Avatar of TearfulResonant
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 40 (0.01 / day)
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    1. TearfulResonant 9 yrs ago


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"Wait, how?!"

Her question almost certainly didn't come out anywhere near as loudly as she was hoping it would, as she found herself watching as Kirby... no, as Cia ran off toward the action. Unfortunately, she was still clueless. What could she possibly do back her up?

And of course, she realized it was a silly question a second later. As she watched Cia start to inhale and the other girl order her robot to back her, it occurred to Carmen that it was extremely unlikely that anyone had any of these abilities before waking up here. In fact, it was obvious they hadn't.

So that meant she had Link's powers. Whatever those were. She supposed he used a lot of different items throughout the Zelda series. And she already knew she was carrying at least a couple of those. That could be something. She felt for the scabbard on her back and ran her hand along to the top. She found the hilt of a sword, grabbed it, pulled it out, held it in front of her, and was stuck staring at it. The Master Sword. Like, for real. This stupid grin wasn't leaving her face anytime soon.

"This is so cool..."
"I'm... what?"

Carmen took a moment to process everything Kirby said. She was Link? By the look of it she definitely seemed to be wearing a green tunic. And it felt like she was carrying a lot more than usual. Not to mention that weird sense she got that things were different. Maybe she was Link after all. What else did Kirby say? No, maybe they weren't Kirby. This person picked Kirby on a screen and turned into him. In that fangame she'd started before falling asleep, Carmen had chosen to play as Link, and seemed to be some weird mix of Link and herself now. It made sense to think this Kirby person had probably downloaded the same game. So was that the cause of all this? The possibility was no more unbelievable than anything else going on right now. Wasn't there another thing the Kirby person said? Something about a broken leg. Carmen was still too overwhelmed by everything else to try to make sense of it. She hoped it wasn't important.

Another girl approached and asked if the same thing had happened to them. So she'd also played that fangame and turned into the character she'd chosen. Carmen looked her over, trying to figure out who she was. She got the feeling she'd seen her somewhere before, but couldn't place where. That robot behind her gave off the same faint feeling of familiarity.

"I don't think it's a dream." No, she was sure it wasn't. This was for real. It had to be, as impossible as it seemed. She didn't really know why, but she was confident about that.

Before she could give it much more consideration, her train of thought was cut off by a loud bang. She turned toward the source and saw another vaguely familiar-looking person trying to break up the fight. With a threat. Probably not the best way. She idly wished there would be someone else who looked familiar outright. Someone she could recognize in an instant, instead of just this vague sense.

Another person replied to the threat. More of that same faint familiar feeling. At the very least, she knew she'd seen that rooster mask somewhere before. She glanced over at the people fighting to see if she could recognize any of them now that she was more aware of her surroundings. Two of them she didn't even have that vague sense she had with the others. The other one... Cirno, maybe? But he looked to be a boy. Some mix of Cirno and whoever chose her, probably. After all, Link was a boy, and she was still a girl. There was precedent for that sort of thing happening. In any case, the masked person had the right idea. Figuring things out would certainly be easier without fighting. But something gave Carmen the sense that he almost wanted the battle to continue.
Carmen didn't even have to open her eyes to know it was bright. Blindingly so, which was only made more annoying by her present state of semi-lucidness. She shut her eyes more tightly to block it out, but her efforts were fruitless. The light shone through just as brightly as before. Irritated, she decided to take it as a sign she'd overslept and forced her eyes open.

It was then she realized something about this was very wrong. A lot of things, in fact. For one, this couldn't have been where she was before. She'd never have been able to fall asleep somewhere this obnoxiously bright. And on top of that, there was no floor beneath her. More than a little strange, but she didn't seem to be falling.

Where had she fallen asleep? It was her bedroom, wasn't it? She'd just downloaded a fangame of some sort, hadn't she? She'd selected her character from a list, and... she couldn't remember anything past that. Maybe she fell asleep then? She'd been up much later than usual, it wasn't impossible. Or maybe the game was just dull and unmemorable. That was also within the realm of possibility. Maybe she was still asleep, and this was a weird dream. It would explain the lack of ground. But it didn't feel like a dream at all.

Then, she realized she wasn't the only one here. And someone was pulling her somewhere. Away from some of the others. Were they fighting? It looked like it, but she wasn't sure. She was still too tired to make sense of everything. She turned to see who'd grabbed her and saw... Kirby. It was Kirby, wasn't it? Then this was a dream after all? But still, something told her it couldn't be. Should she try to ask the others here what was going on? Would they even know? She still couldn't shake the feeling that something else was different, something she couldn't put her finger on, but she was too groggy to figure out what it was. Giving in to her tiredness and curiosity, she said the first thing that popped into her head, directed at anyone who could hear her.

"Um... hello."
I was hoping to make my first post tonight, but I'm leaving for a trip early tomorrow and should probably be getting to sleep now.

I'll try to finish it before I go in the morning, but if I can't get it done then I'll write the rest on the way there. Sorry about doing this so early on. ^^;
Alright! Edited for that, then.
I may have gone for a less interesting character than most. ^^;

I think this could be interesting.
I still exist, yet I still haven't done anything. Sorry. ^^;
<Snipped quote by TearfulResonant>

It matters, don't worry. Did you need help coming up with something or finding an opening?

Possibly. Though, I've been kinda stressed by real life stuff lately, but hopefully that should be done now. Maybe that'll be enough for me to come up with something.
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