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Welcome to Eden Boarding School where our motto is "Embrace the New You!" If you want to start, you just have to read the first bit, everything else is optional.

Eden Boarding School is a RP set in a boarding school in the clearing of a forest. It's known to be very famous for its luxurious appeal, but lies a hidden secret within it. All of the male students in the school are turned into female students over the course of around 4-6 days from a pill told to help to keep the students in good health, as there are no hospitals around. They are consumed three times a day, at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Students who do not take the pill will be punished through a high dose of the pill in the form of a needle, or in worse cases, brainwashed permanently.

All of the school's amenities have other ways of altering the male students, such as an arcade that brainwashes them into thinking the minor changes are normal and a pool that contains a chemical that removes arm and leg hair, or at least makes it less noticeable. There's also a cinema that displays subliminal messages similar to the ones in the arcade, but only during the daytime when matinees are being played. Finally, there is a garden that contains flowers that emit a odor that slightly speeds up the students' changes. There are several shops made for necessities the students will need, such as stationery and clothing. The school is quite sturdy about information about them leaking out, but keep their reputation high with the students who are brainwashed speaking out about how great the school is and how it assisted them.

First year teachers are usually unaware of the school's pill's effects, but a high pay and the good amenities, such as a luxurious teacher's lounge, keeps them from speaking out. Girls who ingest the pill become more feminine physically, but not mentally. But keep in mind that the estrogen inside of the pills may affect people's thoughts and make it harder for them to rebel, meaning that it'll take a strong will to fight back against the school's treatment of students.

Big Note: This isn't meant to be a school where everyone turns out as a girly girl. Please take this into account as you choose whether or not to participate, I've put a good deal of work into this.

8:00 AM: Wake Up Time
8:30-9:10 AM: Breakfast, the first round of pills are here, with some classic breakfast.
9:15 -10:15 AM: Homeroom (English)
10:30 -11:20 AM: Alternates Between Geography(Day 1) and History (Day 2)
11:30 AM: Lunchtime, pills are given out, alongisde usual lunch cuisine.
12:45-1:40 PM : Math
2:00 - 3:00 PM: Alternates between Science (Day 1) and Gym (Day 2)
3:15 - 4:05 PM: Health. Boys receive female etiquette, girls receive normal lessons.
4:15 - 5:30 PM: Time Off. Students can wander freely and shop, as well as go to clubs.
5:30 - 6:30 PM: Supper, with of course, more pills and some daily late-night meals.
6:45 - 11:00 PM: Time Off. Students can wander freely and shop, as well as go to late clubs.
9:00 - 10:30 PM: Movie in the Cinema. It's usually something 14A, to confront to the students. Romantic movies are shown later in the week.
10:45 PM: Curfew.
11:00 PM: Lights out.

Punishments under Rebellion:

Refusal to wear New Clothing: Removal of old clothing. 1 Heavy Pill Intake, which will double the speed of your changes for a bit of time.

Direct Rebellion against Classes: 1 Heavy Pill Intake. Possible Light Brainwashing and Rare Heavy Brainwashing. (Temporary Loss of Memories as a Male or Lowered Anger.)

Assault or General Criminal Behaviour: Pill Injection alongside a Light or Heavy Brainwashing. (Heavy Brainwashing is near irreversible, the person might retain half of their memories, but a feminine side that has sprouted inside of them will eventually destroy the rest. Another variant may include the instant wiping of their memories, but this should only be used in serious circumstances, as it's unstable and takes longer to perform.)

Attempt to Escape from School Grounds: Heavy Brainwashing under most circumstances, light if merciful. Escaping isn't easy either, a large iron gate and forest keeps the school secluded, leaving for plenty of time for faculty to swoop in.

If there is a large rebellion in the school, gas can be released from a variety of vents, leading to whoever breathes it in being brainwashed by it. This has only been used once in the 4th year and is very effective, but the hallway had to be evacuated by others for cleanup, due to the residue still affecting others. A final note is that after the second day, any clothing that is left out will be taken by faculty and replaced with female clothing. Keep this in mind, as if you plan on rebelling, you'll have to keep your male clothing hidden.

RP Rules
1. This RP is a low casual, posts should be around at least a short paragraph to two.
2. There are a maximum of 4 teachers and 1 vice principal. Please try to keep a good ratio for students to teachers.
3. Keep everything decently realistic, the only thing supernatural are the pills and the hypnotizing. No magic or anything.
4. Don’t jump ahead on big parts of the RP, such as ending a day, unless everyone’s ready.
5. Don’t post unless you’re signed up.
6. No godmodding. (Making other players say things, or editing the RP to your will.)
7. Finally, make sure you are dedicated to the RP before signing up. Losing a character will make conversations unfinished and hard to finish the whole RP.

RP Signup:
Age: (14-18 for students.)
Starting Gender: (Student, Teacher or Vice-Principal.)
Reason for Going:
Appearance: (Try to explain a good amount of your character.)
Other Facts: (If you have anything else to say. History, things packed.)

Map: (Feel free to add in rooms and areas as you RP, as long as it’s within reason. Trying to explain enough to give some creativity in RP, but nothing too specific, just the rooms on each floor.)

Entrance:There is a fancy amount of hedges leading into the school, with 2 signs placed on the left and right, depicting the school’s motto. Close to the school, there is an iron gate that opens on a password, to only let faculty, visitors and the school bus in. After that, there are some hedges splitting off in 4 directions. To the north is the school and to the left and right, there are some gardens, with some flowers that spray out some facial altering aroma.

1st Floor: The first thing noticeable is the white fountain in the main hall. There are several rooms on this massive floor, 2 Science, Math and English rooms for the students, as well as an Auditorium up north and 2 sets of stairs. There are 2 washrooms on the east. The remaining room is an arcade filled with some homebrew and some classic arcade games, used as a mild hypnotizer, which should be helpful in calming some students down. If you were to continue further down the hallways, it would branch into the Art and Drama section on the west side, the Social Studies, History and Geography on the north side and finally the Computer Technology wing on the east.

Basement: A spacious pool is contained here, taking up ½ of the floor with some changing rooms, as well 2 stores that sell clothing and stationery for the students, mainly switching to female clothing as the time goes on. There is also a custodian’s office as well as a door at the back marked ‘Generator Room’.

Second Floor: There are some other classrooms for the remaining lessons, such as social studies and health, albeit smaller, except for a notable gym that can only be accessed from the second floor. Currently construction is being done so people can access the gym from the first floor. There are two stairways going up to the third floor, where the dormitories are.

Third/Fourth Floor: The third floor contains 30 dormitories, made to contain 4 people each. Each dormitory is fitted like a hotel room, with 2 Double Beds, a bathroom, a medium sized TV and a desk with 2 chairs, meant for homework. Several rooms vary with other amenities, but they plan to include them in all other rooms later. Nothing else notable, except for the excellent view of the first floor through the miniature balcony. The fourth floor also contains 30 dormitories and has a balcony. The next floor is blocked off, as the stairs lead up to the roof. The fourth floor dormitories are just like the third ones, except they were built 2 years after the third floor ones, which means they’re a bit more modern.

Pill Effects: The pills take about 1 hour to work, at which point they’ll start changing the male anatomy. Each pill consumed within a 4 hour period speeds up the effect, but only 1 pill is taken per meal. If 2 pills were taken, the effects will be sped up by 50%, the 3rd pill increases it by 25%, and so on. Special pills are given out through supper to last for 6 hours, to cause changes during the first hour of sleep. Females are unaffected, but they become more physically feminine at the same rate. All faculty and students are told to consume the pills for medical purposes, as there are no hospitals in the surrounding area. If someone stops taking pills, the effect will diminish, with 50% of the effect after 8 hours, 25% after 16 hours, 12.5% after 24 hours, and so on until the effects stop.

RP Suggested Starting Points:

Students: You're in the final stretch of an age long bus ride and you're just seeing the front of the school, glad to be finally be here, whether it's to improve your marks, get to your room, or finally give your back some rest. You've been informed of an assembly in the main room after you get your keys and settle down, so you might need to hurry to get that done. Before that though, you should go to the office to get your key to the room. As long as no one else has taken it, you'll get a sticker with your name, gender and room on it, which you should stick on your door.

Teachers: If you're a first year teacher it's your first day on the job, so you'll probably be preparing for the first days of classes, which do begin tomorrow. If you're a second year or higher teacher, you're excited to see what will happen this year and as a side note, you'll start off female.

Vice Principal/Principal: You're already in your office, ready to walk around the school and make sure students are comfortable in their dorms, as well as check up on the new teachers. If you're the principal, you're preparing for the big speech that you'll have to give annually to the new and old students.

You can sign up and join the RP until the end of the first day of school, so you have plenty of time. If you have any questions pertaining to the RP, feel free to ask, I'll respond as quickly as possible.
We could use some more members in the RP, so feel free to bump up the signup thread.
We have slots open at the moment for anyone who wishes to sign up! Check out the yellow link several posts above for the link to our extensive explanation on the RP. It only takes 5 minutes to make a character!
Nathan was almost done his level when 2 students piled in the room. Nathan looked up to meet them, not pausing his game yet.
"Hey there, name's Charles. I'm in it for the football fields. Eden High's football record is amazing and I had to see the football field for myself." He pointed off to the distance, outside. "Best well groomed field I've ever seen. What's your name?" the first kid introduced himself. He looked legitimately fit for a football player and the 2 cans of deodorant in his backpack proved it.

"Well, I'm 65% pleased to know you. Name's Nathan. You in it for the education or for the behavior?" Nathan replied, looking over to the other kid.

"He's in it for the fitness, but I'm just here for the behavior." another kid chided in from the back. "Oh, yes, right, forgot to induct myself into the cult of three-twenty. My name? Jacob."

"Alright, since we're all here and your stuff is down on the floor, I suppose we just....wait." Nathan replied as Charles headed into the bathroom. Right about then, he was interrupted by a loud announcement coming through the speakers outside of his room.

Kathy POV:

Kathy spoke into the speakers to the entire school, reading off the script she had typed up. "Now that all of you are settled, please be reminded that you have 8 minutes to report to the assembly room. Please note, rows 3-4 are reserved for teachers and faculty only. Thank you." The loudspeakers shut off with a moderately loud squeaking sound.
Accepted, welcome to Eden High!
Sure! We have room for 2 teachers, so feel free to sign up!
Bump again for interest! Don't feel discouraged to sign up even though we started, we're accepting all sign ups! Want a question answered pertaining about the RP if you're considering signing up? I'll be happy to answer it!
All of the students exited the elevator as soon as the elevator stopped and opened up and Nathan was glad to be at the back, he had time to get his stuff instead of being taken by the small crowd of students budging their way through the elevator door. After they left, Nathan packed up his things and headed towards his room. On the way he saw several students heading their way, including a kid named Neil who was on his way to his room, which Nathan decided to exchange phone numbers with, so he could text or call with him. He placed the sticker on his doorway to his room and opened up the door. Being the first student there, the room was quite clean and has some nice amenities, such as a bed, bathroom and a medium sized TV. He put his stuff to the side of his bed, then plugged in his laptop and cell phone while they charged up. He decided to idle in his room for 5 minutes or so, in case anyone else would show up.

Nathan decided to play on his laptop while it was charging, since there wasn't much other than looking outside the balconies and watching the people wait in the lines. He did see more of the main floor of the school, as well as a small look into the arcade and the English room. He loaded up Left for Dead 2 and started playing a level, or until the next announcement came on.
Nathan finally got up to the front of the line as the screen lit up reading "Name and Number?" Nathan typed on the keyboard his name "Nathan Hawthright" and then his room number "416". The machine whirred a bit and then a large blue sticker with his name on it and some blue keys reading '416' came out. Nathan took them both and headed to the elevator, nudging himself past other kids on the way there. He waited a bit until it opened and stepped in with his luggage, as well as 5 other kids, cramping up the elevator. He took refuge in a corner after quickly pressing the close button so no one else could get in. It was cramped enough.

Inside the elevator, there were some cushioned seats, one of which Nathan sat on, as well as a map of the school on a wall. He waited for the elevator to stop as the numbers on the wall clicked up, "1...2...3...".
Bump for interest! Feel free to visit our RP in the link above and check out what our RP is all about!
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