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Alexander realized suddenly that they were sitting awkwardly. It was almost comical, two powerful spellcasters sitting together like school-children. The worst part was that he was leaning on her. She didn't seem to mind it, but it bothered him. Alexander was supposed to be an all powerful wizard, yet sealing away his aura left him only the small amount of energy required to perform geomancy...This was more power than he had used in a long time and it had him drained mentally. Physically he was recovering quickly, since his first seal was still undone. Her numbness flooded through their connection to him. It was like he felt nothing. Desperately, so desperately he wanted to feel something. Of all creatures it was humans that desired this the strongest, the desire for closeness, yet they all too often pushed their own kind away. Without thinking Alexander sat on the ground next to her and pulled her to lean against him, moving his arm over her head and around her so that they still held hands, but not in an awkward position. Resting his arm against her stomach he squeezed her hand gently, letting her know that it was over. They could relax and recover now. "Go to sleep." Alexander whispered against her ear, as if it was completely normal. Exhaustion came over him in waves, but staying awake was simple. He would not have any trouble with that. Many years of practice had allowed him to develop the ability to stay awake for days at a time while preforming essential research or even during travel. This was no different. Alexander would be able to stay awake for hours while she slept. Then she could watch over him. As the numbness wore off and she drifted into sleep Alexander realized just how much she leaned on him. The position he had put them in, left her in his embrace. It had seemed so natural, and even now their connection made it seem that way. Yet he realized it was a first for him, that it wasn't normal. Alexander could only imagine how strange that would've felt, even with their connection, if they hadn't been tired. Hopefully she wouldn't be too upset with the stranger that embraced her when she woke up. Knowing he should take this time to analyze their surroundings but not wanting to wake her Alexander looked around slowly, trying to be as still as possible. This was not the temple. This was not even their realm. Alexander did not want to think about this now. After they were both rested they could figure out this...whatever it was.
@oOWonderKinOo Posted. I was just as confused, sorry. edit: Accidentally posted here...fixed it though.
@oOWonderkinOo Do you mind if I assume she goes to sleep in my next post?
@oOWonderKinOo It doesn't bother me at all.
@oOWonderKinOo I think so. It was a little bit of a struggle to get started, then bam...suddenly I was done with it.
@oOWonderKinOo Posted. Hope you enjoy.
She pulled him along like he was a small child. Not that Clara was moving that fast, but Alexander was both unable to see very well and lost in his own little world. At some point it seemed to him that he was calmed...but then he had never been excited. Alexander thought with some small portion of his mind that this must of been her emotion. Whatever it was, it helped him smooth the connection. And that was when he noticed how much their emotions affected their auras. It shouldn't have been suprising, he had observed them for years, but now that both auras were being forced into a rigid shape...it was incredible to see how they reacted to both persons emotions. A shout. Somebody shouted. Alexander realized it had to have been Clara. And suddenly they were moving again. The barrier. They walked into the barrier. He hadn't even realized she had cast a spell. At first they were winning. Her spell was effective. The barrier was pushed back and it bent around them to let them through. A shockwave of force from where they had walked into it circled the whole dome, not that they could see. But Alexander felt it, and knew that they had announced their presence. Then the Dome fought back. He was not prepared for this. It did more than absorb energy, it attempted to kill intruders with that energy. His senses compared it to a lightning bolt. Alexander had been struck by lightning before. It was something a mage could survive, but to harness that much power was beyond a normal human. The sound was comparable to having someone hit a gong next to your head. Deafening. He almost stumbled. For some reason having her hand in his reassured him and he managed to keep his footing. Alexander wondered if that was her emotion, but some small part of him told him that it was his...He would think about that later. The connection was strong, but now he had excited it again. It took all of his focus to keep it under control. Then the second strike came. The ringing in his ears made it hard to think, and now the connection was pushing at his mind...it would be released. Alexander breathed deeply and squeezed her hand gently. They would not fail. An image came to mind and he used it to hold the tie. The rebound from doing so was like a sledgehammer to the ribs. There was no doubt in his mind he had at least two broken ribs now...and something told him that she probably did too. The third strike hit and he wondered how she was possibly holding her spell against these incredibel attacks. His mind was numb...Finally he could think again...feel again. Alexander felt for the connection. It was not hard to find, in fact it was still there despite his grasp on it gone. But it was unstable. His aura was flooding into the tie, overloading it. The energy flowed through his arm into hers and back every second. Like a heart beating. This too was like being struck by lightning. His arm burned and he could no longer move his hand, it would not let go of hers even if he wanted it to. Fear. Alexander swallowed it down, telling himself that he was capable of controlling this. He had done it before, after all. How many strikes had the dome hit them with, he wasn't sure, but Alexander no longer felt anything with his senses except for this. Somehow he doubted they were still in the wall and had made it through, but he could not check right now. The great wizard stood on the dock alone, facing a storm that had everybody scared. Only the wealthy had evacuated. Nobody else could afford to, nor had the time. They trusted him to stop this, but he knew better. The great wizard smiled sadly and raised his arms...levitating off the ground as his aura became visible with power. "Goodbye." Repairing the second seal was difficult, but once he finished their auras were easy to control. He could not close the first seal while the connection existed, but that was not enough power to overwhelm him, or her. Realizing that he was sweating and leaning on Clara, Alexander smiled. She was crazy. But she had saved him so much time in solving the puzzle of the dome. Able to move his hand again he squeezed hers gently and closed his eyes. Gods, he was tired.
@oOWonderKinOo Posted. sorry again, work was very busy. It's a little short, mostly because I don't want to give too much away, and because I left the next part up to you. I'll try to make it up to you with extra posts this weekend...and maybe cookies.
Alexander found her aura started to form around him, but his eyes saw everything, despite her aura covering his body like a thick mist. He had forced their auras to become entwined. It was a fragile thing that required all of Alexander's concentration. That and their connection. He knew now, without a doubt, that holding this forced connection would be impossible if they didn't have physical contact. With physical contact he could strengthen the connection, and as a result multiply their power. This was very difficult. Alexander almost laughed when she spoke. He forgot that his aura did not normally take a form like this, like hers. She would not have seen it, but indeed bits of his aura danced up and down her. Then he looked up. Recognition was immediate. It had mentioned this phenomena. During this process any who watched could see the two auras combine like this, or so the theory had mentioned as a possiblie side effect. It was interesting to see them swirl together, back and forth. The book had said that if this happened they would quickly combine and become another color, depicting the process the two would go through. This did not happen above them. The two "auras" Twisted in and around each other, stretching out like a string. It grew longer and longer until the string snapped, and suddenly the auras were seperating, becoming their own entities once more. "This is us. Not permanent, as I told you. Unfortunately it is difficult to maintain this...state of being. I would suggest that we go now and you cast your spell that we may move through the dome." Alexander smiled, feeling suddenly elated. It was her feeling. This was exciting to her, and indeed he felt the same. If it weren't that he was trying so hard to concentrate...no, that would have to wait for later. "You will have to guide me. I cannot really see far through your aura and I do not have the concentration to spare to find the wall with my senses. Of course, since we'll be holding hands the whole time, that shouldn't be an issue." Alexander just hoped that his concentration would help her. After all, if he was affected by her aura in this way, and felt her emotions, he imagined his aura might make magic more difficult for her to control. It was very excitable, another reason he did his best to keep it sealed away like he did. Do not fear the storm children. It cannot harm us. One of the great wizards is here. There are only thirteen who claim his title. The rain will fall but there will be no lightning. The wind will blow nothing away but the storm, and the waves will only wet the sand.
@oOWonderKinOo It's fine, I like the way you described it, and hadn't totally figured out what I was going to do anyway. I do apologize because I cannot post tonight...I will have a post for you tomorrow though.
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