seeing as her itch for a fight had been scratched some. Though she didn’t have the joy of being able to spill the enemy’s blood—a policy that the Wanderer enforced heavily—watching them run with their tails tucked behind their legs was good enough.

Something about his comment irritated her slightly, causing her eyebrow to twitch.

”And shut up, you would’ve slept longer if you hadn’t gotten lost, dumbass.”
i should probably post in here more often...
Etsuko Tanaka // Serio Castle

The reactions she got for her occupation seemed to sting. She wanted to show them that she was serious, that she wasn’t a fake, but the grief she had felt from earlier made her tired. The Queen’s words were reassuring, however, and Etsuko managed to give a small smile. No wonder the citizens of Barcea adored Queen Serio so much.

Quietly, she and Calypso followed Cyril to where they would be staying. Out of habit, Etsuko was about to decline the offer to stay overnight, but perhaps it was better that she didn’t. She didn’t think she could travel with how her body ached and her heart heavy. The fortune teller stayed close to her companion as she looked at the castle’s interior. It was quite beautiful, really, and she found herself feeling honored to be able to stay here, even for just a night.

By the time they reached the room that held the Sentinels, Etsuko had slumped slightly against Calypso. She was tired and she wanted some time to herself.

Of course, all feelings of fatigue quickly vanished as the one called Diane aimed her wrath towards Cyril.

Etsuko had yelped, jumping and hiding behind Calypso. Her eyes were wide as she peeked over her tall friend’s shoulders to watch the scene unfold. Slowly, she left the shield of her friend to wave shyly at the Sentinels. She couldn’t help but giggle at Gortul’s welcoming, finding the giant man to be very warm.

Any sort of comment that she might’ve had quickly faded away as she stood next to Calypso, biting her lip slightly as she looked at everyone in the room. Joy—or Vesta, as the Queen and addressed her—seemed to take command of the entire room. Etsuko was surprised by her tone, tilting her head somewhat as she wondered where it could have come from. She glanced around the room again. They were an assorted bunch, all gathered because of the same person. She glanced at the Prince then. Perhaps it was something in the Serio bloodline, the ability to gather people for a single objective. Or maybe it was something that royalty carried.

Etsuko could only hope that their everyone’s future was bright.
Etsuko Tanaka // Capitol of Barcea

The fortune teller simply followed along with the large party she seemed to find herself a part of. Every once in a while, she’d glance at Calypso, who seemed absolutely pleased to be riding on Sir Mauls. She’d never think that her companion enjoyed the company of large creatures, but then again, nothing in their travels ever suggested as much. The dismount was something mechanical, walking much the same. Nothing had quite set in yet.

She had barely looked up until they had reached the throne room and the Queen of Barcea addressed the weary travelers. Her voice led Etsuko to look up and the fortune teller was in awe. She’d heard stories of the Queen’s beauty and grace, though seeing it for the first time was certainly something special. Etsuko felt as if she had been staring and had to look away a moment, embarrassed.

The room seemed to remain silent, no one willing to tell their tale first. Shyly, Etsuko looked back up and wondered if her voice would fail her.

”U-Um, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. I’m Etsuko Tanaka, a fortune teller from Barcea. O-Oh, this is my companion, Calypso.” She gestured towards the taller young woman with a perpetual smile on her face.

”We were traveling to the village that was attacked. The village elder had asked for me and then Sentinels were going in the same direction, so we tagged along. Er, I was with Princess Ayano while Calypso followed the Prince and the others into the village.”

She didn’t bother voicing her regret for not appearing to the elder sooner, to reading their future sooner. It was evident from her facial expression that she felt that much.
Etsuko Tanaka // Capitol of Barcea

For the duration of the trip back to the Capitol, Etsuko had been silently following the party. It was hard to tell what upset her more: the fact that a whole village had to perish under one kingdom’s desire to start a war or the fact that she hadn’t made it in time to warn them of their grisly fate. Whatever it was, she could hardly bring herself to smile.

Even as they entered the Capitol and were given all sorts of pleasantries, she couldn’t find it in her to wave back or even to smile at them. It was her first time in the Capitol, and yet her heart was heavy.

As they approached the castle, she finally looked up, feeling a dull sense of awe at the fact that she was being welcomed into such a noble place. Already having met the Prince and Princess was enough to set her above most of the citizens of Barcea, but finding shelter in their castle might make her seem blessed by the Divines from the day she was born.

Well, not including her gift of foresight that is.

Her sense of curiosity came back as she thought of what would happen between the Prince and his sister, the Queen. She hoped that they wouldn’t go to arms, but after seeing how brutal the attack was on an innocent village…

Peace seemed long gone at this point.
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