Avatar of ThatCharacter
  • Last Seen: 6 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 173 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ThatCharacter 10 yrs ago


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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

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Hi! I didn't get a chance to post in the interest check, but this is super up my alley! I'll work on a CS and try to have something up tomorrow.
Interested in both of these concepts, will be watching to see if interest picks up!

All Calvin could hear was the sound of his own breathing. Adrenaline coursed through him as the trial reached its conclusion. Felix was gone. And Mercy… It tore him apart to know that she had been so unwell, and he had had no idea. Would he have been able to help her? He doubted it. But it still ate at his guts that he hadn’t been able to try.

The sight of Davis brought Calvin’s world back into focus. What a fucker. Calvin remembered when he had bothered to try talking to the man. He could feel the cold edge of the scalpel he had held in his hand. Could he have ended things right there? Knowing what he knew now, what sort of despair would be thrust on his fellow Infinites, he certainly wished he had followed through on his threat when he had the chance.

By the time he had processed this, Davis was gone once more. And they were back on the damned rollercoaster. He stood lamely for a moment once he had stepped off the rollercoaster. He saw a few Infinites head for the elevators. Heard sounds that he could have sworn were the same as the last batch of Infinites who had entered the game.

He walked towards the elevators, and was unsurprised to see another batch of Infinites. Of course there were more. Of course the game would continue. The new arrivals were already being questioned pretty heavily, but Calvin only heard the tail end of Daimyon’s question by the time he arrived.

"Jesus Christ, of course they are." He muttered the words a bit louder than intended, and caught himself. "Sorry." He looked at Daimyon, and was painfully aware of the tension in his posture. He tried his best to let it dissipate, but his concentration on it only made him feel worse.

Calvin cleared his throat, trying to keep abreast of the conversation. He had still not answered Lucy’s earlier question, and when he finally did, his voice was low. "I was just trying to… find inspiration. For my work. Sorry I didn’t say hello to you and Zach." He swallowed his spit and let his mind wander. The answer seemed to be eluding his fellow infinites. Whereas the last time, there had been heaps of strong opinions, here most of the Infinites seemed unsure. Normally, Calvin would have thrown his voice to some cause, trying to draw any sort of information through accusations. But it seemed as though this case would not benefit from it. Nor did Calvin feel he could.

Calvin’s body was taut like a bowstring. He felt a tension in the back of his neck that he hadn’t felt in a long time. If he wasn’t murdered in this nightmare of a game he was half convinced it would be a heart-attack that took him. He took a deep breath as he wiped away the sheen that had formed on his brow.

"I, uh- Don’t have much of an alibi either. I was in my room from 4:30 on. Was sick of banging my head against the wall." He rolled his eyes at Lucy’s exaggerated demeanor, but didn’t speak up. "Careful where you point, this is still your first run at these." He was impressed with how well the young woman was performing in the trial. He certainly wasn’t as capable. But perhaps that was how it was meant to be. There were those who were suited for Trials. And others who weren’t. Unfortunately, it appeared Calvin was sitting in the latter camp.

It was another trial. Another battle where everyone faced death. He had many reservations about the case. Mercy, the Infinite Plague Doctor, was gone. Without her, who could have known what would have happened to the group in the tribulations they had once faced, and what would happen in the future. If Calvin couldn’t even work, who was to say how his fellow infinites would face the challenges ahead of them?

He scoffed lightly as he tried to remove himself from his thoughts. The trial was the most pressing issue. None of it would matter if they couldn’t figure out who had murdered Mercy. He thought again to the horrific way she had died. Had it been anyone else, she might have been able to do something. Of course, the murderer had likely known that too. While at first he had suspected Felix who had spent the majority of the event with the victim, he was relieved to hear that the poison was likely Mundinol, although it complicated the case greatly. Cyrus managed to narrow down a time-frame:

“This means the poison must’ve been applied sometime between 3:00 and 4:00 PM.”

"Oh shit," Calvin’s face went as blank as a sheet of paper. "I went and saw Mercy around 4:00 PM...” He looked around the room and his eyes landed on Braden. "Braden, you were there in the Pharmacy with her before I got there. Why?” He wasn’t angry. Not yet. But there was a hint of exasperation in his tone. "And before anyone asks…" Calvin pulled off his gauntlet to reveal a bandaged hand of his own. "I burned my hand earlier like some fucking amateur." There was a slight rawness to his tone as he said those final words, but he was quick to compose himself.
Calvin had remained at the table, angrily chewing on the cookie that had been left behind. Had he spoken out of turn? Likely. But that was how Calvin always had been. He turned around at the sound of a glass falling, only to see the Infinite Plague Doctor collapse while vomiting blood. "Fuck!” He ran towards the doctor, but others were surrounding her. For half a moment, he thought of running for help, but he realized dully that only she would have been capable of doing anything.

He turned away for a moment. The lump in his throat felt particularly pronounced as he tried to swallow, to no avail. His back turned to the group, his body shuddered. "Not again.” He whispered. Stiffly, he drew his hands over his face, finding only the slightest bit of comfort in their familiar feeling. "Keep it together, Ibbs.” When the gauntlets left his face, his mouth was a taut line and his eyes seemed cold. He looked back to the group that was crowded around his corpse. He walked over, taking careful breaths.

"Who was sitting with her? Who talked to her?” He looked down at the body for a moment, but realized it was a mistake as he felt his stomach quiver. "How the fuck did we let this happen?” It wasn’t quite clear what he was talking about, but he didn’t bother clarifying. "And where are-”

"They.” His tone went flat for moment. Ice and Alice entered the banquet hall, and Calvin felt dread come over him as he realized what Alice was about to face. He almost stepped in front of her, but with a wince remembered how poorly received his last words had been. He shook his head lightly.

Several of the infinites had already asked the bear for the Monokuma File, and Calvin nodded along. As horrifying as Mercy’s death was, Calvin wanted revenge. If he couldn’t take it on the Carnage Sisters, he might be able to get some sense of it by discovering who would continue to kill after such damage had been wrought on their group.

The fire was low in the crematorium. Still burning -- Calvin made sure of that. But low.

Calvin hadn’t slept. It wasn’t shocking, and had become the norm over the past few days. As was always the case, after an hour spent staring at the ceiling, he had stood up and walked to his forge. Alexandria was steering clear tonight. He was thankful for that.

However, unlike previous instances where sleep had eluded him, Calvin found himself unable to work either. It wasn’t lack of care, or effort. It just seemed as though all his best efforts came out twisted. Blades with deviations in angle. Ill-weighted hammers. Good metal that could have been used to make something of value lay strewn about the room in odd shapes with dents from a few angry blows of a hammer. The last time Calvin had found himself wanting at the forge... had been in dire circumstances similar to these. He had barely come back then. Would he come back now?

Calvin sat next to the burning hole in the wall where bodies were supposed to be deposited and burned to ash. Was he defending it? What good would it do if he tried to stop someone? He shook his head, lightly. He had no idea what they did with the bodies. He wasn’t sure he wanted to either. His arms still ached from his confrontation. He couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t forge. Bliss’s pick was damaged beyond a normal smith’s repair. He recognized dully that he would need to fix it. But in his current state there was no chance for it. He stood up slowly, rockily. He needed to eat.

While he normally would have gone to the dining room, he had no interest in seeing people or reliving that night. He walked to the break room quietly, pausing at the end of the hall as he saw Felix and Daimyon leave it. They seemed to be in a good mood, and it made Calvin shiver a little bit. Where the fuck had Felix been that night? Or Daimyon? How had Willow been able to rejoin her sister? He wanted to confront them, but knew that nothing good would come of it. Besides, if they were leaving there was a chance that the break room was empty and he could grab some food and sneak back to the crematorium. He let them walk away, ducking into the break room once he was sure they were out of sight. Methodically, he loaded himself up with food. Fuel for a smoldering fire.
That is correct!

Calvin had thought they had a shot. As Alexandria launched her spear, he felt a slight bit of elation. This was their chance. The spear connected with Willow’s sword, sending it scattering off loudly. But Willow continued. And grabbed Zachary. And pulled him up. And…
With one hand held by Alexandria, Aleecia grabbed hold of Calvin's arm, her head a mess from the sounds of fighting everywhere. She was so happy that Alexandria was helping against the other sisters, but she couldn't even begin to worry about the infinites with the sounds pressing into her skull. Every sound bit into her brain and she couldn't seem to understand how large the area actually was. but then she heard the screams. Everything seemed to finally stand still, but not in the way she imagined. Aleecia let out gasp after gasp, shaking and holding tightly onto Calvin, asking over and over what was going on?!

"NO!" The roar came out of him as Willow dropped the body without a care in the world. He saw Jezebel run towards the still figure of the Infinite Archer. His legs buckled a bit, but he held himself up as he caught a glimpse of Zach’s body. The Infinite – his friend was dead. Of that he was sure. Calvin dully realized he still had the pick in his hand. It was a thin blade, lacking in ornament, but strong. Calvin’s work was always that way, and though he felt a bit of revulsion upon looking at the object, he gripped it tightly. His body began to lurch forward, but a small arm continued to grip at him, holding him just above the wrist.

Aleecia felt Calvin start to move and she stopped shaking, there was no way she was going to let Calvin go, not if his screams would soon join the poor Infinite's as well. Allie planted her feet and held on as hard as she could, "No!"

Willow had turned away, looking to re-engage with the A-Team who was currently facing Nariko. But Aleecia was holding on tight. ”Get to Nariko.” He pulled ahead with a bit of force, and his gauntlet slipped off of his hand as Aleecia gripped hard. ”Alexandria! If anything happens to her, I’m going next.” As he broke into a sprint, he looked back for half a moment. He saw Ice, still running to catch up. Good. He could take care of her.

Ice finally reached the scene, ignoring the stabbing pain in his abdomen, he had arrived behind the others and his eyes first searched for Aleecia. He saw her hugging onto a gauntlet that was warm with familiarity, screaming for someone to stop. His head imediately turned to see Calvin sprinting for Willow, who he guessed had been the cause of the screaming he had heard just moments earlier, "Calvin blimey- Stop! You idiot you can't- Stop!" As the words loudly escaped Ice's throat, his voice started to crack with anxiety and fear for his closest friend.

Calvin felt blood course through his veins. Willow still was turned away. Calvin presumed she was trying to retrieve her sword. He wouldn’t let her. Raising the pick in his warm, bare hand above his head, he let out a yell as he lunged forward, hoping to plunge his craft directly into the Carnage Sister's back.
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