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    1. TheBiddz 10 yrs ago


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That's just how Emmanuel is. Sees a bad guy about to escape? One he knows could potentially kill hundreds of thousands of people? Gotta at LEAST stall him for the real League heavyhitters to try and actually have a chance. He's absolutely not afraid of tossing himself at danger for the safety of others.

Also, on the "Change His Form" thing. That's actually a really cool idea. I'd like to implement that. Make him turn into a solid form of electricity, kind of like his chains.
Does lightning really move at 224000 mph? I had no idea it was quite that fast. Definitely was not writing with THAT number in mind.

Im not trying to take Polaris down, just stall. Emmanuel's taking a trip to the hospital after this. He's not even trying to do damage, just be a distraction. Personally, I feel Emmanuel COULD do damage, but that's not what I'm going for. If it came off like I was trying to take him out all on my own, I apologize.
I feel you on that, Carrot. I've had a CS I've been working on for....3 weeks? Just cant seem to put down words to finish it.
Emmanuel breathes a sigh of relief as the dampening field goes down, power flooding back into him, energizing his body once more. "Oh YEAH baby it feels good to be REALLY back in the game! Now it's time to get serious." Emmanuel chuckles, as if he wasn't serious before? Come on man, half health isn't the time to get serious, you should have been so from the start. Not yet releasing his grip on the chains, Emmanuel directs them to wrap up the PscyoPath, restraining him just like Apogee told him to. He makes it so that they don't shock him to death, but they give him a fairly good jolt as it is. In his weakened state, Emmanuel wouldn't be surprised if it knocked him into unconsciousness. Anyway, he's now bound and gagged by the two chains. Emmanuel severs the chains from his feet, leaving him able to move. Before moving however, he makes very sure to suck every last drop of power out of this section of the prison that he safely can, the lights heavily dimming. He doesn't take all of it, cause that could potentially cause more problems. With that, and him having regained a slight amount of power from that, and feeling at least partly refreshed from the field going down, he powers up and bolts off to the maximum security prison ward.

He gets there in a matter of seconds, a sonic boom following him as he breaks through to the ward. Serious business going down here. Portal to who the hell knows where, and Hot Rod duking it out with some man made out of light. That must be the one called Polaris. "Shit, I've only heard stories about that guy. Nasty piece of work." There's nothing to be done about it then. He's been trying to avoid this the whole time, but with Polaris here and ALL the other badguys, there's really no other option. He's just gonna have to do this quick and hit them, well. He's gonna have to hit them like Lightning.

While the others are all distracted, Emmanuel begins his powering up sequence. Taking the Electric Halo out from his pockets, all eight chakrams this time, they attach themselves to different parts of his body, burrowing into his skin, connecting to key pressure points. One each on his hands, shoulders, two on his lower back, one over his heart, and one on the top of his head. Its not a pleasant process, to have eight sharp blades puncture into you, but it's what he has to do to achieve full force. Once in, he begins to channel electricity through them, as much as he can. The Halo acts as sort of an amplifier and rebounder all in one, surging the electricity back through his body to the one in his heart. That's the one that draws upon all the electricity his body produces and stores, unlocking his full might. His scars begin to churn and crackle, lighting up with blindingly bright gold plasma. Powered by enough electricity to run New York City for a full day, in total a massive eleven trillion volts, Emmanuel becomes a fusion of man and lightning.

With Hot Rod having backed up and started firing blasts at Polaris, Emmanuel takes his place in melee range, where he belongs. Acolyte Mode allows Emmanuel to move at lightning speeds, figuratively speaking of course, but still far faster than he can normally move. Launching into a flurry of finger thrusts, Emmanuel aims directly for Polaris's chest and stomach. Should a clean blow land, Emmanuel's fingers will easily pierce flesh, bone, anything really, and he'll then pump as much juice into Polaris as he can. He also doesn't have to worry much about the fire from Hotrod right now. He's superheated, which means he isn't easily burned. This power comes with a price however. Already he can feel his legs tearing themselves apart.
Comics, recaps, wow, big ideas here guys! Shoot, why don't we just for an animated movie while we're at it?
Oh buddy, this is gonna be a big one. Better get ready to take the moment I get when I can. The guy, or the orb? Emmanuel thinks to himself, feeling the massive lightning bolt that is about to strike the room building. There's no way he COULDN'T feel something like that. So as Volt prepares, so does he. Gathering energy in his feet, he condenses it into his trademarked electrochains. Well, soon to be trade marked anyway. His lawyer hasn't figured out what jurisdiction it would fall under. Its a work in progress. Nifty trick though. Condensed electricity so dense it forms solid mass and shape. Samuel taught him that when he bequeathed his powers upon him. However, he didn't teach him anything else, which is the reason his abilities with actually doing things with electricity is so minimal. He can absorb it, use it to make himself better, shock things, and do the chains. Not much else right now. So no fancy electricity blasts, and certainly not calling lightning from the sky! After this is all over, he's gonna ask Volt to tutor him in the ways of electricity.

Speaking of lightning, with a BOOM and a CRASH, the lightning bolt bursts into the room, exploding the window and sending shrapnel everywhere. This is the moment to strike, as Apogee shoots a laser out of her goddamn eyes and zaps the gun out of the madman's hands. Woah. Laser eyes? Lets not fuck with that lady then. Anyway, as Apogee shoots her lasers, Emmanuel makes his move. His chains shoot out of the bottom of his feet, running under the floorboards, then burst out behind the desk where the mysterious orb is being kept, floorboards splintering and flying as the chains shatter them.

Emmanuel decided to go for that orb after all. Yeah, getting the suppressant out of the way as soon as possible is definitely the best option here. That'll let Apogee and I go full blast and take out any remaining goons that we have to after we're done here. As he thinks that, the chains coil around the dark orb and begin to tightly constrict, clearly meant to be trying to shatter it into a billion little pieces. If that does in fact work, Emmanuel will probably dissolve the chains and go in for the victory himself.

In the back of his mind he registers hearing a thump as Volt hits the ground. Gotta make sure to treat him to a pint later or something. That move will change the whole course of the battle here. Plus, that was fucking badass.
My post will be up in a few hours and hopefully we'll be taking care of that nasty barrier shortly
Oooo, everyone's so spooky. Buncha nasty folk you've brought out Mr.D.
Emmanuel grimaces at all the carnage around him, and at the man's 'terms'. He's done his fair share of hero-ing, but he'll be the first to admit, he's got a fairly weak stomach, and blood and gore isn't something he's well experienced yet. He's dealt with some psychos, but nothing quite up to this level. After this, he's gonna take a nice break to clear his stomach. Lord knows he needs it. And he suspects his comrades will as well. Volt as least, Apogee's already taken her break. Black magic man. This stuff is no good.

"You know man, I can't say I'm too much a fan of becoming a vegetable, so normally I'd have to call it here and go home for the day." Emmanuel begins, after listening to Volt's rather angry retort, understandably so. In fact, Emmanuel's pretty angry himself! His brows furrow and his body tenses, though he doesn't move. He's got no idea if that threat to turn everyone into vegetables is actually good or not. "However, and I know I speak for all of us, if we let you out, that's it. Game over. Who knows how many people you plan on killing? If we have it our way, a grand total of zero. Well." Emmanuel looks around the room, grimacing as he counts the body parts. "Maybe like seven, including the Warden. That's not the point though! The point is, we cant let you go so easily."

That being said, Emmanuel has no idea what he's going to do to get out of a situation like this. If he gets about 30 seconds, he can go into Acolyte Mode and hit this dude before he even can think, but its not an unobvious thing. Oh no, putting out that much power wold be a sure sign for "Hey Im preparing to kick your ass, go ahead and kill everyone." And that's no good. He could potentially shoot some of his chains down through the bottom of his feet and into the floor, then have them come out and grab Psycho Social over there, but he still needs to tense up for that, though it would take significantly less time, all things considered.
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