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  • Old Guild Username: Tamerrobert21, yeah didn't change my name much from last time XD
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 35 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Tamerrobert21 10 yrs ago


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Robert after crashing into something...or someone. Groaned and rubbed the back of his head, "ow, ow, ow, ow." he muttered quickly, then heard somebody shouting no. Along with having him opening up his eyes and saw that some papers were flying up into the air. With what seems like a girl scurrying to gather them all up and such. "Uh sorry about that I got...excited from oaks lab." He started though went quiet.

He got up from the ground and help out the girl, by gathering the papers and such. "Again I am really sorry about this...though why are you carrying papers? Are they for oak?" Robert asked, grabbing the last few that were on the ground. By bending down and back up, figuring she must've gotten the rest. He then tapped the papers to have them neat and tidy, all the while standing back up. "here ya go."
Robert chuckle and shook hands with the boy, "Deal" Robert replied back shaking hands with Chad and then bringing it back down to his sides. As Robert then turned around and smiles at Oak. "Well I'm off Professor, watch you are going to get a a lot of pokemon from me!" The boy said with heart full smile, and recalls Petilil to her ball as she happily danced in place before getting sucked into the ball as the boy then. Ran towards the door and gave a finger salute "See ya Chad, see ya Oak. I will try my very best to catching every single Pokemon!" The boy said as he opens up the door and heads on out.
Robert was about to ask what was wrong, to professor oak? When the man showed a very worried expression on his face and told the two of them. To be very careful of strange people? Which no doubt Robert knows better, than to interact with people that might be strange...not like crazy strange, strange. Those who probably would start making trouble or cause trouble for others kind of strange...

"Sure professor..? Thanks again for the pokedex Professor, really appreciate it." Robert smiled along with Pikachu and Petilil, all the while the three of them. Then turned around and faces at Chad. Who asked Robert if he wanted to have a first Pokemon battle? Robert lightly scratch the side of his cheek...in a bit of concern on the account well? Squirtle seems to be really shy, as well as weak too Grass and Electric types. Tyrunt he isn't really sure, but if it's a fossil pokemon, that might mean he is also part Rock. Which Rock is weak to grass...though it might be normally weak too grass, with it being part Dragon.

"I don't know Chad, not sure if that will be a good idea. Squirtle seems very shy earlier and I honestly don't want to hurt the little guy." explained Robert, who recalled Pikachu back too his pokeball. While Petilil just happily waddle her way over too the boy, and stand next to him.
Robert listened to Oak as well one of his speeches finally getting through. Without being interrupted or ignored by the abrupt trainer Chad. Explaining too the two of them, of what they should do, or what they could find or what their next plans are for heading out into the world. Where Pokemon roam across the land and such. Getting Pikachu and Petilil all smiling and giddy for their adventure to begin!

"No worries Professor Oak, I think I already know who I want to become when I begin my first step out there. Although might take awhile for me to decide on the matter. But eh, I can improvise." Robert joked out beaming from finally hearing Oaks famous speeches. That his mother always told him about, even if he does go on and on with them. They always seems to captivate all sorts of trainers, that they literately just stay an extra hour. To hear what kind of advices he has..which reminds him? "Oh right Professor Oak, any tips or advice you want to give too us? Before we head on out?"
Robert sighed out and recalled Dartini back into her pokeball, as he shrugged his shoulders with a sheepish smile. "I will go with Oak's analogy...in fact I think all Dragon Pokemon have that issue? Or at least...the Dragonite line." Robert said with a chuckle, as Petilil and Pikachu sighed out with the grass pokemon shaking her head left and right. Couldn't believe Dratini is already starting trouble...not even ten minutes after the new trainer got his starter. The trouble making Dragon, already began to cause trouble.

"Well just be glad it didn't break out into something more. I mean Dragon types are nearly difficult to train and raise." Robert explained, placing both arms behind his head. Chuckling and smiling a bit "So...no hard feelings, I mean Tyrunt is probably going to give you a hard time as well."
Robert hummed when Oak explained that Tyrunts are fossil Pokemon and hailed in from the Kalos region, being that of the jaw fossils. Robert then look towards Chad when he went and told them, that it was a souvenir he gotten from his trip here. Only to make Robert smile when the boy, explained how shocked and surprised he was, when he figured out it was a Pokemon and not just some rock.

"I bet with a T-rex looking creature like him, would definitely be a handful." Robert said. Looking towards his Pikachu and Squirtle, who were discussing something he wasn't sure of? But from the motions and waving of arms? He can tell that the two Pokemon or...Squirtle at least, is wondering if Pikachu belonged too Chad. Or too the human in front of him, in which the electric mouse eye smiled and wagged his tail gently. Explaining that he belongs to the boy behind him, whose name is Robert. While also introducing Petilil who had falling asleep in place. From waiting to long making Pikachu to bashfully sweat drop and then looking over towards Dratini and the fossil Pokemon. He then flinched backwards when Dratini growled out and headbutted the rock type Pokemon.

"Hey Dratini what's that all about! You know better too attack." Robert said as he moved forward and lifted the small dragon type Pokemon. "Now apologise" Robert exclaimed while pointing a finger against its snout.
Robert blinked his eyes at the new Pokemon that chad sent out, calling it Tyrunt? Never has he seen a Pokemon like that before in his life, as well curious of where Chad manage to even get something like that? "Tyrunt...what kind of region is it from...never seen something like that before?" Robert asked pointing at the t-rex looking Pokemon with blinking eyes.

While Petilil happily just shake herself in place, while doing some back flips. While Pikachu happily smile at Squirtle, "Pikachu, Pika, Pika, Pikaaachu." Pikachu chanted out, while moving it's paws and arms around. Explaining to the starter Pokemon that this boy behind it. Is it's new Beginner trainer, as well Squirtle being Chads starter pokemon...although kind of weird how he already has a Pokemon? "Pikachu." the electric mouse said with a bashful chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.
Robert nodded at Oak with a grin and watches him walking over toward Chad, to see which Pokemon he has chosen for his starter. In which Robert, who was watching chad, notice him choosing one of the Pokeball. Making Robert curious of which one he chosen? Before he can muse any further with it, Professor Oak went ahead and asked them, to see all of their pokemon.

Which Petilil instantly hopped down onto the floor and happily waddle her way forward away from Robert for a bit. As petilil did that, and giving Robert left arm some freedom. Moved that arm down to his belt and grabbed his third Pokeball. "Alright then I don't mind, so come on out Pikachu!" Robert said tossing the ball forward in which landed onto the ground, and sent out the electric mouse Pokemon. Whose body appeared in the white glow and vanishes, with Pikachu shaking his head a bit and smiling up towards Oak with a bright smile and a peace symbol with his fingers.

Robert seeing the serious look on Oaks face, the boy understood exactly how important a Pokedex is. His mother told him everything there is about what features it...well used to have, along with the encyclopedia of every single Pokemon that is known to mankind, is all stored into this little library handheld. giving it too the wrong hands as well with the Trainers ID and information of what he/she has done during their quest. Can be very disastrous too anyone they know or have met along with the Pokemon that they have probably caught during their travels.

"You can trust me Professor oak. I definitely know how important this device is." Robert explained while taking the Pokedex, as Petulil looked between him and Oak. With her orange eyes blinking a couple of times, only to then start gently hopping up and down in Roberts arms. Out of excitement as well as saying in her own little words, that Oak can trust in Robert of the deeds and journey he is about to take! "You can count me, and I will do my best...if not to fill up the pokedex." He said with a little chuckle...knowing how impossible that will be. Considering there are over about 694 Pokemon known so far in the world...with new species being discovered now..."I think I will focus on completing the Kanto region Pokedex first." He mumbled to himself in thought with eyes closed.
Robert leer lightly towards Chad, about how they don't need the usual speech when getting a starter Pokemon. Making Robert to sigh out and shake of his head, while shrugging his shoulders. Yeah they are older, yeah they are a bit...or somewhat maturer than most trainers who visit him. But there is really no reason to interrupt the one job, the man has in his belt. When introducing or giving off the speech too new trainers.

Robert chuckled lightly when Dratini uncurled herself from his arm, surprised probably of oak. Figuring out that she wasn't a wristband but an actual Pokemon. "Professor oak i you don't mind? But I don't think I will be needing a starter Pokemon...if you catch my drift." Robert said lightly raising Petilil up in his arms, along with Dratini. In which the grass pokemon happily wiggled her green like skirt around. "That and I have came here with three Pokemon at the ready, so hope you don't mind." He said with a sheepish smile.
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