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    1. TheBeggar 10 yrs ago


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It's alright killa, I'm not upset at all
*strangles kitten*
don't worry about it, I hope you get better soon!
I smile in amusement, "It's not what I want, Clara, but what you want." I reach into my pocket and pull out a folded up piece of paper, holding it between two fingers, and with one swift motion threw the piece of paper at Clara. The paper obviously showed signs of aging, and the creases in the paper from being folded numerous times quite evident to any who saw it. On the paper, if she unfolded it, would be a symbol. Most Sigilists would recognize it right away, as it looked to be a simple Sigil that most beginners learned. However, if one were to look closely at the Sigil, they would find it to be...different, than what they originally thought it was. "Tell me, what does that mean to you?" I ask her as I take the seat next to her.
Rune_Alchemist said
Okay, one small problem Beggar. You're not really supposed to control other peoples characters. This is a small instance of it, but Clara isn't even to the bar yet, and you're putting words in her mouth that she probably wouldn't say.Mind fixing that? Sorry, but this is one of my major pet peeves when it comes to RPing.

oh I apologise about that rune, I tried to keep it as small as possible. Just I was going to bed soon after and I wouldn't be up to elaborate any further or anything. Was trying to start it so this didn't happen but :( so what I'll do is cut it off after I say I'm approaching, then you go from there whenever you're ready.

Also for my character, he's stays out of people's way mainly but is in the bar a lot so he's commonly known around the bar but doesn't hold any real connections. He's 'that guy' if you catch my drift. He's taken very little jobs at the moment, but that'll pick up a bit from now on. Grim is a separate personality from his, so any rude things he directs at character should not be affiliated with me even if I'm thinking it.
I sigh. 'Another dud' I tell myself as I watch the girl continue to stare at the symbol, as if it was some unfathomable object out of reach. I snatch the piece of paper out of her hand and place it in my pocket, "time's up little girl, you failed, goodbye." She looked dissapointed, but not all to unhappy that it's over. If only she knew what she could've achieved if she just had the skill. I leave the room, sad that another prospect bites the dust. I take my usual spot in the corner of the bar, the table allows me a view of the whole place along with being away from anything that consists of an entrance or exit. Not only does it let me evaluate people entering and leaving, but also eliminates most of the threats. The door chimes, signalling someone walking into the bar, I glance up to check who it is.


It's the sigilist, Clara, once again she reeks of death. I followed up on her a while ago, she periodically kills for money. Her potential is huge, her skill decent, but she's naive to pursuit a job that has a 100% mortality factor. No job is ever perfect, the first mistake you make is the last. Well, either way, we'll see what happens when I give her the Test. But another day, for now I'll just test her.
"Grim, Awaken," I state to the air. For a split second the sword on my back shifts into a scythe before returning to is normal form. The girl glances around, as if feeling a presence thats no longer there.

I smile.

Next time I see her, I'll see how she fares. "I want cake," Grim whispers.

I pause, "cake? really."

"Hey, you agreed that the contract can be ANYTHING and I want CAKE so get it STAT." Grim huffs.

"yeah yeah," I sigh getting up.

---3 days later

She reeks of death again, I mutter to myself as Clara walks into the bar. Either way I decided to do this. I get up and start walking to her...
mines a little dark to begin with, sorry guys :3

EDIT: Oh, and the reason his personality isn't matching in the first half is because that was his old personality, and the event was the catalyst for his new one. more reserved, refuses to play around with women etc.
The world shined that day, bright enough to blind a star. It was time, the wedding day was here. I couldn't believe that after two years of courting this is finally happening. Love really drives people mad, I thought as I chuckled to himself.

"HEY SHITSUBO YOU JERK!" A lady screamed after seeing me eye her down, "ITS YOUR WEDDING TODAY REMEMBER!"

I chuckled again, "Yeah I know Maria, but it doesn't change your looks." Perhaps I took things too far, but I'm well known for being a player. Not even the prospect of marriage can change that, something my wife to be refuses to accept.


"Shitsubo, it's our WEDDING so you BETTER not be HAVING any OTHER thoughts today, do you understand." His wife Crystal said, slapping me for every emphasis she put on her words.

She went to hit my already bright red face again, but before she could I swooped her off her feet and spun her around. "s-stop you idiot," She said, trying to contain her laughter. I eyed her down, reminding myself of what a catch the women I chose is. Her bright red dress contrasted against her pale snow white skin making her dazzle in the light. The dimple on her cheek formed so perfectly when she blushed, and her hair spun around in circles before topping off as a bun, making her appear as regal as a queen. Not to mention all the...extra's that comes with the rest of her body.

"Crystal, did I ever say you were beautiful," I stated resolutely, saluting myself for a job well done.

"Why do i get the feeling you're not complimenting just my figure," she says with a knowing look.

"Don't be so harsh, you should take it as an increase in chance of me not cheating."

She looked amused at that, "You know you'd be dead before you could say 'I'm sorry' if you cheated." I squinted my eyes at the thought, hoping if I pretended that comment didn't exist, it wouldn't exist. "Anyways," She stated, "The daycare center thanked you for your help the other day, you're always a bundle of fun to the younger kids." I blushed at the comment, knowing full well all I did was have fun myself.

"OI YOU TWO THE WEDDINGS ALREADY STARTED AND YOU'RE NOT THERE!" A lady screamed from inside the building a few yards away. It took a moment to sink in, then we looked at each other in panic and ran.

We made it to the door and kicked it wide open in as fancy a way as possible to make up for our lack of entrance, "We obviously meant to be late for the anticipation," I stated resolutely as sweat dripped off of me. Everyone muttered various comments along the lines of 'he must think I'm stupid' before settling in as we advanced down the stage. Suddenly, the ceremony started. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

*gasp* I pulled myself out of my dream, reality is reality. Trying to escape form it in a dream will not change facts. I controlled my breathing, slowing it down to a normal pace.

The world shined that day, darker then any night. I struggled to maintain my self, as I slowly allowed my eyes to drift downwards. The further down they went, the faster my breathing and the more uncontrollable my body became. After what seemed like a lifetime, finally my eyes fell onto the floor.

Before me was the dead body of my wife.

I started heaving uncontrollably as reality suddenly became all too real, grabbing onto what I could before I simply fell down and stared into nothingness. She's gone I whispered to myself as the pain of existing crippled my heart and stopped my lungs. It felt like days before I could force myself to breathe again. Weeks before I could drag myself out of the room. Months before I could walk to get some help. But once the months passed, I ran. I ran for anyone so that the reality is not just forced upon me.

There was Maria, I quickly leapt to her, trying to control my breathing again so that I could speak to her. "Maria, Maria, oh god oh god oh god, She's dead maria." i said over and over, she's dead maria. She's dead.

And she simply walked right past me. It was not a blink, it was not a pause, it was simply as if my words and I never existed in the first place. I asked another person, another 10, I asked the whole village and yet not a single person recognised my existence. Finally I gave up in fear and sadness, and walked back to the room to be with my wife. I lay down there, letting my troubles rock me to sleep...

"Who could have done this," a voice stated as my mind slowly woke up. "This is horrible," another one said as I snapped my eyes open and saw dozens of people sorrounding her body. I knew better then to bother calling out to them, I don't exist anymore."I know it might be hard to believe, but we haven't seen him since the morning, could it possibly be..." the Elder said. I wondered who hasn't been seen since the morning and suddenly my eyes snapped op-

"Yes, it has to be Shitsubo, I never trusted that devil," One of them stated. "He's always messing with us, acting as if he isn't betrothed as well, I could believe he'd do this," another said. My eyes widened, I existed. So why couldn't they see me.

Suddenly my sword, Grim, whispered to me "Someone cursed this village so that none can recognise your existence Shitsubo, yet here you are being accused, something far more evil is at foot then a simple murder, they don't want you in the way."

"THEN WHY COULDN'T THEY HAVE JUST LEFT ME ALONE WITH HER, GRIM, WHY THE HELL DID THEY DO THIS." Grim sighed, "A broken man is far weaker then one with someone to protect."

I clenched my fists, this isn't fair. I just wanted to live without worry for one simple life time, I already paid my due to this world. Life's just too cruel the longer you live. "I've decided," I exclaimed with ferocity, "whoever they are; I personally state as the Reaper that they will not achieve their goals."

"Good, good," Grim whispered, "because one of their foolish apprentices started talking about it while you were asleep. I know most, if not all, of what they wish to achieve." I affirm my resolution, before heading into her bedroom. I grab her book of forbidden symbols to pass onto a new generation, and her most beloved coat to remember her by. I stand at the doorway, staring one last time at her body, "we will wait for the funeral" I state before heading out.

----2 weeks later

I stared down at her lifeless face, even more pale then when she lived. "I promise," I say as she is lowered into the ground to rest one last time, "I promise to stop their plan. This is no longer for vengeance, if they succeed the world will be torn apart from the inside." I pray to all the gods that could possible exist for her one last time, before I finally turn away. It's time to accept The Order's offer.

----6 months later

a raindrop fell in the middle of the night. As if reacting to the minute sound Shitsubo snapped out of his dream, wide awake, before jumping out of his not-so-comfortable-bed-damn-the-order with his sword drawn. He felt a mind-numbing presence, drawing him in. It felt irresistible, yet at the same time incredibly dangerous.

He called out into the night, "Speak so that I may know of your reasons, or we fight here and now."

Only silence followed, twisting and turning until it became almost unbearable before suddenly-a whisper.

"Hear me out, Reaper, I wish to tell you a story." The voice whispered, as if it's strength was too far gone to speak any louder.

He sat down, making himself comfortable before stating "very well, I will listen."

It was some time before a breath was drawn again, yet very little time since the whisper finished talking. "you speak of a hefty goal, Joshua, one that cannot be accomplished alone. I suppose that is another reason why you seek comrades. However, while I will not interfere, I have no interest in helping you. I have my own goal, my own problems. Perhaps you and I will both accomplish what we wish for. If that day comes, let us meet once again."

With that said, the presence drifted away, but not before whispering "very well, my friend, one day soon."

Shitsubo sighed, rolling back into his bed before realising the floor is, realistically, more comfortable. "damn my goals, a bed is what I need. Definitely a bed." His mind drifted to a siglist he saw the other day, she looked promising. Perhaps tomorrow he will test her worth. Perhaps the day to hand over the book has finally come.
yeah, I'll be working on something. Also got cool ideas for mah book.
yeah, I'll be working on something. Also got cool ideas for mah book.
I just see a lot of problems arising with posting whenever. Like, If I decided to post and started writing up what I wanted but it took a couple of hours, then I check back and someone's already written an entire different kind of story so I have to scrap that, isn't that a major waste of time? I'm not saying we have to do a posting order, I just feel like we need at least some sort of system to prevent multiple posting. Even if we just create a pm with everyone involved in the rp and post whenever we're making a post.
We need to establish the posting method before anything. Here are some methods I can think of:

- The person who wants to post can reserve the next post so that they have time to create one without worrying about someone posting before them. You cannot post twice in a row. Failing to comply means your second post is ignored in the story-line. Possible request for deletion.
- A posting order gets established, where everyone takes a turn to post. If you believe you have something crucial to post before your turn, or you have a direction to take the story, then contacting the next poster and GM through a joint pm can sort it out. Additionally, people who are working together or in some way involved as a group for an amount of time would have their posting order changed to be next to each other. They could then sort out how their story would progress together through pm's.
- Everyone posts whenever. Much disorder, but kinda fun. Ultimately though, there'll be a lot of cases where people are upset that the post they were going to make has to be scrapped.

Is there a better method then any of these? I'm pretty new to roleplay as a genre so I'm not sure if their is already an established way or what.
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