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I'm good with private voting.

Also, on the powers thing, I'd go for astral projection and bullet time.
James proves that he is in no way qualified to deal with armed robbery.
Sunday Afternoon
James walked down the street, a cascade of noises coming from his surroundings. The nausea and aches he had witnessed in the night were over and the only remnant of them was the fact that he now felt tired because they had kept him up all night. He yawned as he walked into a small store, more as a brief respite from the intense crowds than with any intention to buy anything.

As he loitered next to some newspapers, trying to decide which was the least politically objectionable, he heard a sudden loud noise from across the store and instinctively looked over to see the only other possible customer in the store shoving the register into a bag while pointing a gun at the man working behind it, neither of them seeming to have noticed his presence.

A more sensible man would have merely called the police, but James Knight was not entirely sensible when he was in a crisis without any useful skills. When he was operating he could be the difference between life and death but he was now faced with the possibility of somebody else ending a life, no matter what he did. So he panicked.


As he shouted, the noise that came out of his mouth was amplified significantly. A deafening roar echoed throughout the store and even though it wasn't the loudest noise any of them had experienced, it was loud enough to disorient all three of them. The robber dropped his gun and accidentally discharged a bullet into the floor, the noise similarly amplified.

There was a ringing in James' ears as he covered them with his hands, seeing a similar reaction in the others present as a cop burst into the store having heard the shot and been directed to the right place by the crowd outside. The noise died down but as he stood there, mostly ignoring the people starting to crowd around, he was just shocked. What had happened, noise coming out of a human at that volume, was impossible. He had never heard a bullet at this distance so he couldn't really tell but it seemed louder than he would have thought it would be. And yet, even though the sound was far louder than it should have been it still felt somehow right, as if it was under control. Even though he hadn't purposely done anything, something in him was telling him that he had caused it.
EDIT: Didn't get that. I'm just going to give up on this RP now.
Would you accept a firefly beastkin? Essentially it would have harder skin that makes it a little more durable (although the character would be a bard so that would rarely be relevant), wings that allow for flight and some parts of it would constantly glow.
Edit: Alright then. Understandable.
Saturday, Roughly 3:00PM

James held onto the overhead handle as the bus went along, checking his texts with his other hand as he did so. There was nothing surprising, merely worried messages from his mother and his four different friends each attempting to set him up with different men, none of whom were his type. He appreciated the sentiment but thought that if he was to get his ideal man, he would find such a man himself.

His train of thought was broken as the bus suddenly crashed into another vehicle. He, unlike many other passengers, managed to technically remain standing with the assistance of a nearby seat but his glasses fell off and his phone flew out of his hands and onto the floor, where his own foot accidentally finished it off. He steadied himself and looked around but saw that nobody had any serious injuries.

Saturday, roughly 11PM
James groaned and rolled across the stupidly large bed in the spare room in his mother's penthouse apartment. He didn't live that far away in larger terms but it satisfied his mother for him to see him every few weeks and he would admit to enjoying the somewhat decadent luxury that his mother lived in. He had examined himself and seen nothing more than superficial injuries and, although he knew that he should really have got himself checked out properly, he only had a few bruises and a minor cut across his hand which he disinfected and bandaged. After that, he essentially continued his day as planned, meeting a friend and then heading to his mother's penthouse. He had trouble sleeping regularly but didn't have any sleeping pills with him as he hadn't had any trouble in the last few days and he now had a pounding headache and every part of him was aching. He got up and staggered towards the bathroom, managing to find some painkillers in the medicine cabinet and quickly swallowed them. As they kicked in and the pain was reduced, he managed to eventually fall asleep, his legs hanging halfway off the side of the bed and all of him except one arm on top of the sheets.

Sunday, roughly 7:00-10:00
Although he hadn't managed as much sleep as he had wanted to, by the time he woke up, somehow having managed to fall off the bed altogether and pull the sheet with him, his mother had already left to get on with her important work life. He understood that she couldn't exactly slack off when she was running such a large company but she claimed that she wanted to see him more and seemed to make little effort to. He had spent hours just wandering around and watching the news but eventually got bored and decided to go out.
Finished my sheet.
General Bio
Name: James Knight
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Appearance: James is fairly short and small with youthful looking features to the degree that he could easily be mistaken for being several years younger. His skin is on the darker side of Caucasian in colour and he has bright ginger hair shaved close to his head but with enough remaining for the colour to be clearly visible and blue eyes, wearing thick-rimmed glasses most of the time despite barely needing them. He typically wears very casual clothes, tending towards jeans and clothes with hoods as well as preferring dark colours, with a common addition of a (fake) leather jacket and heavy boots.

Name of ability: Sound manipulation
Description: James can control sound in many ways, most notably amplifying it significantly. While he can outright create sound, his powers are much more significant if he has a controlled source of sound to amplify such as a speaker or a human voice. He is perfectly capable of creating sound that is beyond human hearing but it is more difficult, as is creating sound that he can't hear. He is able to adjust pitch and amplitude as well, although volume is easier. With experience, he will become able to duplicate existing sound and generate it from points further away from himself.

Level one abilities: James can generate uncontrolled noise from around his body. He can also amplify sound that comes from other sources and can reach uncomfortable volumes. Control of pitch and amplitude at a very basic level will become possible for him at the top end of level one. He has no ability to muffle sound at this level.

Level three abilities: He will be able to reach greater volumes and have more precise control of pitch and amplitude. At this level he will also be able to cause sound to radiate from areas a small distance away from him.

Level five abilities: At this level, his control of volume, pitch and amplitude will be very precise and he can reach very high or low values in each. He will be able to mimic existing sounds and cause sound to radiate from an area a reasonable distance from him with a maximum of about ten meters. At this level he can process sound better, being able to sense qualities of sound that would normally need a machine to measure with just his hearing and can also hear a wider range of sounds which are normally not audible to human ears.

Weakness/drawback: As he has no capability of muffling sound in a limited area and at lower levels he can only use his powers to good effect if he is near or is the source, he is susceptible to his own sound and any effects of it, including short term, or possibly even long-term if he isn't careful, hearing damage. He also can generate higher volumes with an existing source amplified by his powers than with sound generated purely by his powers. While he can generate sound he can't hear, it is more difficult for him.

History: James was born in England, to an English father and an American mother who were both wealthy entrepreneurs. His parents separated when he was still an infant and after an intense custody battle his father eventually managed to secure sole custody. While he was spoiled by his rich father and given anything he wanted, his father was typically too busy with his business to interact with his son and clearly cared about money and status more than family, causing James to grow distant from his father, not wanting to become anti-social and impersonal like his father, and leading him into a career of helping people.

James decided to become a doctor and tried to act completely independently of his father but could not afford to study without financial support, so accepted the help of his mother and moved to America. He successfully trained as a doctor and while he found some conflict in trying to make a life of helping people who had to pay for his services, he eventually settled into his career and specialized as a neurosurgeon. He got a steady job in New York and continues trying to live life independent of his parents' money and fulfilling his goal of helping people.

The day before the bus ride: James walked swiftly through the hospital but despite his best efforts to get away quickly a patient ran up to him as he had almost reached the door. While he was in a hurry, he considered the health of others to be infinitely more important than his own social life and as such stopped to listen to them. James recognized him as the non-custodial father of one of his patients, as the man had been forcibly removed earlier.

"Doctor ! My son, is he..."

"Alex is alive and well, Mr Hampshire, the operation was successful. But I don't have to remind you that there is a restraining order in place and that you're violating it by being here. I don't want to get you in trouble but I'm not going to break the law for you."

The man was about to speak but stopped when he saw the serious expression on the doctor's face. James indicated towards the door and the man sighed and left through it. James looked around to make sure he hadn't been making a scene before following and walking off across the street. He took his phone out of his pocket as it started to ring, checking who it was before putting it up to his ear. He let out a small sigh as his mother started talking on the other end. Although anyone around him wouldn't be able to hear the other end of the conversation, he became obviously more flustered as it went on.

"Yes, mother, I'll get there in a couple of hours."

"No, I can't be there faster, I have people I need to meet."

"Yes, I know you've been planning this but I already said when I could meet you."

"I couldn't have called you earlier, I was at work!"

"I know, I know, stay calm."

"Look, I'll be there when I said I would. Goodbye."

At that, he hung up and awkwardly thrust his phone back into his pocket before continuing down the street.
I'm thinking sound powers, with the obvious downside of hearing damage.
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