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    1. Tawkua 10 yrs ago


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I like it as well! ^-^
Izzy stopped, turning towards the voice, but instead found herself staring at someone's chest. She looked up at a man who was easily a foot taller than herself. The newcomer was fully clothed in a uniform, which seemed to compliment his solid build. "Complimentary tour?" She smirked, "I think I've got time. I'm Isabella, but you can call me Izzy!" She glanced towards Zip, who was grinning as the last drone flew over to Isam, hovering near to his head. A small camera on the yellow drone zoomed in and out, as if it was examining the man. "Follow me, if you'd like." Izzy smiled leading the group.

Zip chuckled and turned, motioning with his hand. "Come on, Canary." The drone responded and quickly returned to its blue-haired owner. Walking backwards, Zip turned to Isam and spoke, "He likes you." He then glanced at Yash, "You, not so much."

"This is Zip. You can tell he's.. cherished by the crew." She smirked. As Zip went to respond she quickly spoke up, "So you obviously know these are the crew quarters." As she entered the next room, medical beds and supplies could be seen. The room has a cold, sterile feeling to it. "This is our medical bay. Pretty typical. You can come in here for whatever you need, be it the cold or amputation." She chuckled at her own remark. "So wanna follow me to the Observation deck?"
The map really helps, but I'm just worried about where ladders/ staircases are, what areas look like. I basically am just worried about messing things up :P
Oh god why did you ask me to navigate this ship. If I mess up, just hit me and I'll fix it
That better?
Name: Groot


• Cellular regeneration:Groot has been seemingly killed on three occasions, each time regrowing from a sprig.
• Strength: Groot's tree like form provides him great strength.
• Durability: Groot's hide is composed of wood dense enough and durable enough to make him immune to most conventional weapons, including gunfire and fire which would consume most woods.

• Genius Intellect: Groot has received the finest education from Photonic Knowledge of the Arbor Masters. He is highly intelligent and has a tremendous grasp of quasi-dimensional super-positional engineering.

History: Groot is a Flora Colossus from Planet X, the capital of the branch worlds. The Flora Colossi are tree-like beings whose language is almost impossible to understand due to the stiffness of their larynxes, causing their speech to sound like they are repeating the phrase "I am Groot". The Flora Colossi are ruled over by the "Arbor Masters" and teach the children of the species with "Photonic Knowledge", which is the collected knowledge of the Arbor Masters of the generations and is absorbed through photosynthesis this is a highly advanced education method, making the Flora Colossi geniuses. Planet X's Biome is managed by "Maintenance Mammals" which are small squirrel-like beings.
The Flora Colossus sapling that would come to be known as "Groot" came from an "Enobled Sap-line" and gifted with a tremendous grasp of quasi-dimensional super-positional engineering. Groot did not get along with his fellow saplings but instead preferred the company of the "Maintenance Mammals", which the other saplings treated with prejudice. After Groot killed another sapling to defend a maintenance mammal it was brutalizing, he was exiled by the "Arbor Masters".
Soon after, Groot met a small creature with a big attitude. The creature was Rocket Raccoon and he discovered that Rocket could understand his language. The two formed a bond, becoming partners in the bounty hunting industry. Groot served as Rockets muscle during their missions, including the mission where the duo was apprehended and taken to the Kiln.
Name: Rocket Raccoon

Alias: Rocky, Rocky Raccoon, Ranger Rocket


• Rocket-powered jet boots
• 2laser pistols as well as other assorted heavy weapons

• Raccoon Physiology: Rocket possesses the same enhanced abilities attributed to Earth raccoons, including an acute sense of smell and sharp eyesight. A raccoons grayish coat mostly consists of dense underfur which insulates against cold weather.
• Enhanced Senses: Being a raccoon many of Rocket's senses are heightened to levels well above human. Able to see much better than the average human and extremely well adapted to near dark conditions. His enhanced sense of smell allows him to detect subtle changes in scents around him enabling him to detect the approach of others and increasing his ability to operate in darkness. With his broad auditory range, he can perceive tones outside the range of the human ear as well as subtle sounds caused by vibrations on the ground. His hyper sensitive paws allow him to identify objects before touching them with vibrissae located above his claws.

• Expert Marksman: Rocket is well-versed in the use of high-powered firearms, from all over the Galaxy
• Martial Artist: Rocket is an expert in hand-to-hand combat being very skilled in multiple fighting styles.
• Master Tactician and Strategist:He is an accomplished strategist. Starlord once told him, "You got the best tactical mind I ever met.", both on and off the battlefield. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.
• Pilot : Rocket is an accomplished starship pilot.

History: Rocket is captain of the starship Rack 'n' Ruin, and he and his first mate Wal Russ (a talking walrus) come from the planet Halfworld in the Keystone Quadrant, an abandoned colony for the mentally ill where the animal companions were genetically manipulated to grant them human level intelligence and bipedal body construction for many to become caretakers of the inmates. Rocket was Halfworld's chief law officer ("ranger") who protected the colony against various threats.
At one point, Judson Jakes tried to steal the Halfworld Bible, but was thwarted by Rocket and the Hulk. Later, Lord Dyvyne abducted Rocket's friend Lylla, and Jakes began the Toy War. As the Toy War continued, Blackjack O'Hare teamed up with Rocket, and Rocket was reunited with Lylla. The Rack 'n' Ruin was soon destroyed, as Judson Jakes and Lord Dyvyne teamed up to kill Rocket Raccoon. Rocket Raccoon and his friends cured the Loonies of their mental illnesses, as Judson Jakes and Lord Dyvyne were apparently killed. Rocket and the animals as well as the robots left Halfworld and took off into space for their own adventures. Some time later, Rocket was revealed to have been a laboratory subject on the Stranger's planet, and escaped his captivity there. He met Groot sometime later, and due to Rockets ability to understand their language, the two formed an almost instant bond. Together the two became bounty hunters, while managing to rack up their own criminal records. While attempting to capture a man with a large bounty on his head, Rocket and Groot were captured and taken to the Kiln.
That sounds good to me! I just don't wanna be left out xD
Would anyone be opposed to me just editing my post to say they actually arrived at the airlock as not to miss out on all the beginning conversations?
I held off on bringing Zip and Izzy into the Airlock cause it seems kinda crowded. As soon as people finish their introductions I'll introduce them, or someone can bring them in if they want someone to interact with.
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