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"You know what? I think separate rooms here is going to suck balls." At those words, James looked to his sister, slightly confused for a moment or two, choosing his words carefully. "We've always had rooms apart, sis. Even living with our moms." James spoke slowly and unsurely, still a tad confused. Why was she pointing out something that they'd always had? "I know that, butthead. I mean, here, we can't hang out in each other's rooms like we do at home, watching movies late at night, having best friend cuddles.." Jasmine's retort was quick off the mark, trying not to laugh at his slightly slow response. "Oh! I see." James replied, as the penny finally dropped. "Because we're in gender assigned dorms, right?" "Right. Hopefully we'll be able to get the apartment sorted soon, and we'll have a lounge to hang around in too, so.." "Yeah. I can't wait!" Grinning, James hugged his twin, the female grinning and hugging him back with a slightly.. sad sigh. "I don't want to be in a different building from you, what if you get bullied, or scared?" "Sis... I'll be fine, I promise." James spoke slowly and unsurely, though he wasn't too sure if he would be. "I'll help you unpack?" He spoke sadly, walking with her towards the female's dorm block, linking arms like they were the best of friends. Which, they were. "You do know that if anyone hurts you, no matter what, I'm going to kick their asses so damn far, they'll have to fly back her." Jasmine snapped, looking over to her shy natured sibling. "Please, don't, you'll end up in trouble with the police, and your record hasn't, and won't, go away." James looked to his sister, his eyes sad. He didn't want her away, she was his sister. His best friend! "I know, I'm sorry." Jasmine mumbled as they reached her dorm, the female unlocking her room with a key. "You better behave."
Alright, I'll make an OOC when I'm on the laptop. I don't care who my characters get to date, so feel free to start on your characters and work out with eachother who you want with who for your own.
But yes, that's pretty much the idea.
Lily lay in her hospital bed, still unconscious. She had suffered with many injuries from the attack she'd undergone, from simple cuts and bruises, to a broken left arm and fingers on her left hand, to a punctured left lung from where a rib had forced it's way into the organ. The young female was hooked up to an oxygen machine, the breathing mask over her mouth and her nose. Face drawn and pale, the young female was dressed in a simple white hospital gown, which enveloped her thin and frail form, as though it were a blanket, not a gown. From her arms trailed tubes and wires, for various medicines to be given, and vitals to be taken from her. She had undergone a head C.T to ensure she suffered no injuries to her brain, and she thankfully hadn't done. Now back in her room, Lily's eyes slowly opened as a groan passed her lips, a nurse turning to face her as she entered the room, moving over to the brunette, a soft smile on her kindly face, eyes warm. "Hello, dear. How are you feeling?" She spoke gently, kneeling down to the female to see if she would lookup at her. Lily's eyes followed her slowly, looking at her face. Lily's voice was muffled by the mask, slow and slurred a little as the female tried to work out where she was, groggy and sore. With a soft smile, the nurse lifted the mask a little. "Slowly, dear... Take a breath when you need to." "M..Morrigan.. I.. I want Morrigan... Now." Lily's lips hardly opened as she spoke, the poor girl in a right state. "Ple..please, call her?" The girl begged, tearful and frightened, looking almost pitiful. The nurse nodded and place the mask on her face, calling in a doctor to check Lily over properly now she was awake. As the doctor did so, the nurse grabbed Lily's notes, dialling the number under "Morrigan Jones" on her papers. "Hello? Morrigan? I'm Eliza Harper, a nurse at Saint Josephs. We have your cousin here, Lily Harrison. She's been attacked.." She begun, standing ready to inform the female of Lily's condition.
There is a thing called POST ORDER. You need to follow it. Both myself and DSW have not gotten a chance to really step in yet. If you want to have a RP you control and ignore others, make it yourselves. Fern tried pointing out I needed to post. Now, you either wait till DSW and I post, or quit.
I thought it'd be nice to have a RP based around a group of college students meeting up, the bonds they form and so on and so forth over time. A simple premise, I know. But, I want to taste this character's out. So, I will be doubling up and playing two main characters in this, who are twins of the opposite gender and opposite personalities. The opposing personalities are down to be raised apart from one another, for the first fifteen years of their lives. I don’t have an awful lot plot wise, but I am more than willing to devise one with the group, so we can all come up with ideas slowly and surely. For my characters, I want to focus on the romances slowly but surely, as well as the friendships they both create with others, outside of only being friends with one another. ____ Names: James William Harrison and Jasmine Marie Harrison Age: 19 Personalities and biography information: Jasmine is a rude, grumpy and volatile young woman, with a lack of respect for authority and other people and the property they own. To her, most people are not worth her time, nor her effort. Unfortunately, this can often lead to the young woman getting into trouble with others, from classmates, to teachers, and even the police on occasion. She is prone to violent outbursts and has a criminal record, for assaulting a classmate at a previous school, and a teacher at another. Theft, shoplifting, arson… These are just a few more of the things which she has also gotten into trouble for in the past. Some blame the fact that she has been with eight different foster families, with four of them between the ages of eleven and sixteen, when her attitude and her behaviour were both at their worst, lasting only 7 months with one family. Between fourteen and fifteen, she was in juvenile hall for drug possession, and all seemed lost. She seemed to have no prospects, no future, nothing… But that all changed when she was reunited with her twin brother, James. Since then, she seems to have mellowed out a bit more, and hasn’t been in trouble with the police for over two and a half years. Wanting to maintain and keep the bond she’s formed with him, she is trying to prevent herself from falling back in her habits of drugs, alcohol and the like, in order to not be parted from him once again. When it comes to James, she is very protective of her “baby brother”, as she jokingly calls him. (Despite the fact there is only an hour between them!) She is willing to get into fights with those who hurt or insult him, especially over the fact he is gay. She is still unsure about her own sexuality, but doesn’t let it affect how she treats others. James, on the other hand, is a quiet and very reserved young man, who is nervous and timid in his nature, with a limited amount of friends, finding it very hard to meet or make them on his own. In contrast to Jasmine, he does respect people and property, with a large amount of respect for authority. He isn’t really prone to outbursts, and those he does have tend to be outbursts of nerves and tears when he finds himself getting overly anxious and upset, not helped by his social anxiety and his naturally fearful nature. Never getting in trouble with the law, unlike his sister, he has only been involved with them when he has been the victim of an attack upon himself. When he was reunited with his twin sister, Jasmine, James became a lot happier and seemed much more willing to socialise, so long as he was with his sister. He’s even be known to back-chat or retort to comments made by others about her, as if he’s trying to stand up for and look after her in his own little way, as twins are supposed to do. Facts about the twins: Jasmine is a “day older” then James, having been born at 11:55 pm on June 2nd 1995, and James being born at 12:55 pm on June 3rd 1995. Despite the differing ways in which they lived the first fifteen years of their lives, the two share more then just physical similarities. Both love the same kind of music and books, and the two are studying at the same college, though not on the same course. Both have light green eyes and brown hair, and both stand at the same height of 5’5” exactly. However, Jasmine has a more feminine form and similarities to their mother, whereas James is like their birth father . Both grew up in different foster families for fifteen years, with James being adopted by a same sex couple from very early on, and Jasmine never seeming to settle down. Jasmine joined this family shortly after being adopted by James’ parents when they managed to trace her down, discovering that their son was a twin. Jasmine is a lover of tattoos and piercings, and has plenty of both on her body. The tattoos range from simple words, to complex pieces of art. Her favourite, however, is not on hers, but on her twin. James doesn’t like tattoos and piercings much, but has one on his arm, of his twin’s name in a simple cursive text, an image of the cover of her favourite book below.
I guess you might as well. I keep reminding him. It just takes a chunk out of Lily's past and profile, and I really wanted to give her a big cousin too, it could have been so much fun. D:
Gonna throw a request out here... I am looking for someone capable of playing a motherly type of character for a child character I am currently working on. I do not have a image for him at the moment, however. At 8 years of age, James Harrison is a shy and reserved child, who hardly ever speaks to anyone who isn't his mother. Towards her, he is cuddly, clingy and affectionate, getting upset if he has to be away from her for more then two or three hours at a time. At 6 years of age, he was involved in a bus accident, which had a shocking impact on the small town. 5 of the 15 children on his class were killed, 3 dying later in hospital. The remaining 7 suffered from various injuries, ranging from cuts and bruises, to broken bones. James was left unable to walk, and in need of physical rehabilitation over time. But... the accident didn't just have physical effects on him. He suffers with awful night terrors and the such, which have further impacted his shyness and his timid nature, as well as unwillingness to be away from his mother at times... Well, all the time. --- And that's James. We can do any family based plot, and I don't care about his mother's age. I'll whip up a starter depending on whom takes this up. I don't care if the RP takes place in Summer, Winter, etc. All I ask is a 4 line minimum for replies. I have a sample starter here, which could be used. ___ James sat on his bed, waiting quietly for his mother to wake up and come in, having not had a good night's sleep at all. He'd been feverish and feeling sickly for most of the night, if not all of it. Ever since the accident, he had become more shy and timid, and a lot more reliant on the care of his mother a lot more. He'd been left incontinent, so needed her to change and clean him when he "went to the bathroom", so to speak, her help with his baths and the like. He could walk, BUT found it very painful and time-consuming, covering only a what might take a normal child one or two minutes in almost ten, even fifteen if he was in more pain then normal. He usually ended up in his wheelchair when out of the house, or being carried by his mom in the house from room to room, as he was so small and light.. Maybe too much so.
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