Avatar of SuperFlash
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    1. SuperFlash 8 yrs ago


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With the newly gathered data on the giant humanoid's body, Jeff had more and more ideas surfacing into his brain on various potentials of how to take advantage of his the structure and overall exploit it for the battle. Given with the current situation he would be left with little time to downright think of it as Rajaka managed to somehow discover his whereabouts. Seeing the attack coming for him along with feeling the presence of the one being shot down short after, the sage took to the idea of staying in the sky for the next couple moments, merely flying at a decent speed to get out of the air attack's blast radius and waiting for Rajaka to finish his attack on the ground and letting the shockwave of it pass.

The second that ended however, the sage didn't hesitate to come back crashing down with his blade, aiming to swiftly slash a sharp downward plunging strike into the giants back along with following up with shooting another golf ball sized cluster of nanobots into the cut as he made it by using his other arms cannon once again. Several yard long wind scythes came crashing down along with him slashing into the giant from above in various places and leaving trails of slices deep into the ground where it missed him. As for the nanobots launched into Rajaka's body, they merely just latched onto one of the vertebra of his spine and laid dormant from there, waiting for the next chain of actions to be given later on.

Jeff this time however, would wait a couple of seconds for Rajaka to turn around and prepared to launch a sticky plasma bomb from his bag, right into Rajaka's face, preparing to vanish back into the wind right after and take back to the sky with a surge of wind.
Jeff didn't bother to speak this time, merely vanishing once again as the ki wall came blasting after him, taking into the wind once more and traveling upwards with it to get out of the blast radius of the attack. Then suddenly the wind grew silent a short after a moment with a false Jeff appearing falling from the blast eyes opened from shock and with a very bloodied leg, attempting to fool the giant once again into attacking the fake while the real Jeff appeared in the clouds where he pulled out a tablet and began to mess around with some buttons.
With the nano's that were injected into Rajaka not being destroyed, but overall not serving the original purpose, Jeff instead shifting them into scout mode. Having the creatures send him data on his vitals, where vital organs were located, and if possible attempting to figure out what was influencing Rajaka into being so damn well focused.
'I might not have blup anymore, but my regular tech should be able to give me plenty details' The sage thought as he readied to have the data read out onto a screen on his visor and thus turning his attention to see how Rajaka would react to the fake Jeff who was pretending to take a deadly hit.
Jeff's head tilted as he places a hand under his chin curious to what Rajaka had going on. Regardless to what it was he could feel the yellow titan's energy making a big impact of the atmosphere around himself as the energy seemed to turn into some odd form of gas which if it wasn't for the fact of Jeff's ability to sense pretty much any abnormality in the air would make it a huge problem. Instead this offered another opportunity to try something out.

"Well, when you have thousands or ideas and thoughts echoing in your head almost constantly with things ranging from what you should do in a situation to what I should have for breakfast tomorrow, you'd have some fun trying to organize those thoughts into words too." Jeff spoke as his visor changed shape to cover his entire face, shifting into gas mask mode.
"Though here's a good thought, how about I say no to that nasty plan of yours straight up?"
The sage then clasped his hands together and shot his hands outwards towards Rajaka before beginning to rip them apart from one another.
"Just so you know, if our situation was reversed, I could have done what you did to techmo too. It really doesn't make you special." As he said this, the air molecules around Rajaka and his gas began to produce static as Jeff began to use his wind control to have the air pull away from itself and thus rip the molecules apart, soon after triggering massive explosions in the air where he had done so in attempt to blast Rajaka head on and neutralize his gas attack all at once. While regular ki itself would pose a problem, making it gaseous brought this into Jeff's territory and in theory make it an easy disposal. Regardless, Jeff kept countermeasures such as the visor's gas mask to keep his air purified along with having torrents of wind follow up with the explosion to keep the blasts contained and surrounding the yellow monster of a person. 'One with Wind's Wrath: Naplam Strike'
While Jeff took the seconds to form the spheres around himself Jeff had let one of the crates which hid in the forest open up and he used his wind gale to carry a replacement hook and chain to himself which he swiftly reattached back to replace the parts used up in the explosion. After the part snapped into place, the sage almost vanished instantly.
"Well if that's what you want." Jeff's voice echoed from random directions as in a burst of wind which effortlessly weaved around the spheres letting Jeff appear behind Rajaka once more for a split second to slash a left arm nanoblade at his good arm along with also firing off a strange golf sized bullet using the wind cannon to propel it with the same force his regular wind sniper bullets would have. This bullet however aimed for the wounded spot Jeff struck earlier, attempting to pierce into the wound and inject nanobots into Rajaka's body which would then begin to feed off of his ki, a device he had been long preparing to use to help fight the giant and slow down his regen abilities. At least for a little while.

And just as quickly as he rushed in for the attack, he vanished once more and weaved safely around the spheres around as particles of wind before reappearing several yards behind Rajaka, curious to see the effects of his moves. "Been meaning to test a lot of things on you anyways. And there's only one real way to find out if they work or not."
"Well, can't say it wasn't worth a shot." Jeff shrugged and floating into air slightly as he pretended to not notice Rajaka's attempt at a blind spot attack and simply just fiddled around with his right hand gauntlet. "To be fair, I doubt you can figu-" Before he could speak more, the sage would be cut off with a sudden a painful sounding "ACK" when Rajaka's attack made contact with him...

Or seemed to anyways...

Right when the attack was on him, Jeff used super split second timing to swap himself out with a wind mirage which was designed to look like it was taking the hit and mimic being knocked down and unconscious by it, though it would only last a few moments due to the sheer force of Rajaka's Ki. Jeff even went as far as to make the mirage lose sage mode and have the swirling wind begin to drop in power, at least for the few moments.

Once swapped out the real Jeff appeared up in the air behind the hopefully dropped guard Rajaka and struck with his arcane boosted gauntlet harpoon, aiming for a precise strike angled to shoot past the scapula bone, if he did have one, and inject the harpoon deep into his arm. From there an 2 orbs that was placed into harpoon while Jeff was just pretending to fiddle with it and then set off chain plasma explosions inside of Rajaka's arm attempting to blast the entire limb off in a single strike at the cost of a chunk of his harpoon and chain.
"I'd call it more of testing the waters really..." The real Jeff appeared once more a yard away in front of Rajaka keeping close attention to him and his energy levels. "Though even if you put it that way, you do realize that when you go destroying people's villages and murdering those who live in them.. that kinda makes you the bully... or well worse then one really." Jeff blinked wondering if he truly saw himself as the one being bullied or not.
"Well whatever, how about we change the game then?" The sage taunted patting his chest as if to put a target on himself. "You try and hit me with everything you got and we see how that goes? IF you can even manage that, winner."

The sage kept up guise of acting completely unguarded by having no battle stance at all whatsoever and putting his hands outwards as he waited for Rajaka to take the bait. Between his previous attacks with trying to stop him from reaching the city and his most recent being downright shot down despite the pure arcane output it had left him debating other strategies. At the very least, he had no fear at all of Rajaka managing to land a hit on him. And frankly even if what he planned to do was obvious, Rajaka did have a point, he isn't just a brick and head on attacks that don't catch him off guard would most likely keep failing regardless who was the one throwing them.

Thus the sage waited for Rajaka to try something, anything really and thus took the moments to casually have the wind compressed in various hidden spots in the forest while having the wind which that kept roaring around the crater to hide any signs of him doing so. The second Rajaka would strike, Jeff readied to vanish back into the wind and counter how he saw necessary, keeping any and all options open till the time came.
"You're going to wish it was just some fancy lights and mirrors when I'm finished with you...." the sage spat before biting down on the power pill and swallowing it in one big gulp. "Honestly there's a lot more to it then that." He then stretched his legs a bit before sitting down with his legs crossed and following with shutting his eyes. His energy returned within moments after and soon his hair glowed the regular blue from his normal sage mode. "You see as far as elemental sage power goes, each has there own well... let's call it a tech tree, one which I discovered on one of my more recent journeys." The wind began to stir around him once more as it was before, slowly growing more and more fierce by the second. "People like Bruce have there earth armor which makes them almost as bulky as you are.. well minus the regen factor... and lets them summon those golems, and water sages can change water density so that it can absorb almost any impact or blast through even titanium." Jeff's body began to turn white again and slowly became ethereal and almost ghostlike and his hair glowed everso brightly to match his body's change in hue.
"and those Gaians have there one with nature, which gives them an animal based form depending on there soul right? And that's cool and all but... I still personally think that wind sages got the best cut of this deal."
Jeff then stood up and opened his eyes showing the piercing blue glow they were giving off as well before vanishing entirely. A whisper could be heard around Rajaka, but it was different then how Jeff would normally use the wind to project his voice, it almost seemed to be emerging from it.
"You see, us wind sages are..."


With that 4 Jeff's fully armed with nano blades appeared, surrounding him from the front, back, and his left and right sides. Each aiming to slash at a different part of him. While all of them were technically still mirages the wind followed the blade movements to a key and slashed with a force similar to how Jeff's blade would regularly.. or seemed to. The attack looked to be aiming for Rajaka's upper body portions but then shifted last moment to aim each for an angle of his right leg attempting to chop at it from all sides like 4 wind chainsaws, slicing constantly and rapidly with no signs of stopping.

"...or well technically the atmosphere, but I think wind sounds cooler." Another Jeff appeared for the sole purpose to shrug while nodding his head before vanishing a second after. "Honestly doubt that small mind of yours cares for the real specifics beyond that."
The sage sighed as he vanished once more, overall he figured a good chunk of this was futile, but he still wished to let the city give one final chance to fight back before it fell, wasn't like he would be able to stop it at this point himself. At the very least, the villagers escaped and as long as that was the case his will to fight would continue.

That much couldn't be said for his energy reserves.

Using what he had left, the sage narrowly escaped making sure to infuse two of the crates with his energy and taking them along with him in his dash to safety. As he escaped the blast radius, the sage fell out of his new form going into a roll and accidently launching the crates he took with him off several yards into the remaining forest once more. The 3 fights he had taken place in were begining to take a toll on his reserves of energy and he was reaching a limit. Instintively the sage did his best to stumble back to his feet before reaching for a power pill and placing it in his mouth.

"Hope you're satisfied..."
the sage spat out as he did his best to catch his breath, and preparing to swallow the pill. "Cause, I'm going to make you regret that."
"Well can't say I expected Yzeira to use drugs on you" The sage remarked on Rajaka's comment on his strangr surge of power. At this point, he really did expect about anything and refused to let it setback his current plan.

"Don't worry Mikey, there will be some loses reguardless, but I do have some of that covered." The sage's voice quietly echoed into his intercom having the wind direct it and muffle the sound so that only he could hear it.
Turning his focus back to Rajaka once more and took advantage of Rajaka's fall and shot both his hands out having them releas a massive shurge of wind very much like the one used before, but this time it was aimed to cut off his jump and cause him to crash down just before the walls of the city, using twice the amount of force due to Jeff throwing most of his focus into it and natrual gravity being an aid. Reguardless on how effective it was, the second Rajaka neared the ground, metal rods began to shoot out from underneath the ground and each began to discharge high voltages of electricity in attempt to paralize or at least momentarily slow the yellow mass of muscle down.

Nearing the city itself, several things could be noted such as several buildings including Jeff's lab, rocketing off into the sky and begining to reach the realm of clouds, while others had robots shooting off various supply crates out of the borders of the city, a couple which even flew past Jeff and Rajaka and landed somewhere in the forest behind them both. Other robots took to the air ready to help fight despite how futile and others just made confusion by rushing off in random directions in extra ships, perhaps to throw off Rajaka if he descided to give chase to anyone, but overall the biggest thing to be noted was directly over Techmo's Castle itself, a giant superweapon of sorts which even at this moment was still charging energy and from the looks of it had been charging ever since the heroes left to seige the tower, using a forcefield that surrounded the tower with the primary intention of just being a cover for the large amount of energy being drawn together into the weapon. The weapon itself was pointed towards the direction of the tower, but quickly was changing direction aiming at a new target it had gained from detecting the dangerous energy output being made by the Yellow monster himself.

"I have to admit, I had cotingency plans made for all known Order members at the time, but you I will admit you left me with not too many options. Mainly cause you know.. you can pretty much tank everything and bust out of most shit. So yeah, initially planned to save this to try and disturb that universal destruction blast as a super last resort, but seeing that you are here... You did said hit you with something big right?" The sage spoke as a massive laser shot out of Techmo Castle out towards Rajaka with a blast raidus that could consume the entire Order Buster easily. "I guarentee it won't be what you're expecting though."

The wind sages words were on point as the beam was not ment to destory in the same sense that the Buster's lasers were and instead it seeked out to devour any and all energy that was in its path, be it arcane or ki. Between the wind blasting him down, the paralzing traps, and the energy destroyer. The sage hoped that it would be enough weaken the ki bomb attack that Rajaka planned to use while Jeff in the back ground finalized his own attack forming 5 compressed pockets of air and super charging them with arcane energy while landing behind him to form his left handed nanoblade

The sage then planned to fire all of them simutaniously at the back of Rajaka's neck and follow up with and an ultimate wind slash that he hoped to use to take off the bruisers head off entirely. Once the beam died off, he struck.
"Oh fun" The sage shrugged as he released his hold on thr blast of wind and vanished once more before appearing in front of Rajaka again and keeping a contant pace of trailing a few yards ahead of the villian. "You managed to hear despite the wind blasting in your ears.. well I doubt you'd be able to find everyone before I'm done ripping you to shreds. If there was any tiny amount of intelligences in that empty dome you call a head, then you'd realize your better off dealing with me first."

As the sage spoke, he shot his hand out again and let the air begin to compress at 6 various spots in the trail in front of him and Rajaka and readied them each to release a wind cannon shotgun blast as he passed by, each aiming for his upper sholder and aiming to hit constantly and try to prevent the regeneration from being downright instant. The sage then overcharged his wind cannons and prepared to use them in his following attack.

Any attempt to strike the compressed balls of air would merely have them fire off early as reflex shots instead which would still aim at the same upper spot of his sholder.

"Then again, I'm sure you're afraid to face me ever since me and Bruce tricked you out of Saidras realm and left Zelraine as a bloody mess. Cause I've only grown stronger since then and even still only tapping into the basics of this form."
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