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Accepted Areyoumymummy, I'm guessing her dad's a bit of a prick with ties to the criminal underworld? Must be to sign his daughter for the tournament, or to even know about it for that matter lol. I'll add it to the OP once I get to my laptop.
Bump to rescue thread from the obscurity of page 3
Accepted and added to the OP Darkwolf :)
Well if you like combat RPs then you should check this link out. Might be right up your alley.
I don't think so, as I'm not just after a fight to the death RP. I still want a story and character development. Though if a mod wants to move it over to there, then that's fine with me.
Name: Seth Nathanial Monk.

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Appearance: He stands 6"1", has green eyes, and receding long hair. While physically fairly strong, Monk is beginning to show his age, his hair is greying and his gut is beginning to run to fat. He has a neatly trimmed, grey goatee and due to his being short sighted he will always wear dark tinted, wire framed glasses.

Personality: Monk was a fairly happy-go-lucky type, with a jovial if slightly odd sense of humour. This was before he was sent to prison for the rest of his life and decided that, with nothing to lose, he should "let the crazy flow". Though he still enjoys a good laugh, he is a loose cannon, quick to anger often with fatal consequences.

Background: Born into an abusive family in 1970's London, Monk was one of those kids that "never stood a chance", even before he could walk he was an accomplice to his mother's shoplifting, with her smuggling clothes or videos or even food she'd stolen underneath baby Seth. Fleeing his violent father at 15, Monk fell in with a gang of thieves and was soon helping them on big scores.

At 21 he committed his first murder, a hit on a fellow thief, when it was discovered that the man he was ordered to kill was gathering evidence for the police in return for a lighter sentence. On the orders of his boss, an east-end gangster by the name of Tommy Clay, young Seth waited in his target's home for several hours before calmly giving him both barrels of a shotgun as he opened his front door. Things were going well for Monk for years after that, he spent his day to day life managing one of the many warehouses that Clay operated as a front for his criminal enterprises. Occasionally he would get a call from Clay, asking him to deal with some problem or another, usually with bullets. But other than the odd murder, Tommy was happy to let Seth go about his business as he saw fit.

In 1999 Monk was part of a crew that were caught robbing a bank and although he wasn't the one that shot the hostages, there was enough evidence to convict him of three counts of murder, plus circumstantial evidence linking him to at least a dozen more over the previous decade. He was sentenced to life inprisonment with no chance of release. Knowing he had nothing further to lose, Monk became one of the most notoriously violent and dangerous inmates in the British prison system, culminating with him being placed in solitary confinement for an indefinite amount of time in 2010 for taking the prison warden hostage and threatening to kill and eat him. After four years in isolation from the other prisoners, Monk received his first visit. A well dressed man that he'd never met was allowed in to his cell and offered Monk a deal. "Die in a crash" during a routine transport to another prison and enter the tournament, "Win and go free, a rich man. Or die in the attempt and at least be free from your cell."

Seth agreed immediately.

Weapon of choice: Remington 870 shotgun.

Preferred method of killing: Back of the head from up close, nice and bloody.

Theme music: (Optional for fun) Violence Fetish
Excellent, well here is a link to the OOC/signup thread.

A group of the world's wealthiest and most powerful men, who are themselves tied into law enforcement agencies and criminal underworlds alike, and who also control the international media with their billions, have devised the ultimate entertainment for themselves – simply referred to as "The Tournament" – which takes place at intervals of every seven years.

"Contestants" volunteer, but due to the nature of the tournament are some of the toughest or craziest individuals on the planet – they are expected to kill, and only the last surviving combatant will win the cash prize of £10 million offered by William Randolph Hearst. The men and women running the tournament not only view it as entertainment, but also bet high stakes on the outcome.

For each tournament, combatants are selected from the world's special forces, serial killers, athletes, trained contract killers and assassins. The last combatant standing receives not only the cash prize, but also the glory and reputation of having the title of World's Number 1, and which itself carries the legendary million-dollar-a-bullet contract killing price tag. Each of the contestants carries a tracking device, embedded under their skin, allowing the observers to monitor their movements, and the contestants to track each other. The tournament lasts twenty-four hours, and if no-one has won, then the tracking devices will explode.

The mayhem which takes place is passed off as natural disasters, terrorist outrages, accidents, or put down to rampages committed by lone madmen. The unsuspecting towns where the tournament takes place are randomly selected, and the public never know of its existence. This year, the latest tournament has come to Middlesborough, a town in the United Kingdom – the country with the most prevalent mass surveillance in the world – so that the events of the tournament can be easily followed and recorded through the ever-present CCTV as well as satellite surveillance. They also jam the communications of the emergency services, completely taking over the electronic infrastructure, and the stage is set. Each of the killers will be sedated and fitted with their tracking device before being placed in a random location (anywhere from a hotel suite to a park bench to a pub toilet) When they awake they will find their weapon of choice and a cellphone nearby, as well as a "watch" on their wrist, the blip in the centre of the watch face representing the wearer and all the others representing their opponents.

Once all of the killers are awake their phones will ring and they will hear "You have 24 hours, you have 29 targets. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the tournament".

OOC stuff
I'm looking for 5 to 10 characters to be involved in this, though don't worry about the RP being too short, there will be plenty of NPC killers to take out too. There will be plenty of blood and gore, but I would still like to see well written posts with character development. If you would like your character to have an NPC nemesis who is also in the tournament, that is fine, just put a brief CS for them along with your PC.

I'm not going to post a long list of rules, if you're looking for a casual RP then you should know the dos and don'ts. I just ask that you keep your characters realistic.

Sample CS
Weapon of choice:
Preferred method of killing:
Theme music: (Optional for fun)

List of accepted CSs and NPCs
Thekettleison as

Darkwolf687 as

AreYouMyMummy as

TheFish as

Mach2 as

VaroniusNW as

Prycefisto as


Who's Killed Who
You can guess what I'll be adding here :)
darkwolf687 said
I meant roleplay standards, thank you

No problem. So, would you be interested in this if it was a casual RP?
darkwolf687 said
What would the standards be?Also, would a contestant be able to track the other contestants exact location or just track them to an area? Because if so it's become very hard for an assassin to lie in wait or for anyone to prepare to ambush another contestant

Do you mean the standard of the killers? If so, this can be pretty much whatever you want, as long as it's kept realistic. You can be a heavily medicated, schizophrenic murderer like James Seth Lynch. Or a cool, calm, contract killer like Agent 47 (without the genetically engineered part). A rowdy, boisterous mercenary like Mattias Nilson, or a tragic ex-cop looking for revenge on his wife's killer, like Max Payne. Completely up to you.

If you mean the standard of the RP, I was thinking casual.

The trackers give an approximate location, so many meters in x direction. But won't give away things like elevation, cover etc.
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