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    1. TheNextNewGuy 9 yrs ago


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It was kind of freaking Greg out the way Lana disappeared and reappeared the way she did. She explained that she couldn't be caught by these people, finishing, "Can we leave? Please?"

He took another look out the window. With the exception of the Boss, his bodyguards and two pairs of men flanking the entrance to the building, the other occupants of the SUVs must have all entered the building. That meant they were on their way upstairs ... up here! Greg moved quickly, heading for the condo's front door as he ripped the radio off his belt.

"Capital City units, there are unauthorized people entering the building under the guise of being federal agents." He waved frantically to Lana, encouraging her to join him. "Stop these units ... non-lethal force, only. I repeat. These are not federal agents. Do not allow them into the building."

As Greg opened the door, the radio went crazy with cross communications. The unidentified agents had already gotten past the Double C officers in the lobby, flashing what they'd claimed was an authorization of jurisdiction. They were coming up via both the elevator and the south stairwell. An FBI agent began a report over the radio when, in the background, another agent could be heard ordering the MIB-types to stay put.

"Stand down!" a voice called, followed by shouting from both teams and the familiar sound of a bean bag loaded shotgun firing. Without understanding who was hollering it, Greg heard over the radio mixed with more gun fire, "Federal Agents! Drop your weapons! Federal Agents!"

Greg grabbed Lana by the wrist and hurried her out into the hall. After receiving his orders, a pair of Capital City uniforms ran for the elevator while a pair of Double C detectives headed for the south stairwell. Greg pulled Lana behind him, heading for the north stairwell. He checked it for activity and -- neither seeing nor hearing any -- descended with the woman close behind him. He could feel and hear the continuing gun fire through the walls of the stairwell.


For the time being, I am only going to involve myself in 2 role plays:

An "I Am Legend" inspired tabletop-like game (found here):
  • It takes place in Portland, Oregon, at the beginning of the Darkseeker plague in 2018.
  • This is a small group role play (1-4 players with 1-4 characters each).

And another tabletop-like survival game that takes place on an alien planet:
  • A colonization space craft crashes on an alien planet.
  • The survivors must ... well, survive.
  • Can you?
  • This is a 1x1 with multiple characters.

Greg's reaction was instinctive, just as the woman's raising of her hands upon appearing before the Special Agent seemed to be: she'd suddenly presented herself with hands gently raised in surrender, and he'd instantly leaped to his feet and pulled his weapon from his hip holster. But Greg didn't point it at Lana, instead holding it with the barrel pointing downward, trigger finger on the outside of the guard. His subconscious told him to arm himself, but his conscious quickly countered with a reminder that this woman wasn't a suspect but was instead a person of interest.

And, he would quickly come to understand, Lana was more than just a person of interest, she was an interesting person. As she explained that she needed to get out of there and he needed to help her, Greg's mind was screaming at him She really can turn invisible! She really can! What the hell? When she gestured to the windows, he cautiously stepped closer to the balcony and peeked downward. He recognized the official nature of the vehicles and men just as easily as Lana did.

"If they get me," she informed him, "you'll never see me again."

As she went on, Greg caught sight of one particular man who remained near the vehicles, flanked by two others who took the stance of body guards. He stared for a moment, remembering. Unconcerned with revealing something he shouldn't, Greg said, "That man was at the bank. I remember him. He was ... where the hell...?" He searched his memory, then added, "Oh hell, he was with my boss. At the ERT vehicle."

Greg looked back to Lana -- but she wasn't there again. He growled without thinking, "Fuck..." He looked about the room and saw no sign of her. He holstered his weapon, talking to thin air, "Miss Reed, please. I need to know what's going on here. I'll help you. I'll get you out of here. But ... you have to trust me. And...! You have to promise me that you won't run. I can help you if you are a witness ... a person of interest ... concerned about your safety. But I can't help you if you are a fugitive ... if you are simply taking advantage of me to escape custody."

All he could do was wait for Lana's reaction. Greg didn't know, of course, that Lana's super power was more akin to camouflage than invisibility, that if she moved, he would again see her. For all he knew, she had already reached the out of sight front door and split.

"Trust me, Lana," he said, using her given name for the first time, hoping to instill some additional trust. "I can help you. So long as you are honest with me."

He glanced downward to the street again, asking as he watched the mysterious man, "Who are they...? And what do they want from you?"

He had a good suspicion that these guys weren't here because of the bank robbery. He couldn't know that he was right. Very right.

In the alley behind the perpetrator's condominium building, Special Agent Greg Roberts gathered the other authorities around him for one last word.

"Our target is one Lana Reed."

Greg began turning slowly as he held before him a sheet of paper hot off the printer in the ERV which was still back at the bank. It was a full color picture of Lana taken a couple of years before -- back before her fall -- but it was still close enough to her current appearance to do the trick. Greg gave a physical description of the young woman to the others, which included several FBI agents and two dozen members of the Double C's Emergency Response Team, once known as SWAT before that awful Colin Ferrell movie by the same made the word hard for anyone to serious speak out loud.

"Keep in mind that Miss Reed is not a suspect," he warned. "She is a person of interest. First team in will be armed with non-lethal rounds and weapons only!" With a bit of a wry tone and a widening smile, he begged them, "Please! Do not kill this woman before I have a chance to interrogate her--"

"And ask her about that incredible ass!" someone said from the back.

Greg tried to hush the sudden round of laughter and graphic talk. Since the incident in the bank, a digital recording of Lana's assault of the wannabe robbers had made its way around the law enforcement entities investigating, and it had been duly noted that the woman was very well rounded in certain, delicious areas.

"Locate and subdue," Greg emphasized. "Locate, subdue ... and later, if I can, I'll get y'all her phone number." As a final round of low chuckles rolled through, Greg told them, "Let's do this."

Three minutes later, flanked by the ERT members armed with Tasers and shotguns loaded with bean bag rounds, Greg punched into Lana's lock the code they'd gotten from the building's Super. He growled in a low whisper, "Go!" The heavily armored and intentionally scary looking cops surged inside and scattered in pairs to every room as Greg hollered, following close behind them, "FBI! FBI!"

From all about the nice sized condo, one ERT member after another called, "Clear!" And within 90 seconds, Greg and Lee had between them taken a look in every room to see that Lana Reed was obviously in the wind.

"We've got a suitcase in the other room," Lee told Greg when he caught up with him in the living room. "She was packing to split, but ... she must have gotten wind of us and taken off."

"Yeah," Greg said simply, looking about himself. Something didn't feel right. He didn't know what it was, but ... his gut was telling him this just wasn't right. He nodded his head toward the ERT's leader, telling him, "Do a thorough check of the apartment. Have your other team search door to door. Ask around. You know the drill."

Within five minutes, the ERT was heading out. It was a big condo, but it wasn't that big. While the search had been proceeding, a dog had been brought in to search for weapons. Greg heard it barking suddenly and returned to the living room to check out the commotion. The German Shepherd was simply staring at the wall, barking as if it had cornered a guns dealer. But ... there was nothing there in which he should take interest.

"They do that sometimes," his handler explained. "Who knows what goes through a canine's mind sometimes, right?"

After everyone but Lee was gone, Greg looked back toward the empty space on the wall. As his partner spoke of returning to the bank, Greg told him, "I'll catch a ride with one of the Double C's. I have something I want to look into."

Lee departed, and Greg sent the last of the Capital City uniforms out. Then, he returned to the living room. He stared at the wall for a moment, then looked about the room. Then, he just plopped down onto the couch, drew a couple of relaxing breaths, and said in a calm conversational tone, "I don't believe in magic. I don't believe in the invisible man ... or the invisible woman. I don't believe in super powers. But Miss Reed ... something unexplainable is going on here."

He looked about himself for some sort of response, but there was nothing. He looked forward, then finished, "I'm going to sit here for five minutes ... give you time to think about it. I'm not going to hurt you. I just ... I need to understand what the hell happened back there in the bank ... if you don't mind explaining it to me."

Greg felt stupid saying all of that. It was true: he didn't believe in magic, invisibility, or super powers. But he'd also seen the bank recording. Mass hypnosis maybe? He simply had not explanation for it. And what the hell, the worse that could happen was he sat here for five minutes and left without a response, feeling like an idiot.

Greg turned to find his partner waving him to the bank's entrance, where witnesses were being interviewed. When he arrived, Lee asked an elderly lady there, "Repeat what you just told me, ma'am ... please."

"I saw that lady beat those guys up," she said with hesitation. "She's not in trouble, is she? I mean, she saved our lives. Stopped the robbery."

"No, she's not in trouble," Greg answered, unsure of whether or not he was responding truthfully or not. "What more can you tell me?"

"It's ... well ... it sounds silly, but..."

"Go ahead, ma'am," Greg said, giving her a comforting pat on the arm. "Nothing is silly to us. Go ahead."

"Well ... it was ... weird. I peeked up after she hit that big guy ... you know, the one that was raping that poor little girl. I looked away at that brute as he fell to the floor ... then looked back ... and she was gone! Almost like she disappeared. I looked up and saw that other guy coming ... the boss, I think ... and ... oh, God, suddenly ... she was there again ... hitting him in the face with a trophy."

The three of them chatted some more, but the woman had nothing more to add, blaming it on her need for new eye glasses. Then, she pointed out beyond the bank's exit and said, "You know, she's right out there ... at the ambulance ... if you want to ask her."

Greg's eyes widened as he stood quickly, asking, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I saw her leave with the others."

Greg and Lee both hurried outside, but after a thorough search, they found no evidence of the woman. The Emergency Response Vehicle would be on sight soon, and they'd get an opportunity to run the security footage through facial recognition. Greg could only hope they'd get a hit.
FBI Special Agent Greg Roberts stepped into the bank's security monitoring office and closed the door behind him, looking back to the lobby from which he'd come. A dozen fellow agents from the Bureau were working with two dozen Law Enforcement Officers from the Capital City Police, County Sheriff's Department, and even the State Police. Sometimes, so many LEOs on the same premises could lead to confusion. Ironically, though, today's confusion wasn't coming from the variety of cops responding to the bank robbery but was instead coming from the witnesses to the crime.

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?" Greg asked as he turned to face the others, which included his partner, a Capital City Police Department Lieutenant, a Double C computer technician, and two of the bank's security officers, including one of the guards who had been on duty at the time of the robbery. Greg said with dismay, "The witnesses can only be described as ... nuts!"

"You gotta see this, Roberts," said Greg's partner, Lee. The man who Greg liked to call also Special though not nearly as Special Agent Cramer waved him over to the bank of monitors. When Greg stepped up, Lee ordered the security officer sitting at the station to run the digital security recordings again from the beginning. Lee pointed to the larger of the monitors and told his partner, "Watch this woman here as all hell breaks loose."

Standing at one of the high islands at which customers were filling out banking slips was a young woman, early 20-ish, with long hair that was oddly mostly gray. Greg immediately thought it a wig and asked, "Is she with the perps?"

"No, just watch!" Lee said, a sense of excitement in his tone. He murmured, almost as if to himself, "You're gonna love this."

As the crooks burst into the bank with their campaign of shock and awe, the bank's customers and staff immediately performed one of two things: hitting the floor as instructed or searching for a place to hide, with the latter group eventually hitting the floor as well. All except for the gray haired woman. She simply stood in place, unmoving, unflinching, almost as if a store front mannequin. Greg might have thought she was frozen inshock, except that as the crooks spread out to take control, two of them ran right past her, with one almost running into her.

"Is she the one the witnesses are--"

"Keep watching!" Lee chastised playfully. "Good things come to those who wait."

"Bite me," Greg mumbled, causing his partner to chuckle.

Early in their now-year old partnership, Greg had often shown his impatience with the less experienced though still very skilled younger agent. Lee -- who incessantly meditated and quoted from a variety of religions about the need for peace and calm for a healthy existence -- had often tried to get Greg to attend one of his nearly-daily relaxation classes. Greg's response was always the same, a variation of whether there'd be horny women eager to contort into Kama Sutra positions, then -- once he'd gotten off and fallen into a relaxing sleep -- leave without wondering whether or not he was going to call them the next day.

Greg's attention remained on the woman, even as his gaze moved between the six monitors for different views of her and the crooks.

"Watch this," Lee said, pointing to one monitor. "The brawny guy ... there ... he steps up to the other side of the island ... here."

"What the fuck?" Greg murmured. The woman they were watching was just six feet from the big guy, and yet Brawny paid her no attention at all. "What's he doing?"

"Watch," Lee said. A moment later, Brawny leaned down. Lee pointed to a monitor with a different view, on which they could see the huge robber molesting a scantily dressed customer laying face down on the floor. A moment later, Brawny lifted the woman from the floor and hauled her toward a nearby desk. Lee pointed to another monitor. "Check it out! The big guy is right behind her ... and the guy he called Chief -- the leader we think -- he's looking almost right through her. And yet--"

"He doesn't tell her to hit the floor," Greg says, more to himself than anyone else. "Are you sure she isn't one of them?"

"Watch," Lee again says, pointing to yet another monitor.

A moment later, all hell breaks loose for the second time. The woman suddenly moves for the first time, turning and slamming her elbow down into the middle of Brawny's back, dropping him to the floor.

"Paramedics think she broke his back," Lee said as the one called Chief leaped down and went after the woman. "Severed his spine! One blow ... bam! Down he goes, but ... watch this."

He points to one monitor after another as the rest of the assault proceeds. The woman kept hiding from the assailants -- behind desks, islands, half-walls -- and each time one of the crooks approached to within just feet without showing any sign of seeing her before she took him out, usually with just one or two blows.

"One broken spine..." Lee reminded, adding, "...crushed frontal bone and nose on ol' Chief there ... cracked clavicle and three ribs on Blondie ... and dislocated shoulder and broken wrist on Scar." He stood to look at his partner, asking, "How the fuck...!... did that little lady take out four skilled bank robbers like that ... and then walk out without anyone seeing her?"

"No one saw her?" Greg asked, remembering the confusing accounts coming from the witnesses, many of whom were still sitting in the lobby. "Saw her kick their asses ... leave the bank ... or both?"

"Oh, lots of people saw her," Lee told him. "When she was kicking ass. But as soon as it was over..." He shrugged, pointing back to the monitors. The woman walked toward the exit, then paused. "She sees that the crooks locked the door with a bicycle U-lock ... looks around ... then..."

The woman turned and disappeared into a hallway. Lee continued, "There's no security camera coverage for that hall. We lose her there ... and she's never seen again. It's like she just disappeared." When his partner asked if the entire building was searched, Lee explained, "Underway, but ... I don't think we're gonna find her."

"So, who is she?" Greg asked. "Did any of the bank employee's identify her as a customer."

"Nope," Lee answered simply. "It's like she's a ghost ... or a ninja."
I am very interested in this. I haven't been writing for quite some time, but I have continued reading since I joined almost a year ago. (I got lured away to another site at which I didn't not find the quality writing for which I was seeking.)

I like both long, explanatory posts and short, action posts. I am detailed, and -- as you requested -- I always proof read before posting replies.

What do you think?
Magic, Monsters, and the Modern Woman


The sorority's New Year's Eve costume party is in full swing. Alcohol is within reach at any moment from any spot. Other drugs are nearly as easy to access. Scantily dressed Sorority Sisters are ogled and groped by their horny Fraternity Brothers as the members of the two Houses dance to booming music.

Everyone is having fun.

The Magic is in the air.


Wanda Howard had kept secret her Wiccan upbringing and abilities for the entirety of her first two years at State U. Once her secret had gotten out, she'd been teased mercilessly, mocked repeatedly, and angered often. Tonight has been the final straw. One of her most despised Sisters had chosen a Witch costume for the party and is now going around introducing herself as "Wanda the Witch". She has spent much of the evening mocking Wanda by casting spells on the other party goers.

Most of the spells relate to the costumes the young adults are wearing this night, "turning them into" what they are wearing and requiring them to perform some "task" related to their new status, often -- because we ARE talking about young adults with raging hormones drinking and toking the night away -- with some erotic or sexual element involved. One Sister dressed as a cheerleader sheds her panties and performs a revealing cart wheel. A Brother dressed as a samurai has to drop his pants and show his other "sword". And so on.

"Two can play at that game," Wanda tells herself quietly.

She sits cross legged on the floor of her room. She is surrounded by glowing candles, burning incense, bowls of crushed herbs, limbs from the trees beyond her window ... and little pieces of costumes she has inconspicuously been collecting from her Sisters throughout the evening. She piles the pieces before her, surrounds them with a fragile yet continuous ten foot section of shed Python skin bought from a snake breeder on Craig's List. Wanda begins teetering to and fro as she mumbles her magical words, then spreads her arms out wide.

"Take to your new skin as your only skin...!" she chants aloud. "Become...! For all time...! For a different time ... a different place! Show me how you fair as that which you pretend!"

Suddenly, the pile of costume fragments catch fire, erupting in an eerie, unnatural flame ... before exploding! A wave of magical power surges out in every direction, passing through walls and windows and people...

(OOC: Allison, I will send you a "conversation" with the basics.)


I got this idea watching "Childhood's End" on Syfy tonight.

An alien space craft arrives in Earth's orbit. With a handful of incredible acts, it becomes obvious that the "power" of this ship and its occupant (or occupants, we don't yet know) is far beyond that of Humankind.

A female (you) aboard the International Space Center -- an astronaut, scientist, teacher, whatever -- is selected by the alien leader to be his liaison to Earth. She is given two responsibilities: to explain Earth and its people to him; and to explain to the people of Earth his plan for their planet. He has priorities, but as he comes to know her, he allows her to select a few priorities of her own, too.

I don't want to say more as she (you) are supposed to be as "in the dark" as is his orbiting space craft.

There can be an opportunity for romance and sex if you want, but the main story is NOT about either.

I am anal about spelling, grammar, and punctuation checks. I expect that mistakes will be made -- I make my share of them -- but I also expect checks prior to posting to be made as well.

TAKEN ... I think !! (Thanks)

Reboot of a previous offering...
  • At a Sorority's New Year's Eve costume party, a true Wiccan is angry (for one reason or another) and casts a spell against her fellow Sisters.
  • The result is that 5 of them are teleported to a D&D-like fantasy world of magic, monsters, and mayhem.
  • The 5 PCs become that as which they were costumed: a witch, a warrior, a cat (aka cat burglar, or thief), a princess, and a healer (aka nurse).
  • Each of the 5 has a specific enhanced "ability", in order: magic, fighting, stealth, leadership, and healing. They each will use their enhanced ability at times.
  • The direction of the story is:
    • Learn about your new world.
    • Survive long enough to find a way home. (This can be a dangerous world for "just" girls.)
    • "Thrive" along the way, meaning find some "treasure" if you can. (They are girls, and girls like shiny bobbles, right?)
  • Each PC will begin with an enhanced ability, though she might not truly understand that ability at first. These abilities will grow over time and with experience.
  • "Moves" (aka replies) can sometimes be very short, as in "Kitty sneaks through the window while Zena stands guard."
  • Remember, this is a simplified D&D like table top game as much or even more than a creative roleplay.
  • Sexual content:
    • This is NOT a sexual role play per se.
    • However, if you like that kind of stuff, we can discuss the possibility of some R-rated PM exchanges before we get started.
  • I am looking for a writing partner who will post nearly every day, a minimum of 20 posts a week.
  • As I said, replies can often be little more than PC actions and NOT necessarily for all 5 each reply.

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