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nrtashi said
Umm, I pm'd theNewGirl and she said she lost interest due to not liking some characters or something and she's dropping. Weird.

Not exactly weird. I told you why.

I admit, your supernatural powers did make me think twice. It's Yamaku afterall, not Hogwarts.
A passing glance at a glorified portrait of himself was enough to send his heart racing. Grasping his SGT 44 close to his chest, he pounds it in a rhythmic pace as he had learned during his time Training. It was a common practice of the Heer troops of the Wehrmacht, something the Waffen SS didn't like to emulate in any form, but it proved to be useful in calming his nerves. "I need a cigarette"

The thought creeps across his mind as he slides his hand into his breast pocket to pull out a silver cigarette case. Flipping it open and pulling out a cigarette whilst pulling out a box of matches seems more of a task than he thought. Finally, he pulls out a stick and strikes it against the box. Almost instantly, just as the flame appears so does the sound of a bullet!


Instantly sliding behind cover hugging the wall enclave as if it was his own mother, Lukas doesn't dare move a muscle. A stray bullet had flown past his very eyes!
What was once a moment of quiet reflection, a matchstick in his hand and an uni-lit cigarette in his mouth had almost become his Epitaph. Both match and cigarette were sliced in half by the almost blade-like action of the shot that acted within a fraction of a second.

His mind raced back to Stalingrad. He tried to think logically, yet find some way to relax, as if there would be a Panzer division that would break through the abandoned Library that was opposite, but it didn't. No. Lukas knew that he had to find a way out on his own.

"Okay, time to make yourself famous" He joked to himself before squeezing the barrel of his gun tightly.

The distance between him and the sniper was a mystery. There was no safe way to find out without risking his life. Multiple thought flashed through his mind, finally settling on the facts he knew. He names them clearly in his head...

1. Bolt Action means at least a second delay between shots
2. Five shot maximum before a reload
3. Magnified scopes can be blinded

It's here where he plans what to do. Behind cover, Lukas points his Rifle up towards the road, firing aimlessly in every direction. Wrapping the edge of his shirt cuff around the trigger guard, he Counts each expended round in his mind to the very last cartridge, at that very moment he flings his SGT into the street!
His SS jacket attached, within a brief instant it would appear that an entire person was moving to a trigger happy Sniper gazing down a barrel, although Lukas himself was himself diving forwards into a roll, trying to make his way behind a abandoned Volkswagen. His success depending on if the momentary decoy worked.
I have the same problem. Sorry If I take too long!

Let the battle begin!
The thick dark smog of the city seemed to surround every inch of Berlin.
What seemed to be the setting of some Horror Noir from Hollywood, was now the day-by-day atmosphere for the capital of the Third Reich. Looking upwards towards the city clock proved a futile effort, it was safe to assume it was near midday as the sun was still looming above with little to no inclination to the left or right. A little something Lukas had learned during the long Russian winters in the Ost-front. Back then there were no Ivan's to fight! SS troops relied on the basic scouting skills to remember what direction Russia was in seeing as there were no soldiers to find. Now, things were much different. You still couldn't see them, but the thick, rubble filled streets of Nazi perfection are now a playground for cowardly conscripts with long eyesight.

A brisk walk through the ruins of the once great Berlin allows Lukas to realise the gravity of the situation. To the left, there is a park bench with the remains of a middle aged couple holding hands, a revolver is slumped by their feet as it was evidently dropped by the last surviving partner. A cold reminder of the hopelessness that the civilians feel towards the invasion. Further on he notices fewer, yet more precise ricochets usually, but not always followed by a pool of dried blood, or even a corpse.

"Snipers!" He thinks to himself, not a word he mutters as he stops a moment to think. Yes. Stalingrad, a few years ago, same problem...
His gaze scans the area, pulling the strap to his SGT off his shoulder to grasp his weapon. Ahead, he see's a long straight road. If he passes unharmed, a whole route of options are open to him. If he decides to head North, Switzerland is only a train journey ahead and freedom follows. East, he could surrender to the Ukranians and be treated kindly as opposed to the Red army. South, a day-long boat journey would land him in Greece, the perfect place to escape detection.
After years of fighting, Lukas knew the war was at an end. Happy he has served his country to his ability, he decides to quit whilst he's ahead. This is his last day in the Waffen SS, he's not afraid to use what's left of his influence he has to meet his own ends!

The long narrow street seems too tempting to be good. What would take an ordinary person in peacetime to walk in 5 minutes might as well be a mountain hike to him. A common Soviet trick was to litter the battlefield with Snipers, this much he learned in Russia. Not taking any chances, Lukas takes cover behind the enclove to a closed Chemist, just the hiding spot for any would be Snipers looking for a fresh kill!

As the wind picks up, small bits of debris start to blow behind his position. Among this, a leaflet swoops into the doorway landing at his feet. He doesn't even need to blink before realising what it is.

"Scheiße"! His mind racing. If any snipers were out there, they pretty much has a wanted poster with his fucking face on it!
I'm totally up (or down?) for a Second world War roleplay! Just as long as I can bring my OC with me that is :)
Post post Nadiya post!

(And thanks!)
Updated the OOC to include some more information. Anything you want to add before we start?
Magical Russian sniper-girl powers!

I can't start the IC until tomorrow, so take your time. It's getting late for me here, need to catch some sleep. Hope you liked the Propaganda drop I made specifically for the role-play! Only took a few minutes, not bragging or anything.... *cough cough*

See you tomorrow! :)
Achtung Achtung!

*A heavy bomber that seems to have survived the vicious Soviet Anti-Air flies over the ruins of Berlin dropping Propaganda posters onto the war-torn streets*

The leaflets tell a tale of a German Hero-Of-War. Lukas Dietrich. A perfect model of the Aryan ideals of the Nazi Party, his face is plastered over Pro-war propaganda all over German Occupied Europe, Berlin being no exception. Promoted to Hitler's personal Bodyguard Unit of the Waffen SS since the Blitzkreig invasions of France, his arrival is a scarcely kept secret to any battlefield he steps foot upon.

A young, Germanic Youth with long hair isn't the first thing people think of when it comes to Germany's Armed Forces. Hitler's personal advisors felt it neccessary to put an attractive, heroic, and above all, lovable face on their Waffen SS. What some would say to be a slim, feminine boy, The Nazi's would portray him as a Athletic, Battle-wary young Hero, putting his values and fellow countrymen ahead of his own health, and personal appearance.

Little is known as fact about him, although many stories are told all ranging from his survival at the Eastern Front being due to a deal with the Devil, all the way to him being the next Jesus. A popular rumour is that on a cold night whilst he was sleeping in a scarcely dug Trench, Lukas was strangled with barbed wire by a Soviet Spy. What would be an instant death sentence to any ordinary man was measly a daily hazard for him as he soon manages to subdue the attacker, who was promptly sent back to Berlin for questioning. Although, the encounter still left a mortal wound which made him lose the ability to speak. This is often published to the Nazi's advantage with their "Let the Truth Be Heard" Propaganda posters with his likeness. It's unlikely that even the German people believe in these stories, but it can be assured that he has, beyond a shadow of a doubt, proven himself to be an exceptional soldier.

Will Lukas's survival of a lone, Soviet sniper be added to his list of superhuman, heroic feats? Or maybe this will this be "Gute Nacht" to his over-glorified bedtime stories....

Name: Lukas Dietrich
Age: 22
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Affiliation: 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte, SS Adolf Hitler

Weapons: STG 44

Mauser M32

98K Bayonet
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