Avatar of Sylvazard
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    1. Sylvazard 10 yrs ago


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While the auctioneer spoke of registering dragons, new owners were directed over to the office by one of the officials there. Rosalie figured she should follow before she was asked to. Was it too late to take back her bid? She began to look around quickly as she moved forward, beginning to feel like she was part of a flock of sheep. She was not too keen on the amount of time it was going to take to register her dragon, but what difference did it make from here on out? She was going to be stuck with Gore, that monstrous lizard, despite how slow or quick the registration was.
The soon-to-be owners were talking amongst themselves, some saying they already had plans for their dragons and it seemed to Rosalie that they had been planning for at least months before the auction. But her? She kept her gaze on the ground out of embarrassment, not having a single clue over how she was going to cope with this. It had been a last minute decision, after all, and it certainly felt like nothing more than improvisation. If she had told any of the new owners that when asked instead of smiling and making a comment, would they have laughed or simply stared at her in disbelief? What am I getting myself into? Why did I buy a dragon when the latest technology out was right there?! I was supposed to save money on this trip but... but... Rosalie wanted to lean back against a wall, press her palms against her eyes and growl lowly at her decision.

Rosalie patiently waited in a large room with several others, thinking over her upcoming meeting with Gore. Things would be different this time around. First of all, no hunters and second, she would actually be around him for longer than just a few dangerous minutes. She drew in a deep breath, tilting her head back slightly to look at the pale ceiling. The room wasn’t all that big but the colours really helped to give it that illusion of space and light. It almost felt empty despite her sitting next to quite a few people. Pot plants placed in corners did add some life to the room, but the cheery atmosphere in the room at that moment was spread by the buyers. Occasionally speaking to those around her quietly, Rosalie would sometimes look at the clock mounted on the wall opposite her. With each passing minute, she was growing a bit more anxious. She didn’t know when the person before her would be done, but when the buyer and their dragon walked out of the room, Rosalie found herself close to walking away. No. She told herself quickly, reclining in her chair. She had to stay. She owed the cursed beast that much. She waited a bit, gathering her nerves all in one single breath before pushing herself out of her chair as if her own weight was more than she could bear.

Each step she took brought the office closer and closer until finally, she could see a man sitting behind a desk with paperwork ready for her to sign. Strange that this room was slightly larger than the last, but Rosalie wasn’t going to dwell on the small details, choosing instead to sit down and stare the paper placed in front of her down as if locked in a staring contest. Out of the periphery of her vision, she saw there was one other in the room, but she didn’t have to look directly at him to know who. It was obvious and she shouldn’t be surprised that he was there. Besides, he had already gone ahead and signed the paper. It’s not as bad as I thought... Rosalie nodded at the man, taking her time to read the rules and guidelines thoroughly, occasionally looking up at the man to ask a few questions to clarify points that she did not understand. When she was done, she signed her name in the spaces provided.

“Wow... I didn’t know there were so many events available...” There were so many that it was almost impossible to choose any one that interested her. As much as she would have liked to pick one and go along with it, she did not really feel the motivation for it knowing that this dragon had drained her of the small fortune Setton had left her. If she ever saw him again, she would have a difficult time explaining this.
“Of course, Ms. As I said; Gore seems as if he would stand a good chance in the arena and perhaps you could use him to win back his cost, hmm?” The man took the paper back and began to discuss a means of payment. “Of course, it’s just a suggestion,” he later added as an afterthought.
“Uh... N-no! That’s fine. I’ll keep that in mind.” She was new to this, so she might as well pick up some tips whenever she could - even if it was just general knowledge to others. She decided she would figure things out later.
She ended up paying for Gore just like she would with anything else she bought, pulling out a strange, clear, card with black, blunt edges that had a single white dot placed near its corners, being similar to the design of a die. This card seemed to harbour a red and blue core that glowed from time to time, the two colours sometimes mixing to form a soft magenta colour that showed its user’s account was still activated and in use. Should it be dull in colour, then it would be a concern to sellers and dealers.

While the man took care of that on his computer, Rosalie would have gone back to scanning the brochures if Gore had not introduced himself. This must be some sort of procedure, she guessed. It was normal for her to feel uneasy about this, even more so when she had seen him kill many hunters three weeks earlier. Even then, she kept her distaste for him to herself and nodded slowly like she was in a bit of a daze. It was difficult for her to take in. This was actually the Blood Dragon kneeling before her in human form.. Or what was close to it. It was also awkward for her to be called ‘master’, but she would try to ignore that for now. Could she really trust what he says? It sounded so formal, so different to how she had seen him speak earlier. Perhaps it was the tone? Rosalie did not care. She would have to keep an eye on him as the fear of being strangled when her guard was down never strayed too far from her mind. She could care for herself. “Mhm. It’s.. Rosalie, by the way. Nice to meet you.” She gave him a brief, small, smile and turned back to the man when he spoke.

“Alright. That’s your registration and payment complete. We’ll be keeping your record here and as proof that Gore is registered under your name, these papers will be yours along with a card as convenient proof of this. Also, before you leave, I’m afraid I may have to take a moment of your time to take a quick profile picture of you and Gore.” The man moved to get the task done and when he gave her the ‘okay’, Rosalie got up, gathered what was handed to her, and moved back while the man prepared to take one of Gore. She took this chance to look the dragon over, shaking her head at the fresh wounds she spotted. Surely there should have been a discount offered for his new wounds, but of course that was wishful thinking.
Alright... there’s someone who looks like he has a backbone... was Rosalie’s initial thought when she saw the man with jet black hair make an approach, a group of men under his lead appearing just as fearless. Who were these people? Their uniformal use of colour and clothing was what had drawn her attention, but not as much as the weapons they were carrying and their bold way of approach as they set foot on stage, immediately putting Gore in his place. It showed just how subservient dragons were meant to be toward humans. In this day and age, they did not have very much significance when technology was quickly becoming a part of daily life. Sure, they made wonderful slaves, but really, who wanted to cover expenses should their dragon fall ill? Machines, at least, did not have that particular problem at all.

However, Gore didn’t seem to be bothered by the new group, laughing like some madman on the street, instead. Rosalie furrowed her brow at the sight, eyes fixated on the legendary figure as she tried to figure out whether the Blood Dragon’s years of living had done him any good. To be completely fair, though, she thought to herself with a light shake of her head, he had been missing for quite some time so there was no way he could be aware of the rapidly changing world outside while time for him remained seemingly still. Could that have been the reason behind his smug, little stand?
The dragon was in no such position to be standing so high and mighty - especially when he was the one to be sold like nothing more than a pet. That was when Rosalie sighed. The girl reckoned she would have more luck buying a machine that was in her favourite colour than she would with taking photos. The thought of going home empty-handed did not sit too well with her but she might as well leave the bidders to themselves.

When Rosalie spun on her heels though, ready to leave, the crowd around her gasped. They were either shifting anxiously, murmuring amongst themselves with uneasy looks over their faces, or were cheering for something to be done. Flickering light coming from the stage illuminated their faces, the perfect recipe for gaining Rosalie’s curiosity. The girl looked over her shoulder, her bored expression being quickly replaced with a hard frown. Had there been some shock and concern over what she saw? She wanted to know why they were abusing the dragon in front of the crowd now of all times. There were children here, but that was beginning to change as mothers and fathers began to usher their young ones away, voices full of wariness and disapproval. It did, however, make it easier for Rosalie to wade her way toward the front and strain to hear what was going on. This scene would serve as good warning for any dragon thinking to run their mouth in the face of authority. Rorshe, he said his name was? Whether or not he was an important figure, this was the first Rosalie had heard of his name. It was not as if she paid much attention to this part of the market, anyway, but the man still intrigued her enough for her to stay. If he kept torturing Gore like this, the dragon’s price was bound to drop. Who would want to pay for the recovery? Though... it appeared that if Gore did not sell, the dragon’s fate would then be decided by this new man.

Her eyes began to flicker this way and that, scanning each face in the crowd carefully while trying to determine if they would make a move to buy the dragon. As she did this, she could feel herself becoming slightly expectant of someone to raise their hand and claim the dragon as their own. Why? She did not care for what humiliation Gore suffered nor what was planned for him should he be given an owner, but what she did care about, which came as a surprise to even her, was that he was treated as more of a legend instead of a ‘fresh harvest’. Even if his scales and other things such as a claw grounded up for medicine and whatnot could fetch a fortune, the least they could do was make him seem like something worth the money they were calling for. Bids were rising but perhaps not near enough the asking price. The buyers always wanted the lowest price possible and the sellers wanted the highest. Whether this bidding war amongst buyers continued or not, this night would still be one night to remember.

It was becoming difficult to watch, the shot Rorshe had fired hitting Gore square in the shoulder. Rosalie had to think for a moment as she looked to the ground, her body tensing. She hadn’t forgotten what the dragon had done for her and neither did she forget the moment he dove for her as she fell from the sky. It was the lizard’s fault that led to that particular event but if not for his quick decision, she would not be standing here watching him. She clenched her hands into fists, torn in her decision to leave right this instant or stay for a bit longer. It was nonsense to believe that she would be left indebted to this winged lizard, a killer, a monster, but the truth was clear to her: she owed him more than just a small favour. A dragon’s not as flash as a machine, though... Rosalie thought, kicking at the ground with a small growl. She should save her money and use it when she needed to, but one would argue this was what she should use it for. Sigmund and Eric won’t be paying for my return trip, that’s for sure...hmm... The girl made the mistake of looking directly at Gore, seeing how he was fighting even in his condition against Rorshe and the weapon that had impaled him once more. “I’m going to regret this...” She mumbled to herself, raising a hand with a sharp exhalation of breath.


Rorshe smirked when he saw that this was going in his favour. At this rate, Gore’s life would be taken like a mere animal. It was what the Blood Dragon deserved for the many people who had lost their lives going up against him, their blood nothing but another stain on his name. The people here knew that and did not appear too confident after that buffoon’s display of how close one could get to the crimson lizard without almost getting themself killed. Who was going to believe that act? He shook his head slowly whilst he addressed the crowd. “Well...? It appears that maybe a public execution will be scheduled tonight, after all... I hope you enjoy the show.” Rorshe smiled darkly as he approached Gore, then, roughly pulling the other to his feet and bringing him near enough that only the dragon could hear his next words, “Don’t worry... I’ll be sure to make this as slow and painful as possible. Maybe then, you’d feel the pain of those you’ve killed.” He raised his weapon, its tip crackling menacingly with light as Rorshe pulled it back, aiming right for the dragon’s chest.

“Wait!” The auctioneer interrupted.
Rorshe groaned, stopping inches from Gore’s heart. “What is it now?!” He hissed through clenched teeth. “You can’t stand giving these people what they want, can you?”
“As things are going now, it appears to be more what you want, Lieutenant. Though... I believe this dragon may no longer belong to Druthers&Druthers.” The short man smirked and moved to the centre of the stage, then, raising his hands in an overly enthusiastic manner, calling for silence as he spoke to what remained of the crowd. “We may just have found a potential new owner! Is anyone willing to go higher?”
From afar, the stadium looked oddly quiet as if devoid of life. For someone to only just be approaching the stadium, it brought a weighing sense of doubt as to whether or not they were wasting their time and effort just to catch one last possible glimpse of the Blood Dragon before the beast became another ‘face in the crowd’. Of course, if given the opportunity, Rosalie would have liked to have gone back and make it very clear that she had no plans in leaving Kalandor just to take photos of some overgrown, crimson lizard she had enccountered some three weeks ago. As lucky as she was to see the scaled beast -and be saved by the creature- it was more than enough excitement for one month. It seemed, that as ready as the girl was to finally leave the nest and search the world for her father, she had never ever dreamt that she would be put in so much danger in such little time.

She did, however, allow herself to become a little sidetracked by the fancy machines for sale near the stadium itself; mechanisms that would transport the driver through the air and were the latest and most convenient mode of travel through the streets. She slowed, eyeing the shiny new designs with suppressed excitement and, for a moment, forgot about the amount of time remaining for the auction. Her enthusiasm for the machines might have even been close to a person in the midst of picking out a motorcycle from the many available, but considering that one machine would cost quite a lot, she really had to ask herself if she needed one or just wanted one. If she had one of these, surely it would cut her travel time to and around the city -or any town, for that matter- in half. It made sense that the city of Desdemona would hold such treasures and perhaps the trip here was not a such a waste of time and money after all.

About to make an approach and perhaps spend all her money -along with the fair portion Setton had left her- in one go, a roar she deemed to have come from the stadium startled not just her but also the people around her, all heads turning towards the stadium - which would make sense considering the stadium was occupied and for very good reason. Rosalie shivered but not from the cool air as she looked down, forcing herself to focus. That roar should have sounded just like any other fierce roar that a dragon would emit, but for some reason, this one was dreadfully familiar. Remembering what she needed to do before she slacked off, the girl hurried off in the direction of the stadium with her camera grasped tightly in hand.

There were quite a lot of well-dressed individuals sitting in the stands but some of those present seemed interested in only catching a glimpse of the dragon of legend. It was interesting that Druthers&Druthers’ auction was open to the public of all ages. Usually, children weren’t allowed to attend something such as this because of the events having the potential to go terribly wrong. After all, children should remain innocent until a certain time in their lives where they would better be able to grasp various concepts and behave maturely. Quite a lot of things could go wrong during an auction such as this if not handled in a correct manner.
This also just meant Rosalie had to be more mindful as she worked on somehow navigating her way through the crowd to a spot where she would be able to take a good shot of the dragon for Sigmund and Eric. Oh, how they were going to owe her. As she moved about, she paid no heed to the new voice that had taken over and had piqued the crowd’s interest.

“Excuse me.. Uh... sorry!” She said quickly, weaving through the crowd around the stage. Rosalie brushed shoulders with a couple of people in trying to get to the centre, earning a few frowns and comments of disapproval as she went on. However, the attention did not remain fixed on her for very long seeing as they were more interested in what was happening on stage... whatever it was. The girl would try to remain as inconspicuous as possible in the case a few hunters were present. The fear of being taken in was with her no longer, but she just did not want to run into any trouble during her little ‘holiday’.

Once in a position where she would be able to get a good shot of the Blood Dragon, Rosalie looked up only to question why there was a giant slab with loose chains around it and why there wasn’t a red dragon even though people were still present. A few seats were quickly becoming vacant, though, the occupants having the minds to leave while they still had the chance. Rosalie raised a brow at this, looking around and watching the well-dressed individuals leave in a fashion almost akin to discreet urgency. It was almost as if they had gotten what they had come for and were now with the mind to take part in the ongoing celebrations in light of it. “Hmm... so... the auction is over then...?” She asked no one in particular, but a man, possibly in his late 30's, standing next to her overheard her question and answered her in a low tone of voice.
“No.” He was clearly captured by a sense of awe, and that was seen in his facial expression and his voice as he continued to whisper to her in the same manner that he would when telling a child a story, “the Blood Dragon is still here...”
“Really, sir?”
He waved at her for silence, gesturing to the speaker on stage as he leaned closer to her, making sure that she was looking in the right direction. “See that one there with the horns over his head and the clawed hands? That’s the Blood Dragon... in his human form.”
“Human form?” How she felt like a parrot! Eyes now going to the figure with his clawed hands over the microphone, she cringed, taking a few steps back. What?! Really?! Rosalie shook her head, blinking as if it would clear her mind and allow her to see and hear what was happening before her clearly. Nothing changed; she still saw a tall person with horns jutting from his head. She couldn’t see the colour of his eyes or anything that proved he really was the Blood Dragon from where she was, but she still watched, intrigued. Say if it really was the dragon from three weeks earlier, then perhaps she would find entertainment out of this in some way.

Though there were armed guards present around the tanned man, Rosalie did not see the point in them standing there if they weren’t going to do their job. This one standing here, talking with an accent that belonged to a much older time, was obviously dangerous, and yet, he stood there addressing the crowd with a calmness that was almost... mocking in a sense. He knew their tongue, that much was clear, but what was he doing? His speech? As serious as it was for him, or perhaps how great he sounded in his ears, it only served in making Rosalie cover her mouth in a silent fit of laughter. He really had no idea how ridiculous he sounded. In the minutes it took for the number of bids to rise, Rosalie recovered slowly, wiping the tears from her eyes as she fought to keep her laughing under control. It was the whole idea of the clearly non-human taking on the role of the auctioneer that got her. He’s good for something, at least. Maybe they’ll pay him. Rosalie thought to herself, straightening to take the promised pictures for the two brothers. There was no way this man on stage would spot her in the crowd. Chances of that happening were fairly slim unless he had good eyesight. Besides, she believed she would blend in well with crowd of spectators. A shame, though, she thought to herself whilst frowning, she would have liked to get pictures of the dragon in... well... dragon form. She would then glance around as offers for the Blood Dragon rose. It appeared the auctioneer was looking for a good price and who wouldn’t for a creature so rare? What would happen, though, if he didn’t sell? Would the red lizard be their slave, instead?
Her escape had been rather rushed; not quite the getaway she had imagined, but in the end, what mattered to her more than just getting close to the dragon of legend, was living to tell the tale. However, the chances of people believing her to that point were incredibly slim if none at all. Children would, perhaps, but young minds that absorbed knowledge like a sponge did not count in Rosalie’s book. If she ever hoped to get anywhere by recounting the events that led up to her encounter with the Blood Dragon, she would have to provide evidence. The thought prompted the girl to glance down briefly at what she had grasped in her hand; little objects slick with blood. It didn’t surprise Rosalie that getting back to town took slightly longer than she had expected, but she wouldn’t want to rush the journey anymore than she had trying to get away from Marian. Even if she hurried and made it back home under the watchful eyes of Sigmund’s family, it would make sense for the hunters to head back to the nearest source of supplies as well.

Suppressing a growl of frustration, Rosalie forced herself to focus more on the ground before her as she moved down the rocky slope, stopping only very briefly to check that none of the hunters were closely following her. Even if she were being trailed at this moment, there was nothing she could offer them aside from what she had taken from battle. After all, the greatest prize belonged to them and knowing what happened to dragons after capture, Gore would become another lowly slave. Even the strongest of beasts would eventually fall, as seen today with the Blood Dragon. This did leave much, however, to be considered. If it had been a fair fight, would the outcome have been any different to today’s? What would be considered [/i]fair[/i] in this day and age? No doubt things have drastically changed from the swords and arrows of old that someone or something Gore’s age would be used to.

Now on even ground, her hometown, Kalandor, was a long hour’s walk away, but the thought of sitting in the warmth of a heater and the relief of getting into some dry clothes only urged her to pick up the pace. She had been trudging along the damp earth for too long, breathing in the cool air and the scents that came with it whilst thinking back over the events that led to many lives lost in a matter of minutes. She wanted to forget that, but for some, that would be a luxury they would never be able to afford. She felt terrible after witnessing the events, yes, but in the end, was there really anything she could do about it? If Rosalie had pushed the arrows further into the dragon when she had the chance, would that stop her from feeling guilty for being a bystander while all those hunters died? After claiming the lives of so many, surely killing the one who had caused this destruction would make up for it, right? The girl knew she should and could have, but when it came to the subject of actually taking a life, it left her wondering if she would be capable of doing so.

The idea of being taken in for questioning crossed Rosalie’s mind many times, but she also thought it was likely that they would tend to their own rather than send people off to get her. They’ll need all the help they could spare, the girl decided with a firm nod of confirmation to herself. It was not because it was a habit of hers but because Rosalie wanted the reassurance she might get from someone who accompanied her. Yet, she thought, slowing only when the sheet of rain had settled into a mere drizzle, if someone had gone along with her, would they have made it back? Just look at her: she was extremely lucky to make it back with only a few scratches. It could have been worse if not for Gore...
She trailed off, then, brows furrowing. Gore. Why did that scaled beast save her? Seeing as she couldn’t exactly try and get an answer, the only thing left to her, sadly, was to speculate.


Three weeks. Three weeks since then and Rosalie had never been able to forget about it. It also didn’t help that Sigmund would often tease her about the cut she had received on the day, leaving her more than a bit paranoid that the wound would open up and she would be able to stick her tongue through it. She shuddered, pressing a hand against the cut that was healing up quite nicely -in her opinion- as she sat quietly in the room she had rented out for the duration of her stay in Desdemona, a city well known for its advanced technology and its easy-to-access location for travellers coming from all directions. What brought it new faces almost everyday were the amount of airships ready to be used for public transport and the fact that many people came here to trade. It certainly was a big step up from Kalandor. No wonder Sigmund and Eric were disappointed they couldn’t tag along, Rosalie thought, shifting on the bed to get into a more comfortable position. She could have gotten them to pay for her food in exchange for forcing her to come here. At least they had paid for her travelling expenses.

She honestly did not see any real reason for being here for Druthers&Druthers’ Grand Auction, but Sigmund and Eric insisted that she go out and gather what they could not: pictures. Why pictures? Well, their reasoning was that it was going to be a historic event and since they had their hands full helping their father with the delivery of weapon and armour sets, they had sent her out in their place to take pictures of the Blood Dragon before the beast would be given an owner. It might be their only chance to see the dragon of legend. Rosalie rolled her eyes, heaving a sigh as she allowed herself to become lost in the light display happening outside her window.
Her eyes slowly wandered over to the time and that was when she jumped off the bed in a rush to leave as if zapped, realising it was only ten minutes till the end of the auction. She couldn’t return to the two brothers empty-handed. Then the whole point of her staying here would have been a waste of time and money.

If Rosalie thought it had been lively from inside, then she had been missing out on quite the celebration. The enticing aroma of food, sweet, sour and savoury wafted through the cool air along with songs sung and stories told to children crowded around puppet stands and various stalls. Even child-friendly holograms of the Blood Dragon were for sale along with other merchandise that actually brought a smile to Rosalie’s face. Perhaps these were just limited edition merchandise to promote the auction... or rather, was payment for the city in turn for becoming the hosting venue. However, as bright and festive this was, Rosalie couldn’t help but see the darker side to it.

Murmurs and gasps were heard throughout the stadium as soon as Gore was taken into the centre of the field for all to see, bound by sturdy chains for obvious safety reasons. Though Gore was secured, it did not stop them from taking precautions to make sure the beast did not claim anymore lives. The reaction that rippled through the audience seemed to satisfy the portly man, and he smiled a snide smile at Gore very briefly before resuming the bidding. The number of offers, though, was quite interesting - interesting enough that it made the man frown slightly. The number of bids wasn’t disappointing, no. He huffed, adjusting the cuff of his jacket as he attempted to keep the ‘sweet and entertaining’ smile he had to keep the crowd drawn in. It was just that he had been expecting braver people to step up and take Gore in their hands, not those who looked just about ready to soil themselves at the sight of the dragon.

Stepping forward, he took in a deep breath, speaking loudly and enthusiastically to try and raise the amount that Gore was going for. At this rate, the Blood Dragon would go at a fairly good price, but he wanted to see if he could raise it. “C’mon, now! Don’t be shy! Be brave and take this dragon by the horns! We’ve tamed him and can assure you that he’s as obedient as a dog despite the chains that bind him!” To prove his point and to ease the growing tension among some buyers, he hopped down from his stand and made his way over to the chained dragon. When he was close enough, he kicked the dragon once and pulled at the chains with his weight. While he did so, he whispered lowly to Gore, “do try to be on your best behaviour, now, Gore...”

He then moved away to stand facing the crowd of potential buyers, raising his arms in a way that made him seem ready for a welcoming embrace. “See? Completely safe! Now, let’s see if we could get things rolling again, shall we?" That could have been a mistake as after all, the last thing you wanted to do was taunt the dragon, but this was one of the only and easiest ways of which he could potentially ease growing concerns. Unfortunately, Aisen, the one still standing after the fight with Gore three weeks ago, was unable to attend the auction. He was away for personal reasons, as it seemed, and didn’t appear too interested in seeing the outcome of Gore. He only left with the hope that Gore suffered in the hands of his new owner, whoever they may be.
It surely was a difficult scene to watch and listen to, the light-formed spears conjured by the male caster inflicting more and more damage over the time that he was given thanks to Delna’s interference. The sight of two people against the crimson dragon would have been laughable from a different perspective, but considering how quickly the tide had shifted just at the appearance of these two, it went to show that Delna and Aisen were no ordinary individuals. To take down a beast with little to no use of the machines the hunters used required a great deal of control over their abilities and good co-operation skills with one another. It seemed, that if an individual was lacking in one area, say defence, it was most likely that they would be paired with another who focused on attacking power or casting ability. It would make some sense, at least, should one try to assume who took on what role just by watching.

That was one of the few things Rosalie picked up on whilst watching the two, Delna and Aisen, carefully; they seemed split in their abilities and relied on each other at times if not most. Still, with two against one -the latter fairly injured in the previous battle- it wasn’t much of a fair fight. She was not making note of this out of boredom - she just had an eye out for things that interested her or could be a threat to her. Though it was difficult to watch spears run through Gore’s flesh, Rosalie just did not have the thought to turn away, finding herself staring for a while longer than she should have as the dragon’s cries of anguish echoed through the area.
No amount of thinking could drown out the wrenching screams coming from the woman who had been snatched by Gore and though much of it was left to imagination, it was still gruesome and unnerving to be standing there doing pretty much nothing as the event unfolded. After a while, the screams died down and a projectile actually shot straight out of the cage, landing with a sickening crunch that stirred the imagination of those watching and made them cringe. Those who had figured out what it had been, stepped back out of fear and disbelief, protesting against moving any closer than they had to.

It was only when the prison had lifted, and a dragon sapped of its strength was all there was left of the cruel capture, did Rosalie decide to drop her gaze and step back slowly. It was brief, but as her eyes trailed down, she glimpsed the prone form of Delna -who had been the one to set the prison- in Aisen’s arms. Her body was almost beyond recognition after the abuse she had suffered, and yet, the male still held her as tenderly as he would a child, the sorrow and rage in his eyes burning brightly.
Marian,who had been staring Rosalie down this entire time, must have thought it the best time to act, running forward as quickly as her injuries would allow. Rosalie’s eyes widened and she took in a quick breath at the sound of footsteps rushing toward her, barely having enough time to counter by stepping to the side, grasping the woman’s arm, and using the other’s momentum against her. She ended up kneeling on Marian, careful over putting her full weight onto the woman. Though she contemplated on whether or not she should do so, she instead settled with the thought that she did not want to give the woman anymore injuries to tend to unless left with no choice.

Hunters, no doubt Marian’s bodyguards, pointed their weapons at Rosalie in warning and she almost jumped away. Almost. “You’re not going to call them off?” She asked the woman who only growled at her in response. “Oh, c’mon... you’re really not in a position to be playing games.”
“And neither are you.”
“I know... I know...” Rosalie sighed, applying only slightly more pressure to gain the reaction she wanted. “I knew it wouldn’t take much to make you cry out. That just proves that if I choose to continue, it’s going to get much worse. Tell me: what do you plan on doing to Gore now that you’ve won? Don’t lie to me, okay?” To prove that she wasn’t playing any games, the girl pushed down a bit more, but to those observant enough, it was easy to see that her confidence was all an act. Surrounded by so many with the potential to harm and even kill? Who wouldn’t be afraid? Still, if she were to allow this mask she had created for herself to shatter more easily than glass, it would no doubt reflect badly on her father.
“Ow, get off of me, brat! ...ugh...If you must know, we plan to sell Gore. Not like you'd care, anyway.” Marian grunted, tensing. She was trying not to show her extreme discomfort, to let Rosalie know that even the most gentlest of touches would bring about pain. She was almost like an injured animal; wary, but fairly dangerous if given the right opportunity, but either way, Rosalie could not afford to make a mistake here.

Occasionally, the girl’s eyes would flicker from face to face, taking note of the position and distance of the hunters who surrounded her. She couldn’t care any less about Delna and Aisen; they were too far away from her and perhaps too tired to waste their time. They’ve gotten their prize, so why bother with anything else?
Being all too aware of her surroundings, the questions Rosalie asked Marian became a bit of a blur; she wasn’t really thinking, even as her eyes settled over the bloodied scales that had fallen from Gore’s body as a result of the struggle to evade his captors. The thought to collect the scales actually did not occur to her despite it being one of the things on the forefront of her mind just moments before and, even if she had wanted to, she couldn’t - not just yet, at least.

Rosalie just found it hard to believe that the dragon, who had been fighting with so much vigour, had finally been reduced to nothing but a pile of sprawled and bloodied limbs. Gore literally did look like a ‘Blood Dragon’ with the grievous injuries he had sustained and it was amazing that Gore was able to stay awake. His tolerance and endurance for pain was admirable, but in the end, he had lost the battle and it was his shame to deal with.
Rosalie shot Gore one last look, wondering if he would notice it, before she drew her knife and held it to the woman’s neck. “Stand.” She commanded, becoming slightly nervous when the other did not obey. The girl cleared her throat and made a louder demand and this time, it worked. Rosalie would use Marian as a means for ensuring her own safety and if the hunters wanted to save the woman a few additional marks to her skin, they were going to have to comply and clear a path for her. Taking someone hostage was the last thing she wanted to do, but, eyeing one of the Blood Dragon’s scales on the ground, she would have to. After all, she was about to get what she had wanted.

During the time it had taken the party to transport Gore away, Aisen had left Delna under the care of a doctor in another vehicle, his duty forcing him to keep an eye on the beast to make sure the dragon did not struggle against its bonds. It made the man mutter darkly under his breath, already planning what methods he would use against the ancient lizard. They weren’t going to be pleasant, that was for sure. After all, dragons were slaves to humanity so it shouldn’t matter what methods he used to break the dragon, right? Not many would care as long as Gore was still alive, right? Aisen resisted the urge to laugh at the thought, folding his arms as he leaned back in his seat, telling the driver to speed up so they could get to their little camp.

“Even if news of the Blood Dragon’s capture spreads quickly, not many would dare come see it for themselves. Not like this.” Aisen said, staring blankly ahead. He felt drained after exerting himself against Gore, and it frustrated him to no end to think he had almost been defeated by an injured dragon. How pathetic! If he had trouble going against Gore like this, he dared not think of how he’d make it through against the dragon at full strength. “Step one is over. Now to move onto step two.” After hearing a short and sharp reply of confirmation from his driver, Aisen sighed and tilted his head back, closing his eyes now. This victory, though, had been at the cost of Delna, his sweet partner whom he trusted with his life. Now she was fighting on her own for hers and he was unable to stay by her side. Aisen had been told that she might not make it through the day and would be lucky to make it to nightfall. Strange that this bothered him. He shouldn’t have grown attached to her, but perhaps, he thought, he had.

Where they were headed was quite secluded, but near enough that they could get to taming the Blood Dragon as quickly as possible for his new owner. Earlier, Aisen had asked one of the members of the party to take an image of Gore at the moment of capture so he could later send to his client. They were always picky and difficult to work with. Why, if they went with his word, it would make his life a heck of a lot easier. Unfortunately, he did not have that luxury.
It took five hours to reach their camp and another hour to unload Gore into a cage that was just big enough for the dragon to curl up in. Should he decide to pay more attention to his surroundings, he would find that this area was actually not so far from a quiet town that could still be seen from where they were. Within the area, small shelters for the hunters dotted the space and in the centre was a large tent. What set this one apart from the others -aside from its size- was that it bore a strange marking which had never been seen in the common dialect. It was unusual and yet, at the same time, it had a place even in this age where technology played a big part in life. The reason why it was so close -roughly two hours away from town- was for the convenience of gathering supplies and gathering information. That was how they had gotten wind of the Blood Dragon and why they had decided to set up camp here just days before attempting the capture.

Aisen approached the cage which held Gore with a stone-cold expression, hands held behind his back. The way he looked at Gore had no room for any other emotion apart from pure resentment for the crimson beast. “You’re lucky, you know, Gore. As much as I would like to get the process of taming you started, I’ve been advised not to... Heh, not yet, anyway.” He dared to close his hands around the steady bars, glancing very briefly at the lock with a small, electronic panel that flashed with a blue light from time to time. “Best get some rest because tomorrow,” Aisen said slowly, slamming his fist against the cage, “I’ll make you pay for EVER touching Delna. Ancient dragon? Hah! I’ll turn you into an obedient, little dog.” He stared directly into Gore’s eyes, a silent challenge issued. A dragon who had been away from this rapidly changing world was sure to stick to outdated traditions, but unfortunately things have drastically changed, and Aisen was going to make sure Gore knew who was in command here. The land no longer belonged to dragons, but to the ‘lesser beings’ that were larger in numbers: Humans.
Out of the corner of her eye, Rosalie saw Gore tentatively test out his wing, noticing the angle of which it had bent. Did it happen when he was hit or when he had crashed? She wasn’t completely sure of what compelled her to question exactly when the dragon’s wing had turned out the way it had, but reckoned her curiosity stemmed from being given the chance to use them as a ramp to get onto his back. They were so soft and leathery that they seemed to easily absorb her weight when she had stepped over them. She’d never had that experience before. That must be it... Rosalie thought to herself, drawing in a slow, deep breath in the hopes that it would calm her nerves and enable her to consider and clearly think through the situation she had landed herself in.

Gore didn’t seem too impressed with her comment, judging by the way he turned to shoot her a look to which Rosalie responded by quickly leaning back to distance herself from him. Despite the reaction to the dragon baring his teeth and how quickly her heart was thumping in her chest, the girl did not allow her gaze to drop away from him. There was a strong distaste towards her in those eyes, but it seemed to shimmer with something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Was the Blood Dragon capable of making other expressions that did not resemble rage? She wasn’t in this to impress him; she just knew that she wanted to stay alive for as long as possible and for that to happen, she would need to choose her actions carefully. It was not necessarily based on whether she liked the dragon or not, but was based purely on... survival. Was she grateful for his acts towards her in the rain, for catching her and trying to protect her? Yes, she was, but with the way people viewed dragons, she found it rather difficult to look past the facts gathered and organised throughout the years since the enslavement of dragons; it was almost like trying to use her hands to fan away the fog that obscured her vision. At this point, it was impossible, and considering her current mood in response to the unfortunate ending of her journey, she was unwilling to go out of her way to see another side to this dragon if there was one. She had no interest in the dragon himself; being more interested in what he could give her instead. Just a single scale was sure to get her at least some information to Setton’s whereabouts. She just needed to put more effort into it.

Seeing Marian pinned beneath Gore’s claw made Rosalie’s body grow cold for a few seconds, mind already jumping to conclusions over how it could possibly turn out for the woman. Rosalie didn’t know her, but hadn’t there been enough lives lost? Did Gore even consider the families of those who had died? If those hunters were also parents.., Rosalie shook her head quickly to stop any depressing thoughts -that might be around the corner- from reaching her too quickly. It wasn’t as if she had the power to change anything; the only control she had being over her actions.

The chance to protest against the situation was lost when she noticed Gore had tensed, deciding to wrap his tail around the woman -once pinned beneath his claw- and jump away from something. Whatever it had been, no matter how different to the machines Gore had encountered and Rosalie had seen, the reason behind its deployment was pretty much the same: intent to harm. As much as technology had advanced to make their lives much, much easier, the majority of the new machines created were for purposes such as this. Rosalie wasn’t surprised, but she did find what some of the machines were capable of doing quite interesting.

The cloud of dirt made her cough and prevented her from seeing much, but even after it had settled, Rosalie still had a difficult time pulling herself out of a hunched position to try and see what had happened. It just felt safer to be hunched down against the dragon as it lessened the chances of her losing her grip and being thrown straight off his back. Right now, he served as a form of protection from whatever or whoever was attacking.
She had let out a little cry at the explosion, but it was more out of fear and surprise than frustration in trying to hold on and keep herself steady. After all, she had no control over the turn of events and if she had? She would have taken her chances at fleeing instead of allowing Gore to pull her into this mess with him. It was only when the warmth from the dragon’s flames reached her did she quickly look up to see the unfolding events. Who could have command over the strange, white, cable-like things that sought Gore? Rosalie frowned, trying to pinpoint its origin.

At first, she thought it was coming from some sort of machine, but the longer she stared through the rain, the more apparent it became that it was coming from an individual figure as opposed to a mechanical construction. It was strong enough to match Gore’s flames, but had technology really come so far as to match the strength of an ancient creature? To think of it from another perspective, it wasn’t really that much of a fair fight and for all she knew, Gore was the Guinea Pig for their first trial. As Rosalie thought this, the dragon seemed to lose balance. ‘Pitiful’ would have been the word that described Gore well at this moment and time, but she kept an eye on him when she would usually look away at the sight of so much blood. The way in which he had been hit made the girl shudder, but it was no doubt nothing compared to what Gore was going through. His strength was failing him, that much was easy to see, and yet, he had decided to spare yet another life.. only to throw the woman away moments afterwards...
Being set on the ground, she frowned lightly at Gore, wondering where Marian had landed and if he was finally letting her go. You abusive, overgrown liz- She began out of distaste for his treatment of the woman, but her mental thought was replaced with the initiative to turn away with hope that she wasn’t roasted alive. A few moments after the flames had died down, she was left with scorch marks that marred the ground. They weren’t ordinary scorch marks; they actually formed words that she understood. “Run... stay safe...?” Rosalie read aloud to herself after Gore had left her. Surely, dragons weren’t educated enough to write like this. Perhaps Gore was actually... intelligent for his kind.

While Gore continued the battle, Rosalie sought a means for escape. He didn’t have to tell her twice for her to run away, but where and how? Perhaps, since the hunters were focused on Gore, that would create a gap just big enough for her to slip through. Spinning on her heels, she caught sight of two people she hadn’t noticed before; a female holding an umbrella, and a tall male attacking Gore. Who are they...? She thought, watching them warily as she slowly backed away. A cough caught her attention and immediately, Rosalie’s hands went to hover over one of the blades hidden within the folds of her clothes that now clung to her form in the rain.
“Answer me this, girl,” the raven haired woman demanded, propping herself up against a tree whilst holding her side. “It’s.. also rude to stare.” The woman chided her when she started staring at Marian’s limp arm. “Blasted dragon. Ah well... he’s as good as... dead if he keeps this up.”
“You think I care?” Was the girl’s blunt reply. She was wary even though Marian appeared to be injured since it could very well just be a ruse to get her guard down.
“He... spared you, didn’t he?”
“I know that and he also did the same with you...” but this isn’t my fight, Rosalie finished just to herself, not at all. Her brown eyes flickered over to Gore and the two strange figures for a moment. Best not to get on their bad side. Rosalie, though her gaze remained fixed on the dragon and the two figures fighting to overwhelm him, remained mindful of Marian’s position, trying her hand at playing the same game she was. After all, this could very well be the only chance of escape she would get. Still, when it came down to it, would she be able to leave the Blood Dragon while he fought after all he had done for her? Seeing as it was not her fight, she did not have any obligation to stay.

At Aisen’s command, Delna fished from her pockets another crystal, similar to the last, but was darker in colour and shaped more like a cube. Instead of forming a dome, this one expanded, broke into four different sections that surrounded Gore and started to close in on him much like a box. However, she would have appreciated more of an opportunity to act seeing as the flames eating the trees also seemed to be eating at her time. They were more of a distraction than an actual threat to the two seeing as they could try and make an escape at any time. It would have been a waste to flee after pushing Gore to the edge as they had, though.

One could see, that between each section of the box, sparked purple electricity which kept the walls connected in a way and allowed them to move in sync with each other despite there being some space in between them. It also moved with a strange, yet soft, humming sound only audible to a dragon, one that intensified as they spun every once and a while. It seemed the aim here was to confuse the weakened dragon.
The rude interruption of his spells made Aisen stagger back at the force of the impact, shouting for Delna to “hurry it up,” amongst the sparks of his magic that fell away as one with the rain. She was trying, she really was, but it was up to him to buy them time.

Finally. After all their patience, they were getting close to the capture of this ancient, scaled beast. Should this final attempt prove successful, they would finally be able to get in touch with their client and confirm the date of which they wanted the payment by. Once they got their prize, they would make their way off the mountain into another location -preferably one that was secluded- as they waited the days out. After all, no one wanted an untamed lizard and, as the hunters, it was part of their job to break the beast and turn him into an obedient dog.
Gore was protecting her. That was the one, key word that kept popping up every time in her thoughts even as she battled to keep herself firmly in place. Who would have thought that a crimson, scaled beast would be the one to provide protection against these people; her own race that was united yet divided at the same time? Rosalie wondered how Gore might have seen them at this moment as he fought back against his pursuers. Were they nothing but children squabbling over a toy unfairly shared, or were they grown adults fighting under real and legitimate reasons? Rosalie wanted to know, but asking was not an option seeing as Gore had not spoken a word since her encounter with him.

Tensing when she heard the sound of muffled tearing similar to a ship’s sails being torn, her gaze immediately snapped up to find that the arrows had punctured Gore’s wings, fresh wounds weeping the colour of his scales. What was driving this dragon to put his wings up in her defence? Normally, his kind would have tried to save themselves by now; they were all like that unless ordered by their mistress or master to use their body as a shield. Rosalie had not said such a thing and neither was she an owner so it frustrated her that she was unable to figure out Gore’s intentions. She wanted a dragon that was tamed and was well worth her money should she decide to spend what her father had given her before they were forced to separate. There was one of two things that Rosalie really wanted and it would have to be one or the other.

The net that had been set up had easily been taken down and no doubt this would have angered the lead woman of this group. Curious to see what had become of the net, Rosalie risked a glance down, gasping at how high they were. If she had been worried about slipping off the dragon earlier, now she was extremely concerned. Rosalie was provided with a view she never thought she would see, but dread hit her at the same time fascination did. What was Gore going to do now; use his tail to pull her away and drop her? He could certainly make it look like an accident. She waited for him to decide her fate, but instead, he licked her wound, leaving her to stare wide-eyed after the action as for a moment, he seemed concerned for her despite the numerous injuries he had suffered himself. “You’re -“ she never got to finish the rest of her sentence.

It was expected that in the air, there was nowhere to take cover from open fire and she soon found herself falling, winds sweeping around her but doing nothing to slow her rapid descent. The wailing of the winds seemed to cry out in her place for a few seconds, the girl coughing a little from accidentally inhaling a bit of smoke left behind from the shot. Rosalie saw Gore heading straight towards her like a rapidly approaching wall and that was when she screamed, panicking as she looked toward him then the trees that were growing larger by the second. She knew this was going to happen and this just justified her reasons for being so afraid. Gore was unpredictable and it was difficult to tell what he planned to do. Large, red wall or tree-covered ground? One provided more chance of survival than the other and she was aware of that.

As much as she wanted to, Rosalie did not struggle nor try to twist away as the dragon neared her, his claws outstretched as if to make a catch. Was he really going to spare her from the nasty fall? Her brown eyes met the dragon’s, finding only determination and her prone form falling through the air reflected in those teal orbs of his. The main question that entered and swirled angrily around Rosalie’s mind was, ‘what served as his motivation’? What could make a beast, who was only just claiming the lives of hunters and destroying expensive machinery a while ago, suddenly choose to spare just one person?

Perhaps Gore was somehow different, but Rosalie did not plan to place much trust in him so quickly if none at all. She usually would have dismissed that thought in a heartbeat, but she had always been a curious child. That could possibly lead her to an untimely death like now, for instance. She firmly believed that it was not yet her time and saw Gore as a possible means of escape - as self-centered as that was.
Claws, sharp enough to render several people into shreds in a single swipe, were actually splayed out in a way to catch her. It was almost like looking at a safety net of sorts despite how daunted she was beginning to feel with him being so near. Rosalie was afraid Gore was going to catch her the wrong way and perhaps accidentally skewer her with his nails. That particular thought caused her to swallow dryly, her screams falling silent as she did the only thing she was capable of doing falling from a great height like this: stare. It wasn’t as if she had another choice; another option that involved her saving herself, so she reached a hand out to him, showing acceptance and a bit of desperation to avoid the death that awaited her.

Surprisingly, when Gore’s claws enclosed around her, they were gentle and not the crushing grip she had been expecting. It brought Rosalie relief like she had been given a breath of fresh air after holding it for a bit, but it still did not change the fact that they were still falling! It was only out of fear that she clung to Gore as the dragon held her close to his chest, shifting in a way that would leave his body to absorb the impact. This was when the girl stole a quick glance at him, frowning lightly as she studied him. She dearly hoped this did not mean she would be in his debt...

When they finally hit the ground with a loud explosion erupting through the air, trees splintering, the girl had thought that the dragon had been taken out. Was Gore capable of surviving this much abuse? She had yet to see the extent of a dragon’s power and could only guess at how much more damage he had sustained. The impact, though Rosalie had been offered a considerably softer landing than Gore, had stolen a breath and a whimper from her, the girl ducking her head as her form trembled from disbelief, fear, and relief. She barely managed to catch the look Gore had given her, but his growl caused her head to snap up at him. “This... i-is just t-too much...” Rosalie mentally kicked herself. She was barely able to form a complete sentence without stammering. If Gore saw she was weak then, this would give him even more reason to look down at her. She did not care what he thought. She never did. As long as she was still alive, then that was all that mattered to her. If it were a dream, the simple test would be to pinch herself and see if she felt anything. Testing to see if she was alive, however... Perhaps her fear and the strong beating of her heart in her chest would be enough to let her know.


“3..,” The dragon had launched himself from a tree in a futile attempt to put some distance between himself and the hunters. While this went on, two figures moved further into the battleground, able to easily conceal themselves while still maintaining a good view of the event. One possessed a broader frame than the other, easily dwarfing his companion even as she made her way up the slope ahead of him. As the girl with him counted down with quiet excitement, she absent-mindedly fiddled with a small crystal between her thumb and index finger. They did not wear anything that allowed them to easily blend in with the hunters in the area, though, and while Aisen wore a dark, oiled cloak, Delna preferred to carry a clear umbrella to keep herself dry in the rain. Despite the differences in attire, it was clear they were from the same group and was there to provide support, but only very briefly seeing as their services did not come cheaply.

Aisen would wait a bit, scanning the area for a while before he finally signalled -with a slight wave of his hand- that they move in a bit closer. These hunters were in the way, foolish enough to think that they could capture the rare dragon with such a small group. Even with the Blood Dragon seriously injured, they still had to be mindful to stay clear as his strength still far surpassed the weapons the hunters had with them at this moment.

As good of a strategy as it was to attempt to corner the dragon while chipping away at his strength, the hunters had made the mistake of deploying their net far too early. If delayed for even just a few seconds, perhaps the outcome would have been different. Timing was everything and it was crucial that they preserve their numbers and weapons. The older of the two sighed at this, knowing that it would have been much easier, but seeing as it was their job anyway, they might as well get it over and done with. With Gore in a weakened state, this was going to be a walk in the park.

“2..,” The dragon had sustained a damaging blow to the side and was now dropping through the air. A shame that they had arrived a little later than scheduled. That took the fun out of seeing their toy suffer and writhe in agony. Perhaps they could make up for lost time with a ‘gentle’ prod here and there. Delna’s bright blue eyes complimented the soft smile she had on her lips as she raised the crystal she had to eye level, holding it out in the direction Gore had fallen in. She shifted a little until it appeared as if Gore was locked inside the little crystal she carried, adjusting it and keeping it set in the same manner that she would a pistol as her target moved about to ward off the soldiers trying to surround him. Delna had to pause a bit when she saw that there was a young woman on the dragon’s back, tilting her head to the side. They only wanted to catch the dragon; nothing more and nothing less. For confirmation, she looked over at Aisen. “Ready..?” came the quiet inquiry.
“Yes. Go ahead.” He confirmed with a slight inclination of his head. He then began to chant quietly. White wisps of light, that were more like tendrils escaping his lips, waved in the air warily before forming little symbols in front of him. The crystal Delna held responded to it by rising into the air to hover directly above Gore. One could see that the words being woven through the air, acted like a little control panel of sorts that gave Aisen the control he needed to direct the little device over the dragon and possibly avoid getting damaged should Gore spot it early.

“1..,” Delna continued in a light tone, watching Marian struggle under Gore’s claw with a slight smirk. She jumped, though, when the woman turned her head towards her and ordered her to help.
“Keep focused, Delna.” Aisen’s voice cut in almost immediately after, glaring at the woman pinned beneath the dragon. The crystal in his companion’s hand then began to expand and become so translucent that it was almost difficult to keep track of as it moved through the air. It acted like a dome of some sort, quickly starting to build up a form solid enough to trap the dragon as they prepared to transport him like the slave that he was. Gore would be given only a few seconds to counter before he was fully imprisoned. If he paid too much attention to Marian, his freedom will be short-lived. If he managed to detect the prison, then he may have a tough battle ahead of him. Either way, Marian took this as a chance to act.

“Well, what are you waiting for, Blood Dragon?” Marian taunted, pushing with all her strength at Gore’s claw. The pressure was slowly building, but she was still able to breathe without difficulty. Were dragons actually capable of thinking carefully about a human’s life? Secretly, Marian hoped so, but seeing as Gore was taking his time with it, he may be oblivious to what awaited him. Perhaps she could keep him distracted as her way of getting back at him for humiliating her. “Our lives mean nothing to you, so why think twice?” As emphasis, she directed her gaze over Gore’s wounds and his wings, the barrier that had kept the girl on his back safe.

That woman had voiced exactly what Rosalie was thinking. All of this? It frustrated her knowing that she was being protected by a dragon. She didn’t want to owe Gore at all. Besides, she still disliked him for taking Glenn out when it was his information that she needed the most. To think of it in one way, she might not have entirely wasted her efforts because she was near the Blood Dragon, but there was no guarantee that she would get his help. “She’s right...but it’s not as if you can speak...” Rosalie mumbled more to herself than to Gore. He had saved her from death, but hadn't it been his fault?
Rosalie showed some interest when Gore approached Marian, but mainly because she worried the woman was going to die. Rosalie did not approve of his following actions and as amusing at it had been, the sight making Rosalie smirk a little at Marian’s humiliation, it probably would have been wiser if Gore had refrained from doing anything to upset the woman. Of course it was rude and of course it was quite the insult coming from a dragon. In this day and age, Dragons had absolutely no right to do anything that would somehow soil a human individual’s reputation as they were slaves and nothing more; history had written it to be so and Rosalie was beginning to wonder if Gore knew this ‘ideal’ was still in place.

Those who had ambushed them had seemed to cut off any possible path of escape Rosalie could take without having to force her way through any of the members. She had no connection to Gore, so they should have no reason to detain her. As something began to coil around her body, though, she tensed and felt her hopes shatter in almost an instant. It was strong and gentle at the same time but she still struggled against it, trying to pull herself free. Her efforts fell short and she was easily lifted off the ground like a flower plucked from a flowerbed only to be settled where she had least expected herself to be. Why was she back on the dragon? Wouldn’t this have given the opposition more of a reason to take her down or even kill her because she would have been believed to have some sort of association with him?

The girl would have started to climb down, too, if she hadn’t been worried about the height and speed Gore possessed. She could feel his movements as powerful limbs propelled him forward in a mad dash for the ‘prize’. Dreadful realisation dawned on her then, a creature of the dark summoned by just a mere thought. This might not end well but as bleak as the outcome appeared to be, Rosalie would have to wait for an opportunity to make use of. Watching the dragon fight from afar was one thing, but actually riding on top of one was another. It surely did provide some first hand experience to how powerful the monster really was. Seeing as she had never been atop a dragon before, she found it difficult to adjust to his movements and she swore she would have bounced right off if not for his wings. Even then, she still hunched herself lower, fingers desperately scrabbling to find something to hold onto and keep herself steady with. The rain pouring over her whilst she tried to find a handhold did nothing to make the task any easier for her. Rosalie was unable to deal with it, but the only few thoughts that kept her from making up her mind about him just yet was the brief moment of which he had decided to curl protectively around her earlier. Was that what he was doing now? Trying to protect her or even spare her life? He could have left.

A brief, yet sharp, burning sensation across her cheek made her wince and press a hand to her face, shock slowly being replaced with mere disbelief at the turn of events. She knew the world had a habit of changing in a split second, but she had hoped her karma would have kept her afloat for a bit longer than this. Was this because she never listened to her father when she was younger?
When Rosalie drew her hand back, she found red smeared over her fingertips and started wishing that it had been ink instead. She hadn’t heard a gunshot go off which left one other projectile that possessed the speed and build to move this quickly and freely in midair. She raised her head just in time to see that arrows, three or maybe four, had soared through the air, shot in the direction Gore was heading. He had not been what they were trying to hit at all but what more could arrows do to him save for getting stuck and causing him pain? She didn’t even consider it for long. She wanted out.“Stop, stop STOP! Do you even have a plan? Let me down right now!” She yelled out of panic, pounding her fists against his back, trying to gain his attention. “Run away from the danger, not towards it!!” The concern of slipping and falling off the large lizard, no matter the precautions taken by Gore beforehand, never did stray too far from mind. Surely, it must have been safe - or as safe as one felt it was - but Rosalie did not feel comforted in the slightest.


Snickering, even from her trusted assistant, rang in her ears. No matter how hard the rain poured, Marian still had an ear for mockery in her name. Grumbling incoherently to herself, she had stomped on the bone that hit her out of irritation, making demands for her party to be “quiet!!” She would have continued if Gore’s approach had not caused the party to scatter and forced her to run.
Since a clear path to safety was now out of the question thanks to the tree Gore had shouldered, Marian had to skid to a halt to avoid running into the natural barrier. She spun around quickly, eyes widening not in surprise, but excitement at how fast things were going. Yes, Gore’s size played to his advantage, but it also played to theirs as large targets were usually easy to hit. Gore was quickly approaching and she was fast running out of time to act, but Marian was still amused enough to laugh at the glint in the dragon’s eyes. She had seen it all too often for it to have been a surprise to her, anymore. Still, she thought, taking note of where the four arrows had landed just metres from her position, the rage in this one was different; it burned far deeper than just resentment for humans. No. Marian had seen far too many just to lump this look in with the previous ones. Was there something else, or had the dragon finally snapped and now fought out of blind fury? She let out a soundless chuckle at her luck, leaning back against the fallen tree like a trapped mouse expecting the worse. Such fright could never be good for the dear little thing and neither was it for her. No amount of shouting that girl on his back did would stop Gore from getting any closer, Marian guessed. He had eyes for her and only her, not the party she had brought along to capture him.

“What’s this?” Marian taunted with intent to get him in closer, “is rage the only thing that runs through your mind? Pah! Dragons being intelligent...ALL LIES! This was anticipated.” Such honour would be his downfall. Marian ended up waiting for a bit before finally giving the signal. Oh, how she’d make him pay for embarrassing her in front of the company which she led. The arrows that had been fired earlier had been connected in some way, two hitting the ground, and two embedding themselves in the surrounding trees in a perfect position to raise an electrical net. Seeing as the tree Gore had knocked down contained an arrow, there was a bit of a ‘tear’ in the net. If Gore did not stop in time, he would surely be caught, the voltage running through the trap enough for paralysis. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the rider.

Meanwhile, the party was carrying out with another plan which involved machines no bigger than an average person being planted into the ground. Seeing as the role of ‘bait’ had fallen to Marian, it would not be long until they finished setting up the two mechanisms. It was risky trying to get everything ready while the dragon charged in one direction, but if they succeeded, their gain would be greater. If Gore continued to linger for longer than what was wise, he would see that these machines acted in the same manner an anchor kept a ship in place. Large, steel chains would shoot out toward him and start to slowly retract as to render him immobile. Unless stopped, his fate was clear.
The Dragon, who used flames to mark his passage through lands inhabited by humankind; who was depicted as fierce, merciless and even a waking nightmare to whole armies sent to stand -and later fall- before him was strangely compliant. It may or may not have been the most accurate of comparisons, but Rosalie believed it reminded her of a child calming down slightly after being given their way. Of course, there was no telling what Gore wanted. It was obvious that he didn’t want her anywhere near him, but she couldn’t leave empty-handed. If she had, then what would be the point of her trailing after him and wasting energy that could easily be preserved? No Rosalie defiantly thought even as the snapping of the arrow between his teeth had caused her to flinch. She had imagined that to be the sickening crunch of her bones should she be hasty and thoughtless enough to act against this fire-breathing lizard. He took away what could have been my only chance... Her eyes remained settled over him, sharp and alert as she slowly withdrew her hand that had been holding the arrow into a fist. As gentle as Gore had been, she still wanted to check she had her five digits.

The flames he spews also matches his temper, but weren’t all dragons like that at one point? ‘Snarling and snapping, biting and butchering humans like lambs to the slaughter’. At least, that was what Rosalie had seen and read in old books. There were even paintings that had a red lizard standing atop a mound of armoured corpses against a dark backdrop, rivulets of blood branching away from the centre to gather in pools illuminated by the flames. Would she be joining them?
Despite the mental image, Rosalie forced herself to hesitantly climb over Gore’s leathery wing and onto his back, treading carefully and never failing to check where Gore’s head was at all times - especially whenever she had located an arrow. He had an elongated neck, and he could very well use it whenever her gaze was averted. The many times Rosalie did glance over at him, however, she thought she had glimpsed some sort of emotion in his unguarded eyes. Was she seeing things? She dismissed the thought as quickly as it had come and by the time she was on the ground again, rain fell on cue as if the clap of thunder had made announcement for the next performance. She never did mind the rain, and she never did hate it; she just found it inconvenient at times. THIS, was one of those moments, and it somehow gave Gore the right to push her about even if it was to keep her dry.

For a long while, Rosalie did not make any move to go near the flame despite how curious she was and how quickly she was beginning to feel the cold. There had been much control used to create the fire burning before her, the young woman struggling to believe that the dragon lying curled in the rain was the very same one to produce the fire which had almost - entirely - engulfed the field he had fought on. Those flames he breathed had been for destruction and this flickering flame, tiny in comparison to earlier ones produced, harboured a different intent entirely. Gore just seemed so different. She was able to see his experience at least, the flame contradicting her earlier thoughts over Gore’s temper for now. She would like to believe she saw some control but on the other hand, she could have been completely wrong.

Though the wind was gentle, almost being drenched in the rain made the chill seem more bitter than it should. It was just the push Rosalie needed to slowly, step by slow step, head towards the warmth with a sigh of resignation that was almost drowned out by another growl of thunder. Rosalie settled her backpack down beside her as she knelt and extended her hands, taking in the heat while she occasionally glanced over the fire to Gore. He was staring intently at something - or nothing at all whenever she tried to follow his gaze. All her eyes would ever land on was the sword she had dug into the ground whenever she scanned their surroundings. Though it sat completely useless out there, it did well in drawing attention from the fact that she was still armed with two blades on her person. Still, could he have been pretending to be oblivious to the potential harm she could do? The amount of trust -which isn’t very much to begin with- hanging between them was mutual, it appeared. If she wouldn’t leave earlier, now she had all the more reason to stay because of this weather.

The pitter-patter of rain against Gore’s leathery wing distracted Rosalie. Why was he giving her shelter and warmth when he could just as easily have left her out in the rain? She would have understood that more than she did this, at least, as it was highly unexpected of such a fierce beast, a murderer of ten thousand or more, to show...kindness. She would not take it for granted lest she be pushed out into the rain, yet she couldn’t help but wonder; maybe this dragon was slightly different to what history and the books have written or maybe he was looking for a quick snack. If the latter as opposed to the former was true -which the girl firmly believed it to be so- now would be a great time to act. Still, all he did was stare unseeingly before him. Rosalie took in a deep breath, sat herself down, drew her legs closer to her body to keep warm and pulled her travelling cloak tighter around herself, thinking.

If she hadn’t been mistaken, Gore had been a bit distracted by something earlier - something that made him forget she had been standing in front of him. She didn’t really care; the thought just struck her as odd. Until now, she didn’t think dragons A: thought for themselves or B: had the capability of dwelling on something other than defiance against people. Some dragons in slavery accepted their fate, while the more stubborn fought back. Rosalie counted Gore among the latter, but for that brief moment, she was ignored just like she was now. It was as if the threat had been swept to the side and under a rug for the moment, Rosalie only able to describe it as ‘unreal’ in a sense. She was lucky to have made it this far without yet being eaten, but she would see if she could push her luck just that one bit further.

Rosalie knew she should have listened to her father when he had tried teaching her to take her time solving problems instead of just rushing in like she always did. She had a habit of just seeking something out mainly because she wanted to test how far a certain thought of hers would go without a plan. Such life lessons would come in handy in more situations than one, but no, she kept focused on something else. Would it help her? She still had yet to find out. She knew she had been planning this outing for quite a few years, now, but when it actually came to departing? The girl had made preparations the night before and not two nights -or more- earlier like advised by the wiser two, Sigmund and Eric. It showed she hadn’t planned on any of this happening, really, and it had been a plan more for a quick trip to the nearest city - that was, until she came across Glenn and his company of hunters entering her hometown. She was here because she followed him and for what in the end? Only to have him die without answering her questions? The girl suppressed a groan at the thought and bowed her head, listening to the drumming of the rain.
She remembered her escape from home and it had been rushed. Voices, most notably her father’s among others, issued out orders and reports while demanding that those capable enough to defend the gates did so to the best of their abilities. Huge explosions easily tore down the northern gate of the large city, Galtea Aborus, causing the ground to tremble from impact and crockery in the main room to rattle to the point of almost falling off the shelves. It wasn’t a full scale assault, but it may very well just have been the first wave from the opposition. First wave or third wave, it still called for a response.

The girl was old enough to figure out what was going on and the fear had settled in her stomach like stone to the bottom of a lake. Setton, her father, hid whatever grim thoughts that must have been running through his mind at the time, but thinking back to it now, it was as clear as day. How could she have misinterpreted that expression of his for something else, something entirely opposite to what he was really feeling? Perhaps the flurry of panic was enough to prevent the usually calm from seeing clearly. Due to his position, it was no surprise that he would be targeted like this; he was a man who could make or break an army and that was considering if he had the mind to cooperate. If it could be helped, he would stay away from conflict, but since this was forced, one could imagine the decision he would soon be forced to make.

Then, she was running, having no time to gather her belongings or any precious collectibles she may have accumulated over the years. There simply hadn’t been enough time to run to her room and back out the door, but what else could have mattered more than the objects, a pendant and a pocket watch, she had just been given? Rosalie was running away from her troubles, but what choice did she have? Even if she had wanted to, he wouldn’t have allowed her to stay, anyway...


Sometimes I wonder if I’m running away by doing this, too. Rosalie, after a while, finally raised her head, looking out into the surrounding area once more. She hadn’t said anything in a while, just happy enough to listen to the rain. Gore still hadn’t eaten her or made a move to, either, so it must be -somewhat- safe. Silently, she rose to her full height and folded her arms, rocking back and forth on her feet. No doubt such an action, no matter how quiet, would get Gore’s attention. She wasn’t going to hit him. He might as roll over her and that would be the end of it since she was so close. Rosalie cleared her throat.“Um...Gore? For earlier... thank you.” She glanced at his wing still shielding her from the rain briefly as she continued, “I wanted to ask if you’d...maybe agree since you’ve had time to think about it. If you won’t help me...or allow me to become your guide, then I just need a scale from you. Afterwards, I’ll leave.” Rosalie bit her lower lip, already regretting her words - especially the last three having been said louder than the rest of her sentence.

At the exact same time, though, Rosalie thought she had glimpsed movement out of the corner of her eye, but she couldn’t be sure. No, it wasn’t Gore’s tail. It was something else, but because the rain obstructed her view, Rosalie was hesitant to act. Instead, she pretended not to take notice of the movement until she was able to properly confirm what it had been. “I must be seeing things...” she grumbled quietly to herself, but even then, her body remained tense like a cat ready to spring. They must have their reasons for moving in the rain. What did Setton say? More cover? I get that...but...doesn’t it mean..more noise? No, wait... was it something else? Nngh...I knew I should have listened to him!

The next few moments were tense and agonising to wait out, this particular atmosphere overstaying its welcome like a bad stench. It was quiet save for the sound of falling rain and the crackling of the small flame near her, but they were nothing more than minor details to her at the moment. Her main focus was what was out there - not what was near her at the moment. Rosalie’s eyes flickered from left to right, squinting through the rain to see if she could pick out anymore movement, waiting patiently, but that patience was starting to draw thin very quickly. If she wasn’t already on edge being this close to the dragon, where this was heading was starting to agitate her even more. What was worse, Rosalie did not believe she had the necessary equipment to take on someone from afar. This caused the girl to make a mental note to herself to remedy that as soon as an opportunity presented itself.

Rosalie’s uncertainty made her forget about the cold for just a moment, though. She would not rely on the dragon for protection and neither would she rely on him for whatever small bit of hospitality he was showing her, her dislike for him making her stubborn, but her fear of him reminding her to keep those thoughts - as well as any actions that would express her emotions clearly - to herself. It was not him who needed her, but she who needed him. As Rosalie had said earlier, she would leave him be as long as he was willing to give her a scale. It wouldn’t be easy. He wanted to be rid of her and this was just one of the easier ways out. While Rosalie was in deep thought, another one of those arrows she had spent quite some time pulling out of Gore landed just a few metres off from where she and Gore was positioned. A few minutes after that, a voice rang out through the rain, ordering that Gore surrender.


“Don’t fight us. You know we’ve got you outnumbered, Gore!” The words oozed with poison, the Blood Dragon’s name drawn out slowly and menacingly. This time, it was a woman’s voice, stern and demanding. She strode forward with all the confidence of a cat about to catch her prey, stopping a good distance away as soon as she was no longer hidden behind the surrounding trees. Her dark hair, soaked by rain, had been pulled back and like Rosalie, did not seem to be wearing armour like her fellow companions. Instead, she was in clothing that allowed for easy maneuverability. “Though you’ve managed to evade us earlier, we’ve managed to catch up. After all, how can we allow our dear Blood Dragon to slip away when he’s injured, hmm?” She laughed delicately behind her hand, “and we find you’ve lured a girl here, as well? I’m sorry, young one, but we’ll be taking our catch in, now. We can’t let him escape a second time now, can we?” As if to help emphasise her statement, the newly embedded arrow’s fletching suddenly opened and sparked with electricity. “Your choice, Blood Dragon... Come with us quietly and we promise to take good care of you until we give you to a new owner. It may very well be me, hehe. So, what will it be?”

Marian was quite calm, but her eyes glimmered with the hope of catching the Blood Dragon. In order for that to happen, they would strike when he was weak and be sure that he did not get the time to recover from his wounds. They were so close, after all. The woman narrowed her eyes distastefully at the girl the dragon was shielding from the rain, slightly irritated by the younger one’s presence. No matter. The goal was capturing and taming the Blood Dragon and should this girl get caught up in the battle, then it was no real loss. After all, Marian already had a few deaths on her hands to report. This would add to it, but who had to know? It could easily be dismissed, so if the child knew what was good for her, she had better start running. Even now, the girl appeared unnerved enough to take a few hasty steps back and grab her backpack. The scene made Marian smirk. You’ve always been on your own, haven’t you, Blood Dragon? Oh, how bored you must be! Secretly, the woman hoped he would be willing to play for a little while before giving in. After all, there was no fun in a catch that resigned too easily and quickly.
After that last post? You will be called 'teacher', sorry! That long post kept my attention, so all the more reason, right? And teacher is free to critique :3
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