Avatar of tchtkrmkc
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    1. tchtkrmkc 10 yrs ago


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"Maps." answered Karen, "I've been studying different routes we could take to get into Canada. I now wish I'd have brought my brother's books on celestial navigation an his sextant. I know the others will want to use cars but even with good fuel mileage we'll need at least three refueling points just to get to the border."
Jason was taken by surprise. "So you're going to Canada? I thought you would stay. I think it would be better to stay here. We have a pretty good life, people seem happy enough. Also, there are children. The way to Canada is very dangerous, here we are much more protected. And if I decide to go as well, what will be with those who stay? We are the only doctors around, what if they get hurt? But anyway, I believe that even if you take horses it will be hard to avoid dangers, especially with a large group. It would probably be better to split up into a few small groups. That way if one group gets caught, the others can still make it."

A knock on the door interrupted Jason. Someone outside said "Hey, uh. Anyone in there? Just thought I would come keep ya company."
Jason walked to the door and opened it. In front of him was standing a middle aged man. Jason thought he recognized him.
Al, right? Thought Jason.
Jason forced a smile to his face and exclaimed "Hey there! Come on in! Karen here was just about to explain to me the sense in traveling to that colony in Canada. Right Karen?"
@Anvil - The guy in your profile pic + signature reminds me a lot of Varys from Game of Thrones lol
Sorry for the short post, I just couldn't think of a lot to write :P
Gendry noticed the figure wearing the red cloak struggling along, holding on to the fence for support. She seemed to be hurt, and he thought he saw something black flash at him from under the cloak. In case it was a weapon, he got one of his handguns ready at his side. The zombies lying on the ground all seemed to be dead, so he turned to the refugee and said, "Hello there, and welcome to the fine city of Barclay. I will need to check you for bites first, but assuming you are unbitten, you will get the best medical care available in the country. If you shall stay here, you will be assigned a job by the Mayor, Mrs. Hunterson. If you are bitten... well, let's just say it will be an uncomfortable situation for both of us."
I would post, but I need to wait for Dragonruby and Kilo6 to react to my previous post...
@Rumiko - I hope my post is OK with you :)
Jason woke up. He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. 20:46. Dammit. I'm late again. The night shift at the hospital started at 20:00, and it was his turn. As far as he knew, there were only two doctors in Homestead. A woman named Karen and himself. As if they didn't have enough pressure, people would go to them for the smallest of problems. Splinters, broken nails and even paper cuts. They were probably scared of catching whatever is was that created the walkers, but he explained to them that it doesn't work like that. Anyway, at least he was doing something useful. Many survivors here didn't have a real job to do and they got very bored very fast.

After getting dressed and washing his face, Jason quickly ran out of the building where he lived together with 4 other people, in the direction of the hospital. Arriving at the hospital, he noticed that there was someone inside. Probably Karen. He walked in, and saw Karen poring over some maps. "What's that?" asked Jason loudly, announcing his presence.
GuySenpai said
Please no former military unless you plan on making them UNIQUE and INTERESTING, I don't want any characters like:Sgt.Noble18 years oldKicked out of the army because he was too badass and heroic, telling his bosses to stuff it as he went in and shot down a predator drone that was going to bomb an innocent civilian family, now all he has is a rocket launcher and a tank as he tries to survive the zombie apocylpse.

I LOLed from this
Hawlin said
Oh, and to be clear, she doesn't actually have multiple physical arms. Dark energy and blah blah blah.

Oh lol I was just about to ask :P
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