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    1. themage 10 yrs ago


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Cool. She's accepted! :)
Calla looked up as she was offered a spot to help out. She seemed a bit hesitant, as if enjoying relaxation for a while before going off on another job. Then again, she had rent coming soon and would need to be able to pay it off. "Guess it couldn't hurt to tag along." she commented stretching a bit.

She stood up and turned to follow him out. Her pace was slightly quickened in order to keep from falling behind. She seemed ready enough. As usual, she wore her armor and a sword was strapped to her side. It seemed like she was more ready for battle than to level some land. "So you level the ground and I make it so it's quick and easier for you to do so. Sound like a plan?" she asked then smirked. "Basically, you'll be doing both our work."
Kage's demeanor seemed to change slightly at this new predicament. He became much more serious and interest sparked in his eyes. His gaze followed the coin's movements until it landed by him. In an almost careful manner, he leaned over and grabbed the coin in his hand. A small smile settled on his features and he now looked at Kelvin with a steady gaze.

"I believe you have work to do." He responded before tossing the coin back over to him. In truth, Kage barely glanced at the coin. Instead, this became one of his more master-like moments. In a way, he planned on putting Kelvin to the test with this job. To Kage, Kelvin seemed confused about many things in his life and the reaction he showed towards the job made Kage wonder about him. All he could hope for was that the job might aid Kelvin in the long run. However, Kage was still an inexperienced guild master and the chances of it backfiring in someway, big or small, was easily possible.
"You know, I don't remember you people being so mean when I first met you... Talk about killing good first impressions." Kage said in a whining voice. It was hard to ever take him seriously if you saw this side of him. But then again, he was a powerful mage and, if in a serious battle, could be quite fearsome.

"You're one to talk....." Calla mummbled before taking a drink of her water. She clearly remembered the first time she had met the Fairy Tail master, along with her first day at the guild. It was almost amusing to think of how serious and intimidating the man she had met was. Only to find out how he was truly like a day later.

Her gaze drifted back over to Kelvin as she noticed him falling quite for a bit. She gazed past him at the offer and raised an eyebrow. "Just staring at it like that won't amount to much. Flip a coin if you're that unsure if you want to take it or not." she stated. Of course, she didn't know the whole back story behind his reasoning. Instead she just made assumptions like usual.
Yeah, I can imagine.
Wow... I mean I'm definitely not against chatting, I think it's great to communicate with everyone, but that much and so little IC posts would seem a little boring to me, xD
Really? Haha
Calla smirked a bit at his response and gave a small shrug in return. "Name's Calla. And you're Kelvin right?" she said, sounding rather sure of herself. It didn't even seem like much of a question to ask with such a tone as her. She poked at the food with her fork at his words and let out a small breath as if disappointed. "Can't improve the food until we get a better cook." Her gaze proceeded to narrow in on Kage accusingly.

Kage turned his head and blinked. "What?" he said in a whining tone.

"You're the who hired that friend of yours. The lousy cook!" she said rather loudly. Kage frowned and crossed his arms with a small huff of air. "He's a good friend and he needs the money! I owe him! Be glad you're getting anything at all!" Calla grumbled something under her breath along the lines of "foolish old man" before taking another bite of her food.
Calla, who was busy eating, looked up from her small meal in the direction of Kelvin as she heard him think aloud, however she couldn't quite make out what exact words he had spoken. "Keep talking to yourself like that and people will start spreading rumors that you're crazy." she commented with a small smirk before her attention returned to her meal. Being rather lazy at the moment, she leaned against the counter of the table she sat at and stretched her back out as she briefly fixed her posture.

Calla being Calla, she naturally knew at least everyone's name in the guild. Partly because she was nosey and would bug Kage about it every time she saw a new face at the guild. Plus she was pretty good when it came to names. Of course, she wasn't quite the friendly type which is why her knowledge of guild members usually stopped at there names. For now at least.
Yeah, I'm fine with her magic progressing. She can aquire new swords every once in a while. :)
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