Avatar of The Cleaner
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 90 (0.04 / day)
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    1. The Cleaner 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Bye.
7 yrs ago
But that's a Bob Dylan song... granted Jimi Hendrix's death cause him to play the song just like Hendrix did as a tribute, but it's still Bob Dylan's song.
7 yrs ago
Whoo! Not only am I being overworked (77 hours last week), I'm 100% sure my email, Skype, And Discord accounts have been hacked. This week has been shit.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That moment when you are denied vacation and are scheduled at least 70 hours this week because five people are supposed to do the work of 11 people. Happy days.
7 yrs ago
To everyone I am role-playing with. Between Work, life, and some other stuff, I might be taking a long hiatus. I'm sorry. I will probably be missing for most of August



Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

I apologize for not having the posts up yet, I took my antibiotics and they made me drowsy so I fell asleep.

You don't need to apologize for such a thing. Your health is way more important than the roleplay. Take your time. I hope you are feeling better!
I can't wait to see what marvelous idea you have for Victoria and Vanessa
<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

Everyone deserves a nap but adults deserve naps the most, in my opinion. :)

Haha. It unfortunately won't work. I've already tried.

And the same with Vanessa but then again, I guess because you make it so easy for me there. Haha. But you're going to freak once you see what I have planned for their interaction.

No hints! My lips(hands) are sealed!

I totally 10000000000%(which is impossible, but I'm doing it anyway) agree with adults need the naps the most.

I know. But I feel we should never, ever stop fighting for it. For the good of all adults everywhere.

I'm not making it easy. You are making it farrrrrrrr more easy for me! I honestly am so curious as to what you have planned for them! Anticipation is rising.


I shall just ponder all the little possibilities and probably be completely blown away by the results!
<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

You said it when you said that. :D I wish I can go back in time to Kindergarten, where nap time was really a thing! I always passed that area. LOL.

Amen, Brother Cleaner!

But oh, my goodness, I have something planned between Vanessa and Victoria. I hope you'll like it because you are going to freak!

I think nap time should be brought back for adults. It would make life so much better if we all just took naps sometimes. I think those were the days, before insomnia set in, where I got the most sleep ironically enough.

I'll preach it louder if it means we get nap time back.

I'm 100% not going to lie, but Victoria might be the easiest character I've ever typed in a roleplay. She feels strangely natural to play. I cannot wait for your post now! I don't want any hints.

Even though I totally want hints.
<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

Pfft. Rest? What is that?! Haha. Thanks, Cleaner but I'll get your posts up tonight. :P I'm stubborn.

Time flies whenever you're having fun but when you're not doing anything time drains. :)

Rest is this mythical thing that we are told about as children, experience during our teenager years, and never see again as an adult, except as this fleeting few moments here and there.

Isn't that the truth!
<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

I hope so, as well.

Thanks, you have a good night, too. :)

And really? That must be nice.

If you need to rest after work, do so, okay? Real life first, as you have told me plenty of times. <3

Eh. Sometimes I wish we didn't have to, as it makes time seem really slow afterwards.
<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

I sure will. I have work in the morning so I'll get the posts up tomorrow night. :)

I hope your work goes east on you with your sinus infection. You have a good night, okay? I'm actually on lunch at work right now.
<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

That's why I went to the doctor and got some antibiotics. I am feeling a little bit better already though.

That was my next question. :P Take care of yourself, okay?
<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

No need to apologize, Cleaner. I understand that you have a lot going on right about now, so don't worry.

I've been good. Still a little sick with a sinus infection but powering through it. Haha. Thanks for asking.

Sinus infections are the absolute worst! I hope it goes away fast. I know they are a pain to get rid of. Hope you get well soon!
<Snipped quote by The Cleaner>

The posts were once again, perfect as always, Cleaner. :)

I am going to try my best to get something up soon.

I cannot wait to see what you have in mind. Take your time! Sorry it took so long again. I appreciate the kind words.

How have you been?
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