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Adolphus said
Would I be right in assuming the title for said thread is in reference to the Beastie Boys?

So, if you guys have never read an article by Film Crit Hulk, you really should. He's an incredible writer, with a deep knowledge of cinema and storytelling. He's also The Hulk, so he writes crazy long articles, in all caps, and in hulk speak (HULK THINK THIS DECISION ULTIMATELY WORKS...). Trust me, you get used to it, and he's extremely articulate.

He's put out a book on scriptwriting, it's $5 USD on Amazon, and absolutely worth your money.

If you'd rather get some background info on this guy, you can see all his past articles here: http://badassdigest.com/category/film-crit-hulk-smash
and a piece of his book (on creating characters) here: http://badassdigest.com/2014/03/06/hulk-presents-character-trees/
Yes, the character sheet is left extremely broad, I think that it allows people to structure their characters differently, if that makes sense.

Physical Description
Character Description

(original post edited to contain character sheet)

Name: John Hannah

Age: 27

Physical Description: John is a skinny, scrappy looking guy, with lazily spiked black hair. He likes wearing wears zip up hoodies, and never goes anywhere without several necklaces and eight or nine charm bracelets, each with a religious or occult symbol of protection.

Character Description: John grew up deeply rooted in punk rock culture, and as such is often abrasive and aggressive. He's gotten into a lot of fights, but that's just taught him how to take a beating. For reasons John keeps to himself, he cannot be possessed, nor his mind controlled (technically though, you could control his body). John has extensive knowledge of magic and the occult.
History: John grew up in Seattle, his family on welfare. He was essentially given free reign to go where he wanted, and at age 16 started sneaking into the nearest bar to his house, a small punk bar called "Skin". It was there that he met the person who would drag him into the world of the occult, a charismatic cult leader who tried to induct John, but rather than becoming part of the cult, John ended up sneaking into and spying on the meetings, and studying up on the demon they worshipped. He started drawing various symbols of protection on his arms in sharpie, and reading up on more and more different types of mysticism. Finally, age 19, he managed to sneak into the last meeting, where they where meant to summon the demon. John doesn't talk about what happened there, but after that he started personally investigating cases of paranormal activity, usually finding nothing of note. When the story starts, John is working as a cashier at a 7-11, having found nothing worth looking into for months.
Hi there! I figured I'd start out my membership here with an incredibly weird idea! The setting would be modern day, and they premise is to have a weird group of mismatched characters dealing with everything alien, occult, hell/heaven, and just anything weird. So far so standard, however, this (if it would come to pass) has a neat twist: the stories are short and episodic (and procedual, besides character arcs, and the odd multi-pater, I don't want any ongoing story), and each episode is lead (or GM'ed, do you guys use that term here?) by a different person, willing to tell another weird story. On top of that, I want someone else to start it out! Maybe we can have rotating characters too, thoughts?

I'll try to make a character sheet soon, right now I want to gauge interest.

EDIT: Before I forget: since the people who will participate this will probably need to deal with the mechanics of ghosts and aliens and demons and such, I'll be maintaining a google doc with the mythology and rules sorted as best I can.

Physical Description
Character Description

I'm encouraging incredibly weird characters here, you don't even have to stay human! Just don't use any characters that aren't your own original creation.

I'm looking for one more person, and someone to write the first episode. You'd need to construct a reason for the characters to meet, and continue meeting.
Feminism is something that's super crazy important to me (I'm likely to loose an old High School friend over it), but I'm going to have to try to keep this brief, because most of the problems with geek culture are either written here, or understood by this community.

Jorrick, is I'm sure, a nice guy who means well, but dude? We're not asking you to treat women better than men, just that you stop treating them worse then men, or at least to stop using gendered words, like "slut", "whore", "bitch" and so on. Using these targets them AS WOMEN, rather than as just someone you don't like, and this is a super important distinction. It sends the message that they're not welcome because they are women, and that they shouldn't be playing these games, or reading those comics, or whatever your flavour of geek is.

Western culture is already extremely unfair to women, we don't need people taking away safe spaces for women.
Hey folks! My name is Calvin, and despite the weird and aggressive title, I do my best to be an accepting and positive person!
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