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    1. Teach 10 yrs ago


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Well Kroga is alright with everyone else doing the heavy lifting for her.
"A thousand gratitude for the light, Shiro. Perhaps when you get your own pipe I will smoke that one also. I'd also like to note that I am no duck. Or perhaps I am a duck and have been lied to all my life! My, imagine that" she took a few puffs from the powerful herbs in the pipe and blew out the smoke.

"You are wrong when you state that I do not know what you are. You are a living being, such as I, the smooth skin and the juvenile there. If you were not a living being, then you would be a spirit. All spirits are malevolent, and so far you seem rather cuddly. As for who you are, you are obviously Shiro! You stated as much yourself, or did you forget?" she chuckled quietly once again.

"As for you there, Juvenile, it is also fine to meet you. Shall you give me a title to call you, or are you content to be called Juvenile? I am Kroga The Witchdoctor of Ducks!"
I'd be willing to put time into this if we got some more details on how exactly the school is structured.
Kroga was rather disappointed that she did not appear in another swamp. Instead it was in one of those buildings that smooth skins seemed to take pride in creating and inhabiting. Instead of the organic and alive architecture of the lizardfolk, it was instead the oppressive and lifeless walls of smooth skins. The company wasn't something to really take note of either. One was a simple smooth skin with a hood, another was a brute with wings, and the last seemed like a juvenile lizard kin. All and all, a trip into another plain of existence did not live up to expectations. She leaned on her walking stick and took out a pipe to smoke.

"It would seem as though I am the victim of a joke" she chuckled to herself.
Kroga had heard about it from the marsh scouts. They reported to the village council that a glowing being had given a plea to save their swamp and that the luminescent figure suddenly disappeared and that a swirling vortex was left in its wake. At first the council wished to send their best scouts to discover if the figure was speaking the truth, but it was decided that it would be foolhardy to send the to a potential trap. No, instead the village would send their best shaman to mitigate the potential cost sunk as well as send potentially valuable aid if the stranger was speaking the truth. And so old scaled Kroga was sent and she left with only her powerful concoctions, wooden walking stick, and a laugh. She was lead to where the portal was and she walk in with nary a word.
Appearance: A withered old man with sunken cheeks and absolutely white hair that covers his head and creates mutton chops. He wears a think pair of glasses with black frames that are in rectangles over his eyes. He stands at about 5"4. His normal attire is composed of a pair of tan slacks with a belt, and a blue dress shirt.
Name: Jonathan Cromwell
Age: 65
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married
Occupation: Retired
Favorite Book: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes
On the outside it may seem as though that Jonathan is a grumpy old man that hates everything equally. But if you took a closer look, you'd realize that Jonathan really IS a grumpy old man who hates everything equally. Always on the brink of contempt, he constantly mocks and belittles anyone he feels deserves it. The only thing he hates more than cowards who won't defend themselves is bystanders who don't intervene in conflicts. He believes that in today's society that people are encouraged to become nothing more than cowards or bystanders. If he has to be the one to force them to grow a spine, then so be it. He acknowledges that he's only doing a kind thing in a round about way, but he feels justified for doing it.

Brief Bio
Jonathan grew up in a typical loving middle class suburban household of the 50's. After High School he enlisted and dreamed of defending freedom from the forces of the obviously evil communist. The first life changing event for him was when he was drafted and deployed in the tail-end of the Vietnam War. There he witnessed what horrors humans could really see, feel, and do. When the US pulled out its troops he was declared unfit for further service in the military and discharged with what would later be diagnosed as PTSD. Life for him was hard until he met his future wife who would always be by his side during those years. He later got a career in manufacturing and retired in his early 60's along with his wife.

Other: Continues to battle with the lingering effects of PTSD after all these decades such as feeling numb to other people and sudden emotional arousal.
Indeed I do.
Suppository Of Human Knowledge
Name: Kroga
Age: 55
Gender: Female
Race: Lizardfolk
Appearance: Kroga has the typical appearance of a lizardfolk. She is bipedal at about 5"7 with hands and toes that end with claws. Her scales are variations of green, but many are now discolored into a dull gray due to her age. Her head is crocodilian and has a dorsal frill running form the top of her head to her neck that can collapse and expand at will. She is covered in the traditional rags of the swamp shamans and she also carries around a bag filled with medicines and poisons for various purposes.
Interested, but any restrictions or general guidelines on what the personality of our characters would be?
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