Avatar of TartanO88
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 216 (0.06 / day)
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    1. TartanO88 11 yrs ago


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Name: Brian Sharp.

Age: 26.

Personality: pretty laid back most of the time, I'm not going to get bent out of shape easily but I won't be pushed about either. I like to help people out whenever I can and will stand up for people I don't know when I see something wrong happening. I have a tendency to be arrogant and impulsive but I hate that about myself and do my best to curb it. I have a deep sense of chivalry.

History: I was born in North Florida in the country. Raised by rather strict (but very loving) parents. I had a pretty physically rough childhood, quite a few serious injuries the worst of which was probably when my older brother accidentally set me on fire. I have worked in construction since I was 18. I dated my wife for about a year and a half before we got married. And here I am.

Other: I like to tinker with things. Done a bit of smithing and woodworking. Video games, role playing, guns, and air soft are some more interests of mine. I like to rp in science fiction, medieval, fantasy, post apocalypse, and
any mix there of.

Weapons: I am a proficient marksman, tested out to 600 yards with a 30-06. I am also good with a pistol though I have less practice with them. Decent hand to hand combatant and with edged weapons.

Appearance: 6'0", dark brown hair and eyes, muscular but not trimmed.

Most Recent Posts

And I thought we were joking about making people wait forever...
Wait... Your a man?!
Huron Tiberius Gandor

After another few minutes of sipping on a really bad ale two new faces appeared in the doorway, no I'm sure I've seen them before... Ah yes! The elf was the prince of the well the elves, even here he was sure to be recognized, and the other I'm still not sure about. She was much rougher around the edges and looked like she might actually belong in a place like this, if she hadn't walked in with him I may not have even noticed her. It was obvious she was a mage though, magical energy was flowing into and out of her, and even that seemed familiar to me. Carefully keeping my own energies suppressed I study them as I sip my ale, is it possible these are the first of of the people looking for the man with the map? A moment later I decide to wait and see, perhaps they will reveal their intentions on their own...
@FullMetalHeartwhat race are you?
They rule all of the underground... As in everything below the ground not all illegal activities.
I did a posty thing... It's kinda small but I didn't know what to do so...
Huron Tiberius Gandor

So here I am sitting in the last Inn and pub, the last respite of civilization before the Ferra mountains and the wilds that surround them waiting for hopefully a sound party of travellers and adventures to come looking for the guy with the map...

"Hay barkeep, another round over here!" I say in a loud voice to the gruff looking man behind the bar, then I settle in for what will probably be a long wait.
@FullMetalHeart let me know when to get everyone's attention.
Name: Huron Tiberius Gandor

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Status: Red Mage/Hermit

Kingdom: None

Personality: To those whom he does not know or has just met he is withdrawn and untrusting, some might say aloof. He is careful to never give away any information that he does not need to divulge and he keeps to himself whenever possible. As a rule he avoids towns and cities unless it is necessary to enter them. He is chivalrous and kind to all.

To anyone he knows, likes, and trusts he is sarcastic, witty, intelligent and caring. A lover of bad puns much to the dismay of his companions but as a rule serious and trustworthy.

History: you’ll have to ask...

Other: He has a small dragon(or dragonite) familiar that boosts his magical abilities and keep him company while traveling the wilds.

Appearance: 6’ 180 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, scruffy.


so i need find good elvish web site...
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