Avatar of Tergonaut
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 129 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Tergonaut 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current To make any pie into soup: just add hot water. I'm not sure why this is so difficult to understand. (PLEASE I'M JUST JOKING DON'T DO THIS)
7 yrs ago
Recently played Blaster Master Zero. Fun game...but it got me thinking about a possible 1x1 RP using that as a setting. Not sure how well that would work, but I'm curious what folks think
7 yrs ago
@Poi - just wanted to say that "Moon Moon" was the name of our druid's wolf companion in a Pathfinder game some years ago - he had a hard time coming up with names, coined that, and it stuck adorably.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Writing an RP-related fic, hit a writing groove I haven't had for a long time. It's a good feelin'~
7 yrs ago
Now recruiting up to two new players for my RP! Details at roleplayerguild.com/posts/4…


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*laugh track noise*
Posting for presence. I like how unique my character's background is so I'm hesitant to change characters, though the thought has crossed my mind to do so - not sure what I'd do exactly if I did, but eh!
Nora couldn't help but wince at the vitriol in the girl's words contained in her first response. She didn't like to think that she was a bit of a prude, but the truth was, she really was. But the truth also was that Nora was sensitive to anger and other negative emotions, and she had a hard time trying not to take this personally.

But Nora wasn't blind, and when she saw the girl's tears build up in her green eyes, her heart melted. She couldn't bring herself to be sharp against someone who was just as vulnerable as she herself felt behind her facade of scientific neutrality and pleasantness. So, she just listened until the girl was finished, and now she finally had a name to work with. And, while this Jane Smith now seemed to remember their encounter in the forest clearing, at least she wasn't threatening Nora like she had back then; that seemed to be an improvement that heartened the scientist.

"Okay, Jane," Nora said, adjusting her glasses briefly with a touch of one hand. "I disagree about how special you are, after seeing for myself that laptop setup you had rigged to connect to that ship you came down in, but...I think I know what you really mean. I can tell you that, as far as I'm aware, only the people downstairs are aware that you are here, and none of us have called anyone else. I don't have any obligation to report you to my superiors, either, since you're not one of the people on the list to be here, and they didn't tell me I couldn't accept other residents if I saw fit..."

Nora then stood up, leaning forward with her hands on her thighs. "As for why I'm helping you...well, you didn't ask to be here, and you don't seem like a bad person to me. And that's good enough for me. Maybe that sounds silly, but..."

The blonde scientist stood the rest of the way up. "Anyway, Justin and I salvaged what we could of your laptop and other belongings from the wreck, and they're downstairs wrapped up in a blanket. There was some kind of metallic goo that leaked from the ship onto your laptop, so I'm not sure what kind of damage that did to it, but we did what we could to clean it up." She pointed to the rooms along the line. "My room is on the end, closest to the big bathroom; if you need anything, just let me know, and I'll try to do my best to help you feel at home. The next two rooms have been claimed already, but all the other rooms are open for now. If you want, you can pick whichever open room is available, and you can start arranging your bedding from the closet while I bring your things upstairs. That would give you a little time to...adjust to the situation."

Nora sighed, then laughed at herself for doing so. "And, if worse comes to worse, if somebody bangs on the door demanding that we hand you over, you can always jump out the bedroom window and make a break for it. I'll hold them off as long as I can."

She stepped to one side so she wasn't blocking Jane's exit, then waited to see if she would agree to this plan of action for the moment, or if she'd rather do something else. Nora was trying to give Jane a chance to compose herself before any of the others saw her, but she wasn't entirely sure if Jane would feel like she needed that or not.
Nora's enthusiasm for her plan dampened as the opinions of the lodgers divided between the two options. She began to doubt herself as she considered the situation with the new input; after all, the secret door wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and even if it suddenly stayed shut, they could probably figure a way to bypass or - if it came to it - break it down, and then they could explore it at their leisure. In her excitement, she had forgotten about the basic needs of the lodge tenants, how they had just arrived today, and here she was, demanding for them to put themselves into immediate service. Sure, they weren't here just to laze about, but she knew just as well that she wasn't a slave driver or their mother. What they chose to do with their time here was their own business; she was only here to represent Cybertronics and make sure they were provided with everything they reasonably could need.

I really don't feel like I should even be here, she thought to herself dispiritedly, her shoulders slumping unconsciously. These guys, their powers...what can I do that would even be more than a bother to them? I should be back to work...

But this was her job, at least for the time being. And by golly, she had to at least try.

She listened to their responses while trying not to get too distracted by her depression, but when Jaiden's lighthearted - but somewhat thoughtless - comments got to the stranger girl, enough to upset her, Nora was too stunned to intervene on her behalf or do anything - and then she kicked herself once the girl left the room for not saying or doing anything. She pushed herself up to her feet, her chair sliding back with a squeak against the tiles of the floor that seemed deafening in the awkward silence that reigned after the girl's departure. Nora, suddenly self-conscious and very aware the others were still waiting for an answer from her, made a snap decision and opened her mouth.

"On second thought, since this is just our first day, and everyone is probably a little tired after all of our little adventures and moving in today, we'll wait a day or two before we check that out," she decided as she glanced around the room to see the reactions of the others. "After all, it isn't going anywhere, and if nothing bad happened to the company surveyors or Justin when they were checking the lodge out, I doubt we'll be in any trouble until we're ready. I'll cook dinner later tonight around six, but other than that, you are all free to finish unpacking and making up your rooms as you see fit."

Then she adjusted her glasses, the light catching on the lenses briefly as she did so. "Now, we don't know where she came from, or even what her name is, but our visitor" and here she gave Jaiden a surprisingly stern and pointed look that seemed almost out of character for her usual demure self, "is still recovering from a very bad accident, and so I'm going to offer her one of the extra rooms. Until we know what she's going to do from here, she is a guest and we will treat her with the same respect as anyone else living here."

Nora walked around the kitchen table toward the door leading to the living room, but ask she left, she said, her voice once again kind and easygoing, "Now, just remember to put your dishes in the dishwasher when you're done eating - and don't forget to wash your hands!" Then she left the kitchen.

Boxcar saw that Nora had left a part of her fajita on her plate, and he sidled up to the plate and snarfed the food down. "Mmm, good," he managed to say through a mouth full of chicken, before he swallowed, gave a sigh of satisfaction as he licked his lips - and gave a very un-doglike belch. "Well, I don't have hands, so I don't have to wash them, eh?" he asked those in the kitchen, waggling his distinctive black eyebrows fiendishly.

Nora checked the rec room first, then the garage, then finally went upstairs and there, she found the girl sitting with her back against the linen closet at the end of the mezzanine in front of the bedrooms. Still clad in her science apron, she caught her breath from all the hurried walking she had just been doing, then approached the young woman with a sympathetic smile, finally stopping a few feet away. She really wanted to do more than that, but she wasn't sure what she could do that wouldn't set the girl off - like somehow she had when they were in the clearing earlier that day - so she just decided to squat down on the carpet and try to catch the girl's eye.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened down there," she started off with. "Jaiden means well, even if what he said wasn't very nice. This is a very new situation for all of us, for you see, we all just came to live here starting today. This is a lodge for people with...special abilities, for them to be able to train them in a safe environment. I know you didn't ask to be here, but you're still recovering from the crash you had, and I don't want you to be doing too much until you've had time to recover, so..." She took a deep breath as she scanned the young woman to see how she was reacting so far, then pressed on. "I'm offering you a room of your own. There are plenty of extras, and you can stay here as long as you like. This is being all paid for by corporate sponsors, and I doubt my bosses will mind if we have one more person here than we planned for. They probably won't even need to know."

Then she managed a small, friendly smirk. "But I do have one condition for lending you a room, and that is, I need to be able to call you something. What's your name?"
If you're an interested RPer, please read the last post for basic requirements for joining.

We are moving forward with the story at this time. I will still keep the RP open for new players to join, but bear in mind it may be a while until new characters can be inserted into the story. I will also try to be flexible on finding ways for new characters to jump in later.

Currently recruiting up to two new players to join the story before we begin the main adventure! Details are in the link.
I'm announcing my departure from the RP. I've appreciated the chance to participate and prove my mettle, as well as experiment with some character concepts. It was fun, and I hope that this doesn't cause any undue problems by my leaving. Best of luck to all, regardless of this RP's progress.

No drama with the players or anything like that, just that it's been over twenty days with no IC activity.
I'm announcing my departure from the RP. It was fun to give it a try; best of luck to all of you.

This isn't because of any drama or anything, just leaving it since there hasn't been activity for over two weeks by anyone.
Two players have left the RP out of our original six slots, so I am reopening the RP for people to join. We are at a point in the story right before the main adventure/exploration under the lodge will begin, so I feel we can have new characters show up at the lodge at this point without too much trouble.

As a brief summary, the lodge is a sponsored "vacation home" for people with special talents and powers in a world full of superheroes, mythical beings, and other people with unusual abilities - very much a kitchen-sink kind of world where magic and science both have equal sway, and where technology is usually modern, but in many cases is much more advanced than our current world. So your character is likely to be a young - or at least, youthful - powered character who is having trouble with their powers, and has been selected to come to the lodge for training/safety purposes as a pilot program. But there are secrets about the lodge that the sponsoring company hasn't been forthcoming about, and the lodgers are about to discover what they're sitting on...

For anyone wishing to join: I will ask you to read the entire IC up to the current point - this will give you a better idea of the characters of the remaining players from the original group, as well of the scene and surroundings the RP is taking place in. Reading the first post of the OOC is also essential, though you don't necessarily have to read the entire OOC thread all the way through.

Once you have done that, please post your CS here in the OOC (the CS can be found in the first post of the OOC for you to copy) so I can comment on your character as needed. If your character is approved, you may immediately post the CS in the characters tab and then jump right into the RP itself. If we need to tinker with the character, we can do that here in the OOC or by private messages, whichever you feel most comfortable with.
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